(2012/01) Jan 2012

Found a very very good blog on teaching phonics & reading -> http://tamarindphonics.blogspot.sg/

The P1 English now damn chim mann. I better start my boy on ABC now! Hahah. Btw, the blog recommends starting phonics classes at age 3-4, before that the schs won't teach much, can juz own self teach.

My boy down w flu when I brought him swimming at 6 mths plus
... Moral of the story, don't let your bb swim so early and if really need to... Go to a private clean warm pool...
Jac - thanks...
just started on healthy times brown rice cereal..bb loves it...
hmm...since bm consists of (80% water?) I didn't give water... Is it ok? Thanks...
looking4miracle, personally I gave water and my gal's stools still harden. Mayb she's not used to having to use force to excrete, she'll only excrete 1 "ball" at a time. So in a day, she can shit 3 times!

To all mummies with baby gals, please be conscientious about changing diapers! My poor gal kena urinary tract infection. Most prob it's soiled diapers..sigh...
looking4miracle, my boy is on fm so I do give water even before he started solids. he loves to drink water. never had problems with hard stools unless he's fully on soy milk continuously for a few days. he was on soy coz of diarrhea. in fact he's more prone to diarrhea than constipation. maybe u can give ur bb more bm, & if it's still hard then give water/juices? monitor & see how ba.

brink, u went public pool? bb swim for how long? I read somewhere say bb shld not swim more than 10-20mins if in public pool, depending on temp of the water.
Brink, my gal doesn't go infant care. My mum takes care of her. My mum does change her cloth diapers conscientiously, at most 2h like I tell her to. But somehow she still got UTI. Maybe it's her excretion. Maybe it's cos we brought her swimming at B*byS** last weekend. Really dunno, but definitely UTI. Did 2 urine samples some more.
googlez82, it must be painful for your ger. How to treat the UTI? take antibiotics? cannot give them water to flush out too.
how to take urine sample for bb??

Jac, if your kid attends childcare, they will start teaching phonics at N1 (3yrs). But i'm not sure if my #1 understand or just treat it as singing songs only..haha..at least some exposure. I'm totally clueless abt phonics. Maybe our era doesn't focus on that. :p
brink, I bringing my boy to hardrock sentosa next wkend! hmm, I also thinking of bringing my boy go there swim leh. now worried. if kana flu surely kana MIL nagged like mad one.

moscato, oh issit? they do teach phonics in childcare? tats good! so far my boy learning nothing at infant care. hahah. everyday juz eat, sleep & play toys. no flash cards, reading, singing, etc which I see many mummies doing with their babies leh. wkend I also didn't do anything with him, lazy/ bz doing housework.
Jac, my #1 has phonics in her cc.
hmm..ifc no singing...? actually not easy to run ifc hor...dont think they break them into classes like cc, right?
last time my colleagues used to joke abt opening ifc..they can charge higher cos they will do flash cards with the babies..haha..

i also dont do anything with my son. No time...got to attend to #1.
moscato, must be painful hor..sigh..poor thing..she has to complete 7 wks' of antibiotics. I took home so many bottles last night.. As for urine sample, open up diaper and wait for her to pee. I fed her milk, then started whistling for at least 15min..until my mouth ached..
haizz...girls are more prone to UTI.

when i sent my #1 to KK A&E last time, so worried they asked me to take urine sample. I saw 3 ladies surrounding a baby in the toilet, trying to get her urine sample.
Googlez82, hope your gal get well soon...
Jac: maybe u try to swim in the evening like 5pm. By then water should be just nice...we swam after breakfast so the water is really cold but the sun is super hot too...oh if u have the thermal wear f your baby please wear for your baby.
Need some advise, do u think I should get a baby carrier and which brand would u recommend? I am not going to use often so the thought of buying one is optional. But sometimes feel quite inconvenience when need to go out myself w my boy. So don't intend to spend so much too...
Are your babies crawling already? My boy is rolling here and there and started crawling already... Open my playpen to play safe now
Hi brink,

I've a Mar baby and happened to chance upon your post. I'm using Baby Bjorn Miracle Carrier. It provides good support for my back and is definitely v convenient.It costs $200+ after 15% discount at Taka.

Btw, does any mummy here have any baby seat to recommend? My baby is 4+ mth and keeps wanting to sit upright. I happily bought a Bumbo baby seat only to discover that it's too small for him; he weighs 8kg... Now I'm nt sure what are my other options. Desperately need your advice as my mil is going on and on everyday about him needing a chair. Headache..

moscato, i was also joking with my friends abt opening IFC. juz put all babies on bouncers then turn on powerpoint to show the flash cards. can play DVDs too. hahaha.

brink, will take note, thanks! for bb carrier, can try ergo. i read quite good reviews on it. can buy brand new $169+ from SMH BP forum -> http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/5417812.html?1345010581 or try www(dot)mummysg(dot)com/forums/f100/ for brand new (saw ppl selling brand new for $100+) or preloved. my boy crawling liao, tummy crawl very fast, juz learn how to move from crawl to sit position, starting to crawl on fours but not very steady. he don't like to play in playpen leh, too small for him to roll abt. thinking whether to get play yard anot, but need $$$$$$ & also dunno can last how long. sigh. pillows will be a cheaper option. hahah.

any mummies using play yard, can share what brand u got? any mummies not using playpen or play yard? can share how u keep ur bb safe from all the crawling & rolling? how to pad the walls?

dancingqueen, i'm using the chicco bouncer/rocker. the back rest is adjustable to upright position. i usually feed my boy on this too. my MIL also keep on nagging abt getting a chair, what's with MIL & bb chairs?? she wanted to get a walker (or so called chair to her) so tat my boy can sit in it & move abt himself & can feed him in it, but i din wan my boy to use a walker for safety & developmental reasons. in the end i got a fp booster seat to put at her house, but the booster seat is made of hard plastic so bb muz be able to sit upright properly first. if not a bouncer/ rocker/ high chair with adjustable back rest is better. or u can consider walker too.
brink, i'm using pupsik pouch.

dancingqueen, i'm using rocker too. now that my boy can sit up better, i'm using ikea high chair with cushion during feeding time.

Jac, my boy still not crawling leh..haha..or else my mum will be busy chasing after him.
Jac, I am currently using the haenim play yard (8 panels) together with a parklon bumper mat (abt 2.1m in length). Find it very useful!! Baby fall over also won't hurt so much cos the padding is quite thick. The 2.1m is also a good size for my son to crawl & roll around. The play yard fences him in so I can go do my household chores and he is happy to play inside.
enitsuj, thanks for sharing! i got the parklon playmat already. was thinking whether to get the haenim play yard anot. not cheap leh & i'm worried my boy also don't want play inside. he's abit attention-seeking, need constant interaction. btw, will it be very painful if baby falls & hits on the play yard panel? also will the panel move if bb pushes/kicks it?
Jac, the play yard panels are quite hollow, like those fisher price little houses kinda material, so when fall against it not painful, plus the panels I got so far plastic edges not sharp (where the seams are), so not worried about cutting baby's fingers.

I fit the panels on the yard, so the panels will move if baby pushes it, but it will not topple over. However if you put it on the floor, there are rubber suctions to stick it on the floor.

we actually requested for no activity panel cos we felt that it is quite useless, and there are some parts where I scared baby's fingers will get caught in between (the clockwork cogs). Went for a "lucky dip" package from one of the SMH suppliers, and ended up with TWO! activity panels (kua kua). Luckily can flip opposite side to make it a flat panel. haha

you can sit inside the play yard too..actually that's what I do most of the day..zzz hehe
Hi Jac & moscato,

I bought a bouncer for my baby but after 2 mths, even the most upright position is nt making him happy bec it's still leaning back at an angle. I'm looking for something similar to a Bumbo (http://bumbo.com/products/#babyseat) which will allow him to sit as upright as possible bec that's what he prefers and what my mil keeps asking me to buy but I just can't find
Dancingqueen, if want to sit as upright as possible, bb will fall fwd if it's not bumbo chair right? If not u can try the ikea high chair stuffed with cushion which they sell too
<font color="aa00aa"><font face="Comic Sans MS">brink > </font></font><font face="Comic Sans MS">i buy those cheap cheap carrier ($19.90) coz i dun use it often too. i prefer stroller. only use it for short trip to supermarket.</font>

<font color="aa00aa"><font face="Comic Sans MS">jac > </font></font><font face="Comic Sans MS">i'm also using the haenim play yard but 4 panels only. my 3 yr old is still happily playing in it. i got the one with melody panel, so far my girls never get hurt inside. the good thing is at the end of the day i will dump all their toys inside so they are not everywhere. and my 3 yr old has learned to play with her toys inside. thinking whether or not to expand it to 6 panels...</font>

<font color="aa00aa"><font face="Comic Sans MS">dancingqueen > </font></font><font face="Comic Sans MS">u can get the bumbo seat at taka bb section or during any major bb fairs.</font>
enitsuj, thanks for sharing! hmmm.. i'll think think awhile more..

dancingqueen, maybe u can try summer infant seat or prince lionheart bebepod (http://www.amazon.com/gp/bestsellers/baby-products/723032011/ref=pd_zg_hrsr_ba_1_3_last). the reviews seem like it's bigger than bumbo, but i'm not too sure. anyway, my boy couldn't fit into the bumbo too. lucky i can sell off my bumbo. so i juz use the bouncer/rocker &amp; adjust the back rest to a upright position. mine can adjust till 90 deg, but usually we don't adjust it so straight coz it can get quite tiring for bb after awhile.
swanston, wha 3 yrs old still can use. sounds like quite value for $$. maybe can consider.
i have tons of bb stuff at home &amp; seems like all have very short lifespan.
Hi moscato, Jac &amp; swanston,

Tks for your advice and suggestions. I think I'll just bear with my mil's daily nagging and wait for baby's back to grow stronger then switch to a walker or an ikea high chair. Meanwhile, I'll just try to help him lean forward a bit with a small cushion. Otherwise he'll get frustrated.
want to ask all mummies who are feeding their babies solid now..how much are you feeding?

I just fed my 6.5 mth old boy 4 tbsp of rice cereal (mix with abt 120ml BM) + 2 tbsp of veg puree, + half jar of fruit puree. and then 2 hours later, he had about 120 ml of BM before his sleep. I think it's alot leh..but he seems to be able to take it?? Really worried that he dunno how to stop when he is full.
Wah i haven been posting for 1 whole week. Super busy with my 2 little monkeys~~~

Re: play yard
Now tis age bb keep flipping, learning to crawl the play yard/playpen is very useful. If not u leave bb alone for alittle while confirm come bk find him duno roll until where already. BUT, its only useful until around 10-12mths old. Once bb very good at crawling, they wont wan to be confined to the play area only. They will crawl n follow u EVERYWHERE. So most prob if buy the play yard now only will use for afew mths. After tt more for storing toys rather than bb staying inside to play.
Afew months bk we bot the lindam room divider with gate to install in living room. Tt time my elder boy crawl very fast n starting to walk, he touched everyting he could get his hands on. After 2-3mths i abit regret buying (it cost us $199) it already although initially useful to keep him in at the 'safer' part of the living rm, but when he is walking very well he wouldnt wan to get confined to one plc oso.

Re: feeding
My #2 today 7.5mths old liao. But i still cant get him to eat a full solid meal !!! If already tried feeding when he is not sleepy n active, but still not very successful...so far he is only able to eat around 40-60ml cereal at one go. Only first few moth willing to eat, the rest i got to coax n coax... Going crazy~~~ mummies, How much solid is yr bb eating already?

Enitsuj, hi ! I tink yr boy is eating far too much for his age. Even my 19mth old boy who is a average-slightly big eater, doesnt eat as much as him. The cereal after add puree n milk will bcome around 150ml solid, half jar fruit puree around 40ml? So he ate 190ml solid wor...He may keep eatig cos he prefer/like solids, but after tt he may feel umcomfortable etc cos too bloated. Like we adults go buffet, we dun realise we ate alot already when we chatting, but after tt when the food start to digest will feel too full.
Yar, was just reading through some previous posts and was reminded that solids is for them to get used to the texture and not to 喂饱. I think i really need to cut back abit. His milk intake has dropped a little as well but I am still breastfeeding at night. He still hasn't slept thru the night sigh.

I only just started 4 tbsp today. Have been giving him 3 tbsp for 1 week, so thought I can test water today. Previously when he is full from eating, he will gag (not puke). So that's why when we see like he can take it, we just feed.
Christina, actually let me correct myself. Just calculated, is actually 4 tbsp of cereal mix with 60 ml BM + 2 tbsp puree + half jar fruit puree. So abt 130ml. Is still ok?

How do I start to wean my baby? Some mothers I know gave porridge, some offered cereal or brown rice mixed with milk while others gave ready-to-eat purée from supermarket. I'm a bit confused as I'm a 1st time mum. How often a day should I offer other food besides just milk? Any advice wil be appreciated.
Oh, and if I were to give brown rice mixed with milk, do I bottle feed bb or use spoon to feed?

Anyone has any thought on giving fresh orange juice to bb before 1yr? My mil keeps telling me it's gd to scrape juice from fresh orange and feed bb a few teaspoons a few times a week once he starts weaning but I was told by a few pple that orange is too "cooling"and can cause asthma if start too young.
christina, yah seeing my boy's pattern i also worry the play yard will be useful only for a short while nia. he can't stay long in the jumperoo &amp; playpen, at most 10mins max. he prefers crawling/rolling on the playmat &amp; always want us to hold him upright so he can jump/walk ard or carry him go window see cars.
re solids, my boy now 7.5mths, taking solids once a day during wkdays (dinner time) &amp; twice a day during wkends (brunch &amp; dinner time). taking abt 60ml of vege/fruit puree + 1 milk scoop of brown rice cereal (will add some water/fm to adjust texture), followed by 90-120ml of fm depending on whether he still hungry (usually give 1hr later).
<font face="Comic Sans MS">morning ladies =)</font>

<font color="aa00aa"><font face="Comic Sans MS">jac > </font></font><font face="Comic Sans MS">dun worry, at different stages they will find their old toys fun to play with again.</font>

<font color="aa00aa"><font face="Comic Sans MS">christina > </font></font><font face="Comic Sans MS">depends on child bah i guess. my 3 yr old is a v active girl (teacher also cannot tahan her) but she is ok to play with her toys in the play yard. i dun like her to leave her toys all over the place. if she leaves the play yard, the toys stay inside. she cannot bring out to play.</font>

<font color="aa00aa"><font face="Comic Sans MS">enitsuj > </font></font><font face="Comic Sans MS">130ml of solid sounds ok. my girl is taking about 150ml of porridge 2 times a day. if cereal i give her 8 small milk scoops of cereal with 50-60ml ebm.</font>

<font color="aa00aa"><font face="Comic Sans MS">dancingqueen > </font></font><font face="Comic Sans MS">start with cereal mixed with milk first. start off with small amounts (e.g. 1 tablespoon) for bb to try. i give my girl 2 solid meals a day.</font>
dancingqueen, u can start with cereal (rice/ brown rice) mixed with milk. start with small amt (e.g. 1 tablespoon of cereal + 30ml milk) once a day (e.g. during lunch time &amp; when ur bb is not tired/sleepy). when it's time for ur bb's feed, u give the cereal instead of milk, then top-up with milk (slightly lesser amt than usual) if bb is still hungry. slowly increase the amt of cereal that u give over a few days. after a few days (~3-4days to test for allergy), u can try add small amt of vege/fruit puree (e.g. 2 tablespoons) into the cereal. i started with heinz apple/pear puree, then move on to sweet potato, pumpkin, carrot, other heinz puree, etc etc. slowly increase the amt of puree &amp; cereal that u give over a few days. remember to heat up the puree b4 u give bb. i use the pigeon warmer &amp; heat at 70deg for 15-20mins. try to feed using spoon, coz that's the whole pt of weaning, to get bb used to eating off a spoon. i read that best to avoid giving citrus fruits (e.g. orange, lemon, etc) b4 bb 1 yr old, coz sometimes too harsh on their tiny stomach &amp; mouth.

hope i help. me also 1st time mum, was also totally blur on weaning too. hee.
dancing queen, trace back some recent conversation and there was a food chart. Oranges maybe prone to oral allergy.. shld be like what Jac mentioned, too citrus and harsh on bb's mouth..

mummies, what can i puree potato with?
haha..i found answer to my own qns..for sharing..

Foods Good to Mix With White Potatoes for Feeding to Baby

Green Beans
Winter Squash - butternut, acorn etc.
Jac, swanston and googlez82,

Thanks for the info. When do babies start to eat porridge? I know can boil with fish, meat and veg but do babies eat these fish and meat in the porridge or just boil for the sweet taste?
dancingqueen, some ppl intro porridge at 4-6mths, while some much later. think depending on the texture of the porridge ba. if u gonna grind/puree the porridge till very fine kind then shld be ok to intro at 4-6mths, but if not (those soft &amp; lumpy kind like what u buy outside) then better to intro later ard 8-9mths or when the bb is better at eating lumpy food else bb will gag/choke. general guideline is to intro fish/meat at 8-9mths after introducing fruits &amp; vege. i intend to intro fish/meat to my boy at 8mths, then intro porridge (soft lumpy kind) at 9mths.
Enitsuj and Christina,
Re: feeding
I am feeding 8 teaspoon of rice cereal w 2 tablespoon of potato/carrot/apple/pear/sweet potato/pumpin mix and match or 3 big tablespoon of brown rice cereal mixed w 30 ml of milk and water.
Anyone feeding your babies pak poh San from yu reng seng? My boy is down with flu, and has been feeding him this and Zyrtec, sometimes he seem ok like fully recover but today lots of mucus in his nose again... Have not bring him see doc yet cause don't wan him to take too much med... Anyone here heard of yu guo?
Hui, no lah..if bb is ok then all is well!

Brink, is Yu Guo the Chinese Tui Na popular with mummies who bring their babies? I came across while looking through other threads.. and a colleague brought her son there too. Also born in Jan 2012. Apparently very good. But the queue oso scary..
Sorry borrow this thread.

I have 2 adult one day pass to let go, date 11/Nov Sunday. One day pass for Nov is peak season, ESP Sunday adult normal fare is $74/pass, Pls pm me for negotiating.

Dear all, my son is having running nose and slight cough is there any medication given if I were to bring him to see doctor now?
