(2012/02) Feb 2012

Hazel: I din have body aches but for the first 1 week plus everyday when I woke up my whole hands were numb dunno why... After that then ok... Last time confinement done by mil so I din have much say regarding food lor, the only veggies I was allowed to eat was kailan and long bean! And always a lot a lot of ginger. In the end constipated so jia Lat until hubby had to smuggle prune juice for me to drink haha... Now think abt it i still sweat!

Beemummy: bf better not take too much wine bah, might make jaundice worse.

NC, ginger also worsen jaundice! So, cannot take alot too if bb has jaundce... My mum told me one...

I asked my mum this morning if I can take prune juice during confinement.. She said can.. One bottle of prune juice can last me at Least 5 days. In a one litre botte, I mix 1/3 prune juice with 2/3 water daily to drink now.. If not constipated!
Beemummy, for any wine or liquor we take, just a small little cup will do each time.. N it has to be after breast feeding... Coz next feed will be 2-3 hrs later, by then, alcohol is already out of our body coz we will take lots of fluid n pee... But if liquor is used for cooking, not much alcohol should be left after that since alcohol is supposed to evaporate at 100 degrees. That is what we confirmed with mrs Wong too during antenatal class..

The whole thing abt liquor/wine is get rid of wind in our body.
Jeank - the dry shampoo will not stop scalp from itching. With proper use and brushing, it will help to remove dirt and flakes to prevent clogging. (clogging leads to oily n itchy scalp) DON'T let your scalp accumulate all the dirt/oil for 4-5 days then use the shampoo, its too late by then. if your scalp is itchy or if u have naturally oily scalp, u might want to consider washing with herbal water.

Oh and for mummies who currently wash hair everyday, don't suddenly just stop washing yur hair after delivery.. I read in an article that abrupt change in pattern might also cause itchiness more quickly. If possible, try to start spacing your hair wash before delivery.

I saw some mummies wrote that u use hair dryer after washing hair.. Actually that is not encouraged. Any form of wind is not good during confinement, including hot wind from hair dryer. The advisable way to dry hair is towel dry as much as possible, and let it air naturally before going into aircon room.

Just sharing what I've heard and learnt from elderlys and TCM doc.
Yup, the da feng chao herb does not make me sticky. Its the sweat that make me sticky. If u take wine, (rice wine, DOM, liquor) mus wait 4 hrs later than bf. So mus take immediately after bf. Last time I took immediately after bf and jus before bed. I had a gd sleep (cos of I'm drank liao) for 4hrs then wake up to pump in the early morning. Still feel very tired cos only 4hrs sleep but no choice. Hav to bf bb.
Finally got my pics for the family photoshot. Initially wan to be a maternity shot but feel that I shld incl my hubby and ah gal into the shot. It turn out very well.

For those who are in my fb can view it there.
Any mummies tried the post natal massage by jamumassage before?

Am thinking whether to get from this or those freelance ones..
dunno whether its maternal instincts or wat (i m a first time mom), starting to be worried for bb over many things...

n recently i keep having these negative tots, of all the possible bad things that can happen... no matter wat i do the tots are still there. hope i m just being paranoid and bb dunno wat is going on in my head!
GG lee, I tried their pre-natal massage. I love it. Very relaxing. Hav already signed up for their post-natal massage.

Rocco, I understand. I'm worst then u. As I hav to take care of 2 kids on my own after my confinement, I can't sleep well everynite. Whole brain thinking of how to handle the 2 kids. Wat happened if both cry together. And Wat other things might happened. Try to do other things to distract us bah.
i signed up jamumassage at parrnthood fair. they provided a complimentary prenatal massage quite comfy.
i like
the malay ladythat came to my place also. she say can just let them know if i prefer her to attend to me
Rocco, I signed up together with my CL package. I can't choose that massage lady cos when I did my massage, it was on the parenthood fair day. So the malay lady who attend to me told me her friend who is supposed to come have to help out in the parenthood fair. Pray hard my post-massage lady will be a gd one. Cos my previous one was lousy!
Rocco, u took the 5 or 7 or 10 days package? Was it cheaper at parent fair?

Last time I took freelance, was lot cheaper but I din find her great lor. For Jamumassage, one thing is its a package deal so is like tied down already, whereas for freelance I paid on a per time basis and it was like $50 or $60 only.
GG Lee, I took the 7 days. As there is a promotion, I can't remembered how much plus complimentary pre-natal massage. So I counted to be around $60+ per session. As compare to my previous freelance massage lady of $50. Is a bit more ex. But I lazy to go find another massage lady, so jus sign up.
GG: i got the 7 times package. Tied up is ok, cos we need at least 5 times for the massage ba. but if last min csec, my MIL say massage is not as effective for csec-ers. (so if you are on package, maybe like wasted?) My SIL wanted to get massage, but in the end hers was a csec, she didnt do any massage at all.

I always got buyers' regret. haha, after signing up, my fren recommended this very popular freelance de. the package one is slightly more expensive, maybe like wat Opps say, about $10 each time. One thing the agency has many aunties, so if one auntie is not feeling well, they can always get another auntie, so our massage progress wun be disrupted.

But the lady that came from that company for the prenatal massage was quite ok, i like her, and she lives near my place. Was wondering whether if i want more times i can just adhoc engage her service instead of going through the agency.

anyway, the 7 times package, is 5 times jamu and 2 times breast massage. but when she came for the prenatal massage, she say not to worry everytime she come she will do jamu for me as well as the breasts.
Massage lady, i found a package 7days - 90min per session + Binner + Jamu = S450/
Dont know cheap or expensive, but not sure anyone take Jamu? if not adviseble to take, then can give my maid eat.

Yesterday check up, bb weight already 3kgs+ ...My doctor say this wk won't give birth cos womb haven't open yet, hoping 1st day CNY he will come out

now just stay at home waiting bb....
Btw, as per my previous confinement, I will go for body massage plus scrub, hair wash at saloon and dental appt for polish and scaling after my confinement. Really need a whole body clean up after the whole mth of bathing with herbs and drinking red date tea.
Rocco, u r rite. my #1 was emergency c-sect. I did massage only at end of 3rd week of confinement where the golden period is aldy over. That massage lady still worried abt my wound so don dare to massage my tummy area. So i the end nvr lost any weight or shrink in tummy. Wasted loh. Hmm... pray hard I can hav natural birth tis time.

AL, hope to see u on TV next monday. So fast some mummies here are already ready for delivery anytime liao.
Xia, thanks for sharing how to use herbs for bathing. My mil also bot rice wine for me on standby, see which one I can tahan using...

Al, looking towards to your good news soon.

I'm jus done with all the bb laundry. Next step is to wash all the bottles once thru first. For those bb accessories like soft toys on the mobile above the cot, how do we clean them? Wipe with damp cloth will do? Or put a bit of the bb liquid cleaner and wipe?
Opps, good idea on the dental clean up after confinement. When can we do all these major scrub down on ourselves? On 29th day exactly? Haha.
Opps, for c-section, post natal massage is only advisable minimum 1 mth after delivery and with clearance from the gynae. Some gals who do not heal as well, may take up to 3 mths after delivery before they can do the post natal massage.
Wow, I was trying to read through all the useful information you ladies shared for last few days! Really very valuable sharing of confinement, I don't have rice wine or herbs or dry shampoo for confinement leh. My mum said modern liao, wash with lukewarm water will do. Should I go get some herbs like the da feng cao at least? Any idea where I can cheap one?
AL-1st day of CNY! So excited for you! Hope your bb get the 1st dragon bb gift!

GHK- I was having same thoughts as you too, don know how to clean those tiny toys. For the mattress, I sprayed febreeze and took it out to sun during the weekend. Can we spray febreeze for the mobile soft toys too?

For new steriliser, do I have to clean first? Like put lemon inside to clean surface before start sterilising the rest of the stuffs?
Hazel, I heard some say can do massage from 3rd week.

Jen, u can get really cheap da feng cao packet from JB. Its half the price from sg. If I remembered correctly, its abt S$2 or less per pack if buy from JB.
Opps- Now tummy so big, how to go JB.

Anyway, heard from my gf, her massage lady will try to push the belly button back in every time and its extremely painful till she cry. Is it true? Was thinking already so weak after delivery and still suffer pain for massage, makes me shiver.
Thanks GHK!
Jen, say say only la.... let bb decide his timing, don't know will happen or not

I buy the herbal shower at Chinese medicine hall near my house about $3/pack.
Jen, ask hubby go JB buy for us. My hubby bought for me previously. I will still go JB to shop if I have the time. I don mine the big tummy. I'm still enjoying my family of 3 now. Once Bb out don think will hav the time to go.
GHK, last saturday already visited my dental.
Now i must walking more often, do more pre-natal yoga so that bb can come out next wk ha. don't know take how long my womb start open....
Jen, most ppl say massage very shiok n enjoy...how come you painful?
Opps, my HB so lazy, he have not finished cleaning the windowsa in the house as promised. This weekend CNY liao and I'm still nagging him! If not for my big tummy now, I would be done with all the spring cleaning already.

AL- I was shocked too when my gf shared her massage experience with me. She said the massage with back, limbs and tummy all ok until the last part when the massage lady trys to push the inveretd belly button back in. She said very painful but the massage lady told her if don't try to push back, the belly button will remained inverted and that's no good cause got wind?
So scared now, Opps and AL, were your belly buttons inverted for #1? Will they go back to normal without us pushing back?
jen, mine inverted for #1 and now. It goes back to normal a few days after I deliver my #1. Both my tummy and belly button shrink back a few days after. Belly button back to normal but tummy still have a big bump. Haiz, tats the scarifies we mummy have, bigger then pre-preggy tummy.

I do heard some of my friend say their belly button nvr goes back to normal even few yrs after delivery. Really give me a shock. Lucky mine went bk on its own. I can see most of my friends do went bk.
Hazel: I also told my mil abt ginger and jaundice, then she told md then you dun eat the ginger lor. Can't argue with her also. Lucky this time my own mum doing confinement, hoping for no constipation!

Jen: ur friend's experience sounds scary! Lucky my belly button went back to it's original position on its own. But it looked kinda wrinkled haha...
I would advice pregnant dun go JB unless no choice. Hub & I vist JB quite often n hub knows JB town v well. But since, I m pregnant, i dun step into JB anymore. Why? A few yrs back, hubs parked his car at the street (there r rows of terrace houses) opp this Chinese restaurant. while we were walking to the restaurant, I was pull by a snatch thief on a motorbike! hubs was just a few metres in front of me.. He was so fast until when hubs turned his head coz I shouted, he was gone. I was dragged for awhile.. Luckily my bag's strap broke n the thief lost his grip. If not.. I will end up with even more injuries. My abdomen, ankles, etc were badly bruised. So, u can imagine wat will happen if I was pregnant then... So, no pt going to JB just coz of the savings. Is not worth!

Opps, a c section wound involves cutting a few layers of muscles/fats underneath.. Realistically, do u really think it will heal in just 3 weeks? Externally, it may look fine. But we wun know internally. Anyway, is your choice. I will nv risk it UNLESS my gynae has checked n given me the clearance to proceed for post natal massage if I do end up with a c section.
NC, yah loh, really scared me. I hope my belly button will go back to normal like of yours and opps.

Rocco,envy you leh. I'm so looking forward to my leave too, 2 morfe weeks to go. The father show is the one with calvin soh and his newborn son one, right? I like that show, can really prepare and teach HB a lot of things.

Hazel, that was really a scary experience, lucky you were not pregnant. Anyway, I don drive to JB, using public transport. Now with big tummy, difficult to squeeze wif the crowd on bus. >_<||
Hazel, I go JB cos shopping in sg very sian. In JB can eat good food and buy some bb items and groceries. We always wear t-shirt, shorts and slippers in. Hubby also always went in for the petrol.

I hav checked with my gynea many times even till now on my wound. Both my gyneas told me internally shld be healing well. They cannot confirmed too cos they can't see what is happening inside. My gynea also say can do after wk 3. I know its many layer loh. Cos the stitching part took super long. I can imaging my gynea stitching layer by layers tats y so long. I also don knw lah. Only can pray hard I can hav VBAC tis time.
Al - gd luck to u!!! Heh if ya on tv rem to tell us ya! =p

Jen - dunno abt other sterilizers but avent one is clean with citric acid. Got instructions. Nid to run a cycle with citric acid and 1 without I tink. Cannot rem the exact instructions. Den after can use le. Da feng cao should b any medicinal hall have. Should b all abt same price ba.

@belly button
Mine also went bac on its own. Tink cannot lose weight too fast though if not skin will look wrinkled.
And my hubby drive proton car. Hehee... heard its very safe cos its a msia brand car.

I always wanted to watch the father show but keep forgetting for watch. Only watch 2 episode so far. Haiz. I need the info on how to take care of 2 kids. Same as Huang Zhong Yao's situation. Maybe tonite I try to watch in XINMSN.
Opps, my wound dun usually heal well n takes v long to heal. Eg, I did 2 day surgeries in my early 20s to remove my wisdom tooth.. U know, the wound very small one these kind. My mc was extended from 1 wk to 2 wks both times! Stitches cannot be removed after 1 wk also. I did laser treatment on my skin once too.. Such treatment is surface wound only but my mc was extended also after dr reviewed the wound... Haiz...

Well, I ever did a comparison of milk powder for a relative. Same brand but cheaper in JB.. But wen I compared the ingredients in details, they r not of the same proportion.. Anyhow, I still trust SG products more, ESP for bbs though they r more ex.. But If for adult use, I dun mind.
hazel: i agree with you, i heard buy from malaysia, FM cheaper, but i will still buy from SG, cos for food, SG is more strict. for bb's sake, i dun want to risk anything.
Hazel, nvr buy msia FM. Its a lot cheaper but the nutrients are lesser. I did let my #1 tried once, he got fever and diarrhea. Have to stop. I bought my Anmum and Oat from JB. Nutrients are the same so its ok to buy from JB. All my diapers are bought from JB. Very cheap. So my hubby will go in once a mth to stock up on diapers.

Your skin very sensitive type? In that case mus really take gd care loh. Esp if touchwood c-sect. Cos even gyneas can't confirmed the internal wound for fully healed.

Rocco, Thanks. I'm taking a big risk of wound burst open during delivery. Cos my gap between #1 and #2 is only 1.5yrs. Gyneas say ok to try VBCA. But they can't confirmed my internal wound aldy healed. When I ask, she will only say shld have aldy healed in 1yrs time.
Me C section, did massage from 3rd week onwards with gynae's go ahead. Was ok as they won't massage the cut area which is very low down. Still can massage the tummy leh. I did 5 sessions back then.

FM I dun dare buy from Msia also. The formuale is slightly different if u compare. I think diapers are still fine, but I dun recall they are really that much cheaper though. Never really dare drive into JB as I've heard so many horror stories.
