(2012/07) Jul 2012

Lili gal: ur allowed to travel till 30 weeks for normal single pregnancy.. My opinion as a crew, KL is only a 40 min flight so shud be ok.. My opinion as a pregnant mum, i wun go n take the risk to go overseas once in my third trimester. My health n baby's health more important than work..

No ground position for pregnant crew so no choice go on one yr no pay leave.. Damnnnn borrrinnnggggg!! If got mOney good la can shop n go for prenatal yoga or antenAtal classeS.. So now juz rot at hm.. Worst thing is i cant sleep in e afternoon so im wide awake all day haha
soulsista, i was at VIVO Watsons during lunchtime, and i gave up after stepping into Watsons for last than 5 mins.. the Q for cashier was so super long~
zhen: haha ya the queue was damn long and soo crowded.. but i managed to make my way ard.. i think it took me 10 mins in the queue to finally pay.. for me no choice la, needed the big discounts for my makeup.. the ZA foundation refill was like $20 for 2.. when usually one costs ard $19.. so i bought that and the cotton pads for the baby..
soulsista, thanks for the advice. i think i'll just stay in. sigh...

btw on the watsons sales, get the maternity pads and nursing pads. very useful after delivery. i hv not much use for cotton pads actually.
For pads only whisper is buy one get one free.. Cotton pads for cleaning baby's eyes before bath n in e morning..

Can i ask, what is sacred tea? Is that e english term? Wads it for? Milk production? Anyone tried it n feel that it helps? How bout Mallungal Tea? Dunno how to spell it.. My boobs did not grow at all during this pregnancy so im worried bout my milk production.. Till the extend where i even dreamt of breast milk.. Haha
What's that discharge abt and is it a lot? When do u start to experience it like at how many weeks?

Kshirin : I dont feel anything yet cos maybe I'm in my 22 weeks only.

Qin : u mean the smell so bad that yr hubby stand beside u can still smell it? Like that v scary if we work the. Our colleagues can smell too in the air con room? Yeeeeeks. The pantang thing , then when can start buying? I also nvr get anything yet... Lol...

I eat prunes as snacks and they really make me flush it out easily - eat at 2pm, 5pm go toilet liao.
I noticed my urine smell bad during 1st trimester but i noticed its coz of duphaston tablets.. Once i stopped that tablets, back to normal..

Regarding discharge, its normal to have alOt during pregnancy till i have to wear pantyliner.. 2 a day n 1 at nite.. If dun wear, panties stAined n got one kinda smell n i feel disgusted..
lili_gal, yup I bought the maternity pads, disposable panties and disposable mattress pads alrdy, all these will be v useful to us. Remember to get waterproof mattress mat to protect ur mattress too. Hehe, for cotton pads I only bought to clean my bb's eyes :p
Soulsista : Sacred tea is too boost your supply.. There are other more to boost supply... You can go check it out... Fenugreek is another herbal that can Up supply...

As for the size of boobs! It doesnt matter whether you're A,B,C or even D cup... Breastfeeding is all about determination and hard work.. Not the size of your breast.. So not to worry... I've a friend who is A cup... She BF her kid for more than 2years... So you see? Breast size is not a problem... It's the hard work that you willing in put in...
Hi gals
When the watson sale last until?
Also, my gynea prescribe me utrogen n nifedipine to eat today.. Wonder whts the purpose n r u gals eating tt at 22plus wk too? Any advise r welcome.. Thk u..
hi mummies,
havent login for such a long long time. been too busy with work and handling #1 at same time. finally able to login today =)

Anyone starts to feel pressure at the pelvic area? been feeling bb or something pressing against it. and back starts to feel aching too.

Discharge: ya, been using pantyliner too else can't stand the stains.

Any mummies going to deliver in TMC for their #1 or #2 this time?
I'm not taking it currently. Not very sure abt the purpose but i know my friend took utrogen in her early trimester to stablise her pregnancy. Do you want to clarify with your gynae?
HI everyone, been a silent reader here.. currently 29weeks.

I have a pre-natal yoga package with Como Shambhala at Forum to sell off as my gynae said i should stay off my feet for now cos my uterus is apparently irritated at me so need to rest as much as possible.

There's 4 more lessons in my package ( each lesson worth abt $30plus). Would like to sell it for $80.

Just need to use the card as they do not check and there's no photo on card. Pls PM me if interested. I'll mail the card over.

Joanne, no not eating those stuff. Hmmm me wonder what they are for too.

Slblee, I still haven't bought anything!!!! Aaaahhhhh

Cherish, my entire body aches for this pregnancy. Every joint cracks as well. Not forgetting the insomnias at night but during day can sleep like pig. Unfortunately I have to work so no naps.
My Frn also said nothing to do with boob size. Maybe it depends on whether u hv a lot of milk glands. Hers is A but can bf until too much excess milk to throw away and heard she feeds for next 9 mths! Bb can't drink so much.. Another got bigger cup but drying off after 1st month..

Jenny : Yr PM is not on. Anyway what's the expiry date?

Lil gal : Me too! Not yet buy a single thing... U r not alone

Joanne : Dunno leh. Why don't u google?

Feel like eating Peking duck! Btw when is the next gathering huh? So quiet nowadays - are the rest chatting at Facebook? The last gathering was in Feb right? That time can't attend cos quite tired from pregnancy and MS.. Let me know if it's coming up!
for the maternity pad, how do we know which brand to get? Is it like those normal pads? Or different?

For the watson sales, is it on for every branch or just VIVO?
lili gal,
me too! i feel body aches at middle of the nite and have to go sit on sofa to rest instead. can't sleep well on bed. it was so different from my 1st pregnancy. Is this your #2 too?

E Tan, i didnt buy maternity pads previously. I got the super long ones, for nite used lor.
cherish, ya yah... #2. very irritating. can't sleep already in 2nd tri. reaching 3rd tri i think will be worse. sigh... really terrible 2nd pregnancy.

eTan, i got the maternity ones (tenure or poise or something) for the 1-2wks after my C-sect due to the huge blood discharge. after that i jus use normal ultra thin pads. the watsons sales i think is every branch but on selected products. going later to check it out.

Mrs C, i totally din need it when i BF #1. I BF until he's 14 months.

tanny, u r making me think of peking duck now!!!! hubby on way bk from HK as a stopover. I am asking for goose!!!! hope he won't disappoint me.. :p

hey all, i tried soy milk recently and it cured my constipation! smooth flow every morning now.
not sure if it will work for all but one thing for u ladies to try.
ETan: I also used Poise - i think one / two packs, cannot remember already. After that I just wore the normal ones until the lochia clears.
hi ladies,
i've posted in here before regarding Phoebe Lee Photography Sessions. She is hoping to get more bookings in July because now most of her bookings are in August (for the August thread mommies).

For mommies with EDD in end June and July and are interested in maternity, newborn, family shoot.

She is revising and increasing her rates (official and come into use on March 30th 2012 at midnight) but has kindly offered us two exclusive packages.

Package A:
New revised rates for 'Newborn' session/'Belly to Baby' package, but 'Session Agreement' is optional (you can print photos at your own will,however Phoebe Lee Photography will not be held accounted for the quality of the prints. model release forms is still needed, late(no show) policy and non-refundable policy still applies.)

Package B:
Current(soon-to-be old) rates for the 'Newborn' session/'Belly to Baby' package, but 'Session Agreement' is required (which means we cannot print the photos on our own.)

Current rates are published on her website. New rates as per follow:

Maternity Session – S$200
Includes digital copy of 20-30 final customized images from your session.
‘Belly to Baby’ Package – S$340
Includes two sessions, maternity and newborn session. Includes digital copy of 40-50 final customized images in total.
Newborn Session – S$260
Includes digital copy of 20-30 final customized images of your newborn.
Baby/Child/Family Session – S$300
Non-immediate family members not allowed, if so, S$20 for each additional person. Includes digital copy of 20-30 final customized images.

To answer the questions:
1. Is the shoot done at your homes?
As I do not have a studio in Singapore, the shoot can either take place at your home(if there is sufficient natural lighting) or a location of your choice. The location of the shoot is up to you. For maternity, it can happen at your home(sufficient natural lighting needed) or a location for your choice(i.e. botanic gardens, east coast park). Or it could be a half half, some indoors and some outdoors. For the newborn shoot it will mostly take place at your house, as most shots are posed, unless the weather is good and it is appropriate to go out for a couple shots. If the newborn session does not happen, the October baby session will take place, those can be either outdoors or indoors or a little bit of both. Locations are flexible for most shoots, other than newborn will be mostly at your home.
2. Props provided?
Yes, I will be bringing props. I will bring blankets to serve as a backdrop for a baby, however for family shots, it would be good to have a wall with a solid color. However, if you have your own props or anything you would like to include, feel free to let me know, I will try to incorporate it in to a photo or two.
3. A session/package is officially booked when the deposit is made-50% of the total session fee.
4. Are parents involved in the shoot? Will there be a charge per parent who is included in the photos?
Yes, parents are definitely included in the shoot with no extra fees.
5. If there are elder children who are present, are they involved too or will it be charged per head accordingly?
The immediate family of the newborn would be included in a few photos at no extra charge. Relatives, etc, would be charged per person if they want to be in the shoot.
6. The maternity shoot should take place anywhere after 25ish weeks and before 38 weeks. The ideal time would be around 33-35 weeks.
7. What is the resolution for digital photos being returned to us?
The resolution would be 4256x2832.
8. I do not sell all the raw photos at any price, I chose the photos that meets my standards, edit them and only deliver the final product to my clients. However, depending on how a session goes, I can end up with more final photos than expected, and if I do, I will definitely include it in for you.

Please quote my name (Jasmine) + the forum's name (July 2012 Thread) + which deal they would like (package A or package B). Exclusive packages will expire on May 16th. After May 16th 2012, it will be the new rates and 'Session Agreement' is applicable to everyone.
cherish, lili gal: Me also - on the body aches! Sometimes it get so bad that I could barely get up on my own due to the pain. It doesn't help much when little one is having a kick-boxing session inside as well. I also sit up & rest .. and usually start snacking .... Hahahaha....

Using any additional pillows to sleep? My hubby bought me a wedge from kiddy palace which helped to support the tummy. It was so uncomfortable without it.

counting down to my 'virgin' pre-natal massage session. hope it helps somehow..
Liligal, I’m on hospitalization leave but boss has started looking for replacement as unlikely I will go back to office before delivering.

Joanne, I got nifedipine around 21-22 wks til now (24wks), think it’s to prevent contractions?

Manunited, I’ve PM Angelia and Fluffy in Facebook sometime ago to be added to the Facebook group, but not added yet. You know who else can add us onto the Facebook group? Would love to join the gathering but confined to bed.. Thanks!

Just received my maternity clothes in the mail today.. so wasted.. won’t be wearing them.. instead, should be investing in a maternity pillow, but there’re so many types, dunno which is good & all too ex to "trial & error"..
Oh yes I also dilemma, by the time I procrastinate probably only left 1-2 mths to use the pillow Liao hah I didn't buy the taka baby fair big floppy bxos it look rather bulky and 159!
kshirin, u mentioned wedge pillow.. how much is it? i didnt see at kiddy palace. any pic to see pls? u're so cute, start snacking when sit up. hahah

anyone know when should we buy sacred tea or where to get it? thinking to try out so that supply could be increase.

kawaii_baby, what happened to you? sorry for asking. didnt hv the time to read the past threads.
Cherish, it's $24.60. Not all branches have I think, saw at Jurong Point and Compass Point. Brand is Farlin and it comes in a cotton removable pillow case. Tried my best to take these pics for you =)

I am ALWAYS hungry!!!! Snack (cereals, jacob biscuits, fruits, bread, etc) so much but weight is not putting much... Just started putting on some weight past 3 weeks. Clocked 5kgs so far. hehe...

Fairprice Xtra is selling a super long pillow for $20.90! Looks comfy!! Dunno good for us or not so never buy... too many pillows on the bed liao. hahahaha.
I've been using the dream genii pregnancy pillow that's selling at Mothercare, I got it at the bb expo cheaper at $108 instead of the RP at $129. So far so gd but it does take up space on the bed....
lili_gal, don't worry, u still got time and can slowly buy the things that u need....I'm worried that I might get lazy and decided not to go out in my last trimester so that's why I started buying and stocking up on things....
Hi all! Sorry, not been here for some days heh.
Joanne: abt 9kg, my nxt chk up is on thur, praying doc might say "bb's growing fine, and u didn't gain!!" haha but I suppose it's wishful thinking.
Rykiel: glad to hear its all back to normal for u now!
Liligal: I get those horrid joint cracks ure talking abt. Especially my left hip/back. I suffer from the same inability to sleep at night so I keep tossing from left to right. Each time I shift from left side to right, the left joint will make this CRACK sound. Geez I feel like an old granny. Hopefully after all of that there's no permanent damage to my hip. *fingers crossed*.

By the way, for all the various brands of maternity pads u ladies mentioned, where do I go to find them? The only one I've seen so far are the Kotex ones (pink packaging, loop/adhesive) never knew there are alternatives.
Hi kshrin n gals
Sometime i dun understand.. If we put the pillow below our tummy, isnt it more diffcult to sleep since tummy being press on more as pillow push it up? So wonder how can this help.. Any advise? Actually i start feel uncomfy on sleeping too.. Hmm..

Hi kawaii
Oh.. U oso take the medicine.. Got any side effect? Three times take one tablet right? So ur gynea gives u hospital leave to rest?

Yeh TGIF..
Hi Joanne, yesss TGIF!!!

It actually supports the tummy. Not really thick, its like putting a thin cushion under ur side. It helps me to sleep better. Have to adjust to ur comfort, certain angle u will feel tummy being pressed. Once u get it right, its like the tummy weight being lifted off! u can try using cushion, which was what I did initially. Not sure if other mummies feel the same as me????
Hika: u can get Poise at watsons, cold storage...ntuc might have too... The packaging is pink and the pad is self-adhesive...
thanks so much for taking the pic ^^ i think i need to get some pillows as i'm opp, only 2 pillows on bed! heheh. been using soft toy to support my tummy during sleep.

And yes, i feel more comfortable with a pillow or something to support the tummy when sleep at the side. like what kshirin said, it gets some of the weight lifted else i personally feel my whole tummy like pressing down.

finally, it's friday!!!!!!
Hi ladies,

long time din post here liao. yo, been busy packing some preloved baby clothings. yeah gmart now having sale for Goon diapers leh. anyone use GOON before huh? good or not huh?

there is a baby expo fair end april leh. tink we can go to grab some washing powder or tins like that .......have u all went for hospital our huh?
morn mommies!

HIka - can get the maternity pads from kiddy palace or those bb fairs too

sunbelle - on avg, i would say abt every 3 hrly need change diaper le..herbs for bathing can wait till u deliver or thereabts, ur CL would be able to advise where to buy. Else, if u noe wat herbs to get, can jus go those neighbourhood medicinal shop buy...;p
Hello mummies...

I've received some PM for adding into the FB group...
Actually there're some rules for adding into the group as to be fair for mummies inside... I just hope for understanding...

1 : you have to be a SMH Member...
2 : to be added into the group, you have to be at least 4days active in the forum chit chatting, before we bringing you over.. (every mummies in the FB group have gone thru this..)
3 : a proper of your ownself photo use on your FB account...

This 3 are the least expectation that out FB admin have set way before... So those who wanna be add into the fb group have to follow this...

I really hope for understanding as all our mummies here, hence to be respect... That's why rules are set...

Mummies that had PM me, you can kindly check your PM, to see if i have reply you... If no reply, mean you dont match the rules so yup... Sorry about it...
Diapers wise : a NB would need up to 7-8pcs of diapers aday... And i would actually suggest dont really buy too much of NB diapers first... Cause you wouldn know the exact weight of your bb till birth... Hospital will open a pack for you when you gave birth.. So maybe you can store 2-3packet of NB diapers... And get S Size diapers stock up...
bb weight less than 3kg, NB size can use up to 2week or lesser... But if bb size born at around 3.2-3.5kg... Maybe 1week later you have to upsize your diapers size to S already... So yup... Just an advise...

Bathing herb : usually if you want you can get from Medical Hall... It's call Da Fen Ai (大风爱)... Just tell the uncle and he can get it for you already... As for those who tend to travel to Malaysia often.. You can get it there too.. Tend to be alittle cheaper...
Hi sunbelle, I bought 2pkts x 58pcs NB Goon diapers at the Feb Baby Expo, it was $14 ea. Gmarket got sale ah?? Gonna check it out! So far, I bought Drypers S Size and someone gave me a box of Pampers.. hahahaha. Think Gmarket was selling $4.30 for 24pcs NB Pampers too.

Anyone going for the free Yoga Class (organised by Drypers) this Sunday?
