(2011/12) Dec 2011

Yi Chin, thanks. Her fever is down but we are still giving her paracetamol every 6hrs according to dr's instructions. Cough meds and nasal drops too. Poor girl has so much meds running through her body now. And so heart pain to see her crying at every medicine time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Phew I don't know how you all sahm do it. These few days of 24hrs stuck within the 4 walls of my parents' place with a sick baby is driving me nuts. Haven't had proper sleep the last few days coz sharing bed with baby so I'm squashed at a corner. In the day I can't get much sleep either coz baby is so needy and wants me all the time. So tired...



Speedy recovery for your little girl. ya, when kid is sick, that is one of the most draining and difficult tasks for any parent can face, we been thru' that too, so take care of yourself too.


so fast you already starting meat/fish in porridge!!! I thinking just single food until he is 8mths.

hello hwee peng

Glad to know your girl is okay now.


omg, I hope its not really up to BB 12mths to stop the hair loss. Already got a bald patch showing up!

Annie, haven't start meat yet. Only started at 8 months for #1 and 2. Just wonder if I can start a bit earlier for #3 since she started cereal earlier. Will check with pd on her next visit.


How u mummies make broccoli puree smooth smooth using the avent steamer chk blender? How come mine still taste grainy? Not smooth? I blend quite long. Issit cos I put too few broccoli florets so blender hard to blend it smooth? Same goes for my carrots too. Why?


Nap nowadays even shorter. Sigh. Can only hope is passing phase.


U Going to be sahm for long or going back to work once bb reach childcare age? If yes, look forward to that 18th months. If no, the first year being sahm is the hardest. I nearly go siao, even tho I had my parents' help then. But do indulge in ur parents help, make life easier. Till now, 4yrs being sahm, I still grumble to my hb for making me a sahm. Lol.

Yogosan: I haven't tried broccoli but my carrot purée turned out ok. Did u steam long enough? For carrots, I steam for 10min (quite a small portion). Don't pour out the water after steaming. I did that the first time thinking there was too much water but it couldn't blend properly without the water. For pumpkin, it's the opposite. U need to pour out the water, otherwise it becomes pumpkin smoothie after blending.


I follow the timing instruction. Broccoli: first time I din pour out water, get grainy swimming broccoli. Second time I pour out some water, rough n grainy. Not nice smooth puree like we see on cookbook.

Oh but sweet potato I tried today, that one is smooth.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I always steam v small portion,for one time feed, so she takes a little, i eat the rest. Just wondering if portion too small so blender can't work fully?

U tried blending spinach? Or other veg?

Yoyo: for spinach I'll blend together with pumpkin, not on its own. I steam the pumpkin for abt 7-8min first, then throw in the spinach and steam for another 2-3min. Then blend together. I've done small portions, like half a small apple. Works ok leh.

Annie, thanks. She's better but still slight fever off and on. And still super whiny.

Yoyosan, I'm FTWM. Started work in mid march after 13 weeks of ML. It was actually quite a relief to go back to work, although I missed my girl heaps. But coz my girl is sick, I took urgent leave from wed to fri, so have been at my parents' place since wed. Just 5 days and I cannot take it liao. I now have new found respect for SAHMs.

Yoyosan, i followed the timing on the instruction booklet. Small portion too. For broccoli, i cut away the thick stem, pluck out 3 small stalk and steam 15min. Then blend without pouring away the water. Turn out quite smooth leh. Potato and pumpkin, i poured a little water away. Tried corn today, harder to blend, so blend long long time.

Yoyosan, I followed the avent blender cookbook so I do broccoli with potato, smooth leh. I poured away some water before blending. I am a FTWM so I usually blend and divide into 3-4 portions to freeze then my mum will warm it up and feed with cereal.

Yoyosan: spinach I just use leaves, steam 15 min. Didn't pour some water away, it was too watery. My broccoli was not so smooth too but baby didn't mind.

Ychin, I put pork in the porridge. It has to be blended together with the other ingredients like sweet potato, pumpkin etc then add back into the porridge.

I think my mum is starting on 江鱼仔in porridge this week. She tried putting scallop in it last week and my girl is taking it ok.

I think if your family does not have any food allergy history, you can start trying different food in porridge in small portion. My girl is now 5 months 3 weeks and my mum had given her quite a bit of food in porridge to try over the 1 month that we started her on it. Sweet potato, pumpkin, carrot, pork, water chestnut,dried scallop, 西洋菜etc.

My girl is taking it really well and has normal stool now. She used to be constipated from FM.

Anyone knows when to change to stage 2 of FM? Is it after 6 months or change once bb is 6 months?

I have 1 small can of Similac Total Comfort Stage 1 to give away. New can. Bought 2 cans to try, 1 for my mum's place and 1 for mine but bb didn't take to the taste too well. Anyone interested?

my hairloss quite jialat b4 preg n now even worse so i cut it short, hoping less hair loss. Some websites say after 6mths will be back to normal. Hope it's true...

I used to think being sahm is an easy job, just do household chores, feed bb, change diapers & play w bb. So I readily gave up my job for bb instead of exploring IFC/nanny options. But these 5 mths of handling bb on my own is driving me crazy. My patience is running out with a bb who constantly wants attention. Many times i lost my cool n scolded bb, sometimes even smacking her thighs. I feel guilty n emo after that n often question myself if I've made the right decision to be sahm, maybe IFC/nanny can do a better job?

ping, isn't scallop considered seafood? Can start so soon meh? PD told me do single food like cereals n veg till 8mths then intro porridge. On changing of stage 2 FM, my pd said to do so after solids feeding is established. In my case altho bb is almost 6 mths, but coz she isn't too receoptive to solids, he advised me to wait till 7-8mths then change stage 2.

btw, do u all have a FB group? May I join too? who do i send request to?

Usaginoko: we don't have FB group. But we do add each other as friends. You can just let us know yr email or FB name.

SAHM is a tough job, especially if you are on yr own with no helper or relatives and even more so if it's yr first child. Blur not sure how to handle baby. But I find it gets easier as baby grows older, and the difficult periods when patience is tried is more bearable when baby smiles and laughs with you. I think bonds built between mum & baby is priceless and not replacable. Enjoy yr time with baby and slowly teach her to have her own play time. I try to put baby to play on his own in playpen twice a day when he is in a good mood. Started with 5 min then increase time. Sometimes he can play 20 min, sometimes only 10 min.

Ping: I switched my boy to stage 2 FM just before he turned 6 months. Didn't know have to establish solids feeding but he is already taking cereals and veges well. The tin of stage 1 FM was finishing so slowly replaced one meal at a time with stage 2 FM.

Whats everyone's bb feeding schedule now?

Im feeding bb cereal 2times per day, when can i intro other food like fruits and stuff?

zanissa: A for adults, C for children =)

yuet Sim: Whoa very well said!

usaginoko: Things will get better. Maybe just dont do so much household chores? Let hubby take over some, and have some time off to klkk with friends and/or families. Babies at these stage is very fun to play with, you'll witness every tiny little steps they make now - its so precious. Soon you'll realize that this is the best job on earth - you just gotta find the balance some where. =)

Usaginoko, after being through it now, I totally agree that sahm is really a tough job! Facing the four walls, baby n the never ending housework. Like what Yuet Sim said, esp so if there is no helper n having a first child and if you are so used to your once freedom. And if you get frustrated or emo, others may think that you are just wu li qu nao. Think positively, try every chance to stay happy. Go shopping, buy your favourite things, chat with friends, doll yourself up...Things will get better and you will be able to handle it well.

usaginoko, although I'm FTWM and my mom helps to take care of baby on weekdays, my hubs and I try to take care of baby on our own fully during the weekends. I realized that it's much easier bringing her out than to be at home the whole day coz she gets stimulated by all the happenings around. Maybe you can bring your baby out more often? Like just go downstairs for a walk in the park, or to the playground. Another thing I read while looking for a baby carrier is that some SAHMs use a good carrier and are able to carry baby around even when doing chores. You might want to consider that. Just be careful of the carrier you use coz it affects baby's physical development.

Usaginoko: hang in there! I'm a sahm with no helper too and I'm actually enjoying life with bb. It's much easier now that bb is bigger and not as clingy as the initial few months. When he was a koala baby in the first few months, I brought him out everyday, whether it's for a walk downstairs or shopping in the mall. Some chores can wait, and it helps not getting stressed up over a messier house. Babies grow up so fast! I'm cherishing each day I have with my boy. It's been fun being there for every "first" that bb does. I'd have missed all of that if I'd gone back to work! Try to relax and enjoy the babyhood while it lasts!


thanks for your encouragement. Been feeling quite emo these days coz bb been crying n screaming n shouting just to get my attention, to get me to carry her and walk around, to pat her to sleep. It's my 1st bb and hubby's only home after 7.30pm to help. My floor is very dirty as now I can only mop it on Sat when hubby's home to jaga bb. If i do alone, it's mop 1 room, carry baby, mop another room, carry baby. Once I took the whole afternoon to iron just a few pieces of clothing coz in btw pieces she cried. And it's so difficult to get her to take naps. It doesn't help that she drinks milk on 2hourly schedule and I still have to squeeze in solids in btw. Tried to stretch by 15min and she'll cry that 15mins. The only way to drag her feeding is to bring her out. But I can't possibly be bringing her out all the time coz it's very tiring.

ccs, i bring bb out to supermarket every other day. On days i dun do marketing, I bring her to nearby shopping malls to walk walk. She's very well behaved outside but once home she's a terror. I'm using manduca, very gd carrier. But I dun want bb to be carried around whole day. And I can't cook & do cleaning while carrying bb in carrier else very hot for both of us. Haiz, so just let her cry lor.

Just rented a jumperoo for her tdy. She was happy in it for 20min while I cook, then once daddy's home she started her crying coz she wants him to play with her. Haiz...


Studio Outing:

Venue: Sin Ming Lane, Midview City

Suggested dates: 7 / 14 / 21 / 28th of July

Suggested time: 10am - 12pm / 11am - 1pm

1) ejunko (2A + 1C), 7 July, 10am

2) curry (1A + 1C), 14 July, 11am

3) yoyosan (2A + 2C), 7 or 14 July, 10am

4) SQ (2A + 1C) 14 or 21 July 11am

5) Yi Chin (2A + 3C), 14 July, 10am

6) bubbles (2A + 1C), 21 July only (all weekends taken up), 10am or 11am

7) Annie (1A + 2C), 14, 21, 28 July (11am)

8) zanissa (2A + 1C), 7 / 14 / 21 / 28 July, 11am

usaginoko, how about trying a high chair? We got one from ikea, the white one that is used in just about every restaurant. Can buy the cushion inserts too, coz our babies at this age still can't sit very well on their own yet. It works good for us, she can sit in there throughout our dinner, playing with her toy. She seems to like the fact that she's on the same eye level as us, instead of always nearer the floor. Babies tend to like movement and actions, so maybe you can try putting her there with a toy and do your housework, and she can watch you moving around. Then once in a while can play peekaboo with her while you're moving around. Not sure if that will work but I'm sure you won't mind trying whatever it takes. The whole high chair set up is not that expensive. Total is less than $50 for the chair, the tray and two cushions. We put one cushion horizontal around her body, and one vertical so that she won't kok her head when she leans back. Jiayou jiayou! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Adding on to ccs... Or put her in stroller? I do that sometimes at home while doing chores like vacuuming. Then can easily move bb along ard the house as I move.

hi usaginoko,

I am sure when you first wanted to be a sahm is because you believe you will be the best caregiver for baby, you want to take care of her and witness the milestones she achieves. I agree fully that being a sahm is not easy, I was a sahm when my hubby posted overseas. perhaps you can discuss with your hubby the best possible solution to help you ease the pressure of getting the house clean, cooking, looking after baby. A helper? Tingkat for dinner? part time cleaner who comes in the weekend?

Get help whenever you can, most importantly, take care of yourself, health and sanity, so that you can give baby the best care you can. I realise baby will sense when you are uptight or not happy, so try to relax and she will be happy if you are happy. Oh, try to get some sleep when baby is sleeping. the household chores can wait.

maybe you can try flexible working hours or part time? then you can spend some days taking care of baby and some days working so your mind can focus on something else.

jia you okie!

Do u bathe bbs twice day?

I used to bathe her once in the morning, n just wipe down in the evening. But weather getting so hot nowadays, n she gets sticky at end of the day. asking mommies here, cos old folks say bb young, no need 2 baths a day. What u mommies do?

Agreed is not easy to be a SAHM, but we really have to strike balance over everything. I m without any helper too. But so far try to enjoy myself.

Yoyosan - I did once bath and evening wipe also before this but starting from May I bathed her twice - morning and evening. So hot, but evening one try bath quick quick lo.

Haha true but at nite no need wash hair so much faster [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My parents brought Zoe to GP yday coz she din poo since Fri. After 1 dose of med, finally poo!!! I was so happy I announced to the whole office :p

@ccs, I've been using ikea high chair for bb since 4mths old during meal times otherwise we can't eat in peace. But same problem, she can't stay in it for long despite being seated between us with her fav toy.

@tangerine, I tried stroller before. It used to work pretty well but nowadays it doesn't really work anymore [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

@cookie monster, our standard of home cleanliness dropped a lot liao ever since CL left but we close both eyes lah. The month after CL left, we had tingkat dinner for a month. The food was bad and I dun want to be eating oily salty msg food and my bb gets it thru my bm. So we stopped n I started cooking simple meals. It was manageable until recently bb quite demanding. As I'm not working, I try not to hire part-time helper to save $$. Flexi working hours not possible coz nobody to take care of bb. Part-time child care centre is expensive, not worth. I tried to get my mum to help jaga few hours but she gets very stressed and panicky when bb cries then will call me back. Haiz...

I wonder if bb's cranky behavior is due to teething. I noticed a small white dot appearing on her lower gums....

Today was a better day. She napped after every feed, so I could iron the mountain of clothes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But I suspect that it's due to her cold. Tml gona bring her see doctor for cough & runny nose liao...

My bb perspires easily and she stinks! So I bath her twice a day since 4mths old. But evening bath I dun wash her hair, just clean hair with wet cloth.


Depend on whether we are going out or not, normally will just wipe down in morning n shower in the evening.

Yoyosan: I also bath baby twice - his fav pass-time lol.

usaginoko: Ouh, so baby dun fuss when you're around is it? Or baby still fuss the same?

I think u gotta find the balance somewhere, since getting a helper and child care center is out, and you cant clean while baby is awake. But would still like to keep the home clean....then do it when hubby is home. Ask him to take over baby for an hr while you do the chores? Can build bonds too.

Then you close one eye abit lah, divide the work into 7days, maybe 1 night mop 1 room? Then weekend mop whole house? And maybe monday wash the laundry, tues iron them, and so on?

Cooking wise, maybe you have to cook earlier - does baby naps in the day?

I think its about finding the right time to do the things. So once you tap into it, then things should be better. Jiayou!

Yoyosan: I bath baby twice too. Once in morning, after his feed and once in the evening after 3rd solid feed. He loves baths.

How often is yr girl waking up at night?

Hi Usaginoko and all mummies, I think being a mum is the toughest job in this world, regardless SAHM or FTWM. Baby cry, poo, drink, etc etc so many things need to worry. But hang in there, time flies and baby will grow up really soon. Imagine last year this time we were all still pregnant, it was like just happened yesterday!! Now looking at the little cutie that we can hold, who smile at us everyday (though they cry everyday too!!), amazing rite? Now try to imagine next year this time they can call us mummy, will run to us and ask for a hug... Wow!!!

Let s gambate together!!

Wow echo, your post made me imagine how nice it would be when our babies can call us, and I kept smiling into my computer like a goondu.

Hi all, please add me in fb. [email protected] Looking forward to seeing your babies' photos!

CCS, haha, tat s how I comfort myself everytime when I feel soooo exhausted... Keep telling myself that my bb will grow up very very soon. I even tell my bb grow up quickly, when she reaches 6 yrs old then mummy can teach you sweep floor reaches X yrs old teach how to mop floor, wash laundry etc etc... Wahahaha. Must start to psycho bb since young. I think I am a bad mummy :p

Hi all, can add me to ur fb also? My email is [email protected]. But pai seh I am not active uploading photos. Maybe next time ask my husband to tag me some of my bb's photos to share with you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

usakinoko, scallops are seafood but I don't have a family history of allergy so my mum tried it early.

I also have to bath my girl twice a day otherwise she gets really sticky in the evening. Especially so now that she has started on solids. BTW, I brought her to the swimming pool since she was 4 months old and she loved it.

Hang in there for all SAHM. My sister have 4 young kids and she is also a SAHM and home schooling all her kids. A lot of encouragement, discipline and positive outlook needed. But when you look back at the times you spend with ur kids, it is all worth it. I cannot face the 4 walls of the house every day so I choose to continue to work.

Hi Mummies,

I bathe my girl twice a day now... she'll be sticky by mid day with the hot weather..

I just started feeding my girl with fruit puree. Its so exciting to see her first reaction... but overall she's taking it well. Hoping to move on to cereal soon..


It can be tough being one but i think its all about managing.. I'm quite lucky as i have my grandma with me most of the time.

I am starting an online business selling kids clothes. Hope to get all your support.




Hi all, my edd is dec 11 however I popped on 23 nov which makes my ds ard 6 mos now.. I posted this in dec thread, but I wonder if any mommies could help me with these few questions:

Just wondering, for drank FM, how many hours can it be kept in warmer? How abt undrunk FM?

How many times shd the baby eat now?

Any recommendations on what FM to feed my 6 mos old. I put him on enfapro a+ and he seems to have constipation, tho he was alright with enfamil a+. Thank you so much

Chic Mommy: You popped early, I had to wait almost a week after my EDD for baby to be induced =) FM that has already touched baby's saliva can only keep 1 hour. Not sure about premade FM, I heard can make and keep in fridge before next meal, but not sure how long. As to number of meals, it depends some babies would have transitioned from 7 feeds to 5 or 6 feeds a day including 3 semi solid meals with milk. For FM recommendations, better check with your PD.

Hi mummies!

my little boy is very fussy and it has been a real challenge looking after him. Thank goodness my mum has been a great help. That coupled with my flexi working hours has enabled me to really enjoy watching bb grow up. I think all mummies are great, whether they are SAHM or FTWM.

Yoyosan: I bathe him twice a day as well as the weather is simply unbearable these days.

ccs: In your opinion, what is a good carrier to use? I'm exploring some options now.

Grace, I'm no expert, but from what I have read, choose a carrier that supports the baby's entire butt including the thighs all the way up to the back of knees (baby is in a sitting position), instead of those that leaves baby hanging from the crotch with legs dangling. Also read that those front facing carriers may not be the best choice either. I just bought the ergo baby carrier, but haven't had a chance to use it coz my girl has been ill the last week. Hope this helps! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My ger is finally 6month old! yuhuuu...

finally now i can officially tells my MIL to give her porridge. She has been refusing to give baby porridge keep claiming that my ger do not know how to eat.

Just wonder how many time should i feed a six month old baby solid? once a day? or twice a day?

Shirley, I replaced 1 feed with solids at the 2nd wk after I intro solids to baby at his 5th mth. So he is taking 4 milk feed and 1 solid a day, then this wk i add on a fruit feed at ard 5pm on top of the 4 milk+1 solid. At nite, if he wakes up at ard 5-6am and cannot get back to slp with the pacifier, then I latch him.

I intend to replace dinner with solid when he reaches 6 mth. So will be 3 milk + 2 solids + fruit.

Hi Yuet Sim, my EDD was 8 Dec, but i popped early cos DS was laying too low already... and I could hardly walk for the last 1 month of the pregnancy. Thank you so much for the reply,, I sure helps,, tho this is my 3rd child, i do forget some of the details..

Agree with Grace.. I think all moms whether SAHM and FTWM are great! To all the moms out there.. salute!

Chic mommy and Shirley: I'm feeding 6 times now: breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper + 2 middle-of-night feeds (sigh, his once-in-the-night feed only lasted a few days before gg back to waking twice again). All meals come with milk. Breakfast is bm plus cereal, lunch is bm plus veg/fruit purée, dinner is bm plus cereal plus leftover purée from lunch. Supper is bm+fm. I started solids for almost a month already, starting with rice cereal. From what I gather, all babies eat differently. There isn't a fixed formula on how much a baby shd eat, so I guess go with your instincts and baby's appetite?

@chic mummy, drank FM leftover can be kept for an hour. I dun leave the leftover in warmer coz sometimes outside not convenient. My frd always put in warmer at home, end up bb too used to having nice warm milk all the time, but yet always leftover 1/2 bottle n refuse to drink the room temp milk outside. So when go out, each feed she has to make milk twice.

My girl was on partial bm since birth. Last wk I put her on total FM (enfalac) and she constipated [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] PD recommended to switch brand if still same problem. She said Similac is preferred by many parents of bb with constipation.


I agree with ccs to get one that supports bb to sit rather than hanging by crotch. And dun face front even tho bb likes it coz it's bad for bb spine. Gd brands include Ergo / Beco / Manduca. I was using Combi's 4-way carrier. Very taxing on shoulders even tho my bb only 6kg then. So I bought Manduca & love it! Even my hubby's very happy using Manduca.


I feed solid once a day in morn only coz just started 2 wks ago, bb still dun really know how to eat from spoon. She has up to 7 milk feeds a day, so feeding solids in btw her 2hrly milk schedule is a challenge too. Coz it's either too full or too hungry to eat solids.


Hi mummies, I've been out of action for quite some time. Been busy at work and entertaining bb after work "_" indeed, since becoming a mum, I have new found respect for sahm too. I always wanted to be one, but now, I dun have the luxury and aptitude to be one. Haiz.

Anyway, I want to find out if your bbs are sleeping on pillows yet? Feel like getting one for my boy..

