(2011 ) TTC for #2 BB


Megg: my #1 conceived during my Aussie trip hehehehe! Let's see got this LUCK or not. Cos it supposed to be my O period IF i will O la,

Wah congrats congrats genesis n kanelmo!! Soaking myself with bbdust.

I wan MS!! I wan sore BOOBS!! I wan big tummy!!!!!

pink piglet, same as u, falling sick too....got flu, sore throat. I think the medi I ate affect my O this cycle cos till now CD16 still cannot detect my O which is very unusual as I test +ve on opk on CD13 for my past 3 cycles...I have mucus on CD14 n CD15 but cannot detect smiling face like previous cycles, so sian...sigh....this cycle also gone liao

Awbb, no lei, this cycle I more relax than the previous cycles...dunno what happen, haywire liao, maybe this cycle I no egg so no ovulation[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Gals, I finally see Smiling Face on opk just now, think I may have O late this cycle...now that I think back, cld it be due to Conceive Well? I take these pills regularly for the past 2 cycles, this cycle I was sick so I cut down to taking only 1 week, do u gals think this is the reason? But I do not have much CM lei.....funny system....

donkeymami, misscandy, i haven't test with the fortel. used a hpt strip this morning but nothing leh but temp still high. usually my temp is only high for 1 day (like a spike). anyway, will test again probably tomorrow if temp still stay high. if tomorrow don't have also, then will just wait till friday liao.

pink_piglet, take care! take vitamins and sleep early..

awbb, u ki siao already? hehe.. u want big tummy?? hahaha... anyway, my chart swee also no use leh, scarly on friday temp drop and af report then sian liao.

charlotte, so far for me, when that month i sick, my O will be very late. so maybe it's cos you fell sick?

ooo charlotte!!! tonight & tmr night & day after whack whack whack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! good luck!!!! tell hb must do it !!! no matter what !!! rabbit bb !!!!!!!!!!! heeeeeee

cheri - ooo.. maybe too early, best to wait few more days... sometimes, cnt even detect til 1 wk later... my frn af due she test, negative... then 1wk later test then positive... hee... so depends ba... good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!

missycandy, u more gan cheong than me, haha.... I think can only BD one more time either tonite or tmr morning cos we already BD twice, just now told HB we got to do it tonite. Guess what he told me? can wait for next mth lah, still got time...I nearly snap at him...sigh...where got time? not much time...faint liao

Sometimes guy dun have the urgency, like so relax n they dun noe that the wife is anxious,KNS

Hi ladies,

I have been ttcing for #2 for 1 yr,still waiting for good news. My gal already 2 yr old this month. This is the first month i on clomid, really hope can strike, now in DPO10.

Really stress dear all, sometime very scare that maybe i can only have one gal, very negative thinking after so many fail. sigh.

Husband always ask me relax since already have one gal and he think soon or later we will have another kid, but i cant wait anymore..

Missycandy, donkeymami, WTF(&&$%^#$@#@#$...sorry for my language, I told u gals that I tested +ve in the morning but evening no smiling face already...ARRGGG...whats happening to my system???? meaning my LH so fast gone liao...I think I miss already!!!

Hi everyone, been so busy w work these days. I just left the office, haven had dinnder. Gonna faint, oh my gawd.... Congrats to mummies with bfp. I wanna grab all the leftover bbdust too!

Last cycle lasted 40 over days, sian. Now at cd15 only... Been monitoring temp, but like not much changes. Will start using opk frm day 20 ba... Ok or not? Btw i read somewhere dat its better to use Farenheit than celcius cos the spike is more obvious, dunno true or not. Any prof here can answer my qn??

Really envy those w standard 28 days cycle. More chance n no nid to wait for so long.!! Jia you jia you!


Thanks, I will drink more water..


Oh dear...yes i remembered u o very early one. Did you BD near to seeing EWCM? Could it be you hv miss ur surge? Could be it's abit late nia, u dont worry ok.

Aiyo...u like fall sick alot lately...must really take care...me too been sick also near to o or 2ww for last 2 mths...sianz leh.. so must take care ..

Charlotte, prolly u caught the end of the surge this mrng? anyway jz BD for to9 & tmr jz in case.

Cheri, i think still early to test hold on for few more days if temp remains high vy high chance le..excited for you lolz


Oh great... finally see ur opk, so i guess its just late abit! heehee jia you !!!!! I hope u will strike this time!


Thanks, I will take care..


Aiyo, if me i will cry like mad in my heart,, pls rape him tonight!! wahahhaah


Same here my gal turning 2 end of the mth... tot this mth ttc 4mth but i know i sure cant take it any longer...so sad to fail every mth..although I kept telling myself not to stress myself like when i was ttc for no 1..but this kinda thing really hard to control leh..

I also on clomid now, this is my 2nd mth taking clomid.. As I strike my gal with clomid, i kiasu lo and went to see my gynae for clomid when i ttc on 2nd mth. i dont wanna waste too much time...I hope can strike soon leh..

lets all support each other here and jia you!!!hope to hear good news from you soon.


You using clearblue izzit, according to the test, u are not required to test after u detected smilely, just go wack ok. i also quite worried that i hv miss my O, cos i was too busy to think of thinking this cycle, until i saw alot of EWCM I test on CD17 night with opk strip, its v dark. dint get to BD cos i dint expect to get + for a day.. next morning i quickly test again n opk strip test result was fader, but clearblue show smiley.

at night i was tempted to test again, but i dont wanna test n get disappointed, then i bd on CD18& 19 lo. So dont stress urself just wack ok...

charlotte jus whack tonight no matter what ! i remember someone said see smiley means going to O leh... will have 2 days of smiley... then next day no more... so still may be able to catch it... just do it k? dont stress !!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pink pig dont think abt it! hee hee !!!

hmmm i also worried i O early this cycle... nov was 28 day cycle... then dec until jan is 41day.. then from jan to feb also 41 day... dunno which change or not leh... today i feel like a lot of cervical muscus but i nvr "play" with it... then also feel warm... maybe tonight will whack... but hb having runny nose lor... sigh... i dun have any opk!!! think will only arrive tmr or day after... jialat... today is CD12 ...

Hi all...

been bz lately...

anyway, AF here liao... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

can someone help...

what sld i do to track my O??

i hvnt bought any kit or anything yet...

Hi All, am new in this thread ...i hv got a girl who's 14months today... like u gals, trying for #2 now ...am hoping for a boy next...kekeke ...i know there's this chinese calendar whereby it predicts the gender of the bb .. hv any of u gals tried it & is it any accurate?? am rather confuse sometimes ...coz are we supposed to plus one more year to our real age?? & the month of conception is supposed to be in the lunar month or what?? *scratch head* ...any experts here?? ;-D

i think am O-ing today & am wondering if i should bd today or not?? coz supposely some chinese calendar said i will get a boy if i conceive in March & some other sites said it would be a girl if i bd this month??!! am going bonkers liao!! LOL ...any input on this would be greatly appreciated!! :)

to the ladies who hv got a bfp...CONGRATS!!! :)

to the rest of the mates, let's kambatte!! :)

to those who are feeling a tad under the weather, do look after yrself well & feel better real soon!! hugz

*btw, anyone i know here fr the Jan motherhood forum of 2010??*

Darling princess wife,

you can try this website which i hv been using www.cyclespage.com ...u hv to record yr periods for at least 2months, i think (u can backdate yr menses & key in the data yrself) ...in order for them to track yr O day ..they will even send an email to u to remind u that yr O day is near ...

hope that helps ...best of luck!! :)

pink piglet, ya I also suspect I miss the LH surge but usually will last abt 2 days for my past 3 cycles but this round, oh gosh...so fast! I test again at 6pm cos wan to monitor n make sure my smiling face still there....sigh...very depressed dunno whats wrong with my system!

missycandy, ya if got chance later will try to BD n rape him but no EWCM spotted today, only spotted on CD14 n CD15 before smiling face today morning...funny rite?

Hi Missy,

oic。hv u start seeing ewcm. If yes n ur opk hv NT arrive just grab opk from phamacy. Bo bian... Hopefully ur cycle won't b that long this cycle.. If not really v sian hving to wait so long.


do u hv any preseed? If hv use it for tonight.. Scare ur cm not fertile enough tonight Nia.. Just in case. Are u using clear blue from cd 14 onwards n at same timing? If yes hor it's pretty unlikely to miss the surge de . Anyway good to wack tonight n tomolo night. U did bd on cd 14 n 15? if ur dh really too tired then mayb wack him again on Thursday instead of tomolo ba. Heehee should then b well covered!!! Who kws u strike like this leh

Hey ladies.. How r all of u.. Seems like quite a few falling sick..

Pls take care hor hope u all get well and BFP!!

Pink piglet, take care and bb dust for your 2ww.

Charlotte, jiayou and also bb dust for yur fertile day.

Piggy, hope you doing ok..

MissCandy, you cd wat now?

Lynzi, hope you are feeling better and cheer up k. We are all here for u =)

Cheri, wow yur chart reali look quite nice and so excited for u. Hope u have good news!

AWBB, enjoy yur hols and nex mth hv gd news for us!

pink piglet, ya I tested abt the same day, twice on CD13, CD14 n CD15...all no smiling face whcih is kind of weird for my cycle...then CD16 morning got smiling face then gone at 6pm....ARRGGG.....so sian, got a feeling shd miss liao lah...KNS. Yes I also used preseed every mth. Weird system...

missycandy, no BD last nite cos HB really tired n he ignore me when on bed....so fustrating n dun feel like talking to him early morning...haha

Morning ladies!!!!

Aiyoh..so long time i never come in here.

Got ngiao director monitoring our internet usage at work.

Today finally got time to log in cos i took urgent leave..not feeling well.

Got LS from morning..sigh.

How is everyone?


Thanks for thinking of me.

Im better now..i just got my emo nites sometimes..hehe

Any good news here?


Sounds like u missed your surge.

Hope u managed to get some action done..hehe

Pinkp, Missy, Piggy, DPW, TTC2, idali, Awbb

Hope u gerls doing well.

misscandy, donkeymami, think too early maybe.. today dpo 11 take my bbt, shoot up somemore to 37.26. so tried to take the test using the fortel, still bfn. anyway, not giving much hope... still got another 2 days. if bbt drop drastically anytime these 2 days, then bo liao lo..

merry, don't be stressed out. i tried for 1 year + already and my boy is going to turn 3 in may... for us, i think it might be due to my weight problem and stressful jobs both hubby and i have... so just relax. now hubby and i more relaxed cos we both agreed even if don't have another one soon also nvm.. cos still have our boy. =)

joyinsep, nice bbt also no use leh, still bfn. anyway, just wait lo. i'm prepared to start my first clomid next cycle anyway. haha..

charlotte, try again today if possible.

lynzi, morning! how that director monitoring the internet usage? u mean got software on the computer?


Your chart looks really good..should be promising since u got 3 thermal shifts leh.

I would advise u not to test till u really miss your AF..if not see bfn will make yourself demoralised.

At our workplace, the computer services dept can monitor everybody's usage..if exceed by dont know how many Mb..will be fined and deducted from pay.

Now this stupid director just got transferred back from another ministry and he is ngiao..as in dont give warning..will just go and take away the internet cable kind.

lynzi, ya.. first time my bbt chart looks so good in 12 months. abit demoralized to see the bfn.. so not going to test unless bbt still high on friday. i'm having backaches now like af going to report but abit too early. =(

lynzi, so u think I have missed my surge? how comw I tested everyday also missed? it was so weird....cld it be the flu medi affect the surge? confused now....


Could be u have O but your flu meds might have lessen the LH surge so u cant detect +ve opk.

Certain meds are known to affect O reading.

Thats why i hoped u got some action done..hehe


backache is a symptom of bfp but dont read too much into it ok.

All the best.


hugss..try testing again 2 days alter or until u miss your AF.

lynzi, if exceed usage need to deduct from pay?? that's like abit too much lo.. goodness.. take out cable somemore.. didn't catch that part just now cos using my phone. i guess everywhere also cutting cost here and there.. haiz..

ya i not reading into the symptoms le.. done that too many times last year and always disappointed. only see the bbt lo. wait and see if it's going to drop.

babyrabbit, i also bfn this morning. nvm la.. as long as af haven't report still got chance.. =) when's yours due?

lynzi, cheri> ok thanks, maybe try again on sunday. my period due in 2 days but couldn't wait. cheri u try for a year? how do u persist? i try for 6 months v tired of trying already... your fortel how much per test? i only left one more preg test...


Hang in there!

I have been trying for 1 yr 4 mths now..must perservere.


yah now jialat so many of us are depending on our iphones, ipads and galaxy tab now..haha

hey lynzi - hw ya doing? *hugs* havent seen ya for awhile... be well k? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cheri - yes i agree with lynzi, dont test til u miss. if not u jus upset yrself more... even if the test says cn detect earlier, our HCG hormones are only increased n high from the 4th week onwards of pregnancy... means u wld have to wait til u reli miss yr menses... just endure not testing k? have some faith [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] maybe u cn talk to the egg... tell it to be sticky... mummy n daddy wana see u.. hee... =x

babyrabbit - wait til yr af doesnt report... it takes time for hcg increase in production... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] fortel is 8+ from watsons...

missy> yes but i can't wait.. i dream that i got BFP lolx so morning came i just test lor ...

lynzi>> wow how old is ur first child?

A Big Hi to All!

High sensitive (20 mIU) OPKs for proper detection of LH surge (ovulation)

Ultra sensitive (10 mIU) HPTs for use as early as 4 days before missed period

Priced at $0.50 to $0.60 per strip. Free normal postage > 5 strips, fast delivery guaranteed.

Clearblue Fertility Monitor and 20 sticks @ $220

Clearblue box of 20 sticks @ $46.50 (with free HPTs)

Clearblue digital ovulation (smiley face) 7 sticks @ $45.90 *in stock*

Clearblue digital pregnancy with conception indicator (tells how many weeks pregnant) 2 sticks @ $27.90 *in stock*

Special packages incl Pre-seed, Basal Thermometer also available.

Please see my website at www.bbshop01.blogspot.com for more details or email [email protected]

babyrabbit, mine also due on friday. so i'll test on friday cos it's my ROM anniversary. haha.. if have, then give hb surprise.

how i persist? i also don't know leh.. think busy with work plus i was trying to lose weight then didn't really think about it and without realizing, already 1 year 4 months. just keep trying k. if you don't try, you will never get it, if you did, at least you tried and you won't regret next time. this kind of thing we can just hope that it will happen. if don't have, then don't dwell on it cos will make 1 more miserable. if have, then cherish it. anyway, many things easier said than done esp when you see preggy woman walking on the streets. =)

the fortel hpt only $8+ on promotion otherwise think $10+. supposed to be able to test earlier than menses due date lo. but for me, bfn. haha.. i still got 2 clearblue.

lynzi, me also 1 year 4 months now.. since nov 2009. ya.. sometimes for me, i will use my phone instead.

missycandy, ya. i won't test liao. abit sian after twice bfn. haha.. wait till friday see how my temp.

ooo lynzi its very very easy !

preheat oven 180degrees

100g self raising flour

100g caster sugar

100g butter

2 eggs

1 tsp vanilla essence.

i dump everything into the mixer n let it mix. but if u like, cn always cream the sugar & butter 1st... then add egg then vanilla n fold in flour... then i pour into the cases then add 1 tsp or so of nutella. jus drop it in. hee.

bake for ard 20mins ~ done ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Oooh..easy peasy..

Yah i always cream my butter and sugar first..how u know? hehe..

Ok will try out this weekend.



My #1 is 3yrs and 3mths..a dec baby.

Yup at work i will surf using my iphone..so will tend to miss out some posts.

all ladies, how are u girls?? be silent reader all this while, bit stress

and now my breakout at face is more...so i susperct my hormone gone againa thats why i m not O-ing last month..and PMS feel is so strong!! and if AF report this few days, confirm hormone gone cos menses recently since last year November til now ki siao...late, super early, now super super early(still waiting)

waitng for AF and go do bloodtest to find out what hapen what is the reason no O..haiz..i wish i m at sg and sg doctor can give me more details..anyway, just pray all the best that everything is OK and only without O last month.

ping piglet, u strike ur girl with clomid? u use preseed?

charlotte, whack la good luck to u!

and all, my sister in law twins was out 28 feb..so demoralise..anyway happy for them also cos wait for too long, and is high risk pregnancy with her age also is 38/39yrs old..but strike twins boys ok..so i have to remind myself, be optimize..although ony left less than a year for me to try..

lynzi - how u cream ? cn share ? pls dont tell me use hand n beat until siao ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] lol !

airy - wru ? hmmm...dont stress too much... more stress more haywire ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yeh jus received my opks today! am starting to test today. heh. just in case my cycle haywire also. hurhur. today CD13! long way more to O according to online calendar. zzz. 2wks! arghx!

