(2012/01) Jan 2012

My utmost respect to SAHMs! I'm only a weekend SAHM and I can feel the difficulty.. not to say a full time one.. so ladies, dun be dejected, u r alwayz appreciated somewhere, by someone! :D

Thanks jingles and delphina for the sharing on cruises.. sigh... guess i'll stick to chalet for now..

Googlez, if try nearby, drive in to malaysia leh? Can try weekend trip to malacca? About 2.5 hrs drive. Usually we aim for the kiddo's nap time to leave SG. makes the drive more bearable!
thanks everyone for the encouragement! let's all jiayou together!

jingles, my boy also been very very cranky recently (will also wake up middle of the night & cry for full half hr & only want me to carry & comfort him), think coz teething ba (got 1 new cannine come out liao, think more erupting soon), haven't been sleeping well for the past 2+ weeks liao! hoping this phase past soooooonnnn!!

googlez, try sentosa? had quite a good time at hard rock hotel, SEA aquarium & sentosa. quite a relaxing "holiday" close to home.
Delphina, my boy's appetite very good ah. always finish his food & more one ah. think coz more of teething, nightmare & toddler tantrums. sigh...
haaaa...dun say urself as a weekend SAHM mama la...frankly no one is. Cos even when we are working, we will still think of them, plan wat to do and where to go during weekends, during our lunch hour - we shop for their stuff. So frankly no one is a weekend mom, though we are not physically with them. We are still in a way, a mom full time

Erm..u can try staycation? We had tried the following places and its really good

- Beaufort

ha.... my hub same as u - dont intend to drive to malaysia now, though last time when we were younger we did drive in before...

yes jiayou together bah...
i also v scared lei...now its only cannine later those big molar duno how ...really cold sweat...
haiz now my DD seems to lose her voice, think she cried too much, eat too much biscuits and refuses to drink water...really and the haze is not helping much either.
jingles, by right shld be 1st molars then canines then 2nd molars leh.. but quite sure my boy's lower left canine juz erupted leh.. dunno y not in order one.. dunno wat happen to his 1st molars leh, can't see, he doesnt open his mouth big & long enuff for us to check, mabbe already out liao.. hahah.. u got check ur gal?
Jingles, thanks! and whatever u are so right! If i shop during lunch, it's to get something for dd. Either books or toys or clothes.. lol.. more than what I shop for myself!

For the Sentosa staycation, we were thinking abt it, but my hubby said since bb can't take the rides in USS (and so cant we), and is also too young to try the slides in the water adventure park, he decided agst it and instead, we are gg to the largest aquarium next wk. For those we had a staycation in Sentosa, mind sharing your fun and enjoyment? Maybe I can persuade my hubby..

I'm trying to upload a picture of the baby teeth.. see if it works..(ok, it doesn't)..it's supposed to be first molars (13-19 mo), canines (16-23 mo) then second molars (23-31 mo).. so there will be an empty space in between teeth for awhile.. my dd's teeth are erupting in sequence, and she seems to be chewing her fingers and everything else.. and also moving her bowels more frequently this past wk.. so i suspect her.. canines are coming out..
jingles, my boy's 8 incisors all out for quite awhile liao.. now like got 8 + 1..

googlez, I like the stay at hard rock hotel, the man made beach pool is nice & room very comfy.. also went to SEA aquarium, malacca food street, took the sentosa rail, walk ard sentosa & resort world, etc.. din go USS.. but found it quite enjoyable leh..
Wah..how come all u guys' babies got molars coming out?? I am waiting for my boy's molar to come out soon too. His chewing of fingers is driving me nuts haha.

Googlez, i stayed at the Festive Hotel last Nov. The family room has a king bed, loft bed & sofa bed. So very good for families with two kids. My fren's 2yo loved the loft bed. They have a pool with a little kiddie water park which my boy loved wandering ard n getting splashed by water. Heard frm my frrn that u can sneak into Hard Rock's pool by a side entrance.

We spent one night so din do much except play in the pool, wander ard RWS. Can walk over to Vivo for cheap dinner!
juz realize that my boy's molars already out liao.. got 2 new teeth at the upper left, 1 new at the upper right & 1 new on the lower left. no wonder so cranky for past few wks!!
btw, any mummies know if little blue lamb squeaky / junior shoes good anot? my boy has outgrown the baby version 18-24mths one liao. dunno wat to upgrade to. tempted to get the pediped grip-n-go, but abit ex leh.
Jac, my friend bought the LBL squeaky sandals. They are not so good cos the leather will start peeling after a while. Good thing about those shoes is that you can remove the squeakers to stop it from squeaking.

hais. my boy has been having fever since Wed night..and got spots all over this morning. Made a trip to KKH to learn that he got fake measles. Kena stay home (again!) till the spots go away. boo =(
Jac, can consider Stride Rite? Their shoes are pretty good. Not sure what the price range for pedipeds are like. Stride Rite is about 60+ one pair? If on offer, will usually have 20% off 2nd pair.
my son's teeth also erupting in sequence, i.e. canines then 1st molar...His top canines and 1st molars out...bottom on its way...touch abit hard & swollen...

Jac, LBL squeaky shoes not so good..i find it a bit hard for my #1. But they outgrow very fast at this stage...really in a dilemma whether to invest in their shoes or not..haa..
cheap ones will be Bata's Bubble Gummers..not too bad..
How's everyone..been mia for a while..hope all children are doing well....

Whole family was down with stomach flu last week, donno what happened...injection postpone and postpone and postpone...

Did your babies sleep through the night now? Mine will sleep at 9pm and wake up at 12am for milk and then 6am f milk...lack of zzz...
Whole day only sleep once in the day...
Being a sahm may not be so lonely if you get to interact with people
When I was a sahm f my first boy, I felt the same way as you as I never really step out of the house and not even bringing my boy to playground. It was just facing him the whole day and playing w him.
This time round, I alway took my second son to the playground early in the morning to interact w other kids his age. Although the adult consists of all the grannies but at least you can take a break while the kids interact
on top of interacting online, u can also do something that interests you
for me, I started my online shop selling children clothes and dealing w suppliers, customers, my child and a day pass so quickly....
ermm i also find LBL shoes a bit too heavy lei...till now i prefer pedipeds...haha i just bot for my girl a pair of havanas last week..seems to huge for her liao...must wait awhile.

erm we did alot of things during our stay in RWS.
Shopped in the arcade, went to play the water jets, walk around the mall, bring my girl to see the swan dance.
We stayed there 2 days, basically is taking pics and walk around the shopping area. We didnt manage to sit the trains and visit other places of interest as it was the rainy season. Also SEA just opened, hoards of people.
Basically my DD enjoys the room v v much, she loves the flowers deco, made her so very happy

Teething gel
Any mommies using it and what brand hur?

Any mommies putting anything into water and encourage their babes to drink? I had been trying grip water and juices (both fresh and bottled). Anyone trying rosehip syrup hur?
Brink, yar now i head out a lot more. Even if wandering ard alone also better than nothing. I did consider setting up business but a bit too tedious for me. I was sewing bags for awhile to sell. Not profitable. So end up doing for leisure. These days, just go over fren's hse for children playdates.

Jingles, i just startes giving my son super duper diluted ribena. Was having so much probs getting him to drink water since we lost his old water bottle. His upper lip actually got so dry it cracked n bled. Now with ribena, he finish a lot more water!
yes..i also thinking of ribena...but i wonder if its too sweet...got to think of ways to make them drink more water...weather is crazy!
Jingles, i put very little ribena..just enuf to make t change colour to light purple. Hubby tried it and said rastes more sour than sweet haha.
I also have problem getting my child to drink water. I tried giving diluted glucolinn black current flavor but my boy stop drinking after the novelty wears off! Only lasted 2times!

Have been giving him diluted milk to make him drink more water but his milk intake is getting lesser n lesser. Sometimes juz 180ml in the am n 240ml before bedtime. Then mid of nite 60-90ml. That's it! Any mummies also facing this problem?

About his teeth... He only have 2 front teeth at the bottom! It's really growing v slowly! Can it b a lack of calcium since he takes so little milk? His hair is not growing much either. Almost hairless n toothless! Sigh
jingles, I'm also thinking of getting Havanas!! where did u get ur Havanas ah? how much ah?

moscato, yeah really dilemma since they outgrow their shoes so fast. hb complain say even more ex than our own shoes! hahah.

momobb, how old is ur bb?
Jac, he is 15mth.

How about Oshkosh shoes? I like the padded soles. Price not too bad during discount. Just bought a pair of Nike sandals for him yesterday. Quite nice too...
i guess all bubs reaches the milestones at different pace. Dont worry, ur bub will have his teeth soon

about milk intake, yes mine is also getting lesser...but its logically as they are now bigger, eating more solids. So less milk. Mine also getting lesser now

I got it from mothercare, marina.
Ytd bought another pair of Adidas for dd.
Yes their shoes are really expensive..but for my dd, i guess colorful/comfy shoes encourage her to walk.
Hi All,
My gal is refusing to take her porridge! Anyone experienced this before? My mum will cook macaroni, udon, kway teow for her occassionally but we hope that she will continue to eat her porridge. Cant think of what else to feed her le.. Any suggestions?
Btw, when do babies start eating our food?

I put a little bit of yakult into my gal's water and she slurp it up like its the most delicious water she had ever had!
momobb, won't ur bb be taking in even lesser calcium if u dilute the milk? maybe u can try giving cheese, yogurt, etc to increase the calcium intake too. but like wat jingles say, every bb develops at his own pace. so no worries k.
btw, my boy also still not much hair, but good la, he sweats buckets, think he'll be dripping sweat everywhere he walks if his hair is any thicker. is oshkosh good? I only try the prewalker before.

jingles, u really splurge on ur gal ah!! wish I have a mum like u!! hahah!! :p
I finally got the pediped grip & go. abit heart pain, but guess my boy really likes the shoes. we brought him to try out the shoes, & he started to run ard & din wanna take it off.
lol. yes lo, i believe yi fen qian, yi fen huo (penny worth spending). Sometimes the shoe more comfy, nicer design, it encourages them to walk, run and jump.

Bo bian la..mommy here bankrupt lo. Every week i will buy something, be it dress, toys or shoes. Come think of it, how many years niah...come teenage, u think they will still wear wat u buy mei :p so its only a phase...Haiz..now i am thinking how to make her drink water...now she only uses yakult straws to drink...i bot a new bottle for her, but she refuses to drink from the sippy cup (she tried to snatch her friend's during class, so I thought she wants that, but when i buy for her, she dun wan drink lei...)
haiz if it continues like this, I got to keep buying Yakult and force myself to drink liao..
anyone know where to buy those small straws?
jingles, can try SKP? They got colourful straws but not sure if got the small Yakult straws. My son also dun really like to drink water..but if you make a lot of noise drinking water (like "aaah" after swallowing), he will drink and copy. So gotta make a huge hooha about drinking water (so paiseh in public..haha).

Maybe let her try drinking from cup? Variations may help. can be a little messy, but it helps!
enitsuj, yeah! we also make a big hoo-ha (clap hands, say he clever, do the "ahhh" sound, etc) when my boy drinks water/ eat med! muz super "por" them! hahah. guess its something every parents do ba.

jingles, can wash & reuse the small yakult straws?
lol...i tried la..but public cannot. Especially in her class...cos I dun see anyone does that lei...
But at home yes lo...I will say WAHHHHH SO CLEVER! And she will just beams

Cannot lei..its a ritual lei....she will want to hold on to the straw and cup whenever she drinks finish....buah the floor, table, window grills.... -.- haiz
after doing all that i duno the straw got how many germs liao...
i tried the Delrosa le....like not a hit with her...think taste more sour than sweet lei
Jac, yes I'm always in a dilemma... Want him to take more milk but worried about his water intake. I have been been using syring these 2 days coz he juz recovered from a slight fever and still having blocked nose.

He seems to like his Oshkosh
By the way, anyone of you sending your child to childcare soon? I will be sending my second child to childcare in Aug...time really flies...My last few months being a SAHM....I think I will miss that...lol How about all of u..?
hi mummies..

how;s life? its my peak at work! no time to even surf using the pc. many times I want to comment but cant coz I dun want to strain my eyes using hp.

I rec letter tat I can collect my keys in a few mths time, the expected date is supposed to be a yr later so din expect its going to be ready so soon. my plan was to leave bb with nanny for another yr and put him in ccc when he is nearly 3. but looks like I need to source for ccc soon and by yr end place him in ccc. really find it too young to place him at age 2. my ideal age is age 3 at ccc. how long are you on waiting list b4 u get the place? I duno if I have enuf time since I only have 6 more mths to go...

anyway...toking ccc...read sometime bk some mothers toking about ccc or pcf, etc. had wanted to share my personal experience. I think there is a diff puttings kids in ccc or pcf. my eldest was once in pcf for 1 yr + until it comes a time where we hv no choice but to put him in ccc. when those ccc we shortlisted knew he was from pcf, comments I had from them were, muz let him do test to see his standard
...he will not be able to catch up coz he is fr pcf!

I was very angry lah. its like saying if they accepted my child, it would slow down their teaching pace...oso trying to tell me kids learn little at pcf...
but then again...its a sad truth, at least I did see the diff in my kid after he went ccc. he has more social interaction in cc, more chance to perform, they have diff activities at diff part of the yr. my kids from a shy boy became more confident. but he suffered at the initial part coz he couldn't catch up... but he finally manage to by the time he entered p1...

so wat I want to say is, if you can afford, dun put yr kid in pcf. becoz there is more play and less learning, when he goes p1, he may need more time to catch up. kids from kindergarden I realise r less confident and independent thanthose from ccc. I m not saying all are like tat but I m speaking from own experience and wat I learnt fr some parents abt their kids...
anyone going hk for holidays? can share which hotel is good for family of 4? I m particular about the cleanness of the hotel...and convenience...planning for 3d 2n but abit rush to go Disneyland and no time to visit other places right? i intend to leave bb with nanny...so paiseh to be away for too long..
jkids, I hear u like tat say I scared leh.....
my family have decided to let my boy continue in MFS (neighborhood cc, play more than learn kind).. coz of convenience (near my hse) & the environment (the toddler & playgroup separate building from the nursery & kindergarten, less risk of virus spreading).. guess what's impt is healthy at this age ba.. will probably bring him for enrichment & teach him myself.. maybe change sch when he's older (@N2/ K1).. sigh...
PCF really so bad? hmm... i registered my son for childcare starting 1st oct in eshkol valley. At the same time, he got a confirmed vacancy in PCF..it's really half the price. PCF: $342; Eshkol Valley: $680.. After 1 yr N1 in childcare, will switch him to 4 hr PCF kindergarden from N2 to K2 (only $140 per mth). will send him for more enrichment classes and teach him myself to supplement the shortfall by PCF.

Was thinking even if i send him to attas school, i will still think of sending him for enrichment classes in fear of him losing out. so in the end decided to just send him to normal neighbourhood CC and spend more $$ on good enrichment.

Hi all,

Just to share...no matter which cc they go, I think effort must be made by parents to either give them enrichment or teach them themselves...Flash card teaching do work but effort and time must be put in to teach your child...Sharing cause I saw my cousin son can recognise lots of words at a young age of 3 and he goes to normal cc. My son went for enrichment and better childcare but still donno lots of words...lol so parents..Jia you together ba..
