(2012/01) Jan 2012

Hi! I'm from Nov Mummies, i've babyplus to let go. I used it for only less than 5 times and it's less than 1 month old. My baby doesn't like it so no choice but to let go. Anybody interested, please PM me. Thank you.

anyone knows how serious the impact of hfmd on pregnant woman?

my kids's sch has a few cases n i am really scare if my kids get it they will pass to me...
Not sure how serious. But no kissing your kids, sharing food and must practisd good hygiene. I know of another 2 mothers who's kids came down with hfmd while they were preggers. But very luckily they both didn't catch it
Keke cooking chicken stew for lunch now....

Had busy and tiring work week. At night, I read the forum but dunno eat to reply . Coming Monday is my appointment . 16 weeks plus then....

I don't feel any bb movements...
Maybe because first time mum eagerly waiting for bb movements, but now is only hunger pangs and gases and the occasional cramps.
My next appointment is on Monday too! I will be 15W+ by then.

Don't fret. First time mum may find it harder to feel movement. For my #1, I was nearly 20W before I felt the first movement. Earlier, the movement is very slight, hard to feel.
Ok wait till 20 weeks then... Very long to wait ler... I fell asleep today and just woke up. The weather is indeed hot... Perspiring in bed with the fan turned on!!!
JTML: for my #1, i feel the first kick when i was 4 mths ++..for this one, i do feel occassional kick..but it wasn't very strong..so sometimes might miss it..

Today went for gynae check, bb is alright..can't tell the gender yet..gynae say my placenta was low..ask me to rest more..
Zhu zhu, placenta low... Better dun carry heavy things ... Dun hero... Also try walk less my friend also low placenta had to rest a lot.

I went to the isetan sale last night. not a lot of things but I look at the pram. Carry well combi is 289 with free gift. And there is this hauck malibu pram also 259 but left only display set. Combi felt light and easy to handle but my husband prefer the sturdier one hauck . I think it is at least 8 kg but it is left display set. So we returned empty handed.
Morning Mummies,

:D Have a Great Sunday ^^ . Craving for mcdonald's hotcakes . Hope it's able to stay in the tummy after eating X_X
Hello Mummies,

I was told by my gynac to take HBP medicine for prevention as my blood pressure shooting up .
However,a few days ago i went to see GP and taken my BP reading ,it was normal 120.I duno why everytime go gyna i cannot sleep well the night before and will it cause my blood pressure goes up? anyone can advise if i should take the HBP medicine now or monitor again? Sob sob
Morning Ladies..... please remover me from the list. I had a missed miscarrage.
Went for my 1st 2nd trimester (16wks) check last Fri, Dr checked and found out that my bb has not grown since wk 13 and there is no heat beat at all.
I didn't had any sympton at all, no bleeding, not sick, no nothing all at. Dr say it could be due to various reasons.... I definitely didn't expect this to happen in the 2nd trimester. Especially when my 1st pregnancy was a smooth 1.
Guess will have to try again after I recover.....

To all Mummies to be here, take care and I wish you ladies all the best and to have a healthy and happy baby.
Wen: it could be u are worried unconsciously tat why night before appointment u cannot sleep . But are u sure your blood pressure Is fine normally?

Nickynic: did doc mention any reason ? Will u test the bb tissue or look for another scan to confirm. So sorry for the sudden bad news especially it happens on 2nd trimester ... Take care of your health okay. Hope u are not alone and family are beside you.
JTML: my blood pressure all the while is normal.
I have gastric prob on and off thus when see normal GP,he will check my BP.The most recent check was a few days before my appt on sat.
Maybe i really sub conscious worry about bb since 1 time visit per month since i am in trimester 2.
Ya I also very scared near gynae visit even though I am looking forward to it. Try to relax okay blood pressure high is not so good. Maybe u wanna call your gynae and ask his opinion?
nickynic - hugs! :eek:( That is really sad & unexpected news, esp since we are all in the 2nd tri already & u didn't have any signs. Take care & a big big hug!
Sad news indeed. Pls take care! Shit happens... and definately not your fault.

I went for my week 17 scan on sat. Gender still unknown. Baby was sleeping in cradle position, legs curled shut. Haha... hubby is hoping it's a girl. I want boy again leh. I knew my #1 gender at Week 14. This #2 is keeping us in suspense.
Detail scan scheduled for 3 Sept. I'll be week 22 then.
Wen - Ideal weight should be around 80-100gm at wk 15 if I remember correctly. Google to check - there are several sites with week-by-week weight
So sorry to hear that. Do take care of urself n remember to do a mini confinement.

I went for my scan on the 13th week, baby was really cooperative for the NT scan n it ws done in less than 15mins, but Dr refused to disclose gender! He said I will definitely know on the next visit, coz he can be surer then. Very notti of him to keep us in suspense.
Hm.. heard from the elder people and my own experience... girls are normally very shy... hence till week 16-20 then u able to see the gender... As for boy... in week 13-16 u will normally able to see the gender.. cos they are proud of what they have!!! haa haa
Back from lunch and bank.

Damn long wait. The teller counted the cash manually (twice), then used the machine (5times). Then, she called the manager, who manually counted the cash one more time! How efficient is this? Took me more than 30min just to deposit the cash! My legs are aching!
hi mummy
i am selling away my brand new avent storage milk containers.
all seal up

self collection in sengkang
PM me if you are interested:
Hi Serene, the excessive salivation seems to have improved for me, but it will come when i have really bad headache accompained w bloatedness. Sorry I might have missed out on yr intro - how far ahead are you in yr pregnancy?
hq- i am from feb thread. now in my 13 weeks but this salviation ruins my daily life. only during during sleep i am spare from this. my throat is dry cos i don dare to swallow the saliva. do u do anything to ease it?
Serene: give it a week or 2 it shld subside- I checked w a friend who has this as well in both her pregnancy, she told me it's the hormones and nothing much to be done just be patient and wait it out...
can swallow but just that maybe too much swallowing might=puke. I spit when i cant tahan anymore,sometimes eat sweets or seng buah to change the taste in the mouth, I also brush teeth/tongue quite often.
16 weeks4 days now. Baby was moving... I was quite relieve ha.... But gynae say the baby sitting in budda pose cannot see . Only can guess. Looks like something sticking out. Only can confirm on 20 weeks.

X: the teller is new is it? Wah seh like this I rather go ATM to deposite cash. Usually dun have to count so many times one ler....
Hi Ladies, Thanks!
Dr say could be the chromosomal abnormalities or could be me producing antibodies. Initial plan was to check the fetus for chromosomal abnormalities but unfortunately I had a miscarriage and the fetus came out (my menses just came on Fri nite) without me knowing it. So the next thing they could check was only my blood for antibody.
Nicky : signzz are u feeling slightly betta already? Do a mini confinement and nurse your health... Good that they testing your blood. So no need washing?tat good also.
Mayc: i goggle online mostly indicate 75-100.Mine was 130gram...i forget to ask Gynac is it ok,too excited after knowing my bb gender.
hi ladies
i had my 15W visit today. I'm having a boy! was so excited to see baby. he was so active when we saw him on the scan! i also took the chance to announce the pregnancy on facebook. feels good to 'come out' about it. hehe..
Echo - congrats! do share if all those 'myths' we read abt r right abt boy, eg. Right side of uterus, like to eat meat, lower heartbeat, etc.

Sorry to hear abt Nick.. Hope u r feeling better now!
thanks, everyone.

most of the myths are not true for me... and some of them (like heartbeat, side of uterus) i didn't go and take note. anyway, hang in there, you will know in a few weeks' time!

y pregnant mothers cannot drink cold drinks? bb will get asthma? but i find it hard not to drink when my tastebud has not resumed to normal... i will go crazy if i cannot evem find ways to curb my tastebud.
jkids, i don't really care about that. was drinking cold drinks throughout my 1st pregnancy and everything is fine. now i'm also drinking cold drinks everyday.
jkids, like Chrysalis, i drink cold drinks everyday and everytime too. How not to drink? Only way to curb my MS.

I asked my gynea before. He told me, medically, all these fears are unfounded. As long as i am fine and wants to drink, just go ahead.

I think one of the mummies wrote in the thread before: when the cold drink reaches the stomach, get digested, its not even cold anymore...
i think its not recommended as the liquid differs from body heat and will cause instability in bb's environ. Applicable for early mummies...try drinking ribena?
hello tulip

went to kiddy palace this weekend and saw an interesting thing..its a device that somehow moulds and keeps bb head and arms in place with padding so that bb wont be able to flip. Hence prevent SIDS

any mummies used this before?
Wen - wow, baby is growing well then
My #1 was 128gm only at week 16, so at 130gm vs. the 75-100gm norm, yours is about 1 week bigger at week 15.

Echo - congrats! Looks like there are lots of boys this rabbit year
My hubby's cousin who is due in Dec is also expecting a boy & so is my SIL in Oct, & my sis in Sept! I think a couple of mommies here also more or less confirmed their bb's gender as being boys by now!

jkids - I was the one who asked my gyne about cold drinks - she said no problems, cos it gets warmed up by the time it reaches the fetus anyways.
jingles, good morning. Have you gone for your blood test? What is the result?

The mould, i've seen it before. One of the forum mummy wanted to sell it, brand new, two/three weeks ago, so i saw the picture. I have never tried it though.

anyway, over last week, i developed a very very bad rash. all over my limbs. very itchy. small red dots all over. desperate, went to see gynea. diagnosis: i'm having pregnancy rash = bad reaction to the high levels of hormones. just like my MS. And because the itch makes me so sick and tired and low immunity, i developed very bad thrush. joke is, my whole body itch except my head!!

sigh... MS + itchy rash + thrush + work = almost can die liao...
hang on there! ddi the dr give u any cream to ease the rash? or maybe dab on cool water will help? hope it will go away soon..
no i have yet to go for the blood test...its scheduled next visit lo....

Hi Morning mummies -

congrats to echo

cold drinks - for me - that seems to be the one of the few things that helps w the MS

tulip7 - OMG poor gal *hug*
I had thrush at the begining due to the surge of hormones - can understd - itchy !!!! wait a bit I am sure it will go away soon.
