(2012/02) Feb 2012

babymaking> ya agree, I remember a old lady ang mo give up her seat to me...actually I don't want her seat as she also need it. but she already stand up asked me to sit. cannot reject.

stand in front for me no work le, they can playing iphone or reading totally never look up, just in their own world.

Me too, my mum even say my tummy bigger than my SIL who is now abt 7mths preggie. So angry leh.

I jus came back from taiwan last week. Feel singaporean really need to learn from them leh. I purposely wear maternity wear there cos worried have to stand in the train. Once I board the train, immediately they gave up seat for me. Even those who are thinking whether I'm preggie, I jus touch my tummy and immediately they say sorry and gave me the seat. They say sorry to me leh. How nice! Their priority seat is most of the time empty. Even when train is crowded. Then at the escalator, they will also auto stand to one side. Singaporean is still learning this loh.
When back in sg, sian! Have to stand for the whole journey in the train. No matter how many time I touch my tummy, they will sleep, play games, read newspaper etc....
babymaking, agree leh. For my previous pregnancy, I have 3 encounters where old men and lady gave up seat for me. Won't the others feel embarrassed that they can't stand and need an old folk to stand for them?? I also ever stand up to gave my seat to an old lady when preggie. So when I'm standing, I will tell myself that all tis ppl sitting are either, pregnant, handicapped or seriously sick so they need the seat more than me.
haha yr mum never see my tummy meh? even bigger than yours :p

usually for #2 tummy will show up faster and bigger, cos the stomach muscles weakened already.

but then seriously speaking, i do get annoyed when able bodied pple do not give up their seats to elderly pple, or preggies, usually i will say to my boy, next time you grow up, must give up seat to old people.

oh same goes for those taking the lifts and refusing to give way to those in wheelchair or mummies with strollers.
Babymaking? hahaaa... make me lough!

Not sure anyone try ask for seat before? if this work, we should do this way...i'm worry 3rd Tri is the painful period...getting more heavy and more tired, same more leg swollen lagi cannot tahan.
Jas, manual or auto? I only learn auto... Hahaha

Re public transport, I think it's perfectly alright to ask a young able bodied person to give up their seat, regardless it is a priority seat or not. Just say "excuse me, I'm pregnant. Do u mind giving up your seat to me" even if they r reading or playing angry bird. The pressure from folks around them will usu be enough to make them give up. If it gets ugly, rest assured it will get on Stomp

My friend was telling me she usu get seats on train. Maybe coming from eastside is easier...
Chewie, hey I stay on the east! Yes, not a prob getting a seat in train. Got one guy even chop the seat for me when someone stood up to alight! ;)
babymaking, ya, my mum say ur tummy very big.

AL, I ever took a train with my neighbour when I'm preggie and she ask for a seat for me. That lady (sitting at the reserved seat) in her world playing "Who wants to be a millionaire" and no other reactions. So my neighbour pat her shoulder and asked her again. Still no reaction. Int he end the gal beside her gave up her seat for me.
Another encounter, I used my big tummy to hit gently on a boy's hand, he is holding on the iphone playing games. He looked up and then ignored!
So conclusion, no point ask for seat loh!
Pink, kwxy> u guys are wondering if your baby is too big.. i'm worried my baby is too small.
my last check up at 15 weeks baby was 8cm only. i hope she's growing well now. i'm concerned cos my weight hasnt gone up at all last few weeks. but i'm eating as much as i can already. :S

next gynae visit is 3 weeks away.. long way to go..
jascmy> so sad....why ppl like that. I remember last year the advertisement very hot to promote courtesy n 礼让 with very nice song... I hope the song keep playing to remind the passager again n again.
AL, maybe your tummy is very small, ppl don knw u r pregnant?
planet, don worry. So long Bb is healthy can liao. Maybe u wan to try durian. It works for me. My #1 used to be small in size in tummy. During my final month, my hubby feed me with lots of durians cos he wan a 3kg+ bb. And it works. usually bb put on more weight during the 3 third trimester.
Ginger, i bought used one from mummy who just give birth, she advertise on our thread, i saw and quickly chop :p think retail at $50-$89 leh... but u can go those car accessories shop and ask, think they have something tat can be used for preggy, think is those clip or wat, not sure, cheaper.

jascmy, i last time oso like u, i stop driving for few yrs, same thing, hubby 2nd wife oso, very stress. he actually let me drive, say if i hit i pay lor *_*. 2 years back i need to drive for work then he 'trained' me, u can ask yr hubby train u too, save $. can take yr time to slowly pick up. i started from car park then parking then drive on 'no cars' road, little cars road then slowly move on to more cars road and highway. i think the more u dun drive the more u dun dare to drive. my fren oso like tat.

planet, i think yrs ok leh, i think average 16 weeks ard 10-11cm, by the time u 16weeks, bb shud be ard thr le.

re: public transport
haizzz... developed country is like this one... when i was in japan, the ppl thr worst, saw a super old man standing and no one offer seat at all lor, the poor old man stand all the way. here we still see pple offer seat once awhile.. ya, i like taiwanese ppl, feel they very friendly, helpful, sincere...
Re driving, tho I drive everyday, I still dunno how to parallel park. Hahaha

I think end of east like Bedok, simei cld be better? Usu further down the train gets super crowded right. I thot ppl nowadays v scared of stomp. I took circle line the other day, ppl sitting down also look stressed lor. In case ppl take foto of them... Haha
pinkz, hubby refused to teach me. He say he worried I will hit on something and he will scold me badly. He still worried abt his 2nd wife lah. I told him I will pay but he still worried. So meaning I can go for my refresher course hor. Since he go overseas very often then I can drive when he not in sg. Hmm... actually I'm really scare of driving now. Cos nowadays ppl drive so carelessly. Scary!
thanks jascmy, perhaps I'll have some durians these few days just to play safe and gain some weight. =) funny thing is i used to love durians but now when i smell it i dun feel anything.. tink i lost my durian mojo!

re: driving hubby's car. i used to have the same problem too. hubby (then-boyfriend) encouraged me to go get driving license, but after i got it, he's so precious about his car that i seldom get to drive it. and if i do, he is always next to me nagging nagging nagging. so irritating! until one fine day i got into a minor accident.. actually not so minor, smashed the front light on one side and dented the front bumper. hehe. but luckily it's not my fault so i didnt have to pay a cent, all claim from opposite party. but ever since then, the curse is broken! hubby no longer so uptight about his precious car.. haha.. he said not virgin already nvm lar. scratch scratch lor. wahaha. and for me, after the accident i'm also more careful and less "scared scared" to drive. u know, sometimes when we are too scared or nervous also prone to accidents. just relax and be watchful. that works for me. =) thanks to the blessing in disguise!
Jascmy, then no choice, go for refresher course lor... Since he go overseas often, car in car park wasted oso. Ya agree, driving in Singapore not easy coz ppl dun give way, try to Siam taxi if possible, accident wif taxi oso very 'ma fan' one...

Planet, good for u, curse broken.. Haha.. last time hubby into cars, modify here there very sayang the car so I dun dare drive.. Then change car, he bo chap abt this car, car too cute for him and he oso lost interest in cars, I'm the one driving most of the time so no stress. We will be changing car soon due to size, hope he continue Bo chap, hehe...
ur so lucky..
my hubby go o/s biz trip, the car will let my FIL drive loh...moreover it a performance car, he very worried of me driving it...

to me is no difference, cuz my dad will send me to work everyday. only go home, i take public transport...lucky only 2 mrt stops away from home, so stand awhile is ok for me..
mummies with experience, can I check with you, did you all carry to full term - 40 weeks? The BB come on time for EDD or usually even if all goes well, the gyne will induce on 38th or 39th weeks? Gyne wont let you carry to full term??
lynn, only those having problems or choose to will go for early induce. Gynea shld allow to carry to full term. Don tell me your gynea pro induce leh.
My #1 born 1 day before EDD.
Gynea planned to induce on the day after EDD. Usually can carry on for a few more days after EDD. But for me cos I'm overweight and high blood, so only can overdue for 1 day.
Lynn, for singleton, full term is 37 wks. So, bb can be delivered anytime from then. Gynae may induce labor for certain reasons. E.g. Bb is too big & mummy is having natural delivery, mummy has high BP n is risky to delay further, bb is in distress, etc.
lynn- my gyne allows 1 week overdue (40 weeks). but need to mointer cos worried bb poo before delivery. last month, all mummies want to deliver asap. cos its big and uncomfortable if the bb is big. i remember i was 5 days overdue.
by the way, are you all eating a lot more now? i am eating non-stop, breakfast, lunch, sour plums,snacks, tea-break (is a must), dinner, chicken soup. my tummy want to burst already and its really big.
serene> me too craving all he time. night time before sleep still thinking eat something. but no so good le...felt tummy very tight too full. should control ourself, eat a little bit but more meal.
Me opp leh. Don knw y this few days no appetite. From big eater to can't eat. And I ony put on 0.5kg within 2 weeks. Maybe I chase my boy too much liao. He is so active now.
Hi KWXY, when I checked after 16 weeks my bb only 9cm cos he was quite curled up. Gynae says will be about 10cm if he straighted and she say the length is normal. My bump still look small.. but lots of pple tell me in 5th month then will grow significantly. Hopefully my bb not too small.. My bump so small that nobody can see on the bus/mrt to give up their seats to me...

The nurse also told me every month put on 2 kg is normal.. so far I still in the normal range..

My dr said after 4th month then our weight will increase... previously i gain some but also lost some and he asked me not to be worry as it normal..
i going to weight myself tonight. i still can wear my hipster shorts but feel the tummy so big and bloated cos i eat non-stop. even my 3 yr old son say "wow so big".
Hi ladies I guess I m luckier. The car is in my name so I imposed conditions for my hubby. No speeding no tailgating etc.

Jascmy, I m same as u no appetite. My simple lunch can last me till dinner at 8pm. Weight still v much the same. My tummy is not v obvious so no one gives me seat in mrt. I hate the feeling of being squash in mrt!!!

Have u ladies thought how many kg u want to put on? I told myself 7 more kg and that's all. So it's 300g per week for me no more than that. Juz dun want to look ugly after giving birth haha
Serene, yr son so cute. Saw a video on YouTube, father taking video, bb inside kicking violently and the 2/3 yrs tod beside, all laughing and the tod oso pull up clothes look at own tummy then look at mummy tummy.. Damp cute...

Catherine, i hope gain no more than 15kg.. But not sure if can make it...
Windy, 2 kg a mth is a lot!! I wish my bb is less fussy. I can't eat dairy products or drink any cold water. On the other side my baby is nice not to let me put on weight. I m 15 weeks tomalo and maintaining my pre pregnancy weight..

Today my pantry aunty told me to drink more soup, eat more tomato , beancurd, so that bb skin will b v smooth... Have u ladies heard of any tip for bb to look v gd?? Pls share thanks in advance
I hope to put about 12-13kg in all. Was 50kg b4 preggy. Ya, I also kena squashed in mrt when need to take train. Next mth hubby outstation I Cham Liao. I got licence but never drive, hubby dun think I safe driver haha. Last time go overseas I drive straightaway speed he see liao dats it, no more dricing for me.

Catherine, bird nest, soup, avocado, Toufu all good for bb skin.
Morning mummies!! Just makan a small bowl of birdnest!! Haha...all the birdnest talk yday made me cook birdnest...had it this morning!
gg_lee, thank you
Your boy will get promoted to kor kor, im sure. No need bedrest so serious...but the next 48 hours cannot carry heavy things, must take things easy. I'm not sure where you are doing your amnio but if you are doing it at TMC like me, the nurse is good, she will explain everything in detail. Can walk can bathe, can eat anything, no restriction. It's the carrying part. I managed to avoid carrying my boy for the first day but second day i started carrying him already...no choice, i'm sure you know what i mean. The wait for the results was painful. Best to keep yourself occupied...

re: bird's nest
What i've heard is, if take bird's nest, have to take quality ones, else may as well take white fungus. Cheaper and same nutritional value as bird's nest. I did not take a single drop of bird's nest for my boy. My boy came out tanned and skinny :p Up to you mummies to believe. But now he is 18 months old and he's fair. Everything in moderation, i don't feel there is any need to purposely consume a particular item more often, i guess abit of everything would be ideal. I sure hope when my nausea is better, i'm able to take abit more fresh milk. I can feel my bones disintegrating.
Morning mummies,

when i weigh myself during the regular visit to gynae, i found myself putting on 2 kg... but my friends and hubby commented that i didnt seem to put on weight, just that now my tummy grew bigger. in fact, my arms are toner than before... baby only weigh 100+ grams, so where did the extra weight come?
morning mummies

clearing my bookshelf and i have lots of motherhood magazines and young parents 2009-2010 issues to let go to anyone who might find them useful.

please note not all the mags are complete (as my boy 'reads' them as well), but are in readable condition.

self collection from my place only as it's heavy!!

email [email protected]
have the following pregnancy and baby care books to let go at a token of $10 each

all in good condition:
jo frost's confident baby care
pregnancy and childbirth by TC Chang & Wong Boh Boi
why boys are different

Photocopied books at $8 each
Glen doman series (photocopied)
- How smart is your baby?
-How to give your baby encyclopedic knowledge?
- How to teach your baby maths?
-How to multiply your baby's intelligence?
- how to teach your baby to read?
Tracy Hogg's The baby whisperer

Weaning and first food books
-Weaning by Sara Lewis $5
- super foods for children $15
- First foods (asian edition)$15
- Feed your child right (asian Edition) $25

photocopied books $8
Easy Gourmet baby food
annabel karmel complete family meal planner

also lots of other baby books which are hand me downs which will be pass FOC to any buyer of the above books.

email [email protected] with interested titles.
Butterwaffles, thanks! Will leave my son at my mum place for a few days so I dun have to worry about carrying him. So we can still walk around the house, no need stay in bed.
Hi ladies, im expecting #2 (dunno gender yet) n due mid feb!! Happy to join this thread. Hope we can learn frm each other till we pop n share e joy after popping!

Re: driving
I drove almost everyday till i popped for #1 n will do e same for bb #2!
My hubby def wont compare me with his car. A car is always jus an object.. But im his wife!! So im way more impt than an object. Hahaha. we each has our own car so no prob in who s driving.

Re: eating/ drinking
I eat everything anything bb wants, even if its cold or cooling stuff.. Cos even if its 'bu' but throw up after tat is useless aso.. Im drinkin cold water everyday cos its so Hot in our country. As long as ur own body can take it jus go ahead n enjoy everything! But in moderation so wont be too guilty aso..
Welcome Natbaby.

I eat too much during lunch time. Now stomach super bloated. Horrible feeling leh. Feel like vomiting. I had japan rice set and a nonya rice dumpling. But hungry sickness coming soon leh cos its going to be 3pm, my snack time liao. Don think I can snack anymore. Hungry sickness then hungry sickness loh.
Jascmy, u mean nyonya bak chang ah? wah really alot leh.. And 3pm hungry again... Yr digesting system very good hor... Hehe... I had Malay rice, oso very full...
pinkz, my digestion very bad, tats y very bloated now. Its my mouth itchy and hungry sickness keep asking me to eat again.
Hmmm.. malay rice, nice!! Hehee...
me too. must snack at 3+ if not cannot work cos mind is only food, food and food. i try to eat little lunch so i can take tea break.

worried might put on too much weigh. hope to put on 12kg this time round cos my no 1 i put on 18kg. gynea kept reminding me don eat too much if not have a difficult labor.
Hi hi everyone,
I m feeling so not pregnant now. No more ms.. Can't feel bb moving yet. 17 weeks n it's my #2. feeling paranoid, wondering if bb is growing. My next gynea visit is only due next fri.. So scared bb stopped growing like my last pregnancy,.... Arghhhhhhh

serene, don worry lah. U can't do anything right. Nothing will happened.

Let me guess, ur #1 is a boy?? So this might be a gal liao.
