(2012/02) Feb 2012

Hi joy> maybe some food that u eaten not suitable yr taste. my #1 also vomit when eaten butter with bread n some other food until 5 months then stop. can give me confirm postage amt.

momob> don't worry, when u see dr. have scan right, see the bb heartbeat make u feel safe.... cos most important is heartbeat there that bb life there
b happy

preggers cannot take mooncakes with alcohol hor? so tempted by raffles' Snow-Skin Mooncake with Champagne Truffle and Ganache
Princess, I nv like honeydew coz of the strong smell. But will try to get some pear later. MIL only love apples & oranges. Theres lots of those at hm.

I went to taka fair yesterday. Was quite confused with the things to buy. Intend to get Medela breastpump 1st. But not sure which type to get. I work from home so time wise is quite flexible. So maybe I can just get single pump instead of the dual one to save some money. I really wish to be able to bf but I'm not sure if I will really be able to do it. And if I intend to start with bf, should I still buy some bottles and milk formula, in case I'm not able to bf or doesnt have enough supply for the bb? How many bottles should I buy to start? I have doubt over the bf part becoz my 1 sil is only able to bf for the 1st mth then not enough supply. So sometime she uses formula, sometime bm. Then my another sil is able to bf till the 3rd mth and supply also run out. Then the 3rd sil only tired for the 1st wk and gave up. So I dont know how it will be for my case. Although I really want to give my child the best and I understand that bm is the best. Anyone pls advise...
I also take Florxine..
In fact, i have been taking it since 7 weeks till now..

Yes, feels bad.. esp when vomit in the morning.. stomach empty and nothing to vomit..

No leh.. i eat or no eat also vomit..
I ordered a total of 10 items.. total shipping is $76.87.
So if i divide by quantity, each item is $7.50. But if you prefer to go by weight, then i need to wait till the items arrive.
Do you mind dividing by item? I think not much diff, maybe a few cents..

I think better not.. eat the normal ones la..
Jen, Yes he is just v straight forward with his words. Doesnt think much. Both his sisters juz recently gave birth. So for him and my in-laws, seeing my discomfort or ms is nothing new or worrying for them. My mil will tell me that when she was preg then, she had it worse. sigh...

KWXY & Al, Thank you. I hope I will feel more assured when I next see the bb heartbeat.
SO far I have only seen it once 3wks ago. Before that I had my 1st scan at a gp, she told me that its only the initial stage so cant detect heartbeat yet.
Anyone knows when I can stop eating duphaston? Or I shall finish them? I think I still have at least 20 tablets! I only eat once a day 1 tablet in the morning.
momobb: I was prepared to BF my #1 but on the 2nd day, PD told us that his glucosse level is low and we should consider giving him formula milk. So I alternate BF and formula milk, trying my best to give BM. When he is 2 weeks old, rashes was all over his face and spread to his body. I stopped letting him latch on co's I thought it will be very warm for him to latch on and make the rashes worse, so I use pump. I only managed to give 1 bottle per day till he is 4 months old. Later we found out that he has ezyme (he only recovered from his rashes when he is 4 months old) and PD told us BM is the best for our baby but too late, i already stop BF.
momobb>I think if you're getting the medela pump and do not mind not having local warranty, identify what you want at the fair then buy online from the sprees. It'll be much cheaper. TLL's spree for freestyle is S$450 the last I saw. Think can spree via Linda too but not sure how much she charges. If you are getting a single pump, will be even cheaper.

For my #1, I told myself I must and I can breastfeed. I got the pigeon steriliser set that comes with bottles, warmer, etc which are basically all you need initially. If you are really worried about your supply, can ask the hospital for some samples of fm. That should tie you over initially. But best is to just latch on demand and eventually, your supply should come. NBs are able to tahan for 1 or 2 days till your milk supply comes in so don't have to worry too much. Its good to consult the lactation consultants in the hospital too. One came by on my first day to check how well my boy was latching and to give me some tips on positioning, etc. This is free while you are still warded but if necc, you can still consult them again afterwards but will need to pay a fee.

maybe I'll sample a bit during the fairs. :p donno when will have chance to try it again

jen>where is jade garden? 1st time i heard of blackforest rum cake
this preg any different from previous one? my #1 is a boy and the preg was difficult (life threatening way) but despite that, no moodiness or nausea, or breast tenderness.

i still take rum and raisin ice cream but in small quantities, i guess a little shd be fine. not like 1 glass full or something.

^5 cecilia

no lah, cannot tell by all these symptoms, but it's very different from my previous preg so just guessing. some say moodiness, breast tenderness due to higher estrogen which gals produce. so maybe, but dun quote me, i didn't check it out.

btw jen, if you have ankle swelling, try to reduce your salt intake, cos it's water retention and it's too soon to get it, usually end of 2nd tri and 3rd tri will be worse. try to exercise your legs by lifting slightly up and down and turning the ankles, at night sleep with legs positioned upwards.

re: bf
to start off with, have faith in yrself that you can do it. there's lots you can do to ensure good supply - from papaya soup, to fenugreek to herbal teas to doc's prescription to malay breast massage to lactation advice.

some mummies i know refuse to buy any FM, cos they dun want CL, MIL, hubby to pressure them into feeding FM when supply is low.

you can ask the hospital for ready made bottled milk, they will usually supply a few FOC as stand by.

linda is the thread lactation expert - ask her for more advice.
momobb: one more thing, it is not easy to BF. A lot of determination and hard work. I hardly can sleep 4 hours continously during the 4 months of BF, but the bonding with baby during BF is superb.
KWXY > the other time my first gynae before Dr Tham made me eat 2 tabs a day. after that Dr Tham continued me on 1 more box of duphaston, because i have Polycystic Ovarian syndrome, he say my hormones level may not be enough, etc... I finished it le
and he didnt ask me to take anymore. I think its ok to finish them, it doesnt harm the baby i guess, helps to make the pregnancy stable.
babymaking>no leh. so far, both pregnancies similar. No MS. Just got bit of nauseous feeling at time. Breast tender in initial weeks. Nothing else. Sometimes the lack of symptoms worry me. :eek:

Cecilia>wah, your #1 oso boy like mine. Are you in the Feb 2010 thread? cos never see u in the Jan 2010 thread.
lsntyl: me too! i'll miss e raffles snowskin mooncake..
guess will jus stick to goodwood or home favourite's durian mooncake liao...
LsnTYL, Sorry, type wrongly-should be pine garden at ang mo kio! website here: http://www.pgcake.com/
Ordered for my Father day or hubby's birthday-quite good. They got very creative and delicious cakes! My favourite: the blackforest rum cake, Tofu Cheesecake,Pulau Hitam cake and Lychee Martini cake-yumyum!
LSnTYL: Yes, EDD on 14th Feb but give birth on 15th Jan 2010. This is my first thread in the forum.
Btw, you #1 also Jan 2010 baby? What is ur EDD for this preg?
Jen: yes i do agree their cakes are fantastic! i ordered a really nice sesame street 3 tier cake for my nephew's 1st year bday, and everyone went WOW!

Strongly recommended is the Lychee Martini cake
claramini>hee, yes, those are yummy too. But my new fav is the durian mooncakes. My boy likes to have some too. But I only let him taste a bit. :p

jen>ahh, pine garden I've heard of but never tried.

Cecilia>yes, told u le mah. My boy came out on 16 Jan 2010. EDD for this bb is 28 Feb
Thanks Rocco!

Any mummies getting their MIL to do confinement? My mum just called me and said it's rightful for me to look for my MIL first, but she is working and she may need to take long unpaid leave.

Only if my MIL rejects me, then I will seek help from my mum. So troublesome.
Al>har? no leh. my #1 is Jan bb. #2 is Feb bb. n hor, both are accidents. When hubby and I decided not to have any bb, then we kena.

KWXY>I got my mom to do confinement for me. basically, hubby n I move in with my mom so more convenient lor. But my MIL will prob do confinement for my #2
KWXY > I think out of respect you ask your MIL first, until she herself say she cant do it, then you ask your mom. Don't let her feel that you already made d decision upfront.

Cos grandchild grandma, the daughter in laws are always stuck in between. Good to build good rapport
I'm ok to let my MIL to do for me. She can cook really well! Drooling again. Hehe

But I just paiseh to ask her to take leave to do for me. I also dunno what she's thinking.

U not ordering the doppler??? Did u get my msg to u?? I was actually v interested...

I from Jan 2012 mummies, been reading both thread, coz my EDD late jan..yesterday saw ur post, so kan cheong, never intro myself... :p
KWXY > Hee let her decide ba. Anyway yours is early Feb right? She will probably just take it like a long CNY holiday
. N i m sure she wun mind to spend it with her new grandchild.
momobb: don't worry too much lah, a few more weeks you will start to feel baby's movements. And don't worry abt bf now, take care of your body first.
For breastpump I would suggest you top up a bit and get the dual pump, cuz save a lot of time, which will be v precious once bb is out. Also when you use the single pump, while pumping one side the other breast will leak, so can be quite messy. A good breastpump is important if you're not doing exclusive latching, and also in the first week to stimulate milk
If ur a normal person with no medical condition should be able to bf one. And once started it's addictive. I actually intended to let my son wean himself off but then found out I pregnant again. Gynae advised to stop bf cuz of the nipple stimulation.
KWKX: my MIL did confinement for my #1. but this time no. During my confinement everything must follow her style even with bf, I cannot take it. My boy was her first grandchild some more, so she was like empress dowager, everything I did couldn't please her haha...
kwxy: yah, i agree w rocco.. out of respect, pls chk w ur mil first.. cuz she is ur bb's paternal grandma.. and also it will show ur mil tat u got some jia jiao..
Haha. As for my MIL, I used to stay with her for 3-5 years. So far I think she don't force me to do the things I dont like. I'm quite stubborn too. So she knows me well.

But i will listen to her if things are good for me or bb, then I will follow. If those are ridiculous then I will not lor. Try to tahan for 28 days. Haha
Kwxy: haha 28 days can lah, but have to keep calm lor. Cuz 1st month a lot of confusion plus bodily discomfort, temper can be quite short haha. I was able to tide thru my confinement, but when my mil continued to look after my son when I went back to work, that's when my fuse blew. Haiz... Also cuz I'm the short- tempered type lah...

I replied to ur email, pls chk. And I will transfer to u as soon as u msg to my hp the details. My ho no in the email...hope I'm not too late

I'm going out now, won't be able to access web.

Talking abt MIL, I will forgive but can never forget what my MIL told the PD when my boy attacked by pneumonia and bronchitis. PD told us that my boy has to be hospitalise. I just started my work for 3 days and already took 1 day off to take care of my boy. Hubby not around. so the PD turn to my MIL and straight away she told my PD she cannot co's she needs to work. I was v angry back then. I know she can't take off from her work but she don't need to be so mean to tell the PD that right.

I feel so helpless and don't know who to turn too other than my mum. God bless me that my mum managed to come over to SG and hubby manage to come back a day earlier from his biz trip to take care of my bb in the hospital. I had to stay in the hospital during night and my mum help me during day time and finally managed to pull thru the difficult time.

From that days onward, I don't dare to rely on my husband family for any kind of support when come to my boy. I just feel great to have my mum around. My mum will always be there for me when my boy sick, when I need help and comfort.
NC (Chister) > yeah my mum warned me before. She herself did confinement by her MIL (my paternal grandma). She said like sometimes already very tired, but she was expected to do certain stuff. And sometimes when she just rest, etc, people will think of her as 'being lazy'.
joy> ok, will trasnfer fund to u.

momob> put some bb pic at yr room...everytime see the bb photo make u think of your pregnancy
Hi everyone, today I just saw Strait time advertisement for TAKA Fair, Pigeon brand packege $199 (see attached)
Pigeon or Avent better? i buy becasue I want electric breast pump...any advise? sorry this topic you all have talk last week but now I just notice
Al>think you should go down and try out the breast pumps and compare. you might have different preference for the pumps.
