(2012/07) Jul 2012

hello hello hello!!!!!!! good morning everyone! hahaha.. ur know wat.. these days i open this page first before i open FACEBOOK!! wahahaha

Angelia and Ashley- WOW.. thats pretty amazing huh.. that ur lil girls will actually feel it.. quite good ma the feeling... very warm!! haha

HappyJul and Lade Dee! i am just like the both of u... i also have no appetite.. and cannot think of wat to eat.. always no mood.. etc.. but when i eventually HAVE to eat sthg.. that sthg must be fulla taste too.. if not ah.. i get super MUNG ZHANG!! do ur get Agitated and irriated more easily this period? wa.. i super swing.. haha.. poor HB.. he will tio the most... one moment i can be showing tantrums.. next i wana cry cos i feel sorry for him.. ahha.a.. i am gg siao!!!

MaiNe- I also have 2 weddings this week!! SAt and SUN and my good frens's daughter just gave birth.. i also carried.. wahahaha.. erm.. think ok de la.. all in ur mind.. i read somewhere.. u can start to talk to ur bb already.. like sayang ur tummy then tell BB be good.. and be strong and that mommy loves BB! wahahahah.. abit hair stand la.. but then u can try.. mentally makes u positive too!!

I also love spicy!!! if ur say ok.. then i go eat le ah. wahahahaha...

Etan... yes yes.. POST IT!! hahahaha thank u!

My mil also has this way of calculating. She learnt it from her mil which has so far been accurate. Something to do with age, month of conception and EDD in chinese calendar. But when my hubby ask her to calculate for ours. She don't dare to say. Haha. Don't know why also. But if I'm not wrong, she's secretly hoping for a boy...make that 2...she wants a pair of twins! Haha.

But I don't think I'll have twins la. My mil thinks might strike 'cos my hubby's side both side got twins and skipped a generation already. lol. But I read, it's higher chance if from mother's side and my side has no twins at all.
Smalleyespy : erm.. Actually not very good if #1 can feel leh... Cause my #1 cling on to me till very omg type... And she keep on want to be carried by me... Which mygynae actually tell me dont often carry her.. So i very 左右为难!
Hihi everyone, I'm first time mummy-to-be and just visited the gynae this morning to confirm my pregnancy! I'm now 5+ weeks old n ETD is in July. Did a scan and it's just small pea now, will visit gynae again in 2 weeks time. So excited!
Hi ladies,
Mine is actually a paper chart. I need to go home and bring it to office to scan

Treat this as a second confirmation apart from the link by piky.

LadyDee, I am always such a big fan of Twins.. Too bad both our sides got no such history. I ever tot of going thailand hopsital to try to conceive twins..haha.. my mum always say i siaoz.. one baby is enough to handle..still say two?
E Tan: according to your chart i will be having a boy so lets see if is correct in afew mths time...

How bout you?
I tried both too...I think the link and chart is the same so both result is boy. If the chart is very accurate ah...seems like the sibling(s) to this one would most likely be girls. lol.

Oh...and since most of us conceived in Oct, seems like there will be more girls?

Fluffy> Nay, didn't check for HCG. Be seeing the gynae this sat, (excited!), so we'll see from there.
Yup. both the charts give the same result.
Actually it doesnt matter for me.. in fact i wld be happy if its a gal..haha. cos if chart is correct. my next try for boy will be quite high..based on my age.

I think so most of us may have gals except younger mum.

I have friends who use this chart had the same results when they gave birth.
Hello, I just visit gynae. So emotional, wanna cry. But happy tears.

Turn out I'm only 6 weeks. My cycle for last few months was 35-38 days... So I guess I ovulated late. I tot I was suppose to be 7 weeks exactly tmr based on LMP. It's ok, just wait an additional one more week to tell the world.

Today no nausea, but hungry.. Now going to find something to munch... Wat do u ladies munch on?
Mai Ne,
Is 6wk okie to see or hear the baby's heartbeat yet?
I have schedule to see a gynae on 6th week. kind of worried maybe too early..
Hello, wanna share some laughter with you girls.
My mum text me: 叫老公吃素做和尚。 I replied why must he eat vegetarian. She replied: 就是不要行房。懂不懂?

So funny!
mai ne: anything that i can find around my workplace - fruits (which makes me more hungry after that), sour plum, hello panda, tau sar pau, bread, fresh milk, milo, mixed nuts
Minla... I'm eating durian puff from four seasons now... Hee hee Hee.

E tan, how far along are you now? Sometimes depend on the machine used... The old type cannot see until week 7 I think... I rmb my previous previous gynae don't even have transvaginal scan, I must drink a lot a lot of water for him to scan my tummy.
Mai Ne.. u stay near AMK ah?? I eating four seasons durian puff now too!!!

anybody know how advance Dr Benjamin Tham machines are? My appt coming leh.. will be 6.5wks only.. i hope i can see baby...
oh btw... i went Apr2012 thread to peep (cos I'm getting sooo bored counting down!).. although everyone conceive during same month, but the gender is 50-50 for the same age mummies..

so i tink the gender calendar prolly will be accurate for 50% of them only..
I'm in my 4.5wk.
read that Dr Tham has the vaginal scan to do the baby scanning.
Gosh.. Fluffy, u r making me tempted.. to eat durian puffs now..

HAHA.. 50% accuracy..okie..then probably we shd look at unisex colour clothes and names..haha.
I plan to find names start with E..since my hubby and I 's name start with E too..and we will be the Eeee.family..haha
heyhey ladies!! i just came back from Gynae!! my first visit!! hahaha..

actually hor i am only 4weeks 2Ds!! EDD about 21st Jul... the doc said we are typical singaporeans.. kiasu!!! hahaha.. we used the vaginal scan... wa... erm... lets just say its nothing like sex! hahaha.. abit gao wei! but ok la.. the thing thats abt paisay is he sticks the STICK up ur vaginal... move here move there.. then stop...then start to talk.. then move again.. ahaha.. i really wanted to LAUGH! haha

ETAN: so hor.. urs will be just nice... will be able to see bb and hear heart beat!!!

U know wat the doc told me? he said NOT to drink milk and eat cheese.. snort.. i also duno how to react.. he said all these actually not good. best to stick to eating fruits and veggies.. he said .. we dun see other animals stealing other animals milk to drink.. lol and say olden days.. when women cannot produce milk.. they either find a nanny or they give rice water... so..

anyways.. cos currently am on multi vit and liver pills and fish oil.. he told me to stop all!! he said to continue to FOLIC and DHA nia... so.. ok lor.. haha.. he said CAN have SEX.. woohooo.. haha.. said can still do excercise.. travel etc... so...

but he said i have a tilted womb... which happens in 1 outta 5 women.. duno wat that means.. but he said normal.. so should be alright..

then he said women who feels weird or have symptoms like MS or no appetite or great appetite is good! that shows BB is progressing...

i tried the chart!! i have a GIRL! hahahaha
hey mummies,

i try the chart and also state girls. Humm was wondering dragon year so many xiao long niu hehe...my mother in law also say mine is girl and i think she use similar chart to determine.

How accurate is it?
Dear mummies,

I tried the chart and also have a girl.

My mother in law tell my hubby that i most likely have a girl, i think she also use the similar chart. is it accurate?

Realise so many ger ger in dragon year...

I have following BRAND NEW items for sale:

1. Pigeon wipes with casing (x8): $4.90
Usual: $7.90

2. Tommee Tippee 0-3m Pacifier (x1): $4

3. Pigeon Milk Bottles (x2): $13 each
Wide Neck, Peristaltic Nipple, BPA Free, 240ml

Collection at Sengkang MRT.
Pls email me at [email protected] for photos.
smalleyespy> Don't worry, I also have a tilted womb. Inherited from my mum. I saw my mum's ultrasound before and hers was almost vertical. She still had my bro and I, so should be nothing to worry about.

I'm feeling guilty now. I think I just ate the ultimate no-no food during pregnancy due to my greediness.
I just had tiramisu...which had expresso, bailey's and I think uses raw egg and cream cheese to make too. I totally forgot that it has all these...just thinking how yummy it is. I only remember like half an hr later. Ohhhhhh noooooo.....how? But I didn't have all....shared with colleagues....but still.....
Lady Dee: Oh! u too!! i tried to google it.. but the answers all came out to about the same.. that is.. NOTHING WRONG.. haha.. inherited ah.. woo.. i shall ask my mom! we seem to have many things in common huh!! haha.. thanks for your reassurance

About the tiramisu.. actually just a slice and not the whole tiramisu cake is ok... the expresso and baileys or watever they put inside.. is not a huge quantities.. not like u drank directly from those things ma.. further more its only a slice... so its acceptable de... now u at 4.5weeks.. its still a small pea... just like mine just now i saw... anyways.. if u still feeling guilty.. talk to ur BB!! tell BB.. just now the cake nice?? nice hor.. but next time we dun eat so much already k... occasional treat!! haha.. try drink LOTSA water to flush it off!
ya! i just came back from US.. and back with all yellow, white & grey baby clothings... unisex!!! wahaha!!~

oh siao.. no milk die la.. i forcing myself to drink 1 glass of milk per day now leh..
Smalleyespy, I felt really 'gao wei' for my first vaginal scan this morning too! Haha esp like u mentioned, the doc stop n talk then continue to move the stick around. ||-_-

I tried the chart n mine is a baby boy...
I tried the chart and link, both results showed girl. I used it to test my no.1 pregnancy, and it's accurate.

Smalleyespy- your gynae said no milk? Think I read somewhere too that one of the food to avoid during 1st tri is low fat milk. But I couldn't understand why? Oh dear,I juz bought 2 bottles of Meiji milk last nite.

Mummies, anyone here taking any an tai Yao?
Yeah, my friend just told me today that her gynae told her to avoid milk. Though my own gynae didn't tell me that...

Happyjul: I've been prescribed duphaston by my gynae. That's a form of an tai yao I think...
Bbump, I asked my gynae for an tai Yao and she prescribed duphaston too. She said side effect is more ms. I am taking one tablet daily instead of 2.
Yes. Duphaston toward some preggy will have side effect.. And will cause you to become sleepy...

Hello mummies~~~ wah! Today wholeday i only read but didnt really post! Mygirl is damn clingy!!!

And welcome those mummies that just join us... Cogeats to you all too!!!

Mai Ne : your mummy cute sia! Hahaha!

E Tan : erm... Seem like the chart is not working for me!
my #1 gender sa la in the chart leh.. Hahaha! Than chart say that my #2 will be again a girl... Ahahaha! My hb is happy lo... In fact he want 3girls... =.=!!! but ppls say i will be having #2 as boy boy leh.. Well.. In times to come and see! Hehee!
Fluffy, no I dun stay at amk. Just happen to go there eat after my appt at mt A.

Huh no milk... I also just bought the Meiji milk... And Milo and cereal all got milk... Why cannot huh?

My Tcm say those peel fresh fruit juice very sweet & lots of preservative, so I bought this brand call Original Juice. I checked the labels, the peel fresh type really got preservative, and this one is 99.9% juice and 0.1% vitamin c. So u girls think this juice is alright to drink?
Mai Ne.. if it says juice should be fine. best is those freshly squeezed kind. most boxed drinks like peel fresh, marigold, etc is made from concentrate and has artificial additives.
love_asa: i am in Canada now, was here since January 2011, will be leaving in Jan 2012.

So far i don't have any MS yet, hopefully will not have any. My first pregnancy was very smooth, put on so much weight, had hard time pushing baby out. oh yes, have to call KK and book an appointment early.

Just asking out of curiosity, why some mummies need 'An Tai Yao?'
All mummies out there, please take care and congrats to all again.
Ashley : usually before 3month, gynae will prescribe this Duphaston to stable the pregnancy... And for the fetus to actually stick on our womb...
Hi all MTB!
i am so happy to be able to join you all..

i tested positive 4 days prior my menses, i used 4 test kits, all different brand cos couldnt believe it..
i went to my tcm to confirm it and the following day, my gyane wanted BT to make sure is not fake positive cos is really too early.. haha
the BT result shows i am confirmed preg..

gyane said super early 3weeks+
i was so given Duphaston to support the pregnancy cos i m/c last year..
I didnt do any scan...

Happyjul, why yours only 1 tablet a day ah? i am taking 3 tablets a day (morning, afternoon and night)

huh cannot drink milk? i just had milk this morning! but not low fat one..! i thought they said milk suppose to be good?

i am also taking tcm medicine to an tai..
really kiasu.. haha
anyone taking tcm also?

i also heard that some facial products ingredients are not suitable for preg lady.. anyone heard of it before?
any mtb using sk2 treatment essence (miracle water)? not too sure if is suitable...
Bingo : hi there... Welcome to join us and congrat on your +v !!! Anyway as for your question.. Why do some ppls take 1tablets/2tablets and even 3tablets of Duphaston is because as for normal right.. Usually gynae only ask to take 1tablets... 2tablets is because of spotting.. And 3tablets is because of M/C before... This is from what i know from mygynae lo... Just a pinch of salt...
^hi bingo, Congrates to u

The duphaston was prescribed to stabilize the pregnancy, strengthen the fetus in my case. Something along what Angelia has stated.

Was told that dun use facial or skincare pdt that contain retin-A.
Hi angelia - oic.... ok lar ask me eat 5 tablets a day i also take as long as pregancy is stable..

Hi happyjul, only retin-A.. that's good news for me! becos i was told of the following ingredients

differin (adapelene)
Retin-A, renova (tretinoin)
Retinoic acid
Retinyl lionleate
Retinyl palmitate
Tazorac and avage (tazarotene)
Salicylic acid
Beta hydroxy acid

alot right??? and i realise most of my facial products have salicylic acid..
i forgot to ask my gyane earlier...

I was prescribed duphaston tdy too!! Didnt know it's an tai Yao! Doc nv tell me to eat daily leh.. He said if ever see spotting then eat 1 tablet 3 times a day..

For milk n cheese part, beats me too!! Haha cos both my fav things n well known for calcium Ma. But he said no!! Eat alot of veggies instead.. Lol
so is quite common for gyane to prescribe duphaston...

any mtb have insonmia and cramping?
i had it after i find out about my pregancy, doc said i too kan cheong that's y insonmia ...
Hi Bingo.. me... bad insomnia.. i can't sleep til 3am everyday and auto wake up at 6am.. even when i dun need to work.. den by 10am I'll be zombified and need to sleep liao. My insomnia started at week 3.. before i tested positive.

cramping is normal dun worry about it.. so long no spotting or bleeding..
hi fluffy.. me too! i only have 3 hrs of sleep everyday.. i slept at 12 plus last night, 3plus woke up and there i am super awake...
really hope to sleep well tonight..
u not working too? i am not working as well... any mtb not working too?
i have very very light spotting yesteday, so light that i dont even know if wat i saw is colour.. hopefully this is normal..

i feel hungry all the time! especially at night..
my hubby ask me to stop eating so much already.. haha
Hi Ashley, I was prescribed duphaston by gynae because certain levels were low from my initial blood test and was spotting so am taking 3 tablets a day to support my pregnancy.

Bingo, u might just wanna monitor the spotting and make sure it doesn't persist. Better to check with ur gynae if u continue to be spotting after a while.

I don't really experience insomnia but when I wake up in the middle of the night, I find it v hard to fall back asleep. Sigh....
bingo: I also use sk2 leh.. So it's safe huh?

Milk wise.. I think it's ok to drink 1-2 glasses per day but not low fat. Fresh milk.. My first gynae also advise me not to drink milk.. And when she said that In my mind was.. Are u crazy? Lol!! She also ask me don't drink fruit juices just eat fruits without skin. But I change gynae after that appt with her. Lol.

The chart seems fun! I am getting a boy..

Realized here got Afew mummies to be seems to be young, like to drink alcohol and first time mtb plus marry early among friends and first as well to have a baby.. Like me! And my close friends are all single don't even have a bf...so it's damn boring for them now cox I can't join them anymore.. And I've been telling them to join motherhood soon with me and they keep asking me to find them a bf first! Lol!

I also taking the pill for stable the pregnancy cox also spotting.. Think it's common as long as baby stable.
Wah! You all still have isomnia arr.. Ohgosh.. I think i am lack of sleep like everyday! Not isomnia. Just that taking care of mygirl alone already killing me!

*wave wave!!!* i am a SAHM !!! ^^
