(2012/02) Feb 2012

AL: dunno le.. first is tummy pain, thn i go toilet, first time shit watery de.. normally is hard.. cos of the supplement we take. but this morning I alr do one time big business which is normal de.

thn suddenly got urge to vomit, thn vomit water out and thn again all my food tat i took
AL: dunno le.. first is tummy pain, thn i go toilet, first time shit watery de.. normally is hard.. cos of the supplement we take. but this morning I alr do one time big business which is normal de.

thn suddenly got urge to vomit, thn vomit water out and thn again all my food tat i took
Cecilia Lee:
im ok with WK Tan.. i think she is v gd.. compared to my previous gynea who is so chop chop..
she got the v motherly feel!
try to book ur appt in the afternnon.. lesser ppl..

i heard morning is always v pack.. wil be seeing her again on 26 aug!
Cecilia Lee:
im ok with WK Tan.. i think she is v gd.. compared to my previous gynea who is so chop chop..
she got the v motherly feel!
try to book ur appt in the afternnon.. lesser ppl..

i heard morning is always v pack.. wil be seeing her again on 26 aug!
Yan, sounds like food poisoning? Did u eat something wrong earlier? Are u better now? If still got tummyache maybe should take some charcoal pills (my doc says safe for pregnancy), or go and see a GP?
Yan, sounds like food poisoning? Did u eat something wrong earlier? Are u better now? If still got tummyache maybe should take some charcoal pills (my doc says safe for pregnancy), or go and see a GP?
My calcium tablet looks and tastes like chalk. It's not as bad as my pink multi vits

Happy that I'm not feeling as tired as before. Appetite is also steadily increasing
I was at gynae 2 weeks ago... Can't wait to go in 2 weeks time!!
My calcium tablet looks and tastes like chalk. It's not as bad as my pink multi vits

Happy that I'm not feeling as tired as before. Appetite is also steadily increasing
I was at gynae 2 weeks ago... Can't wait to go in 2 weeks time!!
Yanyan, it could be just lingering nausea...same as what i have now...last night also vomitted water...then resulted in lots of saliva ...

Hope you feel better now...

I also have on and off watery stools, my gynae ask me to drink vitagen...so far i don't drink milk, but flavoured vitagen like grape or green apple, are ok for me...sipping them slowly.

i still get bloated tummy in the evenings....next morning my tummy shrinked back...dunno whether other mommies feel so too?
Yanyan, it could be just lingering nausea...same as what i have now...last night also vomitted water...then resulted in lots of saliva ...

Hope you feel better now...

I also have on and off watery stools, my gynae ask me to drink vitagen...so far i don't drink milk, but flavoured vitagen like grape or green apple, are ok for me...sipping them slowly.

i still get bloated tummy in the evenings....next morning my tummy shrinked back...dunno whether other mommies feel so too?
momobb, u gt to see bb 3x! The results will be gd!

Yan, c a dr ya? Be it stomach flu or food poisoning, better gt it check! Take cre!
momobb, u gt to see bb 3x! The results will be gd!

Yan, c a dr ya? Be it stomach flu or food poisoning, better gt it check! Take cre!
SSO babies prom

Any mummies keen in bringing their Lil ones? I can help u mummies to buy priority tixs cos I've the friends of SSO card.
Priority ticket sale: Fri, 16 Sep
Jen, godsent: we got to see bb 4times actually! 1st scan bb was curl up, 2nd time bb was sitting N while waiting for my next scan I was told to go for my doc appt 1st. There, I gt 1 more scan. Bb was moving ard happily. Turning here n there. Doc ask to me to hurry back n complete the scan b4 bb change position again. So I had my 3rd scan.

My vomitting is still quite bad in the evening n have constipation n headache also. Finished dinner at 8.30, reach hm 10min later merlion. Sianz...

Yan, I also go to the toilet for business or sometime 'try' to do business n no matter if I go or not, I always will end up puking after tat also. It's gross loh. Sometime it's watery content also. Mum says watery might b becoz too heaty. Try to drink more water?
hi mummies.. thanks for your encouragements! am trying to be strong..

planning to send bb off on mon w wat i think will be e best tat i can give her.. induced labour so she can be in 1 pc.. jus hope tat she'll be a healthy bb in her next life..
PS: hope e mummies here dun mind wat i'm saying here..

godsent: aiya! now then u say u got sso card.. i jus applied w e intention of getting priority tickets to babies prom.. cuz missed it last yr.. anyway will be bringing my big gal there..
Claramimi, so sad and sorry to hear the sad news... Gambatte!! okie!! God B with U

Planet: so lucky u got a nice and friendly nurse, let u count bb's fingers too! When I went for my OSCARS at TMC, the sonographer was ok la, let me see the bb for a short mins, asked her whether can see fingers, she say we will count fingers during 20th wk detail scan. But i must agree, its a Wonderful xperience to c bb bouncing ard, and waving at me..
Good Morning mummies,

Yesterday after the vomit, i nv vomit or go toilet again, so i tin maybe jus unable to digest well..
thanks for all the concern ya...

Finally today is the first time i drink tea O since i preg. hahahahha... dunno ok anot... should be np de hor???
Morning all. I also got the ache on my left side of tummy. Sometimes on the right but most of the time is left. The nite b4, I turn to my right so that I can pad my boy to sleep and I feel something inside drop to my right tummy and goes back again. Don think its Bb kick leh. So small can't reach my tummy yet. Don knw what is that leh. Scary.
sweetcorn, i also have bloated tummy in the evenings, then morning will shrink back. Think it's normal...

Al, i have cramps last night, thanks for your advise, will try not to carry heavy stuff.

just found that strawberry smoothie can relieve me of MS, so happy~!
Godsent, is the SSO babies prom only for children? not sure if it is suitable for us first-time mummies to go listen and let our beanies have a "mozart effect" in the concert? then maybe more of us can join.
effie, sometime very hard to avoid carry heavy stuff. especially my girl cry for carry her or she went pee/poo ask to carry

jascmy, don't worry too much la... some ppl can feel bb movement at 3rd months...maybe u r the one

Godsent> what is SSO? for any age of kid?
Do you have more details of the Babies prom? I'm interested, but can't seem to find the dates and timings online, not even on the SSO website
Babymaking, u can do at 14wk wat. Oscars results is it coz of your BT? U did it at 9+wks which is too early. May not be accurate.
Babymaking, ur report has indiv risk level for BT n NT scan? U know which factor pull it down? Mine dun hv. I only hv combined risk of BT n NT scan.
Both bt n nt scan is high risk. Nt scan borderline high risk. Asked abt early bt, both high risk doc n counsellor say no diff in timing, except early bt more accurate.
Babymakibg, ADC will definitely tell u early BT makes no different. I asked b4 too. It was not done so early a few yrs bk. Even our dr told me dunno why that guy (dun wan to mention name) wants to do BT so early. He said he has no control over that department.

My last preg, BT was actually on 9wks. Scan was 11+wks. I saw dr same day of BT also n during scan fetal's CRL was a few days short of 9 wks! BT high risk. NT scan, bb's nasal bone cannot be seen. Scan dr told me she was not sure is there or not! She said cld be too early, so can't see. Can faint right? Too early then ADC schedule so early for wat! Told me to come down again at 16wks to scan nasal bone!

I went to see dr ananda at 14+w. Nasal bone is so clear,!! This time, ADC also scheduled my BT at 9wks n Scan at 11wks. I told them to shift n I dun wan to do so early. End of the day, bb's development varies. Like wat u told me that day, some faster some slower.

Wats your dating edd today? Earlier than 16 feb again?
This time my report will indicate the organs checked, eg stomach, abdomen, etc. That time, report everything put cannot be seen! But dr Ananda was able to check all. So conclusion, I was scanned too early at 11wks so can't see! Really waste my money.
Did not date edd today. But all organs can be seem and is normal. Only that nt is high. I email dr loh to check if worth while to redo Oscar bt. Waiting for his reply. He suggested amnio rather than cvs. But I cannot accept risk of infection or mc if result is normal. Super depressed now.

What are chances that ds fetus abort on its own? Cos if results are bad, got to go thru live birth. :-(
Baby making, dun be pessimistic! Bb shld be fine. These r just numbers. The experience of the scan dr is v impt too. The scan dr told my gf one of her twins has no nasal bone! The HOD happened to came in n said the same! My gf went to see dr ananda at 14w, got nasal bone ok. Just shorter. Other sisters I know has higher NT too. But also ok after dr ananda checked.

Cvs not as gd as amnio. Latter can't do until 15/16wks. Just get a date to go see dr ananda. U can see him at 13+ or even 14+ wks.

DS kids wun abort on its own unless there r other problems. Dun think of these now. Relax ok n dun think abt it until u see dr ananda. Bb should be fine.

My scan dr was quite senior. Associate professor. I commented that my age risk of 1:117 is high. Guess wat he said? He told me that is only 1%!!! N relatively low still. Wat he said is very true. Dun hv to always go by the books, 1% is indeed v low wat if we think it independently.
By the way, the Babies' Prom is catered more for the young kids, short pieces & a lot of interactions with kids, not long orchestra music
If you are interested in orchestra music etc, can go check out the Botanical gardens website. There's occasionally free performances on weekend evenings. Think SCO & SSO will be playing there some time this month and next month
Jocelyn Tan (kel_jocelyn) > I also not sure, apparently the chemicals are bad.

When i just found out i was pregnant, probably ard Wk 6, i didnt know and I went to rebond my hair. Until i told my gf and she told me "Cannot"! But my MIL just ask me to act blur. 'Bu zhi ze wu zhui' (those that dunno is not guilty). Hee. Till now, i m still quite worried that i will harm baby. But my gf comforted me saying that rebond not as chemically strong as hair dye. not sure how true is that.
Haha I am the sort that survived via worse case scenario planning :p. That way prepared for everything. Anyways now clearer head, will just have to wait for genetic scan next week.

Btw for those with older kids, spore art museum is having free entry for all sg for whole nth in Aug. There's a special children's exhibition (child entry foc, adult $5) which has lots of kid's activities. Brought my 2 yr old boy yesterday and he enjoyed it loads.
Hi Mummies,

Ask u all, have anyone been drinking red dates and longan tea? I drink alternate days, wonder will affect baby anot. i scared too heaty for baby wor..

Afternoon to all mummies!

Hi Yanyan, as far as i understand the old folks says it's okay to start drinking to 'pu qi'.

Seems like many mummies alr gone for the oscar test, will be going for mine only next week.. seems like a long time to go..

check, anyone tried the old folks method to test the gender of their baby already?
