(2011/11) Nov 2011

Little bb,

Congratulation!!!! Welcome to moo moo club...

U have to start walking when the drip is being taken off. U got to put on the binder for the ease of pain. It is not that unbearable...in fact, most of my relatives say I look very energetic on my 2nd day. Ask ur hb to help u initially to stroll around...maybe pop by to other mummies room to chat with them..


Yvette can latch on for 20 mins on each side...but I think she still not getting enough. When I pump now, I only able to get 30-35ml from both sides. According to PD, she should be feeding at 60ml now, so I top up with fm (mamil). I'm going to see the latching consultant tmr. I do have sore and cracked nipples now...and closed ducts...maybe the LC can help me unblock the ducts...

Cynn, fynn. Snowpear

Going to be ur turn soon....jia you jia you...

I'm too sleepy now..didnt have a good sleep for the few nights...


Congrats little bb, take care n rest well!

is-elle, my mum also very strict nag everyday said must wear slipper all the time, cannot walk too much must lie down with bb even u dun want to sleep, dun log on pc Blah blah blah..i know she meant well but very pek chey at times so started to quarrel wif her too.Anyway it the last week lo, so happy my confinement gg to finish, really very depressing to stay at home the whole month. Bear with it n soon it will b over.

Just seen my gynae.

HE said if by next Tuesday still no sign of labour, he want me to be admitted and get induce. Hmmmm... Where should I go when I reach TMC? Just tell the counter I want go and induce??? Hahahaha!!

Thanks all for the regards & wishes..Just to ask when the csection wound will not be so painful? Do we need to take out the stitches? Today i am still feeling exhausted & giddy.

The direct csect wound won't be so painful if u took the pain killer. Is just the getting out of bed moment, and the first steps of walking is a bit pain. But I'm not sure if it is the same after 24hr of labour.

First day will feel very sleepy for me, after that, I already walking here and there in tmc le.

My doc has not taken out my stitches yet when I visit him on day 7 today. He say next week can take out. So dun worry. Remember to hold ur wound when u want to sneeze or cough...it will be a little pain there.

Take good care and rest well, my dear.

Which room are u in btw?? I might be able to pop by if u ok with visitor. I will be going tmc tmr for lactation consultation.


Did your gynae say why need to induce since you haven full term? Haha you should be faster than me then! Today gynae check baby's heartbeat, growth, level of fluid, my bp, all at healthy levels. Baby is still around 3kg+ abit, head not too big, everything is ok. So he told me to wait for another week (!!!) before discussing about whether or not to induce. Cos if unsuccessful induce will need to csect, he dun recommend that for me. So I wait lorrrr.....

Next wk already Dec! I'm gonna be a Dec mummy!?! LOL.....

little bb,

ya, i think with painkillers, it is mostly manageable. re stitches, it depends on what your gynae used. for me, i didn't need to have any stitch removed. my gynae just cut the knots at the end. that wasn't too bad. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i think it's just the getting out of bed which is awful for the first few days, esp since the tmc bed is sooo high. when u get home onto your own bed, try and remember how you got in. that will help u get out less painfully.

use ur elbows to help prop you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hmmm... My gynae asked me if I want bb to come out or not. I said of cuz lah.. Then he asked again if I want Nov or Dec baby.. I said, anything lor.. Hehe! Next Thursday will be 40 weeks liao... He didn't use the term "induce"... He just said insert pill... So I assume is induce?? Hehe!

He asked me Tuesday 11pm go hospital then he insert pill.. Wait for 7 - 8 hours. Then he will come to burst water bag on Wed morning.. By afternoon can see bb liao.. Then if bb cannot come out naturally, then c-section lo...

But cyn, our bb will come out anytime de.. Can be suddenly want to come out without any warning.. So, I still hope that I don't have to induce cuz I read afew mummies said induce is more painful than without, right?? If really have to induce, I will opt for epidural liao..

So now, is 3 of us, me, cyn and snowpear!


Icic… yah me keep telling baby to come out by this weekend, if not overdue liao! Gynae did say most babies come out btwn 39-41 wks, I might b e lucky one who hit 41 wks *faintz* Actually other than my fake contractions being more frequent and painful, I'm pretty much functioning as per normal, can't complain. Just dat sometimes emotional rollercoaster due to the uncertainty hehe. Have to keep reminding myself dat baby is healthy and dun rush her too much!

My plan is to walk and be active as much as possible for a safe and smooth delivery. Today walked alot, quite proud of myself keke… we jia you together k! Pray for natural delivery since 'dong' so long liao haha…

Hi Cyn... do not worry, keep talking to your baby and be positive and you will deliver normal... my situation was the same as you... but at the last movement i delivered normally.... keep talking to your baby and do walking... Take care and wish you all the very best...

Thanks all for the information of csection.Does the blinder helps to reduce the pain?

Jean chua

Are you asking me which ward i staying?? Im at mount alvernia,nt tmc.

hi little bb...just chanced on your qn about c-sec and you reminded me of my own ordeal...hehe...i was a nov 2010 mummy...also went thru 24 hrs of labor b4 e-csec like you...just to share my thoughts about your qn as i happened to be reading this thread...

yes do get the binder..it helps to support your wound area and makes it easier for you to get up and down...for me the 2nd day they make me get up and go toilet already...the first step is the hardest and climbing up and down the bed...but take it easy....have the nurse/ hubby support you for the first day...then when you feel more confident you can try to walk unassisted...i cried on the first day bcos i felt so helpless...even going toilet oso have to be assisted...but things will get better...on the 4th day of discharge i can walk myself and not much pain already...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

the external wound/ pain will heal earlier but take note c-sec mummies...the internal wound may take abt 6 mths to completely heal so try not to be too garang and do too much heavy work in this period of recovery...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

just my 2 cents...congrats and happy moomoo-ing...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jean- Estelle oso feed abt 60ml n I top up wi fm. Envy u tat yvette can latch on for so long. Even my cl say my bb is lazy... Hubby say like mother like daughter whaha

Fynn,cyn - Jia you n do all d exercises or stimulation massage as much as u can. I was originally scheduled for inducement then bb decide herself to come out 1 day earlier. Not sure if it's cos of stimulation I did la.. But it's d best tat we can do rite.. So both you n snowpear Muz Jia you!

Julia- thanks for

Ur encouragement. I've 3more wks ahhhh!!! I feel

Emotionally better when mum not home. Hope she goes out more often haha.

Congrats little bb! Take good care!


Just go straight to the admission counter to do your admission process n the admin person will get someone to accompany you to delivery suite or observation room after that. But Usually there will be someone at the door to attend to u when you reach TMC main door n bring u to admission counter.

So tired having to wake up at this timing to pump. CL leaving on sat and I will have to be up more after that to do all the feedings myself.. Super duper tired n sleep deprived but prob body should get use to it after some time. Haiz.. Going miss my good CL. However good news that my confinement officially ends tmr! : )

Waiting excitedly for the birth updates of the rest of nov mummies! Almost there. Jiayou!

Dear all mummies, I had juz popped my lil princess on 24 nov 2011. However this is after goin thru bad agony, heavily traumatized induce labor for 14-15hrs and worse is the dilation is slow and I'm e end ve to Ho got e-csect cos bb too stress and resulting her to poo inside which the cord ard her neck.

Personally let me share my exp:

23 nov 11:

8am: happily admin TMC after havin a hearty breakie wiz hb.

In between been havin the half hr interval contraction.

9am: dr came n check n still only at 1cm so he insert e pill for it to dilate. Soon enuf contract interval increase, almost 10-15min interval. But cOntraction damn super painful.

12pm: dr came n check again dilation still at less 2cm but I almost gone due to the contraction pain

As I am super afraid of jab tt y I try to tolerate whilst my hb advise me to take epi seeing hw painful I m..

1.20pm: head nurse came. N check on me and still at 2cm n told us I still ve long way to go y dun I take epi can reduce my pain. No choice cos contraction pain, when dr insert the hand in to check also pai, I decided go for it..

1.45pm: wheel me into observation ward n wanna jab me. Tt us 1 of east traumatizing exp cos hb cannot m in wiz me n I had to managed it myself with the concurrent contraction pain, ve to curl up like a shrimp for e long fucking exp... This whole going almost killed me and I can't even bring myself to continue even wiz e useless laughin gas.. Till they got no choice then they ask my hb cm in n talk to me cos my blood keep bursting out instead flowin in.

Hb keep encouragin me, talk to me, kiss me n he was talking to me wiz his tearin eyes.. He really saw hw painful n distress I am.. Without him I couldn't pull thru this worst diff ordeal..

Appx 2.20pm: done wiz e jab etc, they increase dosage for epi n I feel much better wiz e numbness in my body.. All the way till 6pm

6pm: the start of contraction cm again but this time is anus side. Reason cos bb pushin e way fon to engaged n will pass thru e nerve ard our anus, so even wiz epi, I feel e full contraction over again cod epi do not cover certain sensitive places as per dr n nurse.

all the way till 830pm: dr came n check again, I m still only at 4-5cm but the anus contraction is juz as bad n interval getting closer etc

Pain n pain, shiver n shiver, cried n cried Is juz wat I been thru the whole day

10pm: nurse came make her rd and said I had dilated to abt 7cm. So if I continue I will probably be able dilate till 10cm n five birth within e day.

Suddenly head nurse came again n checked n she got poo inside as bb too stress

She called dr n dr called Hb n said need ecsect cos she will be in danger. Hb agreed. I was in total distress cos I nvr expect go thru like this but can't think so much.

1010pm; wheeled me in n by then thru out the whole process I m totally asleep cos I super duper tire already

15min Later she arrived n even tho she is cute but I no energy c her. By 11pm they wheeled n n send me back to my ward n I slept thru till next day 10am.

To be honest, when I first saw her till juz nw in the afternoon, I wasn't accepting my bb. I feel quite bad as my mum but the trauma is too deep n strong on me, even hb realized it.. Only till late even when I leg her latch on me n we built tt first bondin then I feel her close to me..

What I wanan tell u all is unless u feel u can do it or really can dilate, If not go str for csect wiz half epi. Finished up in No time n no need go thru all trauma. Do natural unless is natural n not induce. Induce can kill u.. Really.. Speaking fm exp n not meant to scare MTb but juz hope u all won't go thru e kinda trauma tt I been thru n worse in e end we need pay natural+csect charges. Not worth ...


Congratulations! Thanks for your sharing. So sorry to hear abt the traumatizing experience, hope you are recovering well now.

Must admit I'm pretty worried after reading this… could I check why your gynae wanted you to go for induce in the first place?

Hi kaemii,

Congrats to u and ur newborn.

I do agree with you on the straightaway csect part. After reading ur birth story, im glad I heed my gynae advise in csect with epi. He did mention if induced is unsuccessful, it will cause danger or stress to the mummy and baby, end up also have to csect.

Not that I'm trying to scare MTb, but indeed I do compare myself to those mummies who go thru trauma labour and end up csect. I do feel myself and the strength is indeed better and more enegertic.


100% Cotton Hanky/WashCloth from Korea

1 Pack (10 pcs) - $8.90 each (Less than $1 a piece!)

Above 3 packs - $8.50 each

I want to introduce this 100% cotton hanky for babies. It's brought in from Korea and I personally use no other hankies/wash cloths but these for my 1 year old baby. Since she was born till now, I have been using these hankies as washcloth for her face and body (even my CL says its very good and she has never seen it before!).

They are also used as burp clothes and her hanky for going out. In her first 6 months, she has slight reflux and frequently threw up. I prefered to use these cloths instead of tissue paper as they are much gentler to the skin.

It's super soft, thin, washes and dries easily and very cheap too! It can be washed over and over again in the washing machine and doesn't tear easily.

They come in packs of 10 at $8.90 each. If you get 3 packs and more, its $8.50. Postage is calculated separately or collection can be arranged.

PM me if keen. Thanks

Hi all, have been a silent reader in this forum. am also a nov mummy who had delivered to a baby boy at tmc on 14 nov.

I had some challenges in breast feeding so bought a breast feeding pillow (My Brest Friend brand) last friday. It did help a lot in my breast feeding but bec I do not have enuff milk for my baby, I decide not to latch him on already and will try to pump out whatever i hve instead.

The original price is $83. I am willing to let go at $65. It is still very new cos I only used it last friday and weekend, and I still have the plastic cover. Please pm me if you are interested. Self-collection at Toa Payoh - can arrange to meet at MRT station. Thanks.

Hello Mommies

How' everybody? Congrats to the mommies who have popped!

Has been getting lots bed rest for the past days. BB suckling for almost every 1hr. He started gd in he 1st 2 weeks, drinking every 3 hrs then became 2hr then to 1.5hr and now 1 hr. Days when he is on growth spurt drink almost every hr even though i am milk less. Then when he is back to his normal feed, drink every 1.5hr to 2hr. Now i think become habit, drink every hr and 1 side only. On days feel very full and on days feel very dry. Very demanding bf that i forgot. Need to dig out my #1 bk to check on pattern.

I am not sure if it is a boy this time that this bb demands more and cry louder and scream louder compared to my #1 girl.


This time he only poos like once every 2 days and seems to be in pain when trying to pass motion or fart. Dunno if it is colic plus constipation. He is only mostly bf except on middle of nite when fm is given by cl. Kinda concerned as my girl pooed 6-8x per day when on tbf. Now very different. NOw cl just started to give gripe water and ru yi oil to help bb with wind. I think maybe i ate quite a bit of beans soups and fried beans that cause tummy wind> NOw i started to press bb' tummy everyday to check for colic/wind and discomfort.Otherwise bb wd fuss and cry despite bf and every time face so red like so uncomfortable. So mommies do take note of what u eat even if u r bf can pass wind to bb and then they suffer. I rem my girl never had this prob and i avoid all wind causing food and tonic food like wine, ginger food etc. And do give gripe water ( a little with water) and ru yi oil after every bath even on bf bb. I feel that it helps to dispel any wind and provide more warm to bb to sleep better.

Babyzel>>> MY cl also leaving soon on sunday. Think it will be sing for all moms when cl leave. I also feel very tired now so when cl leaves i wonder how i can cope.


Oh i wonder if my cl is too careless or clumsy, she has broken 3 cups directly or indirectly, cracked 1 glass milk bottle on top of breaking my bidet,dropped 2 clothing, stained and cracked my saucepan bgt less than 2 month when i moved back to flat, and i wonder how many more that i did not know. Faintz. I wonder if that is the norm for someone new to break so many things almost every week. IN fact i saw that when she use my knife to cut meat, she just wipe with tablecloth or just put back the knife shelf without washing with liquid detergent. Qn if i use now does it mean i have to wash e knife before i use and wash after i use. She is a nice chatty lady but too careless with other' possession. Thank goodness she is leaving on sun morning but then again my flat wd resume to be dirty and less rest for me. Haiz less sleep after cl leave and more temper after that.

BB' face

Does ur bb face has lots of rashes? I dun know if it is due to the moisturizer my cl put to act as a barrier for milk stain. Now my bb' forehead, eyelids have lotsa little spots/rashes. I use wet wipe to clean his mouth after every bf and i think better control. However i do want to slowly build up the skin barrier esp with the mouth area so that as days goes by, e skin can handle the milk stain. NOw neck also heat rash. I wonder if moisturizer and heat cause that. I dun remember my #1 had heat rash on the neck except the face.


Hmmm it's such a double-edged sword right? On one hand c-sect is quite a major op and have negative impact on our bodies, on the other hand induce seems like the lesser evil but might be traumatizing for some if our bodies are just not ready.

Meanwhile I'll just stay positive and try not to freak out too much =P

Last night woke up at 3am and couldnt sleep till 6am cos of uncomfortable braxton hicks contractions occurring quite frequently, like every 10-15 min or so. The discomfort will extend downwards to my pelvic area, really feels like menstrual cramps. It's happening even now while I'm typing this. But no other signs. Aiya very confusing leh grrrrrr.....

Cyn.. We are on the same boat.. Hehehe!! The on and off cramps really make me cannot sleep properly.. Cannot sit properly also...

If I really have to induce, I will opt for epidural from the beginning.. I don't want the intense pain then end up cannot natural.. I will faint lor.. Waste the effort of suffering the pain..

Later this evening I am going to buy my bb's mattress.. My hubby lah.. Keep delaying day by day till now haven't buy the mattress..

So, I told my hubby that, bb knows that he don't have bed to sleep on, that's why he don't want to come out.. hahaha!!


Wah you haven buy your bb mattress. No wonder bb dun wanna come out lor, no bed to sleep! Maybe mine dun wanna come out cos she knows my neighbour is renovating and too noisy for her haha...

Hopefully more frequent cramps means baby coming soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Fynn, wish i have your mindset like this. i'm actually same with you. need to induce for labour.

actually i am a silent reader in this forum.

found out, we have same gynae, same location, same edd too. only i have bb gal and will deliver at mt.A

oh meplaa!! wat a coincidence!! so, wat did doc adrian say abt ur girl?? when will u go for induce???

cyn, maybe tonight after i buy his bed n put the mattress cover, hevwill suddenly want tocome out ya... haha!!!


I happily sleep all the way till 8am after my last pump at 2am. I dun wake up to feed bb as I leave CL to feed her EBM via bottle. After she leaves tmr, I won't have such luxury. Sigh, I wondered how I managed to do all these for my no 1 but now for no2 I feel so tired before it even started. Guess I have gotten very lazy.

My bb is on total BM and she sometimes poo on alternate days. Usually she poo poo 1-2 times a day. But there will be at least 1 time where she poop a lot till can leak out from her diaper. She pass a lot of urine too. I can't wait 3-4 hr to change cos 1-2 hrs her diaper can get very heavy.


Use cotton balls n Wipe with warm water after each feeding session to prevent milk rash.

My bb had a lot of white little spots on forehead n head during her 1-2 weeks. CL bathed her with stout for about 4 days and her skin cleared out. She doesnt have any rash or white spots now.


Your wait is not going to be too long. Should pop very soon ba.

Cyn, fynn soon u will get to see your bb, jia you!


my bb also have rashes on her face n forehead, at first i thought it bcos of the confinement food so i cut down ginger n wine but still it doesn't go away. My mum said it very common will b alright after a while but gg to celebrate her full mth tis sun wif her face like tat...mayb put some concealer lol.

Cyn, fynn

Ur turn are coming le...definitely will wait for you all finish confinement then organize a gathering....

Finally, my CL has arrived my place this morning. I feel so relaxed when i see her at my doorstep. For my past few days without CL, though I have my aunt helping me with the bb and cooking, i feel pai sei to order my aunt do laundry or other household work, so end up I will do them after she left every day, and didn't get enuff rest especially taking care of my gal myself. Now with my CL, hope my gal will be cooperating with her for this whole month.


My CL also see my bb getting redness in her body. She ask me to buy shen long Feng 神龙粉 from old medical hall. Then for the milk rashes on the face, wipe with wet cotton every time after BF.

Jean - so how's d 2nd day wi ur cl?

Mine so far seems gd but I noe she cooked up excuses to avoid more tasks. Eg I wanna use cloth diaper 1-2x per day she says not gd as it wet bb v easily n end up more rashes. Insist night feed fm thou I've ebm in fridge cos say war if few mths later Bm not enuf then bb reject fm then Wat do bb drink?

Gave bb pacifier startin 2nd wk cos bb drink for 10min then stop n cry for milk again 1hr later. I tink cos she wanna 'starve' bb so bb will drink milk longer n she dun hv to feed so frequent.

N I noe cos she lazy to wash cloth diaper n fm makes bb fuller so she can zzz longer at night.

Other than d above she's fine n feels tat she cares n loves my bb. As bb vomit daily she say she use mouth to suck out residue inside her nostrils. For Tis I respect her n hope she truly loves my bb n not put up a show when I'm ard.

On Bf- I wanna give up on d 3hr schedule ESP aft midnight. It's killing me n I dun even hv energy or feel happy to carry/latch bb. Every sec I feel like dozing off. Tinkin of switchin to 4hr schedule or miss d 3am pump session. Wi 3hr schedule hv to top up fm so not sure how much my supply will b affected.

Kaemi- sry to hear ur traumatic experience. A Gf of mine oso went thro similar situation as u. She had 20hrs labour n developed fever so emergency csec. Now she is happily enjoyin her son company. Ull get ther too! Hang in ther n dun tink abt it anymore [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cyn, fynn - can't wait for u both to join on our zombie club Whaha.

Hi all,

I've pop alrdy... Luckily bb decided to come out on thurs b4 d scheduled induce on fri.

Mine was a super fast labour. Contractn starts at 12am with 15mins interval n bloody show... By 1am contractn comes every 10mins. By 130am every 5mins... Huried hb n reach tmc at 2am... Alrdy 7cm dilate when nurse chk at 230am. Gt d urge to push 15mins ltr. Nurse chk 10cm liao but gynae nt here yet... So rely on laughg gas to hold pushg n nurse help to stop bb head frm coming dwn... Gynae came, within 2pushes bb out at 309am.... If a little later hb will be d gynae le haha.....

Btw cyn n fynn, my mum actually ask me to eat liver fried w black soya sauce, black vinegar n sme pepper.... for fast labour... Can try haha

bb suckle very well n nw my nipple very sore...

Hi all! Just an update, I delivered last week, on 20/11/2011 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] It's been very tiring thus far, like all of you mummies who have to do the 3hr feeding. The most heartbreaking thing is that baby's jaundice levels are quite high, so he's on his second session of phototherapy in the hospital. It's a terrible feeling not being there for him. After the first session, I was still in the hospital, and I had so much trouble getting him to latch on because he was syringe fed. After many times of struggling, we finally were able to get into a little routine, and now it's back to square one cos he's going to be syringe fed again!

For the mummies who have not delivered yet, hang in there, your turn will come soon! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Wishing you all a smooth delivery [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Mine was natural, I used the epidural, and I felt so much relief after that, I could even take a nap. But when it was time to push, I couldn't feel much sensation so the gynae had to use the vacuum [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] But baby came out safe and sound.

My labour story from 22/11/11 tues nite to 23/11/11 wed nite.

22/11/11 tuesday night

10pm-admit mount alvernia suspecting waterbag leakage

10:30pm-confirmed waterbag had broke,dilate 1cm.contractions was 5-8mins apart

10:45pm-left hospital  to go home to take our admission stuffs

12:30am-admit mount alvernia.

1:30am-clear bowels.contraction 5-7mins apart.nurse ask me from the scale of 1-10 how is my contractions like,i will say 3.

3am-contractions still slow,nurse told me to take some sleep & wait for my gynae advices this morning.

6am-ate a bread & hot milo.wash up to make myself fresh.

9:30am-gynae came..my cervix still at 1cm..my bb head still quite high up.I was put on a drip with medicine to speed up delivery.

11am-contractions is 2min apart.Start using laughing gas.

12pm-contractions 1.5mins apart

2pm-2cm..had thigh injection

3:30pm-experience the worst contration.dilation is 3cm

4:20pm-inject epidural

5:30pm-experience side effects of epidural.vomitted,shivering till the bed moving & millions of ants bitting my whole body.

6pm-had to adjust the epidural to the minimum of 3..awhile later i can experience the contractions but the numbness & ants biting is still there.Feel like dying! Dilation only 3cm.

8pm-confirmed have to go for csection.i opt for GA as i had side effects for epidural.

9pm-on the way to operation threatre.

9:40pm-bb safely push out from the OT room.

11.40pm-I am out from the OT room but i cant talked at all as i am so giddy & Coughed becoz of the GA antiseptic flows into my throat.The wound was so pain but i couldnt cough it out till now.anyone experience that? 

Had a terrible labour experience.my bb umbilical cord was tied to his neck.gynae had to use forceps to get it out through csection.I was struggle for breath after csection becoz of GA anf many doctors & nurses rushed to my aid.Now my throat was very irritable .i couldnt cough as usual & it reminds me of the 3mths cough i experienced during pregnancy.Any mummies experience coughing like me while right after csection??

Little bb, my side effect after csect was shivering, did the nurse taught you a way to minimise the pain when u cough? i learnt it during my stay in kkh.

Little bb,

Yes!! Me, me!! I had to cough as gentle as possible... And I had phlegm to go along... Got a few times in the hospital I also choked, cos the phlegm got stuck in my windpipe and I couldn't cough it out.... Damn terrible...

Drinking water helps to curbs the coughing phlegm slightly. I told doctor to give me something for the phlegm. He gave me acetyl cysteine which can get from any pharmacy kind. I at home got free access to it, but at the hospital, it was under lock and key. I usually take when necessary, cos got tablet form can suck like a sweet kind which I feel works better than dissolve in water form.

I dunno if it's d GA tat makes me cough, but I didn't had cough before I went in. Also my eyelid got a cut, which I didn't had before I went in. My MILwho also had C-sec said it was d GA, but I thot the phlegm and cough was caused by the anti-gastric medicine they gave, as that wan I had chew it first before taking the painkillers...

Peeling aerola

I had this problem after I started using the breast pump 2-3 days later.. Damn pain. It started with a white pimple like spot on the aerola, then as I wore breast pad, it bursted and the peeling began. At first I so scare it's infection, but doctor say it's an oil gland, but he still prescribe me an anti-biotic gel ask me to buy if I need.i told my hubby to get nipple cream for me for ages he dun get, until tat day see doctor then get.... Sigh... Thankful not infection. I threw away a precious 40ml of BM cos I scare it's infection. I also stop pumping for a day to let it heal a bit. Then the production drop to the initial pumping stage of about 20ml each time I pump. Production is very little. I hope now I pump a bit more regularly will start the engine going away.

If not my hubby gonna make a lot of noise saying buy the brand new breast pump so expensive use for few days then dun use le.... I also hope to continue pumping, but my BM is now like a supplement, rather than the FM is the supplement. Little bit, better than dun have lah.

Congras Beatrica & snowpear..welcome to moo moo club..motherhood is amazing...


I also do not have cough ir phelgm before labour..I think is either the GA or the anti gastric medicines.I keep burping and my phelgm is white colour.i think the cough is due to the gastric reflux due to the burping which our throat irritate.i felt i cough becoz of itchness on the throat..i was given cough syrup & i requested gastric reflux medicine to absorb the acidic produce from the gastric.today i just went home & its my first day of medication,i will monitor and see how..i am in my 4th day confinment & i still feel pain on the stitches area maybe becoz i coughed too much.i still took painkiller 3 times a day..so worried my cough will mk my wound slow in recovery.How many days confinment are you? You still coughed badly? Your wound still hurts? oh did you used a binder? I tried using the blinder bt i think it hurts more wen i coughed.


Nurses told me to hold my wound wen cough.

I discharged today bt bb had to be leave in hospital becoz of jaundice 11.4..was heartpain to leave him but just now my husband went over to see him.my breasts are sore,i tried to pump today,pump about 10-15mins each breasts & had 70ml of milk.actually during hospital stay i did not latched on alot as i am feeling v sick & bb dont like my breast as the bm flow too slow so took formula most of the time.yesterday started to be more hardworking & latch more.4 days old bb drinking 50ml each feed every 2.5hrs..i think he can drink quite alot ba..tmr i can see my bb,so happi..

Congrats snowpear - ur bb oso wanna choose a date m come out b4 inducement haha! N wow was it fast!

Little bb - sounds like a reali tough labour. My reaction to epi is non stop shivering n vomit aft delivery. n nurse turn it off for a few hrs when they check tat my contractions r not tat intense.

Beatrice - congrats! Am sure u can get bb to latch again. Require patience ba...

PTs- I oso hv patches of peeling aerola n 1 was so raw i Oso skip a few sessions of pump. I applied our milk as I heard it was d best healing n top up wi nipple cream to prevent it from brushin off by breast pad. I'm doin it almost every pump session as I'm so afraid it'll return. Ur milk supply will come increase again. Peserve n Jia you!

Any mummies using ginger cream on tummy for csection? Thinking maybe can get rid of winds & prehaps slim down.i am also experiencing backaches at day 4,thinking maybe is epidural or maybe i too weak,here sick there sick.regarding the csection wound,when is the best time to shower? I wanted to shower tmr bt afraid the wound will get wet,how to cover it or its best not to shower untill get the stitches knots off ? Mummies kindly advise? Those having natural birth do you guys keep burping and farting? At day 4 i dun really fart bt i burp alot maybe the burping is irritating my throat causing me to cough.hate it! Regarding abt csection knowledge,i really know v little still need advices from experience mummies.

@CYn: dr advise me do induce cos I already at wk 40 but totally no symtom as yet n initially he suspect bb to be big tt y he advise induce..

@all mummies: may I know any1 whom had huge nipple? Do u all face problem when pumping? I used latch on initially but bb mouth so small n thus I will do rotating. But when I use e electric pump, can I know if e milk cm

Fm nipple itself or areola or both? Cos my nipple already occupied the hole n so when pump milk lil like 20-30ml. Hardly c anything fm areola side.. So dunno is or cos I still new in pumpin cos only 2nd time pumping at 15min each( previously at Hosp I let bb latch on at 15-20m eac) but will still sub wiz fm cos she alway hungry. Nw bb at 4 days old. Any advise?


Milk will only flow out from nipple nt aerola... N d pump shield should juz cover d nipple nicely nt too big nor small..

Sme plp tk awhile for their brest to get season to d pump.. I tk forever to pump but when bb latch d flow is gd..

Little bb - I oso kept Burpin n fartin aft delivery. My massage lady says it's gd as it's gettin rid of d wind in us. I bought d same ginger cream as u but haven't use it as too tired n dunno how to..

Kaemi- u can buy suction cup of a bigger size so it'll cover ur aerola. I usin medela n 24mm too small n aerola had abrasion. I switched to 27mm since n so far ok.

I oso noticed I seem to hv a milk duct at d aerola as when I hand express I saw it leaking out. So maybe aerola may hv 1-2 milk duct but it's prob rare.

Little bb

I stop d painkillers and anti-gastric med by 5-6 th day, after I came home... Cos the pain still have but bearable lah... I stop leh, cough also lesser too... In fact I dun recall I cough much after stopping the med. I am 14 days le... I haven't used the binder yet cos I scare will cause injury to the wound. Now still got some pain at the corners of the wound. When I stand or walk. Dunno is it cos take out the dressing le, then doc put the waterproof sticker I start to pour the ta feng cao water instead of wiping only..

Milk duct

I have an even rarer case regarding milk duct... I had lump engorgement at the armpit. Then I notice got a milk duct there! Cos I trying to break the lump and got milk come out from the armpit... So embarrassing if outside..

Today milk amount increase a bit le!

little bb - im in my 12th day post-delivery. When farting i'll even feel a chill on my chest. I guess tat is 'confinement wind' coming out vs our normal wanting to go toilet wind. Do you feel the same chill on ur chest or is it only me?

ptsbear - tat's reali rare! I tot mine was strange enuf haha! good tat u hv more milk, i hope mine will increase more or at least in tandem with bb demand. else v demoralising when seeing no ebm in the fridge for nex bb feed. always playing catchup. so tiring. giving up on bm is on/off in my mind...


Actually u can consider to buy sacred tea from

Smh spree. I started to drink from 2nd day in the hosp and now per pump i can get at least 100ml to 140ml. Per day i can get 700ml. I drinl every day but of coz must pump diligently every 3 hrs even at night. Now i am able to

store milk in my freezer. Today is my 7th day if confinement.

I gave my bb ebm and also latch her about once a day.



I had stopped taking the anti gastric medicine on day 5.do we need to finish the whole course of antacid tab?? Im in my day 6,still coughing and burping.yesterday night i vomitted white phelgm becoz of burping.My wound was painful.i was asked to go down to my gynae clinic to tk out the corner of the stitches on day 10.i tot day 7 can take out stitches le? My wound oso feel abit itchy,u guys feeling e same?

