(2012/07) Jul 2012

I hv finished my ds in abt 20 mins, bb so cooperative
everything is fine, so happy! Mine 100% is boy

All the best to u all mummies!!

What r the bras that we should wear now? Is it better to wear nursing bras now? I got those only wear after give birth when bf? So now we just buy bigger size non wired bra to wear, those with some slight padding for work use? Rykiel : got such?
Qing-er: that's great! I was so glad i have another boy.. Seems easier to handle.. More rugged n easy to clean up.. Girls are so delicate n whine for things.. My girl at least but im happy i have one girl!
Congrats Qing-Er, I'm waiting for my DS now at TMC....hope my bb is healthy and fine so that bb can go shopping for her later....also hope that it'll be 100% confirmed of her gender

Tammy, I'm wearing my normal bra with bra extenders....thinking of getting the nursing bra after I give birth
Tracy: the pants look great but u dont accept PM.. Can i just check what size u are.. I think i should be able to fit I was size 8 before preggy n grew one more size
ya sorry I just realize tht..my size is also 8 before preggy. Actually the prob is with my lower leg, where I think most of my weight gain is..huhu. This is a straight cut jean, material is great. If you have slim leg then I think it should be fine.

If you're interested, can email me at [email protected] please. Thanks!

Hvt been here for awhile but need to ask something.

Is it ok to use feeding bottles, pacifiers n storage bottles of different brands assumin they r all compatible wif my steraliser?
Ashley: Sure, if they are compatible.. like some storage bottles can also be used as feeding bottles so it's more convenient.. I used to sterilize my bottles but after a while I just wash with soap and water..
Hi Jas
Yes... The stroller looks cool.. But is it suitable for two infants? Or one must be kids n another one is bb?? $330 include shipping? Am wonder how heavy is it?
Joanne.. this stroller has 12 configurations.. can take two infant seats.. have to get the seats separately... $330 is inclusive of shipping.. but weight is 14kg.. coz it's sturdy.. the lightest double pram is around 9.5kg but that costs over a $1000.. and bulky too as all double prams are.. but since this model is one hand folding, it sounds attractive except gotta have another person to load or unload pram while u see to the kids..
Hi Jas
I see..it does sound attractive.. Btw, Any idea where can i get the infant seat tt able to match the stroller n roughly how much?? Thk u..
Wow.. just few days off and I have to read from archives!

tanny - r u generaly bigger frame? I'm short & smaller but not petite. Ht only 1.56cm. think of signing up a yoga class but... where got time with another kid?! sigh.. recently feeling slight tinge of jealousy that my boy is now more attached to hubby cos he has been spending time with him whereas I have been sleeping and sleeping. anybody feels the same?

rykiel - i now stay with my mum but she's more bothered about our messiness and #1's routine than my pregnancy. Though the good thing is I get to have fresh chicken essence every weekend! btw, you sell bras?

qin - how long you need to rest? results out?

Joanne - u hv twins!!! So cool!!! with twins, you are not very big.

dawn - congrats on your 80% girl! hehehe...

qing-er - massage is the rare privilege you can get by being pregnant. I hv some antenatal massage notes from Mt A, you want? I can scan and send to you.
btw,congrats on your boy!

marie - bikini no need to have maternity shape! just get a bigger size top & bottom.
ladies, do you all feel that the baby is drooping lower?

i am feeling pressure at my pelvic area already at 22wks. Didn't used to feel that way. Perhaps my tummy now not so full of support since this is my #2. I was wondering if have an earlier C-sect has anything to do with it.

anyone same?
Joanne: the package with car seat costs $530.. car seat alone costs $280 already.. so save quite a bit... later on can always sell off car seat if not needed.. I'm watching the price it seems like certain days the price goes lower
Joanne: Forgot to mention that need to pay 7% GST on top of final price.. btw the price drop to $521 now and if buy two sets it's $507.. quite a steal!
Thks lili gal..;)
Hi Jas
U mean the infant seat is detachable n can use in car and stroller? If yes, Thats really a gd deal.. Hope the whole thing not too heavy n safe too.. Any link with the infant seat together? Thks so much for ur great advise n helpfulness..;)

Morning gals... Monday again..zzzzzzz...
Lil gal ;: no leh I'm petite even smaller ht than u. Joanne is the best tummy not huge but inside got twins! Hehee..

Detailed scan- besides ourselves do they allow my mum to go in?
Joanne: i've been reading the reviews.. The car seat is a good one and the stroller has quite good reviews and is stable too.. I think u can click on the link graco under brands on the left n it will show the results which includes the pram with car seat package.
Hi Mummies, for those who did your detailed scan at TMC, did they give u a copy of all the ultrasound scan to keep?

I'm going for my detailed scan later, feeling super excited now!!
I did my detailed scan last wkend. They din give me any copy of the ultrasound scan but only a copy of the report with some pictures of the bb. I get to see my gynae after the scan report is given to them.
The lady who scan for me brief thru things like ur bb is healthy, chubby cheeks, limbs are in good form etc.
I'm waiting for my turn, hopefully they will be nice to give me some pictures to keep.. Long long Q today, even thou I had an appt made, waiting time is almost 1hr...
Maybe can tell them in advance that you want the picture of the BB. A friend of mine told me have to request beforehand.

Looking forward to my detailed scan this sat.
Spore1982: hmm after watching touch of hope on channel 5, insurance really means alot if your child needs it.. I guess u need to look at family history also.. If u can afford why not get earlier. There are plans to cover from baby 20weeks on. I dont think i can afford too many plans now
hi mummies.. i am done with my detailed scan le.. didnt managed to get any pictures to keep, but glad all is well for baby
baby was very obedient during the scan, staying still thru the ultrasound scan and the scan was over in 20 mins

and oh yeah, it will be a baby boy for me
Congrat zhen..;)

Hi gals
Me today morning suddenly hv nose bleeding in one of the nosetril when just woke up.. Is this normal?
diamondfer -- i think it only applies if u urself is allegic to peanuts then u shld refrain from it. but if u urself is fine then why not! i have them once in awhile its nice for my breakkie! :)

i did my DS at TMC last weekend and it went all well! :) BABY BOY! now been stocking up on clothes and whats not. i think wats left are like milk bottles, wet wipes and etc. HAHAHHA!
diamondfer -- no worries!! ya sometimes ordinary things just taste rather yummy!! :) oh ya BB boy. husband was elated. when i went to expo, instead of looking at bb boy clothing, i was drooling over how cute the girls one are. HAHAH!
hmm.. I like to eat peanut too but I alwayz grew pimples when I ate them.. reali can only eat them sparingly. so sian..

I bought some maternity clothes from www.*********. The clothes are quite fashionable. I am glad i found this website so that I need not buy expensive but "old-fashion" clothes from the stores in the shopping centres. Save me quite some $ haha. Will like to share with you ladies, hope it will benefit you too.
<font color="green"><font size="+0">hi all mummies, din manage to ketchup with u all. on leave for 2days to look aft #1, fever diahrrea. so im like hm b housewife look aft him hehe.

felt lil beanie kicked on saturday!

FYI i watch taiwan drama - 小资女孩向前冲 &amp; its super nice, those mummies feeling bored wana watch drama can go catch it.

been bz with the orders of the maternity wear as i am selling to a few shops online but i cant disclose them to protect their rrights. hehe. well well. the goods r cmin in soon.. so ill b distributing them out! yippee..

interest check: what items u all prefer to have in the shops that ill be listing up? babies clothings? nursing bras? or?</font></font>
Denise Ho: YOu can always have a girl later.

hu1j13: The clothes at niidu are very expensive. Their clothes I seen on TW auction or korea website and they cost much cheaper than the website.

Rykiel: How are you? Hope you are ok. My fav pastime is watching korean drama.
<font color="red"><font size="-1">fericia:im doing gd, kept bz at hm these few days. #1 duno down with wad now finally nursed him back to health.

true enf the niidu v xpensive leh. the bp i did got alot of similar items. =x less than half cheaper. omg.

korean drama eh? watch liao will keep drop tears one! hehehehe. but korean drama v sticky.. one after another. hehaho~

how r u ?</font></font>
Rykiel: Fine, thank you! Waiting for my detailed scan this sat. Hope everything is fine. Don't know why suddenly think too much.

I love korean drama. Once I started to chase, I can't stop, one drama after another drama.
<font color="red"><font size="-1">fericia: dont worry too much my dear =) for me is the more i read the more neagtive or postive i get thn ill start googling n reading up more n more. at times ill breakdown if i tink too too too far la. hehehe jiayou! dont tink too much, we must tink of all the good things! =) haha. yaya kdramas r like that. nw my tw drama finish idk wad to watch. nw watchin pororo with #1. hahaha. enjoy ur dinner!</font></font>
For mummies who did their DS, glad that everything went well for u gals. For me, no pics either but glad that my bb gal is healthy and fine....

Dar and diamondfericia, I'm both a taiwanese drama and Korean drama fan but nowadays hardly have time during the weekends as there are so many bb fairs to go to :p hope to catch up on them during my maternity :p
