(2012/01) Jan 2012

Christina, my boy feeding time got earlier & earlier, from 6am to 530am to 5am then 430am last nite, but still ok, at least is juz once a nite compared to twice previously. in btw he'll wake up/ struggle, but juz feed few sips of water & rock the yaolan then will go back to sleep. hoping it'll continue this way or improve! keeping fingers crossed!!

cyy, yah cut tooth means tooth surfacing from the gums. according to some hokkien saying "7 sit, 8 crawl, 9 got tooth". but think more & more bbs cut tooth earlier now. my cousin-in-law's gal already got 2 bottom tooth since 5+mths.

erh when does the mamil promo end? my boy juz finished the tin in IFC, but think throw away liao. home one still got half tin, think will finish by max 2 wks time. I can keep my empty tin for whoever needs it, juz come my place collect. btw, I'm using enfa.

not sure when..just found this wkend redemption venues on their website...only limited to 1 redemption per customer and limited to 2 tin per household.
anyone happen to see this beanie pillow (the big body pillow) for sale? need to buy an extra one to put at my boy's IFC, but can't seem to find it anymore. been to a few KPs, taka, baby fairs, etc all don't have sell anymore. arrh.


Jac, i think i have the contact number for the person for bb beanie. Let me check and PM u.

Jac, Brink: do u mixed the brown rice ceral with other puree? Wondering whether i did it wrongly for my bb coz mine is still left a lot. I only give her rice cereak for 1st few days of weaning, then follow by single ingredient of vege each day to test her reaction towards new food. Do i actually need to mix the cereal and vege actually? Can advise me?? Thanks..

Btw, anyone can share the table listing time needed for steaming different ingredient? Mine sometines turn very soggy :-(
Delphina, are u using avent steamer cum blender? There is a table in the manual. I have pulled out the info into a spreadsheet but the file is in my office laptop. I can fwd to you on monday if u are not urgent.
delphina, depends leh. no fix rule. sometimes I give the purée alone, sometimes mix with brown rice cereal. adds abit of variety. also depend on how my boy prefers it (e.g. he prefers sweet potato alone, without rice cereal). I more KS, so will usually steam longer. apple/pear 10mins, carrots 15mins, sweet potato/potato/pumpkin 20mins. if too soggy I add rice cereal to thicken it, too dry add hot water.
when u steam, u use medium or small fire? din expect potato take only 20min though i never tried b4. if brocoli, need to steam how long?

any of your bb constipated after taking brown rice?

do u have the contact details or webaddress of cotton dale?
Jkids: u can request mamil sample at www.dumex.com.sg
U can call cotton dale at 67422722.

Now dumex has trade-in promo. Bring a non dumex milk tin then u can buy 1 get 1 free of 900g. Compass point n nex is one of this wkend redemption venue.. Limit to 2 tins per household. Promo think til 19 aug. every wkend will have diff venues for redemption.
I love the avent steamer and blender but have a hard time washing the green cover with plenty of holes cos the veg and fruits will get stuck in there. Mummies how do u wash them?
Moscato: i dun use the avent steamer/blender. Thanks in advance for fwd the doc to me.

Jac: maybe i will try to mixe with brown cereal too to make it more filling :) thanks!!!

Mummies, which 'green' veggies u hv intro to ur bb? I heard brocolli and cauliflower is 'gassy' .. Then spinach usuakky got high content of pesticides.. . Confused confused..
really huh? i intro to mine brocoli, cauliflower, starting him this week on spinach and heng cai leh...alamak how
Dekora, the green cover can separate the parts one leh, the green part with holes & white cover part. Not sure if u know what I mean.. Check the guide?

Delphina, I'm starting peas (first green veg) tmr. Hopefully he likes it coz me & hb hate it. Juz realise so far only intro 'orange' veg nia, sweet potato, pumpkin & carrots.
Jac, yr boy sleeping in yaolan? I heard not gd for spine development... Plus bb at tis age keeps flipping body so quite dangerous to sleep at yaolan already. Both my sons slept in their rocker/bouncer in daytime, at nite sleep cot. When my elder son around 10mths old we shifted him to sleep alone by himself in normal bed in his own room. He slept on the mattress on the floor for daytime at 12mths old.

Delphina, did u follow the 4day wait rule when u introduce new food to yr bb? Is recommended to wait 4days before introducing another new food to yr bb to see if they got any adverse reaction to the food. I ever research online discover tt broccoli will cause tummy wind, n the veggie stall seller told mi too much spinach will cause bb to have wobbly legs. Anyway i still feed them to my elder son, since this two is the most common veggie for kids already. As long eat in moderation shouldnt be a problem. For broccoli i only cut out the florets n put in my son's (19mths old) porridge, the stalk i nv use so dun need blend. spinach leaves just chop into smaller pcs
Dekora, you can remove the green cover to wash but not easy to remove in the beginning. I chipped my nails while doing that..lol

Delphina, my #1 has been eating broccoli and spinach since she started solids..i will blanch with boiling water before adding into the porridge.
Same as Christina, i only use the florets for broccoli
christina, yeah. I know abt the spinal problem thingy, thats y initially I din wan my boy to sleep yaolan, even argue with my parents & MIL. but as usual, my parents boh chap me. MIL also keep on selling the yaolan. say we all grow up sleeping on yaolan also like that. so boh bian lo, wan ppl help look after is like that one. usually my boy will fall sleep on the yaolan then we'll move him to the mattress after his nite feed. but he sleeps tummy down, also equally bad. hahah. sat nite me & hb got a shocked. when I woke up ard 5am, I saw my boy juz below the room door, eyes big big. Heng we got on aircon that nite so got close the room door. if never close room door or if sleeping in living room, then dunno he crawl go where liao. damn jialat. sigh. also dunno how.
moscato, when r u starting on porridge? u use the magic cooker to cook porridge? so after u start on porridge, do u still use ur avent steamer cum blender?
Jac, your son can crawl now?

I haven't started on porridge, intend to start ard 7 mths+ ba. In fact he is still on cereal cos he learnt how to eat quite late. Want to try potato puree last wkend but was too busy with #1 and running errands so didnt get to try. My mum said i asked her to use the avent blender to blend the porridge & broccoli for #1 last time which i forgotten i asked her to do so..haa...think will start with blended porridge for #2 too.
I only use the magic cooker for #1 on wkdays cos i need to cook her porridge before going to work.
hi babes, mind if i join in now? i dropped by in the beginning to read when i just got preg but stopped coz too busy at work and home. mine is a jan bunny.

u can add me on fb, rachel siu min. add me in the group too ya!
moscato, not really crawl la, juz wriggle & move backwards. he was sleeping between me & hb, surprisingly can move backwards to the door without us knowing (hb was the one closer to the door, snoring somemore). btw, can share the steps on how to make blended porridge using the avent steamer cum blender? thks thks! was wondering if it's a muz to buy the magic/slow cooker to make porridge anot & the avent steamer/blender never use like abit wasted liao.
Hi mummies, can I join in too? My girl is 6mths plus now.
I'm going to start my girl on brown rice cereal, thinking of getting happy bellies brown rice cereal. Any mummies tried this cereal before? Can share? Thanks thanks... ;))
jkids, i do give my girl organic veg on and off when my bil brings some. but note that organic veg are some times not so organic. they do use some sort of pesticide some way or another.

looking4miracle, my girl tried the happy bellies brown rice cereal. she took it ok. my #1 hates it though. it has a peculiar smell and is very flaky.
Jac, i just cook over the stove then put inside the blender to blend. dont think u can cook porridge with the steamer. Slow/ magic cooker is good cos no need to watch fire or if u are working mother. U can cook the porridge overnite.

jkids, i will only use Aust broccoli. Pumpkin will try to get Aust one, if not will use Malaysia. As for spinach, the seller said she dont dare to say it's organic but it's pesticide free. Not sure how true la.

looking4miracle, i used to use Happy Bellies brown rice for my #1. No complaints. Now i'm using Healthy Times for #2 cos easily available in supermarket. Happy Bellies has to order online from BP.
jkids, I usually shop at cold storage, will buy organic vege if manage to find, will buy the normal one if can't find the organic version. not particular abt it. normal one juz wash & cook properly shld be ok ba.
hmm..my fren's mum who was a nurse at one of the popular birthing hospitals, mentioned not to give spinach (it's bo cai right?). Dunno y..my mum did mention cos it may contain more pesticides?

I think another way to prep the porridge is to grind the rice first then cook? Can't think of any other way to use the blender/grinder..

I juz bot the Eu Yan Sang Brown rice Si Shen powder for my 6.5mth gal. Recommended by fren's mum (the ex nurse). In fact, she started her grandchild at 4++mth..
googlez82, i give "heng cai", also called spinach?? or chinese spinach?

I only finished half tin on Eu Yan Sang brown rice for #1. i add into porridge and my #1 doesnt seem to like it. my friend's son think eat too much, kena contispation.
<font color="aa00aa"><font face="Comic Sans MS">googlez82 > </font></font><font face="Comic Sans MS">really??? my kids eat a lot of spinach!!! both round or sharp! :S</font>
Swanston- Thanks for sharing

Moscato- Thanks for sharing.
your bb likes HT brown cereal? Where did you buy the cereal? Ntuc?

Mummies, what is th first solid food that you introduce to your bb? Thanks thanks!
moscato, swanston, I must say I wasn't told the reason why not to eat spinach (bo cai), but as a precaution, we nv give my gal.

miracle, at 4++ mth, i started my gal on the Bellamy's organic rice (cos it says can start from 4mth). And then the bottled Heinz golden vegetables. But I seldom give all this now that my mum preps porridge for her, with fish and veg added in.
moscato, u tried the healthy times &amp; happy bellies brown rice cereal yourself b4? which is nicer ah? i'm also thinking of getting healthy times coz more convenient. btw, u got my PM?

looking4miracle, i'm using happy bellies for now, can order from SHM BP. healthy times can be found in the bigger ntuc/cold storage.

re porridge, i'm thinking of using the avent steamer/blender to steam the fish/vege then add cooked rice &amp; blend all together. can work boh? any1 tried this mtd b4? if not then will have to get the slow/magic cooker liao, &amp; also got to pre-prepare soup stock &amp; fish/vege puree separately. sigh. sounds like more $$ &amp; more work!
Hi all,
My son seems to enjoy the normal nestle rice cereal than the happy times brown rice cereal...but he still manage to finish everything I make f him... 8 teaspoon of rice cereal and 2 big tablespoon of potato and carrot or sweet potato..
<font color="aa00aa"><font face="Comic Sans MS">looking4miracle > </font></font><font face="Comic Sans MS">my mum gave porridge coz my niece and #1 are eating porridge. weekends i mix a meal of cereal in for her.</font>

<font color="aa00aa"><font face="Comic Sans MS">brink > </font></font><font face="Comic Sans MS">my girl likes cerealac better too.</font>
F porridge I just soak the rice longer before cooking f my no.1no time to go blend or make into smaller pieces:p. same f my no. 2, only use fork or spoon to mash the potato and carrot... Unless I doing f no. 1 too.. Them I use the blender... If not find it too troublesome and too watery
looking4miracle, I bought HT from cold storage/ ntuc.

Jac, just replied your PM.

yup i tried both HT &amp; HB brown rice myself..i think taste abt the same. Not very pleasant in the beginning cos was using Step 1 FM to mix. Step 1 FM taste yucky..:p
HB oats one nice until the stock i bought from USA. That batch quite bad, got oil smell..wrote in to check..haa..Though they said it's safe to eat but i didnt give to my daughter.

my son takes both HT &amp; cerelac rice. Think he has no preference..

i never use soup stock for my porridge. I just cook the rice with loin pork..after that add veg. If not will be fish porridge. Not sure if got enough flavour if u steam the fish/ veg then add cooked porridge separately.
Cerelac sweet. I tasted before giving, even I like it, meaning baby oso like ba. I also tasted the Bellamy's rice cereal n Eu Yan Sang brown rice..Tasteless..

My conclusion is, if adults like, can't be tat good.. lol..

Anyway, I oso giving my gal cerelac during wkends. Instant so more convenient..lol
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Comic Sans MS">re porridge</font></font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS">i use new rice for porridge coz it becomes more mashed up when compared to normal rice. i usually wash the rice and soak it in water while i prepare the meat and veg for the soup.</font>
googlez82, jac, swanston, moscato, brink- thanks thanks...

Was browsing thru net, found that it's better to give bb brown rice cereal as the first solid food to start with...I intend to mix it with bm for my bb. As I know some cereal contains milk and doesn't need to add in milk...
<font color="aa00aa"><font face="Comic Sans MS">looking4miracle > </font></font><font face="Comic Sans MS">no worries. yup, start off on rice cereal is better. but my mum is the main care giver i cant say much also. she cooks the porridge for my #1 dinner after child care so she gives the same to my niece and #2. she already full looking after 2 bbs. my niece started off with cereal first though. my niece is 2.5 months older than #2.</font>
swanston, how is your #1? her porridge no seasonings?
now i do season my #1 porridge. wondering if need to cook separately for #2 or #1 has to revert back to non-seasoning porridge?
Hi Ladies I am a silent reader for a long time, would like to ask if brown rice is better or normal rice? as my son has contispation after taking brown rice. Thanks

Brown rice is definitely better than normal rice...but heaty too...give more fruits puree or water when giving brown rice...
Swanston- ok..I see. thanks thanks...

brown rice is heaty ah... As according to pd, she says introduce one new food at a time...if so, I can't give fruits yet if I give cereal...

Hui- did u add in milk to the brown rice cereal? Which brand of cereal are you giving to your boy? Thanks...
<font color="aa00aa"><font face="Comic Sans MS">moscato > </font></font><font face="Comic Sans MS">my #1 is doing good but she is a very picky eater. she is turning 3 and yet she is still eating porridge. we usually put in the salt/seasonings after we take out the portions for the younger ones.</font>
jac: whoa, your boy can do a backward crawl-thing? I heard that's the first thing babies do before actual crawling. wow, your boy is a fast developer!

I'm waiting for my bb to growth teeth too. drooling like nobody's business, think can sell her drool in tins, anybody wants? haha..

Jialat, my baby is a late-Jan, so start everything also later than everybody here. She just started the stage2 FM, and I only plan to start her on cereal 2nd week of Aug..

christina: my bb also sleeps in Yaolan during day time in MIL's place, sometimes on the bed. I think it's ok la, I also heard about the spine thingy but like what the elders say, "last time you all also sleep there for many many hours a day, every one of you fine and healthy now ma!".

Yaolan, I only allow for day time, not night time. night time bb either co-sleeps with us or in her cot. otherwise what Christina said is right, the flipping part is dangerous...

welcome the newcomers looking4miracle &amp; swanston!

hey, got FB meh? anyone adding me too? Jac? moscato? got my email addy?
<font color="aa00aa"><font face="Comic Sans MS">jean > </font></font><font face="Comic Sans MS">hi! <font color="ff0000">*waves at jean*</font></font>

<font face="Comic Sans MS">anyone's bb not flipping? my girl seems to have skipped that stage. she is sitting very stable now, can lean backwards even but not flip. hmm... now from sitting position she will lean all the way forward and kick her legs back to lie on her tummy. (-.-)"

add me in fb too! Rachel Siu Min</font>
Jean, my boy is late dec bb mah, 1 mth makes lot of diff!

swanston, every bb is different ba, no worries. my boy can't relle sit well yet coz he's not very interested in sitting, prefers standing &amp; jumping instead.

Hui &amp; looking4miracle, brown rice &amp; normal rice r both constipating. Brown rice more nutritious, but more heaty. Give more water? Ok to give water once bb starts solids ba.

I was reading some of the posts dating back to 2004, some wrote their babies started crawling at 6mth?!! Whose babies already crawling on fours? I'm in awe..

I know there was a FB for Jan 2012 mummies, started long ago when we were still preggies. Dunno if the administrators still come to this thread? I was kicked out for being non-active :p
