(2012/02) Feb 2012

Sillygal, agree with hazel it's unlikely she can make yours. 28 Jan is 2nd day of CNY. CL who work during CNY are asking 3-3.5k. It's unlikely she will cut short her earnings and get someone else to continue for the first lady.

I paid deposit for my CL last mth... So kiasu. I'm due early Feb and she has a mid Jan. Counting 28 days, if both sides not early or late, it's alr 1 week short. She said she wld send her friend if cannot make it. Just hope I dun pop too early lo

Am alr looking fwd to confinement food!! Haha

Kwxy, I also asked my gynae. I asked when will we know gender. She told me her guess and said will cfm next visit. So exciting

SianzX (sillygal_1608), yes, 28 Jan & 7 Feb is so near. There is no way for her to do yours if she starts on the 28 Jan one.

I have also paid my deposit already.

Chewie, i cant wait for next Sat!! Dont know why this time round, I'm so eager to know the gender. When I was expecting my 3rd, I wasnt keen to find out.
Morning mummies! i have just registered for Ms Wong BB course on the 15 Oct as well 2-4pm. Anyone joining the same class as me?
good morning mummies and daddies

it's FRIDAY, looking forward to the weekend already, with National Day around the corner. another PH and another gathering of friends.

been cooking up a storm, keeping all the negative thoughts at bay.

any home cooks here? let's share recipes.
Sillygirl: Usually a trustworthy CL will not accept any assignment that are too close. There must b at least 2 weeks gap before they commit for another assignment. I won't like a replacement who work half way then come another one. The 1st week when we are back fm hospital, that's the busiest time especially to settle down the baby at home.
Jen > i will be taking the Oct Thurs night classes at AMK hub.

Do you ladies experience dark spots on your face? i just saw one at my cheek area, super panic.
Morning mummies... hmm... not feel very good today... MS like just started... think taking half day to rest...
Morning everyone!
Hazel, think there was a problem wif my eyesight, missed the noon session. Anyway, hubby said too early for him, so had signed up for the sat 2-4pm one.

KWXY and Rocco, different day class but I'm sure we'll all enjoyed it.
Jen: Yes, with only one share of pay, movies and dinners mus go... oh... I seen it on TVs before but frankly are the rental charges cheap? I mean if it doesn't make much difference, I will opt to buy, at least, the toy belongs to my child kinda of thingy...

Linda: When is your next batch of ordering? Can I revert back after my next gynae appointment?

Windy and Cecilia: bright side, your little ones are growing... cheer up..
Princess> don't tink ordering anymore.. So this is like ur "last chance" haha.. How come next gynae visit?

Excited going gynae next week!! Then Taka baby fair on fri.. Anyone wan meet me gai gai lol
Linda: oh... it is okay, think I will give it a miss then... Thanks...

Hehe... I am always excited over my gynae visit too... All of you are realli fast in getting the items... I have not shop for any items so far...
sillygal> better don't get this CL... she don't know how to plan the timing. if you want I can recommen a good CL she have do for me in my #1, but #2 I might delivery during CNY, she only can come on 7th of CNY. so I get another CL she commit can come on 4th of CNY.
This CL never ask for Deposti, she will come on time. Do you want?
I can understand why KWXY is excited about the gender! I cant wait to find out too! then i can settle on my baby's name, and also go shopping for him/her!
so fast can know bb gender? Last 2 day scaned cannot see bb gender le...wait end of this month scan again...hopefully can know bb gender then can decide bb name and start shopping liao..

Linda, cannot leh. Have to work.
Enjoy yourself.

Pearl, just scroll up and saw your post, we are in the same class!
i can't wait to find out too, i'm hoping for a gal so that can dress up.

and so far the symptoms seems like gal, the nausea, fussiness abt food and smells, moodiness, breast super tender etc.

let's wait and see!

what do you usually cook? now my taste is towards spicy and sour foods and very strong flavour foods , so have been cooking mee siam, assam and braised pork.

i find my taste buds over sensitive - tends to undersalt food and overdose the sour, such as vinegar, tomato ketchup. any changes in your style of cooking since preggy?
Wow so many people signed up for parentcraft already! And all going for the legendary Mrs Wong!! =)

But her classes are all at AMK Hub.. Hmmz.. Anyone tried any of the instructors at TMC? Are they really not as good as Mrs Wong?
princess, i'm at my 11wks today. Have been to gynae once, 3wks ago. Pimples r not as swollen now but its leaving a lot of marks, especially on my chin area. I have been drinking water but havent found any suitable kind of fruits that I can eat without puking. The kind that I like is either too 'leng' or too heaty. Tried, apple, green grapes, strawberry - puke after eating. Mum told me maybe is too sour, have to take sweet fruits. But I dont have much luck in buying fruits. Only love watermelon but was told cant eat too much. sigh...

Jen, facial I still cant go now coz cannot use any machine. But if I were to request for that, I have to let them know the reason. SO can only go after 3mths. Your hubby is so sweet, mine only say preg is like that de. Will only get fatter, its normal! And he also told me ms is norm too coz his sis also went thro it. Keep saying puke during preg is the norm. No comforting words at all...
Jen & Godsent, I came back from my honeymoon more then 7wks ago, so it cant be the weather. Might be the temp in my room. But even with the cold temp, I kept waking up in the mid of the night feeling too warm to get back to zzz. Every night will wake up a few times, v diff to get to zzz. I tried using hazeline snow yesterday and it seems to ease the redness slightly. Skin is still v dry in the area, hopefully it will get better after applying for a few days.
Yawn....I just woke up again! Woke up at 7am feeling v v v v hungry and went out to buy...after breakfast, KO immediately at 9am!
Hello ladies..

very long never log in already.. cos have been feeling quite bad..
started vomiting about a week ago.. before that, nothing at all..
Also dunno why start vomiting at 13+weeks..
Tomorrow 14 weeks already

Pearl and Al,
Our loot should be arriving in about a week.
Postage should be about $7.50 / item.
And yes mummies, hubby and I eager to find out our first child gender!

He hope for a girl and I hope for a boy! You know la, daddy's girl and mummy's boy. That's why
Mummies, only TMC patients can sign up for Mrs Wong's class?

momobb: What about honeydew or pear? As our appetite tends to change, we won't know till we try. I realise I can't take kiwi and cherries after puking / has gastics....
LSnTYL & Al & NC & Planet, I'm 32 and yes its my 1st preg. Nervous and unprep. I hope the oscar result will turn out fine next wk. I really want to feel the bb movement soon to know that its REALLY real. Now is only feeling pain n uncomfort.
Babymaking: I also hope to have a baby gal. When I have my #1, everyone guess that I will have a baby gal, so hubby looks for all the baby gal name. During the full scan at abt 20 weeks+, it turns out to be a boy and my boy purposely shows it to us.
Now hoping to have gal. This preg is different and i have all the sypmtoms u mentioned, the nausea, fussiness abt food and smells, moodiness, breast super tender etc, so hopefully I will have a gal.
Momobb, dont worry. Bb will be safe and sound in you. You will feel movements in a later stage, maybe another 1-2 months?

When you see bb at week 12-13, see how bb moves, kick and waves, I bet you will melt and knowing all these are real.

Look forward and be a cheerful mummy
Babymaking: can tell gender this way? For me, no nausea/vomitting, feel hungry all the time, takes any food that comes in sight, moodiness and breast tenderness sometimes too. I have angle swellings though, So boy or girl?

Cooking wise,I think a bit affected-use to love using strong spices so cook a lot of curry, bak Kut teh, now I prefer light seasoning. start to love ABC soup, steam fish etc. My hubby says the food nowadays not salty enough but I tried and thought its okay for me.
joyojoy > you are not alone. I also started feeling nausea these few days at week 13. Also dunno why. Previously there wasnt any nausea at all, dunno is it because of Florxine (this folic acid that doctor gave me, which helps curbs nausea). But 2 weeks after i completed Florxine, i have no nausea at all. Only happens recently.
joyojoy: Me also start throwing for the past 2 days. Mine going to be 12 weeks tmr. I thought the MS will get better but mine getting worse. The feeling is simply yakky!
Weekend is so precious to me to bond with my boy but I have to lie on the bed most of the time. My boy was so angry with me last weekend for not giving him the attention. He basically ignore me. So sad! So this week, must drag myself out of the bed and bond with him.

Momobb, I think your hubby was trying to console you too but maybe the words used are too blunt. Man are like that, they are not tactful wif words cause many times, they don't think before they speak. Don't take it too hard. I think if any of the Feb daddies are in now, they would agree too.
