(2012/06) Jun 2012


I'm like some alarm clock for u eh? Aws reminding u of things that u forgot. Think i gotta start charging lol

jul: ya, i would be working after my ML so I have to bring it to office. Seems like a couple of my friends also bring PISA to office. They told me sunction is better. But I ask those using freestyle, they are fine with freestyle too. so im kinda confused.

Diff pple may need diff suction. Also, for those who've tried pisa, they may think freestyle isn't as gd. But if they've only used tge freestyle, then they may not have anything to compare with.

I think the main selling pt of freestyle over pisa is the portability n handsfree thing?
Haha sorry just let me rant.

baby shower @ Safra Jurong
Gosh I wonder what is wrong with their operations.

I told the girl that I intend to hold a baby shower and my EDD is on the 20 June. As I can't give a specific date right now, I am not really particular if it is a dinner or lunch, but I would want to have it on a Sat. Please let me know the availability of the room.

Then she told me the room is available on the 30th June!!!

Alot of email correspondence of her asking me questions that is stated clearly in my fist email which she obviously did not read it carefully.

And she did not send me a menu throughout our correspondence and finally when I asked for it specially she asked me to wait 7 working days!!!

Isn't a menu a simple, standard template that should be easily available?

Haiz. Pek Chek!
OMG!! At the clinic for my check up... Gynea did a check and she said I'm already 3-4 dilated!? And she wanted me to admit to ward later as she want to induce me incase I go into labour when she's oversea next week...... (-_-)''''
Oh man.... I'm so unprepared mentally... Office stuff.. Etc
I think I'm in a state of shock...
DS! wow... good luck to your delivery

Jolene: u want baby shower means b4 birth right? Or Manyue? If Full mth you can't predict, so maybe you give her 1week date so she can tell you availability?
Hi mummies, went for my 35 week check yesterday. Bb's weight on the low side, only 1.9-2kg. Am abit worried but the gynea wasn't. He said is ok coz still alot of fluid which means bb not starving and enought food is transmitted to bb. Haha, i think he could read my mind cos he told me not to eat too much durians, cos i might end up be the one getting fat instead of bb. Asked the gynea if he would be doing the VE. Phew, he said its not his practice unless gg to induce the bb. So I dont need to go through the uncomfy process.

Sel: congrats again and thanks for the update on your bb and your confinement. wow u lost 11kg so fast?? I only put on 11kg to date, mabbe thats y my bb is so light.

DS: Jiayou on your delivery!!!

Jul: My bb also likes to dig... keke, esp at night
Thanks mummies.. But really can't help feeling at a loss.. Now doing ctg ... Trying to relax but my heart still beating very fast...Hearing babe's heart beat very fast.. My heart beats even faster.. Vicious cycle Sia..
Asrias, ya.. don't eat too much fatty foods.. the fats may go to you instead.. haha.. eat more protein instead like fish and chicken (not too much tuna or salmon though). But 2kg is ok la.. not to worry.. still have a few more weeks for baby to grow and they will put on weight faster these few weeks. My baby is growing at a rate of 200g a week according to my gynae :p
Nattan: my fatty foods are pretty much cakes, ice cream and chocolate. Keke. My friend ask me to load on more beef. Will try that. If my bb can put on 200g per week will be good. Cos then by 40 weeks will be abt 3kg then.
DS, it's quite shocking to find out suddenly that you're already dilated, but why does the gynae still need to induce you? Isn't it going to happen naturally? BTW, you informed your office already?
DS, jia you. Breathe and think positive thoughts.

I'm having contractions every 15 minutes, gynae ask me to go straight to labour ward. Waiting for hubby to come home and we'll go hospital together.
@congrates! Hope you will have a smooth delivery JIa you!!

@baby shower, yes manyue. Told her my EDD is 20 June, so she should give me the avaliability of the Saturdays a month after that ma.
joeey: jiayou too! so exciting to hear ppl popping one after another

Jolene: some ppl may think delivery might be early. so you have to specify dates. u give her 2 dates.
she isn't too wrong to give you 30th June. cause 20th June is wednesday. ppl do manyue on weekend before actual 30days.
so counting 16th june, 23rd, 30th, 7th jul. so if you deliver between 16-22 june, your manyue date will be 7th jul.
if you deliver between 9-15 june, your manyue date will be 30th june.
if u deliver
Hi Sel,

I delivered at 35 week last wed too due to the uterine scar dehiscence. Bb came out with lung infection and was warded in NICU for 6 days n not drinking much. I bf her in NICU but she always fall alseep. Now at home she is improving and suckle well. When she falls alseep I will tickle her chin, ear, feet and if really not working will burp her to wake her. So now she alternates between bottle n sa breast .

I find it is difficult to find clothes for her as she is small. How do u go about it?
Hi all,
For preemies do ppl usually hold the shower one mth after their birthday or one mth after the due date?

Not sure what date to hold hmm

I would like to recommend my CL to MTBs if you have yet to book your CN. I will be finishing my confinement in 2 weeks time as she is doing confinement for me for 40days.

She is very neat, fast, hygenie and responsible.
She available for confinement duties from mid-June till end July as she has been booked in mid Aug.

Do free to PM me if you are keen, and I will share with you my confinement experience with you. No obligation.
merydith: get tops with tie strings. those NB sizes. it will fit preemies.
then bottom can dun wear. just swaddle most of the time is best.

usually manyue is at full mth. u can still do it then. but if u find tat baby too small then i'll suggest u skip manyue and do at bday. safer since baby immune system will be better by then.
Congrats Merydith for your new baby. Actually if she is a preemie, I agree with Petrina not to have manyue celebration. Safer to wait till 1st bday cos it's no fun when baby falls sick...
jerlyn: i have checked with jurong safra. $32++, min 30 pax. from then on, will be charge $32++ for every pax. room usage for 4 hours, discounted parking rates for confirmed attendees.
@Jasmine and Jerlyn - West side residents too? haha.. Wow Jasmine who did you speak too? managed to get a lil more info than me.

I spoke to Sharon, after lots of correspondence she finally told me the package price, she mentioned to me that there is a $30 ++ menu. Max can hold up to 80 pax. The function room is next to the pool side.

And that's all she told me. Do you have the menu Jasmine?
Thanks jasmine

Haha..joleen I not in the west it's the end punggol cos gotten relatives staying in jurong so thinking.I celebrated my #1 Ist bdae at ngee Ann alumni clubhouse last yr so maybe will consider back there
daffy, joeey

Wow! Smooth delivery to you both


Oh congrats on your delivery! Hmm.. guess her real bday shd be the benchmark for full mth. After all, this is her bday. But like the others say, she'll prob be very small & weak, not sure if u wanna risk exposing her to germs
congrats to those who hv popped. and those going to as well.
I'm waiting for my signal to pop at 38wks 2 days.
dunno how long I hv to wait. my pervious history is 5-6 days early only. and now my gynae is away in Beijing for their medical seminal. he will only be back nxt wed. I only inform my office jus yesterday I will start my ML on 30th. but I wish to pop earlier. last chkup my bb 3kg Liao. hope he don't grow too fast. else very heavy and big. abit scary.
Wow nattan nice of you to keep a list.

Care to add me as well?

Jolene Wood (Facebook, name, nick)
EDD 20 June
KKH with Dr Khoo Chong Kiat - same as Zonel
Thank you ! Ok probably I just invie close family members for celebration.

Oh maybe I should buy those kind n try out. Now everything seems giant to her. Even the mittens drop out too.

June is around the corner. Am excited for you girls !
Jolene, the list was not started by me. You can go to the spreadsheet and input the details yourself ya. Thanks!

Merydith, must swaddle your little girl to keep her warm as preemies lose heat faster due to less body fat. I think so long as she is swaddled, it's ok if the clothes are not so fitting...
Jolene: yup. Stay in jurong west
I spoke to sharon poon as well. But quite vomit blood leh. Haha.. Managed to got more info cos I kept asking her. Both myself and hb vegan. So we are waiting for her to revert back on vegetarian buffet menu. But guess u shld be able to get e normal menu from her without waiting?
Hi gal,

I am in labour ward now.. Going to deliver. Just had the epi and get my waterbag burst. 5cm diluted.. Prob another 3-4 hours
Hmm I guess becos I have not start contraction bah.. That's why need to induce.. Later when there is labour ward available they will break my waterbag.. Office not officially know yet wor.. Still haven calculate the return dates yet..

Wah Priscilla u r also peh right.. which ward r u in.. Was wondering if u r the mummy next to me earlier..
Oh my so glad to hear the lil lil birth stories here and there Jia you mummies. The greatest love of all

@Jasmine: no menu yet lo. She says she needs 7 working days to send me one. Haiz. Think I will check out frontier CC as well.
Yea, lucky have you around. Come to think of it, I havent check my warmer and steriliser also. I have been nagging at my hubby to take out since 2 weeks ago but haiz... they are still somewhere inside the room. Must make him get them out by this weekend.

Get clothings stated newborn instead of 0-3mths or 0-6mths. My boy also born slightly premature 3 years ago, 36week and all the clothings I bought were too giant for him so bought smaller sizes during confinement. I still remember he's the smallest size in the nursery room at that time, haha..

I didn't organise manyue celebration then, only give out cake packages.

Congrats those who are going to pop or have pop!
<font color="aa00aa">Seems that I've missed out quite a bit on "popping" news. Congratulations to all new mothers &amp; jiayou for the rest if us. I've not pack my hospital bag yet &amp; baby's bed is still not ready. Must try to do these over the weekends. Start to feel a bit nervous now.</font>
Wow read that so many mummies popping. Congrats!

Just curious, dilatiion gives no sign unless we go for a check up?

Moi: same here. I'm starting to feel ganjiong too!
