(2012/02) Feb 2012

Cheque, u can take durians. Bb will put on weight very fast... AND you too! Also durians r high in Sugar content.. So hv to be careful.. Dun end up with gestational diabetics.

Sorry to bump in.


Selling prelove maternity clothing from S$5 to S$20, dresses,tops and pants and jeans.

Interested please email me at [email protected]



Chewie: u want bb to b bigger?? Eat durian, alot of calories..

Congrats to alll mummies on good detail scan - maxiblur, jen, godsent, n chilli!!!
gg_lee, happy for you!! My detailed scan was last Friday, quite alright too
Now more of thinking when to go for csection cos i want to quickly chope my gynae first ^^

hazel, ah i see, thanks for the info! To be frank, for my boy, i was totally exhuasted and unable to even walk much when i was around 32/33 weeks. Plus i had PUPPP rashes that time, having to tahan until 37 weeks was pretty torturous. Now my legs are starting to itch already. Hope it's not the start of the dreaded PUPPP. Else i don't know how to tahan until CNY.
re: putting on weight
First time mummies may wish to take note that bb's weight will almost double during the 3rd tri, so now should take care abit, esp if you don't wish to tear too much during delivery ^^
windy & AL are right...cut down on sugary stuff and should be fine. I think the more scary part is not the weight issue, but GD (gestational diabetes). It's no fun taking the GD test. I failed the urine test for my boy when i was at KKH, that time 3rd tri and super hugh cravings for coke coke and more coke! Lucky end up ok, no GD but if kenna hor, its very very xin ku de, so mummies have to take note....Pregnant bodies not as able to break down sugars.

chewie, don't worry about baby being small. You wait until 3rd tri first then see how. My girl is 333g at 21 weeks. On the small side for sure but im happy! Healthy can already....
Buttlewaffles, are u still with KKH now? When I did detailed scan, ADC told me they do not estimate bb's weight so early n there is no histrogram to compare too also. When you say ur bb is 333g at 21wks, which percentile is she on the histogram chart? My bb is at average percentile in between the High and low at 19+ wks based on head size n some other measurements.

U r working right? I m also worried if I can carry the weight n work till delivery. See how, if cannot, most likely I will ask for HL one mth before.. Dun wan to waste my ML..
just to check

GD testing at KKH is at 28 weeks? or 24 weeks?

dr loh also didn't mention abt bb's weight, he just said bb is growing fine. it wld be nice to know how heavy is bb now.
Babymaking, KKH will only track bb's weight earliest 24wks. As for GD test, it is not compulsory in KKH. The dr has the discretion to decide. If mummy's weight is ok, (ie dun put on too much), bb's is not too fat, no family history and/or Routine urine check is ok, no GD test is required. So, not all will go for GD test.
You might want to chwck with your HR about the ML policy if they accept HL before ML.

Certain companies I know do not allow HL/MC immediately before ML. Will make you start taking ML instead.
And my company's policy is for employee to start ML two weeks before EDD.
Chewie, drink milk!! Healthy way to make bb gain weight. In my third and fourth month bb was on the small side.. So for one month i diligently drank two servings every day. 5th month bb become too fat! =) Don't need to drink those mummy's milk if u don't like, i alternate between HL and those packet marigold fresh milk.
Yes. Seems like alot of dragon gers..

I also want to buy a super duper nice dress for my 1st bb. BB ger can wear pink pink..

Thanks GG Lee for your recommendation of Clarins anti eau oil. I will go n check it out.
hazel, i'm at TMC...my gynae left KKH long ago liao wor. The report given to me states the bb's weight so that's how i know. All along during my routine scans, the gynae never tell me the weight as well, but i never ask also because i know no need to be concerned about the weight at this stage...I dont know 333g at 21 weeks is at what percentile cos i don't see any charts but i know its under the 50% percentile. The report has this sort of line graphs which states the 50% is at which point and for every part of my ger, she is below the 50% :D Ya, i'm working...i am starting my ML right after CNY. I know i cannot tahan one. I'm not the type who can work until EDD. Envy those who can...if you can rest earlier, i suggest you do it. Because once baby is out, that's it man. No more rest AT ALL. You should have some time to yourself before you deliver. I regretted not resting enough before delivering my boy that time.

babymaking, at KKH you are only made to do the GD test if you fail the routine urine test or if you have a family history of diabetes. Or bb weight gain is rapid. I failed the routine urine test that time, that's why i kenna the GD test lor.
Birdbrain, thanks for the tips. My company has no such policy. In fact it supports the govt's policy! So much that even single unwed mummy can claim the 4 mths maternity! Hahaha.

Butterwaffles, yes that is the line chart I am referring to. As long as bb is healthy, on the small side is Ok, can easily fatten bb later. I also hv no confidence on working to delivery.. Coz I m v 小姐 one n my pain n discomfort threshold is v low! So, most likely will take mc or Hl n rest in Jan if need be. The start of 2012 I will hv a new set of 30 days MC! Enough! Ha. By the way, I bought maternity work clothes & some items online from http://www.ubermums-shop.com/

Nice & not expensive. Service is good too. I wrote to the lady who is my friend's sister directly n she advises me of the sizes. They arrived just now & all can fit. U may wan to take a look at the web link above.

The lady from confinement agency is coming over later to settle the CL thingie for me. Another task done. Next wk end, I m started antenatal class conducted by mdm wOng from TMC.. Time flies
hi mummies, since we are on the topic of maternity leave.. how does it work? by 28 calendar days x 4, or by month? if by month then feb very bo hua leh. haha.

i have accumulated almost 30+ days leave for next year.. wondering if i can take 4 mths maternity then 1 month paid leave.. then leave the rest of the 10 days or so for the next half a year. 5 mths no work with paid salary! sounds too good to be true!!
Hazel, wow! Your company's really pro govt policy!

different company different ML calculation. SO best to check with your HR. For mine, first two months are by calender months. THe next two months are given in the form of 40 days leave.
Godsent: Congras! Ur wish come true.. I must salute u for having 4 kids! It's truly a brave decision. Parenting in this era is indeed tough and the cost of living is high.. If i can afford, i would also like to have 4 children. ;P

Serene123: You have decided to go for ligation? My gynae recommended that I go for ligation after c-sect birth for my #3. He told me that the maximum number of recommended births via c-sect is 3. So asked me to consider to ligate.. I am now in a dilemma.. Hubby said ligate at 31 yrs old seems too early thou by then we already have 3 kids.. Sigh..

Chilli: Other than reducing your salt and sugar intake, you may want to elevate your feet by placing it on a pillow/cushion when you sleep. It may help to reduce the swell in your feet. It helped alot during my first 2 preggies in the 3rd trimester..

Detailed Scan: I went for my detailed scan last week. Confirmed that it's a boy.. My hubby was so funny, mistaken the penis as the nose.. The sonographer prob had a gd luff in her heart.. It was the first time we saw male genitals on the scan, pretty cool.. ;P
Im also starting my pre-natal course by Mrs Wong next weekend.
Mine is the 1230pm class.
Which other mummies also enrolled in that class?

bubbliciouslee: I toss and turn alot during sleep one. So if I put pillow under my feet, I guess the pillow will be lying on the floor in the morning. Haha.
Planet, first 12 weeks of ML must take at one stretch. Week ends n public holidays included. After that u can break up the remaining ML in block of 1 wk. U can combine with your own annual or child are leave. Eg, if that week has PHs, then u take annual leve so as not to waste the ML as it needs to be taken in one block! Yes, u r right, u can dun work for 5 mths n get paid, but then again, after first 12 wks of mL, your company can request u to take the remaining leave in small blocks instead of one stretch..
hazel, so good you have 30 days MC. Mine 14 days :p But my ML only first 8 weeks compulsory to take at one shot. The rest spread out for the next 1 year. Heh i never buy maternity wear but you should, since it's your first child. I just wear leggings from cotton on. For tops, i get long ones from John Little or Dorothy Perkins. Since you buy already, you can keep and wear for your #2!

bubblicious, my gynae says csection can go up to 5 leh. I'm considering to ligate too but my gynae is not too keen. He suggests other forms of contraception....i dont know how also. Wonder ligate costs how much...
Dear Feb Mummies to be,

This is an important announcement to all who deal with Linda Ho. Pls be wary of her selling/storytelling etc. There are a few victims oredi and I do not wan to see more with anyone of u. There's a no. of Mummies here who joined a secret group I created on Facebook, Mummies To Be. She was from my group on FB but was asked to leave. If u are keen pls add me Cheryl Alessandra Chew and pm me u r from this forum so as to find out more.

Thank you and God bless all of you.
Butterwaffles, I need dresses. Pants or leggings too hot for me. Can't take the heat these days. my aircon is at 18 degrees every night n I still on the fan!

I know of someone who have 5 kids, one every yr n all c section! Keke

what happen?? i also joined FB yr group but seldom go inside post msg.

I did plan buy something from her...but not yet.
Chergie, she used to visit this link v frequently.. But lately nv see her post anymore.. The earliest purchases she was organizing were doppler n some clothes I think...

Anyway, always buy things from sisters who r reputable n recommended from other sisters. There is an on going spree at another link on mendala pump brought in direct from USA. Half the price compared to buying here n by a reliable lady.. Another link selling playyard from Japan too.. Good also.
butterwaffles: My previous gynae also told me c-sect can be up to 5 times too and he has helped an indian lady deliver via c-sect for 5 times. But this current gynae is more careful and cautious type.. ;P

hazel: Your fren is superb.. Isn't she worried about the recovery and post effect of having 5 c-sections over the same area? Seems that my former gynae's info is quite reliable - up to max of 5 c-sect.. In this case, guess no need to worry abt gg for ligation after my 3rd c-sect leow. ;P
K3: Message me.

Mummies, I am really sadden n enrage by all I heard about this young gal. I pity her but I'm also mad at her doings. Just be wary when u make purchases. I didnt buy anything frm her nor did I get con.

I dun wanna spell out all the things I heard as I feel like I am badmouthing someone.

We r all adults and becoming mothers ourselves, we shld be gd examples to our offsprings in life. I really hope she is reading all these postings and turn over a new leaf.

I am not active here anymore as I am always on FB.

My FB is private but I think u can still search me and leave me a msg or add me as frd n leave a note cos I will not add anyone w/o knowing who u r. Cheers Mummies, stay healthy and happy!!! God bless!! <3
Mummies, i also feel fishy abt this lady. There's a few occassions she will go MIA but only appear if any mummies intend to buy anything.

Sorry but I find her irresponsible in dealing the chart when she wanted to do initially and left it undone for many days or weeks until our dear Planet took over.

Anyway, we are here to support each other. To gain experience from one and other. So pls do not take advantage of the mummies here.
Hi mummies, Sorry Mia again. Had bad results from my detailed scan n have been floating around..... may I know who has been to see the Indian prof dr at Camden? Is he really good? Tot of seeing him for second opinion for my detailed scan...
Bubbliciouslee, she conceives easily. B4 her first born, she has many m/c, one in mid term somemore. Is not that she WANs a kid every yr.. But kids just come naturally. She was 34 when her first child was born. At 40 yrs old she delivered her 5th child, unplanned. Her womb is badly scarred from all these c section deliveries n m/c history but yet she conceives easily. God's will. After she delivered her 5th child, her c section wound split open n she was rushed in to do an emergency op n had to have her entire womb removed this round. She told no more accidents can happen anymore as she can no longer conceive..
Kwxy, I'm ok bah. Not within my control. Scan showed bb's right brain slightly bigger than norm. I just did my amnio test n blood test though I cleAred Oscar earlier. But it could be due to chromosomal disorders or cmv infection or could be bb's brain not developing well or well, it could be nothing cos quite borderline. So wondering if I shd go o that prof dr to do another detailed scanning.. Dun worry, I was sad but now, ok alr.
cos I know not within my control.
fate fate fate
Chergie, thanks for letting us know. will log in to FB to know more.

Hi Mummies, been in workshop for whole of last week and wow, i have so many posts to catch up! Next week I am going for my detail scan, wish me luck!
serene, then you can try the next opinion so you will feel better. try dr ananda since a lot mummies hv good reviews on him.

Serene, he has a sofisticated machine n he is experienced in these checks. No harm going to him for 2nd opinion
mummies...my butt do hv sharp pain that radiates from my spine / back..issit normal??

and i walk like a penguine now...sob
Kwxy, walking like pengiun is quite normal ESP at later stage. Is this ur first child? For me, I get those pains near butt after spine area often n I think that's due to epi from my first birth.
