(2012/02) Feb 2012

3 holidays. Still got presidential elections off-in-lieu! Just waiting for the govt to announce when it will be held

Yeah !!! i think it will be either on the 20 or 27 Aug...hopefully they will announce it really soon. dun know what keeping them.
Oscar check baby's neck fluid thickness as a Down Syndrome indicator.
Detail scan check baby's developement. Such as check toes and fingers, stomach, heart chambers, if baby has cleft lips etc. And that's when gynae will be able to predict the baby's gender
soul & Tay> yup...doc will advise when u are at about WK8 of pregnancy as oscar have to be done before 14 or 15 weeks if i recall correctly.
Chewie, I'm lucky like you. No MS at all for all my pregnancies.
My friend told me that her colleague has to tell everyone that she was preg because she has to walk around, attend meeting with a big mug in case she has not enough time to rush to wash room.

Pearl, my whole oscar took about half an hour. My bb was co-operative & move into the position. If not, i might have to go outside to sit for awhile then continue the session.

Birdbrain, i have no MC for oscar too. trying to save some leaves if i can. I took the TMC package for oscar & detailed scan. going back again in Sep for detailed scan
morning mummies

re: travelling and sterilizing
if baby is above 1 yr old, can just use hot soapy water to wash the bottles and then use hot boiling water to pour over. no need to bring sterilizer for holidays.

but need to bring bottle wash and sponge. also bring some instant cereal sachets, or bottled baby food.

day to day sterilizing
if fully bottle feeding, buy at least 6 bottles, as nb feed almost every 2 hours, and some take a long time to feed, so if let's say bb takes 30min to feed, you only have 1.5hr to wash/sterlize before the next feed starts all over again.

and frankly u will be so tired that you rather use the time to rest or catch up with the rest of the chores.

with 6 bottles, wash after every feed, sterlise when using the 6th bottle so that by late afternoon time, you will have 6 fresh bottles to last you the night feeds and next day morning - early afternoon feeds. you can leave the sterlized bottled in the sterlizer for as long as 6-12 hrs as long as you take out the items using the tongs instead of your hands to avoid contamination.

it's better to use bb bottle & nipple wash to wash bottles and feeding related items as normal dish washing liquid contains scents etc lemon, floral which are too strong for bb.

sterlizers are also easy to use - no need to keeo watch over a hot boiling pot, as it;s auto off. mummies with newborns will be tired and fatigued, so wld be more forgetful, so boiling over stove incur additional risks.

a warmer is useful if you often express BM, or if you have a baby that drinks very slowly, easier to warm up with timer so that you do not over warm up the milk and kill all the nutrients in BM. another method is just fill up a cup with hot water and put the bottle in.

for bottle brush
buy those sponge ones and not the plastic spikey ones, the plastic spikey ones tend to scratch the insides of the bottles which is not good as bottles deteriorate faster.
Good morning everyone

You all day & night, weekend also online...I almost lost connection with u all...hv to catch up

Tay> chen pi also can, good for digestion & make u more appative.

Godsent> ThankS, after #2 pop u...will disscuss with my hb do the vasectomy. Pray that he can accept it.

Planet, joy,lsntyl & pinkz> Jialat ah, last Friday night I try meiji fresh milk...after that gastric pain wo. I think I really cannot take fresh milk....no choice only milk powder.

When is presidential elections day?
Pearl thanks. This week week 11 I think going to see dOc later this week .. Haven't arrange all this yet so just asking.
gd morning mummies....
my symptom better however hor i tink duno its me o bb, i wil hav my symptom back on weekday when start work! i wil feel vomitting n bitter taste n hard to work on weekday...all MS come in one go...haha!
my tummy bcome flat again....dunno y....mayb coz i din eat much! next gynae visit is tis sat! wishing tiem flies n i wanna c my little one soon....
Sweetcorn: I think detailed scan is around 20 weeks.

My Oscar next week Wed, 10th Aug. Initially supposed to be 12th Aug, bu doc say my baby growing very fast so change to 10th aug..

Is it okay for baby to grow fast? Everytime I go check up, everytime the EDD pushes forward as baby is getting bigger. Is it okay? Felt worried..Worried abt the oscar test too.. NEed to do blood test oso? Or scan only?
RE: Public hols in Aug..

Wow if presidential election really falls on 27 aug, i am a super happy woman..
cos then 29 aug wil be sch holiday. then 30th aug hari raya. 1 sept, sch celebrates teachers' day, no teaching just half day celebration, then 2 sep sch hol for teacher's day followed by 1 week break.... yippeee.....
super wonderful week for me.... haahahahahaha
HappyMomToBe: me too! On mc last week and was feeling much better. The moment I start work, puke twice in 2 hours already. Even medicine dun help.

Serene: yes yes indeed will be a wonderful week if 29 aug got OIL!!! I'm just counting down to next week, then week 10. But a lot of things to rush now and totally no mood!
wah u all give me a good news early morning extra PH in Aug...make my day....

yeah NC, tot i am the only one will be having all sort of MS during working time! lol...i din MC lor....coz hor here i scare they say pregnant so wat, nonit work, keep MC? so far only take 2 days for this year....n wanna keep my AL for the last...so tat i can go longer leave...
Serene: ya I'm also teaching.
HappyMom: no choice lah, I need to stand and talk for many hrs leh, with this kind of ms I confirm faint one. My 1st pregnancy I fainted during parade square b4, so v scared same thing happens.
NC and Serene: Im teaching too! Looking fwd to next week! And the hari raya tt week!!
Hope my MS ends soon!! Doc say after national day! I love AUg! HAha
Morning mummies! I feel terrible last night. Didn't slp at all, peeing and nausea until 7am this morning!

I only manage to slp at 7.30am! Now like zombie! Feeling hungry and tired! Dunno to slp or to eat
helor mummies,

hows lunch everyone? canteen having laksa but i try to control my food consumption which contains coconut... had rice n fish...

check wif u all, can v drink red dates n dry longan?? i drank cold one big cup jus now....so sweet make my vomitting away...tot of taking more...
Suet, is this your first? Do you know gender yet? Some online websites say no ms means something... Haha

I went for my nuchal scan & blood test last Tues. My doc din call it Oscar. And I didn't need to go down to TMC or elsewhere to do. It took less than half hr, incl usual consultation. Results in 3 working days. I'll ask her on next visit if it's Oscar or different
HappyMomToBe, I drank red dates & longan tea previously. Nothing happen so shld b ok.

Chewie, this is my 4th. I know, when you dont hv MS, you wonder if you are still pregnant. That's why I look forward to my check up. U mean there's other meaning? :p I dont know the gender yet. Hopefully, will find out by next appt, next Sat. The one u did sounds like oscar. Maybe yr gynae does it himself/herself.
Good afternoon mummies,

I went to Mt A hospital tour last weekend and have more or less decided on the hospital cos I really like the environment. I think i am too kiasu, cos my tummy is the smallest ampng all the rest of the mtb... haha...

Anyone going for tours soon?

I was at Taka fair last weekend too... wah so many things to see... i dun have any idea what to look out for... it's so crowded... but wat caught my attention are the bigger items such as stroller, car seats and baby cot/playpen... the strollers are really cheap, real gd discounts... so most likely i will go and buy one before the fair ends... anyone has recommendation on the brands? So many brands see until i blur...

Anything else to get? I plan to buy them next week, until i reach 13 weeks... cos i pantang... haha
Hi mummies, been really busy so can't reply to all the messages. Thanks all for those who replied.

- do any of you have increase body hair?
- is there such a thing that certain bottles can store formula milk in fridge and certain bottles for BM to store in fridge.

We decided to get the pigeon sterilizer package and get them to deliver it. Pretty decent package with lotsa sample stuff thrown in by the sales person. Decide to spend a little To ease our life later as DW will be tired.
Hi all...

Wah yest after buffet whole day tummy bloated... Didn't eat alot thou... Suspect is those fried foods... Can't really take fried foods now... Fast food is big no no for me... Am glad actually.. Dinner had popiah, but the garlic taste made me unwell too... Can't take garlic, wondering if can eat chic rice chilli...

Today continue quesy feel.... haven take lunch yet... Dunno wat to eat

Yest sil say will pass me her medela Pisa... Yeah... Dun have to buy bp Liao... Hope after tell fren, will have more hands down... Keke... Just nice, 1 boy 1 gal... Hope they haven give out their stuffs ;p

Soul, I went wanhao (Marriott) for the buffet, so so only... Prefer their ala carte....
Ssll: see see look look

Suet, envy leh, all 4 no ms.... Pregnancy shud b like tat ma...

Al, then Bo Bian... take milk powder lor....
HI IceCherry, since you have gone to the Mt A hospital tour, do you know what they provide for newborn babies at discharge? When I had my #1 there, they gave us the bathtub that the baby was using. Do they still do it now?
Pinkz, yes, I'm very blessed that I dont hv MS for all preg.

IceCherry, I will go Mt A for my delivery. Have been there for my last three.

Ayanna, they still give out bath tub. I visited my friend last mth. Unless they change it few mths down the road.
I'm buying the $199 pigeon set too! Will do so this Thursday as I will be 12 weeks this wednesday! Hehe...

Saw a sad news just now at Jan 2012 thread. A mummy went for her chkup at 16weeks and realized her bb heartbeat stopped at 13weeks. I feel so sad and sorry for her. All mummies looking forward to 2nd trim and hope to be in the safe zone. It's really sad to hear that. Hope God will bless her with another child.
Ayanna, i dunno about the bathtub in the package. I thought only 1 set of baby clothes and diapers and some small stuff...? It would be good if they give out the bathtub... i need one more... haha
Kwxy, yest saw the 199 set, so many things, worth it right.... Me next week then 12weeks... Shud be buying after my Oscar next wed... Hope they still have it....
Serene: I also teach sec school.

Pinkz: I keep dreaming abt dim sum buffet past few weeks also... Drooling... But until now porridge and mee sua still my best frens. Just now saw colleague eating lor mee so nice but dun dare to eat... Haiz...

Linda: so fast know bb's gender already?
Hey mummies/daddies..
how often do you all visit the gynae huh? mine very far apart leh.. 4 weeks..
miss my bb so much.. wonder how big is he/she now..

No increase of body hair.. As per normal. :p

As for bottles.. There's no need for u to store formula milk in the fridge. When bb needs milk, just make it right away. As for storing of bm, u can store it in those milk bottles that comes with caps like medela or sealing discs like avent.

Suet, wow 4! Unless all same gender, think whatever I read online is rubbish! Haha! U expressed my exact sentiment. I really like going gynae to see the ultrasound. Maybe I shd get doppler...

Soul, increased body hair could mean boy as it is caused by testosterone. Also smtg I read online. Dun hold it against me

My prev appts were 3 wks apart. Now 4
