(2012/01) Jan 2012

morning mummies ...
i just went for my checkup yesterday
and discovered there is sugar in my routine test. Now scheduled for sugar test next month....anyone had GD before? Pls advise what I should cut down other than sweet stuff and doing more exercise.
Hi jingles,

I had GD when I was on my 3rd trimester during my first pregnancy. It wasn't as simple as cutting down on sweets, it was a total diet overhaul and my gyne "forced" me to see a nutritionist weekly until I gave birth.

Here are some of the things I can still remember from 4 years ago:
1. Cut down on sweets (obviously)
2. Try to limit rice to 10 spoonfuls or 2 slices of whole wheat bread per meal
3. Eat fruits after every meal, they aid in the digestion of the food
4. Eat lots of veggies
5. Meat should be palm-sized only; fish serving can be slightly bigger
6. Regular exercise
7. Or at least walk for 10-15 minutes after every meal. This is a must especially after dinner because the blood sugar tends to shoot up when you wake up in the morning.
8. Avoid fastfood

I also had to check for my blood sugar level 6x a day during that trimester. Once each before and after taking breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Hope this helps. The guidelines above may seem tough but I know we will do everything for our babies' sake.

I haven't been tested yet but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I will be GD-free during this pregnancy.
Jac - I bought stuff like Medela bottles, bags for storing breast milk, Pigeon stuff for cleaning (detergents, wipes etc), Brest Friend, FisherPrice rocker etc. All on sale. I'm not sure if it's the best price around, but I had Taka vouchers and since it's a sale, I thought might as well. They also had strollers and car seats but I already have those so I didn't check out the prices.
thanks very much for your advice! i guess i will stop all sweets...had been eating alot of hacks and rowntrees lately. Also guess I should stop my nonsense on fast food and restart back my exercise routine...i hope the sugar tolerance test next month will be normal test results

when is the last day of sale, do u happen to know?

GD... me... When i had #1, tested positive immediately. Major diet overhaul like Vaniety say.

I had to test blood sugar before and after 3 meals and before bed. 7 times a day.

Watch diet very very closely.
1. Cut down on carbs like white rice, plain bread, potatoes. Good replacement would be brown rice, whole meal bread (YUCKS!)
2. Milk, cereal (cornflakes) may look fine, but these are the worst. My blood sugar will go up to above 9!
3. Fruits also must take in moderation.
4. Can eat lots of meat though. I was surviving on beef, fish and chicken.
5. Dun take those processed food like hotdogs, luncheon meat, fishballs etc.
6. Forget abt sweet carbonated drinks or even ribena or milo!

My fav lunch was steak at Jack's Place. Dinner would be steam fish.
good morning!!

did my NT scan yesterday n bb is at low risk.
Waiting for blood test results to know the final ratio. Bb was surprisingly good n it was done within 10mins! Just nice for the gynae who had to rush off for a delivery...was so worried I had to come back again for the scan.. :p

err....tested positively immediately? how? you got to know it when you opt to go for sugar tolerance test ah? I guess I got to stop these food...I had started taking POST cereals and potatoes lately
Sighhhh u still can survive on steak....my bb doesnt like to eat beef lei..only fish
<font color="0000ff">Jingles,

I am having diabetes now. Doc cldnt determine if its GD or diabetes b4 pregnancy.

For me, my doc is very strict. He is looking at zero weight gain throughout this pregnancy and I am supposed to buy a blood glucose monitor and monitor my blood glucose 5 times each day.

Food wise, its 1600 calories or less per day. He adviced 5-6 small meals instead of 3 big meals to avoid blood sugar peaking too much. Rice taken should be only brown rice and half a bowl or less. Lots of veggies, a little bit of meat. Less oil and no fats (eg, eat chicken must eat breastmeat etc). I argued for him to allow me to eat fried meat (cos the skin is easier to remove) and he agreed, provided I really really abstain from eating the skin.

No sweet fruits (not even red apples and oranges). So the only fruits tt I can consume now is purely grapefruit and green apples. If want to take sweet fruits like lychee/longan, I limit myself to only 2 small fruits. Durians are a big NO-NO.

I am also on medication Metformin which is meant to help to reduce the insulin resistance tt my gynae thinks I'm facing now.

Hope the above information helps. I think I am on the more serious side. Your case should be quite minor. If you need further info, feel free to ask me again. (^_^)</font>
Morning gals,

Was on leave yesterday to register my gal for P1. Seems like I may need to go for balloting..

I went for gynea checkup for the staining on tuesday. Turns out my cervix skin got infection, thus cauing for the on off staining. Gynea give me something to insect to vagina for 7 days. Hopefully the staining will stop soon. And yes, my oscar test result is out. The result is low risk, 1:10000 i think..

RitzC: How's your spotting? Hope you are getting better too. I think dun walk too much also. I think i also walk too much for the past few days...
hi hi good morning everyone - Just got call from clinic - 3x blood test result - for my age 1% , my results were 1/3 of the 1% risk so my gynae say dont think need to do amnio test ! YESH!!!!!
*hugs* for the positive results

thats tough....even the kind of fruits I got to control
and no weight gain???? how is it possible??? i tot there will be certain water retention as well as weight of BB in us? But thanks alot on the advise
I really appreciate it.
Every gynae visit, must pee on the stick to test sugar and protein in pee.

1st pee only, change colour. Went for OGTT, fail. Then the diet nightmare started.

Ya... fruits contain alot of sugar. Esp sugarcane, oranges, watermelon etc. So... huge NO!

If u are monitoring ur blood sugar like me previously, u will know what food gives u a spike and what dun. For me.... all meat SAFE. Carbs, fruits, bubble tea, desserts DIE!

Even with very strict control, insulin jabs were required at week 35. I had c-sec at Week 38 coz baby was too big. 4.15kg at birth! Giant!
May - wow, your gyne is ultra ultra strict. How can anyone not gain weight during pregnancy? That effectively means at least a weight lost of 5-7kg since baby would be 3+kg, &amp; the rest would be weight from the amniotic fluid, sac etc. It means that the baby would be sapping nutrients from mommy!

Wow, I think I am eating everything sugary that is a no-no: lots of chocs, ice-cream, fruits, etc. Better watch my intake as well!
Zero weight gain? That's kinda extreme right?
I mean... baby+placenta+water bag is at least 7kg!

How can u have zero weight gain? Unless your gynae expects u to lose weight.

I did lose weight during my 1st tri when i was controlling diet for GD. Lost 5kg... but out on after that. Total weight gain was 17kg!!!

Cornflakes : NO NO NO
Remember... it made my blood sugar shoot up to 9! Even 2 hours post cereal meal! Scary!

Suggest u go get those snacks suitable for diabetic. Can get from pharmacy at hospitals.

Other than that would be snacking on vege like celery/cucumber/carrot sticks. Salad dressing also huge NO!
jingles, i also ate plain cornflakes last time. you can also snack on nuts, dried fruits, carrot sticks, celery sticks... you get the idea. =P
Good morning... Wow.. looking at the food list for GD, I'm worried myself. I've been loving and eating all the sweet stuff, carbs etc.

Mummies &amp; jingles, is dried fruits like dried guava, figs, apricots ok? I needed these for daily my bowel movements... prune juice/fruits/vege makes me vomit.
Apple, good luck on the balloting!! registration can be such a stressful event. And the kids haven't even started Pri 1 schooling yet!
thanks mummies - you have all been v helpful and generous on your info *hugs*

tulip - errr.....i duno...i think now i super scared already...apricots also like sweet lei...figs also....for me i will stop eating all these and switch to celeries or cucumbers or carrots or corn, which also give good fiber. Damn scared now.....better to be safe than sorry. But I guess u dont need to be so scare like me, cos if your routine test is fine, i guess u dont need to restrict your diet too much.

wat is OGTT?
(X), cornflakes are also bad?
i thought the plain ones are still ok because it has less carbo than other cereals. it's just that i had to take half a cup at a time only.

tulip, dried fruits and nuts are ok but in moderation. i'm just not sure if it's ok to take it everyday.
thanks (x)
blllllllllllleehhhh....after reading, then i realise i got to take 2 blood test =.= no food, no water somemore...haiz....
Did ur gynae order u to do the OGTT?

It's actually 3 urine and blood test over 2 hours interval.

1st is the fasting urine/blood sample...
Then they will make u drink this gassy orange drink, it's very sweet and must finish within like 5min.

2nd urine/blood sample 1 hour after the drink.
3rd sample 2 hours after the drink.

So... would be at the hospital for at least 2 hours. And must be able to PEE lor. That's the tough part! In between, no other food, water, minimum.
yes i suppose to do it next visit lo =.= WHAT BLOOD TEST 3 TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Goshhhhhhh...each time how many tubes *sobs*
jingles, EDD is until next year. still got a long way to go. I'm worried coz my diet is totally unhealthy due to MS.

i can't remember when was the last time i ate carrots without vomitting. even the chicken rice cucumbers had done the same thing to me before. :-(

vanniety, i'm taking two figs (the big moist types) a day and a handful of the dried fruits. I think i'm going to pick out the raisins and apricots (pass to my kids!). Guava is totally tasteless, i assume its less harmful.
yes..my MIL is a diabetic. She claimed that guava is good. High source of vit C too. But tulip guess if u are not big size and no family history, lesser chance to get GD bah...dont worry too much.
try to figure out wat u can eat and what u cant. For me I figure out bb cant tolerate chicken, pork (even those floating bites in ban mian!!!) and garlic....which means I also cant eat my fav chicken rice! That why i try to load on the fish and veg lo...heng i listen to MIL and stop drinking/eating honey dew!!! if not i think my sugar level will be higher :s
tulip, with your terrible MS, i think it's more important to choose foods that you are able to eat, regardless whether healthy or not. no point eating healthy foods if you can't even keep it down. it will just make you weaker. hope your MS eases soon.
Just like to check for mummies on anti-vomit meds, what did your gynae presribe? I'm given metoclopramide (Pulin) by GP, not sure if safe to take. Trying to call up my gynae's clinic, but phone line engaged.
Jingles &amp; Vanniety, thanks for the comforting words!

Yah... i am still figuring out! the food can work one week and then the next, it can't. Jingles, i can't take fish... loving all the meats at the moment.

Since i was 1mth preggie, i couldn't drink any more plain water. So last night, i thought i just crossed 17th week, and went to sip some warm water before sleep. 15mins later, i ended up in toilet. geezzz....
Morning mommies! Been so long since i peeked in here.. Been feeling so lazy cos i don lig on with comp n only log in thru hp so find it hard to reply n say hi... Hope u ladies r doing oh so well....

It seems the Taka bb fair is worth it to buy things eh? I recently saw medela came up with a new bottle supposedly to copy breastfeeding feeling.. Wonder if its gd.. Il b buying medela spare parts on spree nearing to delivery dates.. Bottles im trying to 'tahan' abit cos if i see bottles, i scared il b lazy n itchy to bottle feed n not bf... Wonder if i can have tht strong will power...
I realise this pregnancy theres one particular dish i avoided like plague. Its fried chicken or whole parts of chickens... The thought turned me off n the smell too.. Have not stepped into kfc or chicken related fast fd restaurants for 3mths.. Chicken used to b my fav... Wonder why so extreme..
anyone has any adverse reactions to any particular dish/food?

May - zero weight gain? Wow... Thts kinda extreme izenit? R u on the heavier side to start off with? My friend is and shes in her 7th mth yet cant see she's pregnant..
birdbrain, i'm precribed "Ondansetron Hydrochloride Dihydrate 8mg" since the beginning. Its anti-nausea but also non-drowsy (most anti-vomit pills are drowsy). cost me $4 per pill!!

I took this when i was pregnant with #2 (that time it was $10 per pill!!). kid turn out ok, in fact, his learning abilities were better than his elder sister!
Apple, my spotting stop liao, but in total it lasted 5 days this time and just that fact really made me v emo. At first wanted to sign up for kkh antenatal class, now tell my hubby I really have no mood to join.

Hope u r getting better. We have to really take care of ourselves, jiayou!
BLue_Y, i used to love everything tofu but for this pregnancy, i can't take the smell and taste no matter how it was cooked.
i hope this aversion goes away after my delivery.
agree with vanniety....i read somewhere as well as advise from a nurse. During initial stage, just eat whatever u can, whatever food is better than no food for the bb.
Vanniety - yah.. I hope it will go away... Cos chicken is a huge part of our singapore dishea.. How to avoid it? N i love tofu too... My fav..

Snowwhite - pregnancy insurance? Never heard of it... For me i believe my body is the only insurance my bb needs n tht im solely responsible for wat happens... But its interesting.. What does it cover?
Oh found someting interesting....

Can I buy an insurance policy while pregnant?

A: There are various types of insurance policies offered in the market. Typically, pregnant women will have to wait till after their delivery if they are in their last trimester to buy Critical Illness or Health Insurance plans. Some women may experience conditions like gestational diabetes or hypertension during their pregnancy. In some cases, these conditions subsided after they have delivered their baby which is favorable for them to get an insurance policy.
Thanks tulip

I never heard of pregnancy insurance. As far as I know, no insurance covers this as it's a sure lose business for them, unless they charge super high premium. Most insurance, in fact, have clauses that they do not cover pregnancy related hospital bills. My D&amp;C could not be claimed
Apple, between did ur gyne take a swab to identify ur infection? Coz when I first ask my gyne whether mine could be due to cervix infection, she said there's some protein found in my urine but not serious, instead mine could be some bacterial infection on the outside so does not impact the spotting. Second gyne said it could be due to hormonal changes. These answers hardly put me at ease. At least ur gyne helps u to pinpoint the cause.
Vanniety - yah.. I hope it will go away... Cos chicken is a huge part of our singapore dishea.. How to avoid it? N i love tofu too... My fav..

Snowwhite - pregnancy insurance? Never heard of it... For me i believe my body is the only insurance my bb needs n tht im solely responsible for wat happens... But its interesting.. What does it cover?
blue Y: I super love KFC now..

I think my appettite starting to come back slowly..now i can eat some fish + veggie already..

Tulip7v: previously when i can't take plain water..i add glucouse to it..and it has to be warm water..not cool water..
thanks for the great info...think must take leave to go there. If not stomach so big, scared ple will bang into me :p

i cant tolerate the smell of fried chicken...make me queasy...i had been abstaining from chicken for a long time....the only thing tolerable is teriyaki chicken but guess this is gone for now also as its sweet =.=
RitzC: My gynae scan for me first to make sure baby heartbeat is there. Then he check my cervix. Yes, he did use a swab and found some pink blood stain and check me further. Told me that cervix looks ok but seems like got infection in the cervix skin. At first, me thought the stain is due to low placenta like my first one but then he mention again that most preggy will have low placenta during this early stage....That puts my mind at ease..
