(2012/05) May 2012

VaNiLLa> Im in week 7+ today. My gyne dont used to tell me the heartbeat rate as well. Today dont know why she measured it and told me. Almost tear when I saw the flickering light. Hahahahaha!

thks piggy and vanilla, will certainly hang in there! i noticed that soupy stuff is better (touch wood).

although i got no spotting or any other sympthoms, i only got cramps, so my gynae prescribed me with duphaston, say its better to support the first 3 trimester, since theres no harm to the body and baby, i will just take it although it makes me feel nausea.

Ayana, ya, i already wearing pumps ever since i know im preggy, first 3 months is very impt, esp i had a great fall on aug, so quite scare of the uneven floor with super high heels. better be safe than sorry..
ladies, by the way, want to check with u all on gynae, was wondering if Thomson woman's clinic's charges are same as the clinics in TMC itself or gynae charges varies as well?

Thinking of switchin gynae cos its like quite ex since cant take package now. Any recommendations and how much is the typical bill size for the visits before we can take up package? TIA~
Hey ak, same as me! But I got brown spotting lar..I suspect after eating liver..

Gynae say he kiasu, usually will prescribe duphaston in tri 1 too
What's for lunch gals? i am having a headache deciding! stay at home is the worse.. at least in office i just follow the majority then go there and eat the least puke inducing food. :p

Ayana, i agree that it also depends on the gynae.. some gynaes are more conservative so will give us all the support just to ease ours (and their) minds..
i m on flats already.. taking every precaution for this pregnancy! i can't seem to find nice flat shoes leh.. wear liao like so granny-like..

Chloie, yay! very nice to see the heartbeat hor...

AK why u wanna change gynae? are u comfy with ur current one? if u are, suggest that u stick with him.. u dunno if u like the style of the new gynae.. :p
piggy: 11days mc is alot!!! but your bosses understand then its ok le.. hope ur stomach gets better and better!

chloie, vanilla: glad u saw ur bb's hb.. cute hor.. hehehe...

ayana: i still wore heels last few weeks.. but this wk onwards, i'm in flats all the time.. too tired to strain on heels... and safer also.. tangs and pazzion have nice comfy flats.. =)

i'm off for lunch.. feel like having kuey chap.. =p
piggy: im quite ok with this gynae as she knows my condition pre-conception.. BUt i hope to get a cheaper gynae cos i dont wanna spend too much for these visits. Also, i prefer female gynae :p im shy.. haha..

had wanton kway tiao soup for breakfast, feels better with soupy stuff.
ak, mine is a female gyne. can consider if you want. dr choo wan ling. first consultation will be abit more ex, then subsequent will be cheaper. like today, i only paid 120 for consultation & scan. her package starts at week 16 i think. cant remember how much liao.
Ya, I also started wearing flats le, last weekend went to Tangs and bought 2 pairs of flats, some more got sale. $19.90 per pair only.

AK, think diff gynae got diff package la. Some let u start immed with the package, but some will only start from 12 weeks or something. Is your gynae very exp now?

I know some pp choose to visit gynae later and take up the package together, but I thought its important to go more often during the 1st tri, den when everything stable then can see dr once a month.
aiya! i miss the sales..yah started wearing flats cos my office to MRT is such a walk man..much easier and stable to walk with flats anyway.

there is a bb fair coming up, anyone gg? I think 21 Oct? gg to see see look look lol...window shop..am not buying anything till 5th-6th month...to date only bought 1 preggy related- which is the belly belt..

ak, my gynae package starts from wk 12 i think. but male..i heard ACJ (dr caroline and jocelyn wong) in TMC not bad...i think u get discount if you are referred..
Babyfair ah.. I also think its like too early to buy, I very scared, so must wait until 12 weeks, everything stable, confirm, chop ok, then I dare to think. hahhahah...
I'm having round ligament pains! ARGH!! damn irritating.. i just got rid of my tummy cramps only!!!

Re: shoes
Tangs got nice shoes? i wear dresses so i need something nice lor.. all the ballet flats i see all like more suitable with jeans.. plus i meet a lot of external people so need to be presentable. I went to Taka to check out the shoes that day.. nothing much also..

AK, i think u have to weigh against the doc's experience and ur comfort level. some ppl are ok with chop chop visits and some prefer more contact time with their docs..
also the more experience ur doc, usually u gotta pay more, esp those that specialise in high risk cases..

Zara, at first i wanted to eat my maggie mee.. but see that u say kuay chap i made my hb go and buy! hahaha... yeah 11 days MC is a lot.. doc gave me 5 days when i spotted at 5 wks.. then another 5 days last week when i had the cramps + tummy pains.. sigh.. i still work from home lah but everybody is asking why i MIA cos i m very regular at work.. in fact i m a well known workaholic!!
Piggy, indeed, flats do not go with dresses lor.. but what to do.. I bought a pair patent shiny looking one, at least not so bad.

But dresses shld go with heels ;)
candymix: ur gynae also from TMC?
hmm, im still considering.. mayb wil just continue since private gyane cost abt the same.. not very ex, but thought some money can be saved for later use.

any female gynae starts their package as early as week 12?
Backie from lunch... I have fish soup with rice and a pear now... yummy... ahhaha now i m back to my sleepy mode... yawnz....
ak, maybe u switch clinic then use the FBI card? can shave off 5% off each consultation fees and later on delivery, paedatrics also got some savings
piggy: haha.. so u had nice kwey chap? mine so so only.. actually i like the kuey rather than the ingredients.. haha... nowadays, i jus cannot go hungry, once hungry, must eat.. if not i go crazy lei..

nw after lunch v sleepy.. but still got meeting with vendor.. aiyoh... sian...

re flats: depends on the dress u wearing.. i still wear my flats with some of the dresses.. not as nice as heels, but can do lah.. or can buy low heels, like kitty heels kind? at least got some heel.. i got quite a fair bit of flats to last me for awhile.. until i wear them all out.. haha...
What is the FBI card? i seen they advertised that but dont know what its all about? Cannot use for the clinic that i m visiting?

i m hungry now but lazy to go out n buy ..
Hi all,

Can I join this thread? I am preggie with my #3, currently 7 weeks plus. My EDD is 5th May 2011 and my gynae is Dr Lawrence Ang from Thomson Women's Clinic at Sun Plaza.
Hello ladies!

Me keep having heartburn these few days, its like the whole day. Heartburn when i'm hungry. Heartburn after meals. Its worse if i have a full meal. the food doesn't seems to be digested. Argh, horrible. So tempted to put my finger down the throat to make myself puke, so that i can feel better.

Re: flats / heels
I do wear flats with some dresses as well, like Zara. But if i have to meet clients or vendors, i will wear heels. I remember the previous appt with my gynae, i wore a pair of quite high heels, my gynae was shocked and started nagging and immediately asked dh why he allow me to wear such heels out. Wahaha! It was hilarious, coz dh actually replied her saying coz my heels matches the dress i was wearing that day. My gynae was totally speechless.
Re: Shoes
aiyoh so headache.. now i also no mood to go shopping.. so tired and nauseated. :p think wait till 2nd trimester then i will go lor.. but like u gals rightly pointed out, flats don't go well with dresses.. i dun like kitten heels cos it is still wobbly leh.. plus i m so tired liao.. dun wanna even balance on anything!

Zara, yah had kuay chap.. like u i only like the kuay.. very oily though so didn't finish.. now feeling rather nauseated..
Welcome welcome.... i m a newbie mummy to be... ahhaha

Re: Shoes, that a headache part cos i cannot wear covered shoes hence no shoes seems to be decent enough to wear to work... lucky i dun have to see client or etc..
you all hor, talk about kway chup until I myself feel like eating now..hahah..

Actually, is it worth it to join the FBI? Cos its rather expensive? And not much benefits, except for the discount if do oscar and other tests there etc.

And for oscar, have you all thought about it? I think I will not do the oscar test.
Ayana:I'm nto doing Oscars, just the detailed scan at 20 weeks to check the organs n stuff , personally hubby n i don't think it's necessary,it's just a probability , high or low.figured it might just killing us wondering, but it's up to you

MOMMIES!!i'm so tired, can dirnk my 2nd cup of T anot?!i need caffiene!!
ayana: kuey chap kuey chap kuey chap! ahahhaah.. go eat la.. nice!

esther: i'm actually like u, i need my full cup of coffee every morning else will end up with headache by mid-day. but ever since +ve, i cut down a lot.. now i only drink like 1-2 mouths a day. sometimes i still get headache at nite, but it is slowly getting better. if u can, try to cut on caffeine la cos i read somewhere it makes the blood vessels smaller... thus making it more diff for blood n nutrients to reach bb.. distract urself and do something else.. or eat something..
now i dun even dare to drink coke.. only like little mouths if my hubby drinks..

i tink tonite i wan to drink something soupy... hmm...
piggywiggy - glad to hear you are feeling slightly better, jia you!

chloie - so nice to hear the hb right?

Vanilla - my doc also didn't tell me the speed of my beanie's hb, but he said it's normal rate, so I'm comforted. I guess for some gynaes, if it's normal they may not point it out?

Re food - kway chup - sounds so nice! I was so hungry I went to pastamania for carbonara. Chose the wholemeal pasta in a feeble attempt to appear more healthy, haha! I am with those who just CANNOT stay hungry. Once I get hungry, i MUST eat. I tried crackers, but I prefer it with something.. so I bought a jar of salsa from cold storage, has a bit of a chilli bite, so very nice! Not so bland as plain crackers. At least helps to ease the MS when really hungry, which is like every 2 hrs!

Oscar test - for me, doc recommend cos i am near 35. Ayana, perhaps you can think about and if doc also leaves it optional or says not so necessary, then you can consider skipping?
rosegal:wa!u nausea still can eat carbonara!pei fu, i like it!!but now the cream turns me off ,

Zara: WA me same as u, that's y i try 2 make my t as light as poss, don't soak too long. now i finish my 2nd light tea.ooops.
Spicegal, same!! My Gynae is also dr Ang.. Maybe sometime we will get to meet each other there.. Haa

Re: Oscar,
Huh.. Y u gals skipping? Not necessary meh? Buy it will identify whether bb gt down syndrome anot rite? My Gynae oso say we young no need but we scare so we say we wanna do..

Re: flats,
U gals noe any nice n comfy flats? Pazzion good?
Thanks for the welcome girls...

Ayana, I never join the FBI card or the SBI card, find the benefits not attractive enough.

Vanilla, your gynae also Dr Ang, I usually go on Thu or Fri, his clinic always so packed...

Re : Oscar
Usually for younger woman, you can opt to skip the test. I had my 1st kid at the age 32 and I went for the test.

I am 37 this year so most probably will be going for the 抽羊水.
This pregnancy I also take a lot of tea. My 2nd pregnancy, I must take 1 cup of coffee each day. This pregnancy, I sometimes drink 2 cups of tea each day...jialat leh...
Piggywiggy and Esther and Ayana...thanks for reply and made me feel more assured on the jab

Zaragoza...I agreed with u, Tangs and Pazzion has comfortable ballet comfy flats...some design are v nice and had diamond accessories sew onto the flats and made them class looking , so not to worry, they shod be presentable enough to match ur office wear

Price range $60 - 100 some even $200...I still buy cos NOT easy for me to find comfortable cover up / classy ballet shoe...

Ferragamo who r famous for comfortable shoe, I try also no good and so branded , all $800 and above, their. Shoe!!!

So be careful, not branded mean good and comfortable hor

Please be careful, as My personal opinion, our pair of shoe is
TOP priority for safety once piggies
spicegal, oh.. i see.. Ya.. his clinic always got so many pple de lo... even with appt i always nv get to see him on time de..and he is really chop chop.. haa..

Anyway, sianz.. my sorethroat haven really recover and i'm being conquer by flu liao lo. Really very sian lo... Cuz cant take medicine.. haiz.. So i took e "Redoxon" hopefully it will recover..

Really like very eaily fall sick when preggy leh... =(

Did my scan today, now 5 weeks, EDD 27/5/2012. Quite excited as finally we did it after the elder one now is 5 years old. Praying all is well.
ak, ya.. jus now when i eat hor fun.. after eating i felt very incomfortable.. like too full le.. and felt something isup till my throat.. and i jus wanna get well.. I'm afraid tat sick will affect bb..

Welcome sunflower and koalarie... =D

you gals can update in the your details here... =D


Anyway, i was updating my EDD and i saw a few mummie and i have e same EDD... haaa.. =D

1) DolceVita
2) Jas13

*wave wave* =D
Hi all mommies... Today is diarrhea burping farting and headache day... Ahhhh .... Ms is er xin!

How can I ever go work?

gonna rest now. Last night ended up sleeping in sitting position.
*wave wave* =) vanilla and dolcevita

Dolcevita, we share e same age and my #1 is also a gal!

But my edd still not cfm. Went for my gynae appt today, managed to c e sac and a tiny flickering heartbeat but not big ebuf to take e measurement. Need to go back for another scan next week to ascertain my edd.

Btw any of your gynae charges you e scan printout?
Yip, aiyo... rmb to drink more water ya... =D

jas, haa... mine actually oso not really confirmed.. doc say will change at later date.. haa.. so might change again lo.. keke..

For me my consultation 1st time after i found out i preggy is $50, scan $50. Dun have any additional chagres leh

This week de is both $60.. Dunno y, sometimes e consultation fee anyhow change de leh...
Welcome Koalarie and Sunflower!

Vanilla, oh dear, get well soon. If it's quite bad, you gotta pay a visit to the gp. Remember my gynae telling me that it's a must for us to see dr, if we are not feeling well, esp flu. Think it should be safe to take the medication if ur gp knows that you're expecting, I just recovered too. Went to gp on Monday. And ya, redoxon helps too.

Yip, rest more. My headaches are better after I've been getting enough sleep. And take small sips of warm water, sometimes it will cure the persistent headaches too.
Welcome Koalarie & Sunflower, and congrats! :0

Good morning everyone, and TGIF!

Vanilla - take care and hope you will recover soon! Yep, drink lots! Not sure if you guys like peppermint tea, but I find that peppermint is a nice alternative to ginger tea - it's supposed to help with the wind too, and of course there's no tea leaves actually, so no caffeine.

Re: headaches - I also have very constant headaches, like almost every day! I find that forcing myself to rest, listening to some slow music and trying to sleep helps. If really cannot sleep, i will try to massage my own head.. haha, i realised pulling my own hair (like a whole bunch of it so the hair doesn't really come off?) is a gd technique for pain relief!

esther- heh, i feel nauseous when very hungry, but once i eat, the feeling tends to go away. so.. heh, i guess it was just a craving at that point la.

yip - you should be back in singapore by now? welcome back!

Jas - congrats on seeing hb! So nice
Thank you, Raine & Rosegal.

Have any of you had faced situation where you just joined the firm and found yourself pregnant?

I am trying to keep myself lean. Wonder when I should discuss with my boss.
Koalarie! 'Big Wave' You also preggie now, congrats!! XT must be very excited. I used to have 1 colleague who discovered that she is pregnant when she just joined. She informed my boss and luckily he is quite understanding. Guess sooner or later you have to disclose the news.

Jas, the ultrascan printout is FOC.

Vanilla, get well soon, I was sick the week before too...sleep more and rest well to recover faster. As for the per visit charges, nevermind how much you pay now, just keep your receipts and all the charges will be offset against the $550 package when we sign up.

Rosegal, I also find that if I am hungry, I tend to feel nauseous.
Good morning mummies to be.... Hope every1 is good!!! I m going for my 1st visit yeah....... I can finally see my beanie ... So excited !!!

Good morning ladies!

Any teachers out there? Any idea why this year's children's day is on Oct 7 (not the usual Oct 1)? Weird.. all my life, children's days is on Oct 1.. but this year's celebration seems to be on Oct 7 (not sure why!!!) .

I guess I'm one of the lucky ones.. I think I'm almost done with the ms!! I've got the evening ms, now.. it's getting a little better. I no longer need to stay in bed (literally whole day) in order to concur the ms! I'm also starting to get a little dinner! (I practically survived without eating dinner for the past 1 month). So far, I've lost 3kg+, still not too bad, as my prediction was to lost 5kg for 1st trimester! hahaha.

Think I'm approaching my week 9/10!....
