(2012/02) Feb 2012

Hi Serene, jinglebell10 is right. Don't worry too much. Stay positive. Will keep u & your bb in my prayers.

Hi all, I'm relativley new in this thread. Been quietly following this thread.. Hee.. My #1 edd 6 Feb. Detailed scan on last sat showed 80% princess. Can't wait to buy clothes for her too ;)

jascmy, i actually feel bad for having #2! Haha...it's like, cannot focus on my boy and he'll have to share his mummy with his sibling. I'm not sure about this 1 or 2 is better thingy but i will try my best. I'm personally not close to my younger brother thou we are only 2 years apart. Even when we were growing up, we kind of minded our own biz, lol. I guess it's the circumstances also. Nevertheless, since already will have 2, then we just do our part & hope the siblings (when we are no longer alive) is a source of support & comfort to each other...

planet, i think it's got nothing to do with the gender...the child will naturally cling to the person who's the main caregiver i guess, until the child really understands what is mummy, daddy etc? Cos i've heard of kids being under the care of grandparents or nannies and they really cling to them but when they are older like 2 plus or 3, they understand who are their parents, that their caregivers are their grandparents or nannies, they will still look for their parents :p If girls will really stick to daddies then my husband will be every happy as his pride & ego have taken a serious beating after countless rejections by our son :D
butterwaffles> that's what i thot too initially! but my friend's hubby is hardly at home and also seldom spend time with the kid.. hence i was surprised to see the little girl so niam the daddy even from 8-9 mths old. in fact, she is closest to the maid, followed by the dad. poor mum who is sort of in between the two gets neglected even though she spends all her free-time (before/after work/wkends) with bb. quite sad.

jeank> haro and congrats on your princess! =) so have to wait for another month before u can start shopping? heh.
Hi jingle bell and jeank, dun worry. I'm very positive. Was sad at first but now okay alr. Tks.

RE: sterilizer
First time mummies who need to buy bottle sterilizer, metro is having infant sAle. Their pigeon multi- sterilizer is cool and cheap. 125 w free bottle detergent. Multi as it can be used a milk warmer and food warmer. Also big snuff for other bottles like avent. Can consider if u have yet bought. Kiddy palace selling at 160 or 190 with free gift. 20% dis on infant stuff. Can buy bottles and stuff too.
I saw that sale item at Metro too, but after contemplating I will probably not get that and just go for the Rapid Steam Sterilizer. Reason being the Multi-Function Sterilizer shares the same heating base for milk and food warmer. So it means you can only do one thing at any one time. To me, the milk and food warmer is not as important. Rapid Steam Sterilizer keeps the items sterilized up to 6hrs which is longer than Multi-Function if I remember correctly. And it has a bigger storage capacity. When baby starts to wean and eat solid food, can use it to sterilize bowls, etc.

But that's just my personal preference. The current promotion going on is quite a good deal too.
Yes I agree with BluCryst.
The Rapid Steam Sterilizer is good enough. Dun need the food warmer.
If I rem correctly, Kiddy palace is selling the Rapid Steam Sterilizer at $95.
i bought my Phillips Avent sterilizer from Kiddy Palace, $135 comes with 2 free bottles, pacifier and some body soap i think. No preference but chose Phillips as SIL using this brand, so should be ok.
Hey, I also hoping my 2nd one will stick to daddy! They always say daddy's gal ma! My boy also rejects him, except when comes to car rides or carrying him to see things etc as I dun carry him now.

I have both pigeon and avent 24 hrs sterilizer. Personally I prefer avent
Milk warmer not much use one I find. Bot one but gave away shortly. Can just warm breastmilk in a cup of warm water
Jacsmy, ya, have no choice but to let go a bit as doc advise dun carry, and hubby also v strict about it. Initially sure cry but we also have to take care of the one inside us. So my hubby will carry instead. Children are v smart one. Once they know they cannot get from the first choice, they will go for the second choice. My boy goes to my mil too when he wants bao bao see things though normal times he not close to her. Very mission oriented!
Morning mommies!
thanks planet!
This mrng can feel some mild punches while listening to classical music!

What do u think of tummy touchers?

Recently i encountered a few...some touch without asking, i dun like it...how do i tell them nicely?
Hey, sweetcorn, I felt punch like sensation too n I thought I feel vibrations when I place my palms on tummy. But HB cannot feel anything, was it my imagination?
Hi Jen
How many weeks r u in now? Doc says can feel from18-22weeks. So wat we r feeling now is the baby reflexes inside us :)
Hi ginger i'm also still spotting since mid Sep. feel so tired. how i hope the spotting can go away. Seen gynae but nothing much can be done ...
Sweetcorn, I'm 21weeks now. So the vibrations r real? But how come my hb can't feel it? Friends have started to touch my tummy too cause they want some baby luck too. LOL!
I'm ok ti share my joy lah
Hi Jen, yea might be baby moving...gently

My hubby first felt it when i grabbed his hand and put on my bare tummy early in the morning when i lie flat and abt to wake up plus the kicking action starts.

Lie flat on bed works all the time...can feel the movement stronger this way.

maybe our baby girl more "chu lu" (rough) like me ! hahaha
Hi mums to b, does any of u know where to get seat belts for ppl like us who r pregnant? I m desperately looking for one... Pls let me know if any of u know where I can get. Thx in advance!!
Hi mummies,

Have the follwing items to let go as im clearing space:

1. Preloved Tommee Tippee Maunal Breast Pump
2. Mustela Stretch Mark Double Action cream
3. Milk Storage btls (7medela, 4evenflo & 3farlin)
4. Milk btl carrier (those that can keeps water warm for bringing outdoor)
5. Chicco Carrier (Blue Color)
6. Blue TIMEX watch
7. Baby cot bumper
8. Lucky Baby Milk Btl Drying Rack (RESERVED)
9. Baby's changing Mat

Kindly pm me if interested.

Serene: Can i send via vpost if purchase from the Carter's official website? How can i do it? I saw on vpost's website that Carter is not one of their online web store eh... thks.
Hi mummies,

i've a few items to let go.

1)Lamaze gardenbug foot finder & wrist rattle set ($10)
2)Lamaze Spin & Explore Garden Gym ($15)
3)3 tins of Similac Mum, expiring Oct 2013 ($12 each)

Kindly PM me if you're keen.

Thank you!

I'm from Sep 2011 thread and I have a good CL that I will like to recommend to all mummies. Siew Ling jie was the CL for my 2 SILs and they sang praises of her which was the reason why I decided to engage her.

On the first day she arrived, she revamp my kitchen and create a very neat system for keeping the milk bottles and my breast pump equipment. She is also very encouraging and supportive of breastfeeding. The first 4 days, my breast milk has not kick in yet and I was feeling very stressed and down. She boiled papaya soups and always remind me to drink lots of red dates tea to help with the milk production. During that period, she gave me alot of encouragement on breastfeeding. She is very alert especially for night duty of taking care of baby. The moment my baby starts to go eh eh, she is already up and heating up ebm to feed him.

After being discharged from hospital and that 1st week of back home and trying to adjust to be a mum, Siew Ling jie is really a godsend helper and teaching me alot of things about taking care of baby, learning how to differentiate the various tones of my baby's cries which means different needs of my baby.

She is also a very good cook and takes care of me very well. She always whip up interesting dishes cooked in different ways. Check out some of the dishes she has cooked for me so far.



She is very hardworking and even cleans those hard to reach corners in my kitchen and does the household chores fast and efficient.

Overall, she is really a good CL and I will highly recommend her to all mummies. I will definitely engage her again when I have my 2nd child.

Her contact is:
Singapore HP - 81195431 (contactable when she is working in SG)
Malaysia HP - +60137067061 / +60127609538 (contactable when she is in Malaysia). Do tell her you are recommended by Meiyu. She usually will give higher priority to those who are recommended by mummies who engaged her before. Do book her early for your confinement as she get booked pretty fast!
Jingle bell, u set up an acct from vpost. U wil get an us vpost address.
U go carters and buy. Ship to ur vpost us address. Then inform vpost. They wil ship from vpost us to sg for u.
Dear mummies & mummies to be,

Sorry to interrupt.
I've got 1 bottle of Clarins anti stretch mark oil to sell at $60 include normal postage. I think retail price is $80 plus. Let me know if anyone keen
<font color="119911">Hi Mummies!

ive the following vouchers you might need it. pm me if u interested. open for exchange for token.

2 x Maternity Exchange voucher, 10% off purchase of maternity &amp; nursing wear &amp; lingerie valid till 30 Sep 2012
Location: Marina Square #03-108

1 x $5 Off for any 3 pks purchase of Huggies Newborn 24s or Small 44s in a single receipt valid: 30 April 2012

1 x Drypers Weewee Dry 2pcs in a pkt for 3-7kg

1 x Drypers Soft 2 pcs in a pkt for newborn</font>
Morning all, I'm back. Confirmed I having a boy now and I will hav 2 boys at home. Faint! Hope they guai guai leh. Or me, the only woman will really faint. Hehee...

butterwaffles, I actually feel bad for my #2. When I'm preggy with #1, both me and hubby concentrate a lot on the pregnancy, talk to him every nite, hubby listen to my tummy, feel the movements and happy abt the movements in tummy, plan on what to buy and how to take care etc.. Now we are both too busy with #1 till we hav no time to do all this. When bb moved in tummy, I will ignored too cos too busy liao.
planet, that's strange...i don't know, i mean, i spend so much time with my boy, i really would be heartbroken if he prefers my husband, wuhahahaha. My dad tells me this is called 缘. That even in a parent-child relationship, there has to be 缘 between the 2. Sometimes there isnt, so the relationship wont be so close. I'm not sure if it's true lar.

gg_lee, my husband bobian. He just feels so helpless when he sees our boy wailing like a chicken and he wants to comfort &amp; cuddle him but our boy will literally kick him in the face. Yes, when our boy wails, he likes to roll on the floor too so when my husband attempts to go near him, he will start his flying kicks. His actions are very perplexing. I sure hope this is just a phase because i'm very close to buying a cane.

re: steriliser
Due to a real good discount at Robinsons a couple of years back, the Avent steriliser i bought was the digital one. Function wise, the digital &amp; the electronic ones are the same. Just that the digital one allows the stuff to be kept sterilised for 24 hours IF you do not lift the lid. If there will always be someone at home with your baby, there is no need to get the digital one. But for parents who will be putting your babies in infantcare, get the digital one. Because when you leave for work in the mornings, with the stuff in the steriliser, they will no longer be considered sterilised when you reach home with baby. With the digital one, you do not have to sterilise the stuff again when you reach home. It was extremely convenient for me, when i reach home with my boy, tired and rushed and he wails for milk. Where got time to sterilise the milk bottle?

re: simple home clothes for babies
I got my boy's everyday wear from this shop Shen Kwong at 269 Queen Street. It's quite near the temple &amp; OG at Bugis. The stuff is very simple, no frill kind. Basic cotton. Mummies may wish to take a look if they are fine with really basic clothings. I do rem they are not opened on Sundays thou. Sats i can't rem. I like their stuff because it's cheap enough ^^ Stuff like towels, mittens, booties, they have also...Can't remember if they have stuff like receiving blankets or not. For those small square washcloths, i rem i needed PLENTY of those! I think they sell that too. The auntie is nice, will recommend you what to buy, esp if you are a first time parent &amp; feeling lost. My husband went on his own on a weekday, no crowd.
morning mummies!!

anyone has any idea where to buy nice bb clothes in BKK? i've never noticed any such shops before.. i think its a blind spot.. haha. always busy chionging my own clothes and accessories. =)

oh and congrats jascmy on your boy. =) who else did detailed scan on monday?
Morning Planet and Jascmy, I am back too! confirmed it's a princess :D can start looking at nice pink socks and pretty dresses
Hello everyone!

Had lunch yet? I had a wonderful indian feast of chicken brani with beef rendang, fruit platter and ribena.
My girl sure have huge appetite!
Annticpating, cheer up, as long as baby is fine, bear a few months, we are half way to the finishing line!

Planet- you going Bangkok? when? Me going there next month.

I went to the cordblood talk last sat at Mandarin Orchard, anyone was there too? The package offered was really attractive- abt 6k for 21 years of storage and we can use CDA fund to pay 50% of the price, no need to fork out any money yet now until 2 months after we deliver, comes wif free gift of Avent bottles! However, we didn't take up the offer in the end cause we have not done any research in this yet. Experienced mummies, any of you stored your kid's cordblood? Can share if this package is ok or there's better offer, heard there's like 2 or 3 cord banks in Singapore?
Jen, maybe u shld consult your gynae on usefulness of cord blood banking. My gynae said is not cost/benefit effective. He said I get more by using the money to buy insurance instead. Also, he shared that the stem blood is useless once bb reached 30kg, ie abt 7-8 yrs old.
Hazel; thanks for sharing! I had wanted to ask abt whether the tiny 20mls of blood they bank for us can save a child's life but thought my question may be too silly. :p My next appt at the end of the month, maybe I will ask for Dr. tham's advice.
Butterwaffles, so funny the way u describe your boy's flying kicks!! My boy also about same same but he more scared of his dad, won't dare to kick him but bullies everyone else.

I use the avert digital sterilizer too, find it worth the price as it will auto sterilize every 6 hrs. So we keep it on the whole day and no need worry when need feed middle of night. Pigeon one used at my mum plc, serves it's purpose but have to consciously activate to sterilize, ok when bb bigger but not first few months when need to use bottles throughout.

Jen, u make me drool! I had bryiani w chicken last week too. Yummy! Normally I dun even take such stuff
Jen> I'm going end this week to early next. Will share my "findings" with u when I'm back! So far on my list I only have MBK and Platinum mall. Might give chatuchak a miss cos I heard it's not so nice to shop anymore.

Re: cordblood. I'm quite torn also. Some pple say its very impt and can save your bb or their sibling's lives, some say not likely to be used. I haven't really researched. But $6k for 21 years does sound like a very good deal.

Hazel> Good point on the insurance part. I'll add that to our consideration.

To all mummies who are not storing cordblood for your own use. Do consider donating it. It's free (i think) and you can save the lives of others. Check with your gynae!
Hello Mummies,

Haven't been coming into the forum lately, but reading on and off. How's everyone?
So good that most of your know the gender of your bb. Congrats to those that knows your bb gender... and It's time for real shopping.. Yeehaa!!

I will be doing my detailed scan this coming Friday! Hopfully they allow me to video during the scanning. Then I will start my shopping spree again. :p
Anyone still puking? I'm still puking on and off, but it's getting lesser! hopfully this will be gone soon!
Hi Teoong> It's been kinda quiet here but all's good. =) Good luck with your detailed scan and hope your MS goes away soon!

Re: Baby movement. I've been feeling the tumbling feeling in my tummy more often now.. but still no firm kicks that can be felt by hand.. so I havent let my hubby try to touch. Hope to let him feel something more "real" the first time instead of having him put his hand there to wait and wait. =)

Anyone felt or SAW a kick yet? =)
Hi Teoong, great to hear from you! You want to video the scan? The room is pretty dark leh and you will get a series of photo prints of your baby after the scan.

Planet:Share wif us your victory loots when you are back! Heard from my friend the morning market place along the street towards platinum got a lot cheap buys, she got very pretty, non-authentic puma kids wear for 150baht only. You can look around and explore.
Yeah planet.. I saw my gal's kick.. A gentle one though unlike my boy's previously.. Girl girl must be gentle!

Yours will come pretty soon! Rmb to video her kicks!

I'm still puking on and off at 24weeks. But similar to u, it's tapering off. I puked till 26weeks for #1, hopefully will end ardthe same time for this one
