(2012/02) Feb 2012

Im looking for baby sitter / infant sitter nearby Sengkang...infant care centre too expensive liao!! nearly faint...

Anyone has recommendations please pm me.
Much appreciated.
Serene> better than me taking risk for #4 rite.. If boy I can go bang wall Liao.. No offense ar I find that sometimes enrichment can be too excessive. If they willing to work hard, we can coach.. Else get a tutor also no use as I was a tutor with 3yr+ experience to be frank only those parents dunno Eng get tutor for their pri kids who are willing to learn got use else most of the time they don't listen.

Maxiblur> can get the one size one.. Use until they stop wearing diapers so imagine how much u save
For eating don't worry la.. Pregnancy mum must be happy.. Happy mum happy baby!

Guava> wasted lah! I just bto balance unit if can get also earliest end nxt yr move to punggol else I can bbsit for u lol
LOL- Kada, I like your answer, you r right, the serving too small for both me n baby.
Linda, u r right! Happy eating make me a happy mum and happy baby! ahahaha

Meiji_cracker- Me too, each time I go on weighing scale at gynae visit, I willl sigh... last time I weigh myself, put on 6kgs from pre-pregnancy weight!Faintz..
Sweetcorn, wats the fee for infant care now? Thought got gov subsidy-will it be cheaper after the subsidy discount? My budget only 600-700 leh.
Guava> find me next yr if u need change nanny lor haha..

Jen> like me lor. Ppl always nag my nutrient.. I always tell them if I don't satisfy my craving I get into bad mood, my babies suffer. They shake head and shut up lol

Infant care after subsidy $900 hor..
Morning all, my #1 in ifc now. I only pay $550 per mth (after govt sub). There are some really ex ones where you have to pay $900 after sub. I nearly faint too. You can look around for more options. For me ifc still ok, but when he 18mths, I wan to change to a better CC.

Serene, hows PAT's school hse. My area hav one leh. But I think my #1 will have to leave me and go stay in tampines with my PIL after #2 born. So hav to find a CC at tampines.

My appetite finally back to normal pregnant stage liao. I lost appetite after my 1 week MC at home for fever. Now back liao. I can eat both nasi lemak and bak cho mee for lunch. Scary hor. I try to ctrl myself. No more 2 meals in one or I will be a super fat woman after bb born.
Oh ya, you all might wan to try learning vision ifc. Most cos abt $600 per mth. I know my office hav one cost $900 cos the learning vision is in a bungalow hse. LV's curriculum is good. Will bring the infants outside the sch to see flowers, tress etc. Very big space too. My current one is very cramp and curriculum not that good but no choice, is near my hse. LV is far and not accessible for me. Neareast is at Republic poly.
My mood swing is horrible now. I can suddenly burst out shouting and crying with very little triggers. Last sat I even show my temper at my PIL's hse. I knw I can't do it there cos they aldy don like me. But I can't ctrl myself. Hormones overrides me liao. Really worried this will affect Bb. But I can't control leh.
jascmy: I tried all the cc in sembawang all no space, so now no choice sending my boy to nurture star at yishun safra. Hubby liked it there cuz spacious plus they have water play. The fee is 560 after subsidy for safra member.

Ladies dun worry so much abt eating... Try to eat more healthily can already... Like Linda said, as long as you're healthy and happy, nothing to worry abt...

As for car seat, I agree should start early. My boy refused to sit in his car seat until recently. Now all of a sudden v happy in the seat. We're also puzzled.
yeah,all the cc in sembawang is full, the q here is terrible. anyone already for register for IFC in sembawang?

so far the ones nearest to me is the one at blk 33+? run by care corner but heard the review is not good, any others within walking distance from the mrt?

congrats on bb gal, now can really start shopping. review with dr loh ok?

hubby was away for last 3 weeks, and i was sick for the same period of time also, sore throat refuse to go away, then add on cold and cough now. argh.

so busy planning activities for my boy and keeping him occupied so that he doesn't miss daddy, that by end of the day, no energy to post, other than to read the thread.
GG Lee- so far myself and son like the school, he is at whitley. its a new school but in old bunglow house. sometimes i ask him for fun to change school but he don want. he like the teachers there.

for me its clean and well controlled cos I like those per class per room style, not those open area ones which tend to be more noisy and teacher sometimes have to talk softly to the class in order not to disturb others. went to almost 10 cc before decide to put him there. toys there are clean and new, ie they will throw away playdoh after 1 week of play.
of cos if u can get into halifax school will be better. i wanted him to be there but difficult to get in. heard from my other friends that service varies fr school to school. worst school so far is the serangoon branch.

most important thing is what u are comfortable to pay cos it long term for 4-5 years. its kind of bad to withdrawn from school if he likes it. he is in GUG class since 8 mths old (accompanied class) so when he move to Pat's he felt so sad.cos he have to adapt again but thank god he is ok only after 6mths.
NC, yup, hav to start looking for ifc early if not all full liao.
I'm worried lah. I'm also fat after 1st pregnancy. I don wan more fats. Hubby keep saying I very fat and I don look good on photos now. Sigh!
Babymaking, dr loh said "bb is structurely normal, so is a bit safer now". Well, wonder how shld I interpret his last sentence? U doing detailed scan today n seeing him right? Dun worry, all will be gd. Btw, he will be on overseas conference for 2 wks in oct n told me he can only see me in 5 wks time. Well, I find it too long a wait so he scheduled me to see dr tan hh in 3 wks times n another 3 wks later then I see him. FYI.
babymaking, my boy in that ifc loh. #2 will go in too cos have priority since brother is in there. Not so good but its near and convenient, no choice. When he older I will change CC. The rest of ifc in sembawang all very far, exp and full liao. U wan to send your #2 to ifc? I'm also sick last week. And still coughing and flu now. Take care!
jascmy: school varies, depends which one u go too. u can make appointment to see them. i went to 3 pat's school house all different. Halifax, they have 2 story. whitley, single story. behind iras, mazzine and open concept but space is bigger.

GG Lee- this year 1/2 day aft sub $815, next year till 3pm $1.1k and every 1 hr is another $100. this branch have fees till 1pm, 3pm, 6pm and 7pm.
linda- me 2 boys already faint, cannot imagine if u have 4. i tell myself now i have 2 boyfriends and i hb.

i have heard that there is a new test at 7weeks u know the gender. if its proven accrurate than i will try, can decide what to do next.
meiji_crackers> 2kg in 2 wks is abit on the high side. by right we should be gaining 2kg per month i think. maybe check with gynae to see if bb's growth is good? if all the weight is going to mummy then not so bad. if the weight going to bb then must control.

jen> my appetite is growing but stomach is shrinking.. i feel hungry and greedy but i can't eat more than one portion of food at a time. envy you, can order two types of food and finish everything!

any mummies using those weighing scale that measures body fat and water? i didn't know we are not supposed to use those and i've been happily using since first trimester.
planet> my weighing scale also measures body fat and water. For now, i ignore these info cos not applicable to us. I just note the weight only..

Progressively, we won't be able to eat that much also. Will feel very hungry and full easily. My colleagues told me to eat more meals a day but in smaller portions so that we won't feel too bloated..
thks for the update. hope everything is ok at today's scan. time pass so slowly *sianz* from oscar till detailed scan is 7 freaking long weeks to be in limbo.

my appts with dr loh is almost 5-7 weeks difference. i can't be bothered to change the appointments closer either cos nearing each visit, my blood pressure goes up, even though this pregnancy is so much smoother than previous one. i think it's the waiting time to see gynae that gets my pressure up + dun know what's his mood is like.*maybe shd consider changing gynae*

as long it's the best arrangements for you, then make do. i have serious reservations abt that ifc cos i been there to spot check at least 6 times - convenient to walk by and see see, and almost all times, i see the babies being left alone and crying while the caregivers chit chat among themselves.

worse case scenario, have to continue working from home till #2 is 18mths, then join #1 in cc- but i miss working life *sob* also worried that by then, no market value.
haha hazel, so far his mood has been super good as well, makes me wonder when will crash. cos have seen his 'other side' as well :p
GT> I read in the books that pregnant women should not use those body fat scales cos they measure body fats and water by sending small electric currents through your body. and it may be harmful to baby. best to use a normal weighing scale for now. i just went and bought one. =/
Babymaking, can u ask dr loh later if he is moving to pte practice? I asked him a few mths bk n he said no. Now some sisters said he is again. Thanks!
Hi mummies! Just finished my detailed scan. Everything is ok. And yes...it's a boy as per what dr tham told me at 16 weeks. Bb opened his legs big big again. A super not shy bb. Haha!
Hi Al, I've been ordering milk powder, diapers, baby shampoo & other groceries from Luvbabies for a long time. My girl is taking NAN HA 3 now & Luvbabies is selling it cheaper + free delivery, so its good & convenient for us. For milk powder, we will always check the place of manufacture & the expiry dates when the delivery arrives. Before delivery, the deliveryman will usually text you and ask if he can deliver today from a certain time onwards. So if you won't be available during that evening, you can re-schedule again. Delivery is usually 3 working days after payment. Hope this helps!
Planet, I was stunned when I saw the figure on the weighing scale too! Must check with doc next mth. N the weighing scale which I just bought was the type that measure fats n water etc. Hb wanted this electric version even though I prefer the simple type. Got to waste mOney to buy again.. Sian.
On a happier note, I think I just felt flutterings on my tummy. Duno is it baby or not. First time experiencing it. But it's not on lower ab leh. Maybe I'm wrong.
meiji> nvm, the normal weighing scale is like $10 only. heh. congrats on feeling bb! sometimes i feel bb movements but not exactly at lower abdomen too.. it's somewhere in my body but i cant pinpoint where.. weird feeling! anyway.. continue to monitor to see if u feel the same sensation.. and soon u will be 100% sure! =)

Congrats kwxy!

Going for my scan tomorrow. at my last scan the doc said 90% girl, so last few weeks my hubby kept saying "still got 10% still got 10%".. tomorrow can finally let him 死心!haha.
planet, me opposite from ur hubby...

it me telling my hubby i got 20% chance is girl!

haha..my prayer granted...it girl when i went for detailed scan on last scan...
jocelyn, so boy can become gal too ah. Hmm... if that happened to me my hubby will be super sad leh. Hehee.... I'm ok with both boy or gal but hubby wam boy.

1.5weeks more to my detailed scan.
wah jocelyn, so lucky! 80% odds u also can beat!! haha..

for me i'm ok lar, i would prefer a jiejie first but if boy i'm ok too. =) if having a boy will make the hubby happy then boy first lor. but i WILL be very surprised if doctor's 90% girl becomes a boy!
Planet, i also surprise loh...

the sonographer still said, next time dun too early scan...not accurate...

lucky hubby is still happy with girl...he said it still our baby...
jocelyn, ic. My gynea nvr say percentage. She jus say shld be a boy for 2 times at 14 weeks and she say only confirmed during detailed scan at 19wks. She took quite some time seeing the gender cos my bb cross leg and laying face down. She shake my tummy to make bb turn around. My #1 also keep saying di di leh. Mus wait till detailed scan liao loh.
in fact, during 14 week scan, we saw a stick in btw...but after awhile,the leg move, cover it...so gynae said 80%....

then detailed scan show 3 lines!!
Hey mummies
Anyone knows what's maternal pool of blood in placenta or placenta lake of blood signify? Just did detailed scan n was told to wait for doc review. But gynae got to wait another 2-3 hrs. :-(
babymaking> found this on babycenter.

Placental lakes are seen on scans as black areas on the surface or deeper inside the placenta, and are actually pools of blood. (If they are on maternal side means they are on the side attached to your body and not to the baby.)

There have been one or two cases reported where very large placental lakes were thought to be associated with poor placental function, but it is now known that almost all placentas have one or more lakes by the third trimester, and they don't seem to affect your baby in any way.

Because it would seem placental lakes are so common and have no significance, most sonographers do not report them, or even mention them to women.

It may be nothing. Don't worry!
Thks planet, trying to google on iPhone but super slow. Hope it's nothing serious but cos now only 2nd tri, another website says can be cause for placenta abruption which is serious.

Cfm gal! And she's healthy based on scan, no ds markers, even the renal dilation also resolved itself. nOse, heart, limbs n kidneys normal. No cleft palate also. So relieved.
Serene, tks! For me nearest pat school house will b at arena country club, but still need to drive/ get school bus. The standards for preschool can really vary! Visited some dat really looks old and cramp inside.
dr loh cfm moving to tmc jan 2012, from what i remember, tmc charges (elective c sect + 3d2n stay in A class -1pax) not much different from KKH A class ward.

if any complications with mummy or nb bb, dr loh reassured he still have privileges in KKH.we haven't decided whether we want to move with him, will decide much closer to the time.
Babymaking, what he mean by he has privileges in KKH still? He can deliver us in KKH or ??

I would like him to deliver for me but I hv no confidence in TMC facilities if there r complications. N we will
Lose the priority we hv in KKH if we move to TMC. U know wat I mean

hazel, he volunteered the info, i actually forgot to ask as i was more concern abt the placenta blood, then he reassured saying if any complications, he can handle, even at TMC. if nb bb any complications, he also can arrange as he knows the system in KKH. not sure if he will have any special concession, but i assume that he knows enough pple in kkh to have privileges that will make things work, i.e. not lose the priority in case of any complications.
