(2012/02) Feb 2012

Both serene gain 18kg for #1... so qiao..

Serene, dun worry, I oso like u b4 my gynae visit coz no more ms, bloating... During visit see Bb and hear the heartbeat is like phew...

Jascmy, yup #1 boy. Hoping this one stil boy.. Precisely I can't do anything..
Pinkz, thinking if I shd see my gynea this fri instead to set my mind at ease. Sigh....
Hehee.. so far the theory of eating a lot is bb boy and can't eat much is Bb gal is so correct. Jus test on on you serene and my cousin. My cousin put on lots of weight so I guess Bb boy and I'm right again. Hehee...
I felt so sinful.... my office always got mooncake n hari raya cookies n kueh.... eat too much sweet food
Thanks serene!
jascmy> my #1 is girl that time eat non-stop like dinasour. but this one i try control myself. but eat really meka me happy n mor eenjoy eating le
depend on individual la.... I alway heard tummy more sharp is boy, flat is girl. but for me boy n girl also same tummy pattern..hahaa. denpend on my body figure
i'm also not feeling pregnant now.. no more ms.. i thought i felt some flutters or kicks ard 16wks now at 18wks i have not felt it for days.. feeling a lil worried. not sure if it's because i've been very busy lately and no time to scrutinise my tummy more often.. haha...
Al, me same like u.. Previously I thought me having girl cuz tummy round.. But now dr said 80% boy...plus met up an ex-coll who is a mummy of 2, also said I having girl...

My food intake also normal....just sometime if the portion is too little, I will be hungry faster than usual...
Cranky, think 2nd trimester is often worrisome when bb movements are not obvious. But as jascmy said, we can't do anything bout it. Pray hard that our little ones wil be more lively n let us feel them more..

Any gender also can as long as they are healthy. But I like to ask pple to guess n see if their predictions r true. So far, everyone predicted mine to be gal cos I look more radiant this time round.. As long as the bb grows, gal I also want.. Ha......
Cranky> me too!! thot i felt some movements a week ago.. but this week nothing.. :S hopefully i mistook something else for the kicks!

Serene> ya me not feeling preggers much too. not gaining weight, not eating much, no movement in tummy. sometimes want to eat alot also dunno eat wat. so sick of all the food around me.

rant rant rant. haha. time to go home!
Jascmy, I can't imagine u can eat those for lunch. I can only eat a bit of rice and veg then I will not feel hungry until 7+. U can do the test on me too since I m not eating a lot ...My gynae knows the gender... I told her not to tell me until 24 sept when my hubby goes with me for check up

As this is my first child I also dun know how to feel bb's movement. Can u ladies tell me how to feel?
Catherine, I guess your bb is gal. Hehee... cos u can't eat much. Scary hor, #1 I put on 30kg leh. Praying hard I won't put on that much this time. But looks like not possible.

Tummy shape, ya not so true for me too. Cos my tummy for #1 also round and my face very radiant, so most ppl guess gal incl my Mum. This time everyone guess is boy cos my symptom 99% same as #1.
Hi ladies,
I bought tickets to watch Formula 1 before I knew I was preggie.
Now im in week 17, in a dilemna whether to watch the F1 in end Sept..
talking abt gender...

my last visit to gynae at 16 wks.. she says there seems to be something in between the legs.. but she didnt want to confirm it's a boy cos she says it could be the umbilical cord.. she says to wait for detail scanning to confirm it...
Jascmy, thx I told my gynae I sense it's a gal she ask y so I told e logic my knee specialist taught me. my knee specialist said if from the back of a woman, u can't tell if she is pregnant then it's boy. Reason is gal is more water retention and stomach goes wider. My gynae say not true... If it's a gal my hubby win and I save lots of $!!!! I shall tell u on 24th if it's true

Chill quek if I m u, I juz go. U can't go once baby is born!
chill quek, yes I will go. Y can't go leh. When bb is out, u can't go anywhere liao.

catherine, not true for me. For my #1, my tummy and buttock becomes very wide leh. Lots of water retention and whole leg like elephant leg. From behind definably will knw I'm a pregnant lady. Even when I'm 3mths pregnant, my hubby's relative can tell I'm preggie cos she say my buttock very big from behind. #1 is a boy. Waiting for ur gd news. As for me, will only get confirmed ans on 10 Oct.
Catherine> To feel baby's movement so early u must be very still and preferaby lying down.. i've read that the best time is about 9-12 at night? for me, i usually rest my hands on my lower tummy when i'm watching tv after dinner.. sometimes during commercial i'll do slow and deep breathing and a few times i've felt some movements (i think!). =) the position to feel for is maybe about 4-5cm below your belly button. can be on the left or right side.

Chilli> I think you shld check with your gynae? By end sep bb should be able to hear external sounds, so exposure to extremely loud noises may be disturbing or harmful for him/her. Better to play safe than to risk bb's hearing for the rest of their life right?
Hi, when you all do ultrascan, do your babies move? I have heard ppl saying theirs are very active, or even somersault in front of them. Come to think of it, mine always sleeping on the back with hands near chest there. Is it ok? I hv not seen it move during the scan.
babyfaery> depends on your bb's schedule for that day. nothing to worry about! lol. i have seen bb somersaulting.. and also seen bb sleeping soundly on her back.
if u wan to see bb move, u can try to drink something sweet abt half an hour to one hour before your scan. it's supposed to make them more active. or tell your doc to wake the bb up! they know how to do it!
Babyfaery, I hardly see my #1 moved during all scans. But my #2 is really active. Moved a lot during scan. kicking and waving non-stop. Can even change position from laying face down to turning around right infront of our eyes. Worried that #2 will be very naughty when out.
Wow jascmy, 30kg? Wow.. Did u manage to lose most of it?

Babyfaery, mine moved when doing scanning. Maybe ur scanning time is ur bb's nap time.

Chili, when I had #1, the loudest noise I exposed bb to was the sound of shuffling of mj tiles. Not even movies, cos I scare too loud for bb. If u seeing gynea these couple of weeks, ask gynea to be sure.. Cos F1 really loud......
After 16 wks, our bbs can hear noises n our voices. That means loud noise like dogs barking n slamming of doors will actually startle the bbs.
serene, still have 10kg wor. Chiam, now adding more. Don knw how to those extra kgs after giving birth to #2.
Chilli, I went for KTV session 2weeks before I deliver my #1. Hehee... initially worry but then sing until forget liao.
Hi mummies,

Do we need the milk/food warmer? Those by pigeon, avent type... Initially tot of getting the 3in1 type but not so good reviews leh...
pinkz, I use a cup, pour hot water and put in the EBM to warm. As for food, I cook and serve immediately or jus cook again to warm. I won't freeze cos lesser nutrients by freezing. I nvr buy food warmers.
envy you all ms stop. this morning still ms.

Noise: for my 1st pregnancy no noise at home. with my no 2, my son will talk loudly to my belly button to ask bb to come out play with him. sometimes he also kiss my tummy too say sayang bb. house tv also turn on v loud so bb come out sure can adapt very well.

shape of tummy: i notice my tummy is flat, hope is a gal. but not visit to gynea still hv 10 days to go during the detail scan. its 5 weeks in between visit. thinking of visit to gynea to check gender but will cause me another $200 so KIV.
Jascmy, if u intend to close shop after this bb, then sign up a gym membership w a friend. I went for gym sessions before. nice but must have a friend to motivate...
For me, I stil have a lot of massages n slimming packages left. Long time ago, I boliao n I bought them. After #1 , din use cos I wanna keep for after #2. my target is to be 56kg. I'm 165cm tall. hope my target wil be realized..
I heard that sounds are like vacuum cleaner noise in the womb. Dun think loud noises in surroundings will affect them. Like the volume in din tai fung now is pretty noisy... Haha

Anyway also read this http://www.babysleepsystem.com/babysleep/inside.htm

But of cos no experts here... Better to check w gynae. Unless u r sitting in the VIP boxes, I imagine it's more uncomfy for u than the baby cos so many ppl squeezing around... So much walking...
See I m a sotong mother to b. Everything juz go juz do ... Din even know my baby can hear from week 16. Wow that's like next week for me. Ok I will listen to more music. Can u ladies tell me where to get pretty maternity clothes?? I dun want those aunty type flowery type too is no no. I need to look pretty until feb... Thanks in advance
chewie, i am the opposite, i am getting paranoid becos still ms last night.

all knew the gender already? we should have a gender column added in our list to see how many dragon boys and phoenix girls we have here. :p
I asked my gynae about going F1.
But he didnt give me a definite answer. He only said there are no medical evidence to proof that loud noises will affect bb hearing.
>serene: I think playing mj should be OK ba. Bb can learn mathematics and probability at the same time. Hee.
>jascmy: your bb will have potential to become future Star! :p
Catherine, you can get some nice casual maternity clothes at perfect mum, while i feel bloomingchic's material can be for office wear. hope this helps!
serene(moon): i want to see gynea too but he schedule on the 20week which is the time the package start maybe he want me to save $$. his package not cheap too $1200 for ard 15 visit but cheaper than walk in. cos i want to know boy or gal to go shopping. so have to wait.

still wonder should i ask my boy to skip 1 day CC to go for detail scan with me. cos can tell he is excited over the bb. (he show more interest than my hubby).
Hi Catherine, I got some online vis SMH forum Bulk Purchase thread. Quite cheap like 20+. I checked from the shops outside all very ex like 40-100plus, not worth as we only wearing for a few month.
mummies due date on the 1st week of Feb, almost like 15 of us. may i know what if u deliver early have u check with CL the pro-rate CNY rate? of need to pay full CNY rate.

May i know where are rest of mummies? are you in facebook?
Re: loud sound
I went to concert/ ktv/ movies n even clubbing during #1! perfectly ok as long as e mother herself can take e noise. Bb wont b affected bah.. So far my #1 hearing is 顺风耳, can hear even min noise. Haha.
Thanks ladies... I will search for the clothes tonight

Heng man my edd ia after cny. A v special date -29 feb!! My mum is doing confinement for me
Aiyoh, though bb can hear noises after 16wks preg, loud noise will not harm the ear drum lah.. It will just startle the bb at most. Thus, loud noise will make bb moves n if strong enough mummies will feel it.. My friends told me their bb's move alot when they watch loud movies! Anyhow, start talking to the bb, so that after delivery bb will be able to recognize these voices.

As for maternity clothes, my gfs passed me quite a fair bit coz some of my old ones are too tight. So no need to buy anymore!
Re: Baby and loud noises. Loud music or movies are probably ok, but high decibel noise like F1 race is not your everyday loud noise.

"A fetus' prolonged and repeated exposure to very loud noise — say, an eight-hour-a-day shift in an industrial workplace, where the sound level is more than 90 or 100 decibels (about the same as standing next to a loud lawnmower or a chain saw) — raises the odds of a baby suffering some hearing loss, especially at higher frequencies. Such prolonged noise exposure can also increase the risk of premature delivery and low-birth-weight babies. Extremely intense sound, 150 or 155 decibels (ever stand right next to a screaming jet engine?), can cause similar problems for the baby."

Source: http://www.whattoexpect.com/pregnancy/ask-heidi/lloud-noises.aspx

FYI, a formula one race car makes a noise of between 120 - 150 decibels. I don't know if it's considered "prolonged", but it's definitely way too loud for comfort.

Ya...I join FB in MTB group....to many mummies and don't who is who..don't have nick name there. and I heard alot from Feb 2012 mummies...
