(2012/05) May 2012

esther and Vanilla, yah drive and hold plastic bag and puke lor boh bian, lucky office n house not that far....

yah, cl never include the food la, the cost of food depend on what u want her to cook, imagine the fish, the shao xing jiu, the herbs very exp lor... plus she mus cook means the time she cook, u also mus watch over ur bb la... hahahaha

Ayana, ya... Dr Lawrence Ang.. Haa

Mm6j, Wah.. Like tat really expensive leh... Fish expensive leh... Wah Lao... Like tat like enganging a CL very expensive leh..
MM6J: looks like catering is good option, agree!!
yeah CL v ex, after ang pao+her pay+her food+lodging can b more 3K++!
i rather use balance $ after catering for massage, that time my massage was $70 for 1hr @ home , shiok!worth it

i really don't noe how u puke n drive man, the other day i nearly puke on MRT, take out plastic bag n run out of station, heaving in cold sweat..don't want that to happen again
chloie, I hear you! I'm also counting down to Friday, cos going for the scan again on Sat! Hope to ask Dr to let me hear the heartbeat cos previously he did not let me hear the last time round.
vanilla and esther, yah very exp and good one still never mind hor imagine those turn ur live upside down! she also will need time to go marketing daily for fresh ingredients, so mus consider ur hse nearby got market anot and before that mus get ready those black sauce, shao xing jiu etc, thats what i see my mummy friends did la...

esther, me also wanna do massage lor, ai swee hahahaha thats what i intend to spend on also...

re: puking whilst driving, hahahaha, i don dare to anyhow look left and right lor lol. i hate the puking cold sweat feeling...

chloie, enjoy ur apptmt!
Ayana, can request to her e hb de meh? Urs oso dr Ang? His is jus a 2d scan leh.. Oso can hear hb?

Esther, is massage really good to help slim down? I would rather engaged a massager den CL if it can really helped me slim down lo...

Mm6j, Wah.. Like tat really expensive le la... Faint la.. Still haven include they bath in our house eat leh.. Electricity.. Faint la.. Really faint..

U really lihai la.. Can puke n drive R w same time.. Pei Fu!!!

Chloie, enjoy ur scan wor.. Haa.. =D
Vanilla: yeah the malay jamu massage really good!cos after they bind your tummy with their cloth, it's hot but must tahan...ai mei wat
, secondly also help improve circulation for your water retention.
thirdly, help with milk production
Vanilla, I'm not seeing Dr Ang now, mabbe 12 weeks onwards when stable le then go see him, cos my current gynae does not do delivery.

Ah need different machine to hear HB? Mummies who have hear HB can advise? Those normal Ultrasound machine cannot detect HB ma?
Vanilla: i did it for 1 week , think 2 -3 days after natural delivery.everyday, 1hr-1hr15min, the lady came to my house, it was $70 each time. i liked it

MM6J also...hehe..must pamper yourself after all the hard work!
Vanilla, yah lor, very exp so i find not worth it hahaha.. cos also i dunno what can cl help me with cos i very pro bf and wanna latch n i also wake up at nite to pump so will shun bian latch bb , anyway first mth, bb sleep alot la so day time i tired i also go sleep la... as long as my mom occassionally come by help me and husb do the chores i'm ok lor hahaha

esther, who did u engage for ur massage ah??
Hi mommies, went to my GP because of my tummy. wah lao so painful! I don't take dairy leh, also dunno why it keeps happening to me. doc checked and said my tummy is full of wind (colic). but the only meds i can take is charcoal.. OMG i m so much pain and all i can eat is charcoal?? urgh!!

Re: CL
yeah my CL spent abt $1K on the very first day she got to my place! $600 on herbs alone, then bought things like extra thermos flask, slower cooker and food. but i do feel healthier aft all the soups she made.. for me money is not an issue. i rather spend then later regret!! hahah.. my mom said she dun believe in such things when she was younger but now she said she regrets.. so she said i can take a bath but must bathe w herbs! aiyah i just follow to keep the peace but to a limit!!

Aiyoh my tummy...
Piggy, Wah.. 1k on first day ar.. Lol... Tats alot leh.. Haa.. But I jus it's all worth it ba..

Anyway, do take care ar.. Maybe u wanna call n ask ur Gynae? Like tat very Cham leh..
ms already very Xin ku den plus LS.. Wah Lao.. I cannot imagine lo... Drink more water ok..
Piggy - oh dear, poor thing!Did the doc say why? Yes, do take more water.. can you drink ginger tea? supposed to help with the wind...

Re CL : I dunno leh, 1st time so not sure if I need CL or not... but think i might just have one to be on the safe side.. ..hmm.. so food is extra expenses? now then i know...

Zara- maybe you can ask your doc about the tests? Hmm, then we are not far apart in age.. :p

Re tummy wrap - sounds good!

Wah, had a nice facial today.. shiok ;)
Hi ladies,

was bz the whole day. And my ms also kicks in. I was throwing up whatever I ate, also feel bloated the whole day. Hope I can shed some weight but I doubt so since I suddenly gained so much! Please take care ya!
MM6J: hey! Sorry been busy with work so take longer to post on this thread hehe.. Ya I got spotting once so Dr Ho says every week gotta take jab and gave me the Duphaston med to eat daily. How often do u see Dr Ho? Do u need to take such stuff?
Vanilla, ya $600!! My hb was so shocked cos CL say buy this buy that. In the end he got the bare minimum and we told my mom to get it from the wholesalers. Like CL insisted the top grade of cordyceps when my mom said normal grades will do. But my CL is gd in the sense that she eats very simply. She made noodles for me for breakfast but she herself ate bread. Then only those things I can't finish then she will eat but she usually cooked just enough so sometimes she only get to eat rice and veggies.

Vanilla, Rosegal, I'm not eating lor hence the air and gastric which then leads to the pains. Sigh. GP just gently tap on my tummy can hear the tautness of it. It's the pain that killing me lor. I dun purge often enough to be considered as food poisoning leh though gynae said it is very likely to be. I did call my gynae and he told me to see a GP cos he doesnt have meds for such probs in his clinic and I still have to buy them from a pharmacy.
piggywiggy - wow, you poor thing!Are you on mc? Hope you can get better soon! Aiyo, so troublesom, the gp doesn't have the medicine?
Me reproting in here! Tmr then read the thread. Just landed changed my flight earlier cos I been damn sick.....

Hubby making maggi mee cos I entire day never eat much. Love hubby hugs!

Good night mommies!

Boss said, see u in office when u are feeling better. Yay! Mc! Wahahaha
Piggy, aiyo, u ok anot, poor thing. i also feel rather gassy...yes, better to follow lor, i do myself also i follow all the dont over exert and try not to touch water blah and get lotsa rest blah and if mus touch water touch with herbs and dry dry dry!

newbie2012, no probs la, i also had spotting for #1, so had to take the duphaston and progestrone. now i see him in 2 weeks time... *touchwood* not on them now...

the haze is so bad today. felt nauseous the moment i looked out of the window..

elffie, can sleep in today eh? so nice..
morning all!!
ytd tuang n went hme earlier.. knock out until 7+ when hubbs called me up to go out dinner.. ahhaa.. then went hme sleep again after watching tv awhile.. kekeke...

was feeling constipated ytd too.. gynae told me to eat 10 prunes to help.. and i really ate 10 prunes throughout the day.. and it WORKED!!!! smooth traffic after eating!

Raine: after c-section need to wait longer then can do.. cos the wound needs to heal first...

rosegal: ya, will ask him the next round when i see him.. i'm nt that worried cos he shd be professional enough..

yip: good for u! go grab mc for 2 days and u will have super long wkend!!

piggy: hope u r feeling better, must hydrate urself, drink more water or isotonic drink. drink the sports water or pocari, no gas one.. and dun drink it cold...

re CL: so exp.. aiyo.. cham liao.. but seems like no choice lor... my mil say she can cook, but dun think she at nite can wake up and jaga bb.. i also paiseh to ask her to wake up... sigh.. tink CL solve my problems lah..
Good morning... was so bz yeaterday no time to post...
For you all is LSing for mi is argg constipated.. Every morning my tummy will tum tum tum... but go loo i cannot do anything lor....argg then the whole ride to work make mi so uncomfortable and nervous..

Also do u all have any skin problem or gum problem? My gum is so painful and red also.. there is 2 ulcer at my gums so painful...Argg
Hey zara, so u are takin prune, not prune juice? 10 each day? I'm starting to constipated now, initially the toilet habit improved as I used to have constipation problem. But now, seems like gg back to constipation again..

I also have pimples after the facial. Looks hideous n fat now..
zara, yah, maybe u get cl better but night time also mus wake up to pump ah! hehehe alot of pple think night time sleep through if no need look after bb but bf is alot of work...

lyn, maybe try zara's remedy of eating 10 prunes? i heard my friends have bad eczema when preg due to preg hormones i think for ur ulcers, take more vit c maybe u not enough fruits thas y also constipated?

feeling super miserable at office. stomach keep on having sounds and so queasy...
JAne, Thanks i will try that .. but not a fans of prunes..... same here my tummy is making mi so sick and arggg....

Anyway i will get to see my beanie tomorrow... first contact omg so excited... alot no mood to work.. sianz... but if i dun work today ... next week i will died with flying colours!!
lyn: no gum prob for me yet, have 2-3 pimples.. that's all.. i had ulcer n painful gums initially, now no more.. go to a dentist if u need a clean up, we need very clean teeth/ gums during preg too... =)

ak: ya.. gynae ask me to eat instead of drink lei.. recommended 10prunes/day. but i dun intend to eat everyday la.. n he specified sunsweet prunes.. hahahaa...

mm6j: wake up and pump lor, at least not every hour.. 1 hr pump, 1 hr feed.. i tink i will go crazy..
morning ladies. on MC today, but still working from home cos got things to clear. =(

yesterday night, i had a pounding headache and restless legs until cannot sleep until i pop a panadol. worse still, i puked up all my dinner. dunno if the food's bad (dont think so, cos DH was ok). so most probably is morning sickness finally setting in?! i hope not, cos feel so miserable booohooo...i really peifu the ladies who can tahan morning sickness in the office!

I heard tt rubbing ur tummy in circulate clockwise direction will ease tis problem leh.. It worked for me la... but i dunno if u gals oso...

piggy, hope u r alright liao wor...

yip, u too take care wor.. =D

lyn, enjoy seeing ur beanie... =D
zara, during 1st month, i wake up to pump every 2 hours lah ..

inuka, i find ur link so true:

Support and sympathy from family and friends can help you cope with the ups and downs of pregnancy, including sickness. It's more difficult in the early months if you haven't told other people that you're pregnant and are trying to work or carry on as normal.


Vanilla, u're right, bb massage class also teaches that tummy massage

i give up, i applied for half day pm today. cant take it in office...
vanilla: i will try to rub my tummy later tonight at home.. keke..

mm6j: yup.. so every 2 hrs pump and bb feed in the alternatehr..so works out to be almost every 1hr mah.. thereabouts.. anyway, have a good rest this pm ya? jus go hme n slp... nice! i still got meeting in the afternoon so cant tuang..

gosh.. meeting again.. bye for nw!
Hi ladies!!!! Just went for my gyne appt. Saw the flickering light n heart bb's heart beat. Heart beat is about 146. Next appt is 2 weeks later. Ok, driving now! Bye!!!!
ladies, taking duphaston will increase the pregnancy sympthoms right? My gynae told me so when she prescribed me with duphaston. And after taking it, MS starts to kick in.. its really xin ku ah!!
I can't take it anymore and I took another day MC at home.. freaking tired.. haven been coming in and yak cos was darn busy at work.. see that the thread is moving really fast and I hardly can catch up with it..

I had already book my CL..

esther, so nice, going to spain. i wish I can travel for leisure too, but doubt i can at this state of mine.

still not feeling well.. giddy, sick , and wat makes worse is that i have cough and flu that really "kills" me.
Gd morning.. i just woke up.. doc gave me mc for today.. aiyoh my cols kept asking me why i keep going on mc! so far i already mc 11 days since i tested +ve! only my bosses know i m preg.. not abt to announce it to the whole world..

Thanks ladies.. tummy is better this morning! charcoal is indeed a miracle drug man.. slightly painful still but at least i could slp.. the night before tummy so pain that i hardly slpt!

Re: MS
Those with bad MS, hang on!! rest as much as u can.. have u tried eating crackers or plain biscuits? heard it helps.. for me it comes at night so i just go to bed.. haha..

AK, hrmm not sure if progesterone support increases MS.. i did read that it is the HCG that causes MS.. but who knows, may be it the combi of both... hang in there!
Hi mummy to be

Thanks for replying to me on the eating raw veg.

I was following this thread then relize some Peggie woman need to take duphaston and even injection to support the pregnancies...

I was curious to know did u gals check with the gene...was the injection necessary....cos I Thoth only ivf and test tube babies I heard need to take lots of injection...

We conceive naturally also NEED to be poke meh???

Pls advise
Miko, the mommies here that take the tabs and the pills usually have problems such as spotting or higher risks of miscarriage. that's why their doc prescribe them extra support. u shd trust ur gynae. if he says don't need then don't think abt it.

I get pills, inserts and jabs because i have higher risk of miscarriage and also having tummy pains which may or may not be contractions. so progesterone support helps keep my uterus relax.
piggywiggy:good that it worked for u, i had gas problem last nite, couldnt sleep for 2hrs plus
had to use a lil bit of ru yi you to help burp it out, yuxx
Vanilla, actually, I did ask my gynae when can hear heartbeat, but last week, he told me not so soon leh. But I will ask him again this sat. I wanna hear I wanna hear I wanna hear!

Miko, I think it also depends on the gynae, I went to gynae no. 1, he nvr give me anything. But gynae no. 2 gave me all these to support the preg.
esther, pei fu u! enjoy urself at spain.
sometimes, i find i jus lie part on my tummy, helps to get the air out "through compression" but only cos now first tri can la hahaha

ublur, cant wait for noon to come and me also gg to knock off. jus wanna go home and park myself beside the air purifier. the air outside is SO BAD. hope can get a cab without having to wait for long.

piggywiggy, take lotsa care. 11 days of mc! that's alot!!

ayana, y u change gynae ah?

Have everyone switched to flats yet? just curious.. =)

Cos my original gynae is on leave so I went to see the other gynae which my frens recommend lor.. But in the end, I still go back to my original gynae..
