(2011/11) Nov 2011

My son is drinking 80ml, but it seems tat his feeds is every 2 hours, even at night. Quite tired!!!


Same here... we can't tahan our house so messy & dirty too. This Sat my confinement over sure do major house cleaning. Then Sun 1 month celebration buffet.

Jean, no i didnt get one. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] regret now lor... sigh.

My girl when latch on both sides (total abt 30mins) only lasts 2 hrs. bottle she takes 70-80ml then dun wan le. and that takes 1 hr to feed. >.<

messy house... i close 2 eyes....

Iselle, I do want to rest more but with heavy breast it's like engorgement, bio clock already must release it if not so uncomfortable to sleep. But usually I will catch a nap after my afternoon pump. Cos neighbourhood got upgrading so very noisy , gd if can catch an hour of rest.

Jean, I din get a breast shield.prob during weekend ask hubby go get one if it's useful. Now not latching, the bestfriend pillow bought become wasted now.....

Btw, mummies ...do u all stay in and sleep in aircon room? What temperature u set?

My email is [email protected] (FB nick using my full name , initial is CKY) , can add me to FB group?

Shirley - i think it is time to increase the amt. How old is yr bb?

U shd fo the cleaning after the full mth celebration. I m not having any as we did not have one for my 2nd one too. My cl will go back 1 day early so tat we can do the cleaning n the next day we need to attend my gal k2 graduation

Sorry toonies, we have close our entry to our FB for silent reader. Thanks for asking.

Shugar, sammi, pls Pm me ur FB nick and email to be added in the FB.

FB group will be close to new members and silent reader. As we liked our group members to be participating vigorously in our discussions. Thanks.

Sammi - i set at 25 and with fan blowing too. My kids are sleeping with us for time being until cl goea back n they like fan n ac. Actually for this confinement, i have been blowing a lot of fan coz too hot and i shower everyday woth ginger n lemon grass but head only shower once a week.

Who is Yvette LIm and Wina Lee in FB??? Pls identify urself...if is silent reader, sorry, we have close the entry. Thanks for asking.


U need to increase the amt by 10ml to try out.


Since she has no problem latch on, then do so...if not, after latch on, top with Lesser EBM to last for 3hrs...


My SIL gave me is AVENT ultra comfortable breast shell...it is 2 in 1. Meaning they have a pair of ventilated breast shell for sore nipples, and a pair of non ventilated breast milk collection shells with a pair of silicone backing cushion to collect excess BM. I hope u can ask ur hb to get the right one for u.

Jean, prob is after latch she dun' go to sleep. Awake and eyes big big. sometimes still root. If try to feed her more sometimes she cry... Badly. Put her down on the bed also cry. Wants to b carried all the time. Last night was bad... Think whole day I got only 5 hrs sleep.


U r better than me... Ytd my boy was awake frm 9pm-3am... Refused to put on bed. Carry nt gd enuff still muz walk cant sit down... Thk i only sleep for less than 2 hrs coz he up again at 5+


think most bb wans hug hug and we cant resist to our little ones too.. my bb also love to cry when he awake and when he sense why no one hug him he wld mk funny noises and evenetually cry..

jean: thans for adding to fb


i used to hv an indian lady who helps me to do cleaning for last 2 yrs. but since i gotten maid cant engage her service. if any mummies looking at a PT helper do let me know.


who else in house helpin u? i survie #1 and now #2 w/o CL. now i mainly have maid who take care of the hh chores and washin. she is damm slow thou. for cooking i prepare myself mainly in steam fish and nutirients soup.

at night mainly me w hb taking care bb. so far i dun let maid handle bb cos i dun feel safe. and for #1 she is quite understanding and does help me w small small chores.

getting cl now may be diff but if hh chores gragging down ur time can get someone to help U


My baby boy tomorrow is 1 month old already. Can't clean after 1 month celebration coz now is already super dirty. My mum helps in the confinement and she is very sloopy when it comes to housework. In fact, it is all thanks to my hubby to help out, otherwise the dinning table & floor will be full of food lumps. When I complained, she either never listens or just said that her eyesight is bad. Her own house also like tat.

Shugar & Serene,

Maybe wat u said is right. I try & increase a bit, but also probably he wants to suckle for comfort. We didn't get him pacifier yet. Sometimes I think he seems like he is sleepy more than hungry, yet he wants to suckle. My hubby doesn't want him to start pacifier so early or don't even want to start pacifier, so I wonder how to cope with him when we r outside. The only good thing is tat he seems to sleep better when I sarong him outside.

Fion, no one else at hm except hb who is busy n doing work n on n off help me with bb. My mom help me look after my #1 over at her place. So pretty much omo. Vy tired. I try to nap... When bb naps. (this happens on gd days)

Ya know it's hard to find cl now. Tried calling a few Liao but all on assignments or gng back msia coz work days are up le.

my baby girl is 14days old, she is taking BF 60ml - 80ml every 2hr during the daytime and 100ml of formula every 3hr during the night.. consider too much?

I pumped every 2 to 3hr, each session i could only get 60ml to 80ml.. am taking fenugreek every meal but like not much help.. so sad..

Ally - my gal 11 days old is taking 90ml of bm. She is on total ebm and latching one or twice a day. I can achieve 150-180ml every 3 hrs and there are still enough to store. I am taking sacred tea.

serene: envy your milk supply!

we can drink tea during confinement? My GF gave me Organic Mother's Milk tea not sure whether got use anot..

Hi ally,

I just finished my pump and i can't believe it. I just hit 200ml. Hmm a lot of mummies have tried that tea during confinement and there is no side effect.

Serene-amazing..how u achieve that? Sometimes wen i pumped my milk is like dripping that kind,see already also sianz! But some days is like spraying which i will feel contended.

Jean chua- Im mostly at fb as seems like not many ppl post at forum le..


I pumped or latch every 3-4 hrs.Sometimes supply alot sonetimes pathetic..

wow wow, Serene, how envy we are! Just curious, if after 30 mins there is still flow, do you continue?

What is the name of the sacred tea again? Is it available in the watson or pharmacy? Is the fenugreek pills form better?

In the afternoon I didn't on air-con, endure the sweat. But at night when sleep turned on 25 degree but I can still sweat...anyone same? will sweat in aircon room too.....

Jean, thks, I'll take note of your recommendation on AVENT ultra comfortable breast shell.

btw, any c-sect mum started massage already? When can start? Is it really necessary? I hearsay, it's not just for slimming down purpose but it's good for the womb too.. is it true?

Shugar, thks for the contact! How much does she charge? U engage her before to ur hme?

Bb urine,motion record

Do the nurses record n update u? I wonder y mt e. doesn't have. I tink they just record color of poo at nursery if bb happen to be in nursery . Dun tink they go back update when they change diaper for bb at my room.

Sammi- I can't sleep without aircon cos I find openin windows worse as some x wind v strong n give me chills. Fan seems to gimme headaches. I set 26degrees with power at 2nd highest level. Had been experimenting it for d 1st wk to get Tis comfortable yet not too cold temp for myself.

I oso use d same breast shells as jean.

I get wat u mean on engorgement. I startin to get it Tis wk n max sleep 4hrs hv to wake n pump. Hope u r slowly gettin used to d schedule [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Little bb - welcome bk [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ya fb has more response haha

Shirley - my bb like urs more sleepy than hungry but dun wanna zzz till give pacifier or let her suckle till she zzz. Initially I oso insist no pacifier. But dunno how to make her zzz so gave in..

Sammi - After 30 mins the flow will stop. In fact around 25 mins there is no more flow but i still pump to stimulate the breast.

It is called Sacred Tea. U can email Shirley Yan <[email protected]>. Understand from her that the spree just started. Fenugreek is one of the ingredient in the sacred tea.

In fact my freezer is already full and I am now considering to buy a mini freezer but no place to put the freezer ;(

Hi Jean, I'm Wina Lee .. nickname : meplaa

I have delivered my gal on 30 Nov 1803pm, weight: 3.550 kg. length: 49cm head circumstance: 34.

Tried induce on 29.11.2011 as per doc's instruction.

today have been discharged from hospital.

Thanks God.. everything smooth and normal without epidural..

Dear Serene,

when did you start to drink the sea?

after how many day of your delivery?

drinking time? morning or evening?

sorry to ask u so much qns..

would appreciate if you can reply me..

Hi Meplaa,

I started to drink on my 2nd day of delivery at the hospital. My milk flow came in on that day itself when the LC came to check on my breast. She said it is not engorge but my breast is full of milk. I drank every morning. Max is 4 tablespoon with 8 cups of water but i only took 1 tablespoon with 3 cups of water (i prefer more dilute taste) and i could see the result.

Twink: yup I got her to come to my place once. She charges $120(included transport) for an hr session. But she stayed for more than an hour. Went through cradle hold, football hold n lying side latching w me.

U keen then give her a call. Think she will b gng off for holiday on the 8th dec onwards.

Hi, can i check with u whether u keep those unfinished ebm for next feed or u throw away? Very wasteful to throw our precious bm away. If keep then do u keep in fridge or at room temp or inside the warmer? Normally I'll throw away if only less than 20mls left but will keep in fridge and top up with more ebm and warm up again for next feed. Don't know if it's the right way.

Serene, u pump for 30mins every session? thought 15mins is good enough, pump too long might hurt the breasts. My mum told me dun know whether using pump got side effect or not might hurt our breasts in long term.

Yes. I read that it is half an hr and i have been doing so since my 1st child. 15 mins can't empty my breast. Medela PISA function like bb suckle so should be ok and TMC LC said that it was a good pump.



At night i turn the aircon at 26deg..at times i Will wakeup soaked in sweat or maybe feeling chills.as for the massage for csection,my gynae advised 4weeks later.

