(2011/11) Nov 2011

HL is a very debatable question. Some gynae will issue without a stay in hospital. some will tell u to go in for 1 night then they will issue....

and also, it depends on ur HR dept. some HR dept very strict, will call the doc to check on why HL etc

Have u all break the news to your boss already? As my job requires me to carry documents up and down everyday, my HB wants me to let my boss know early so he can let me walk up and down lesser.

But i think he is making me walk more!

good morning everyone! just got back from gynea... saw the little one waving, so exciting! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] am currently 9+ weeks

btw, how much are gynea packages?

for me i did not tell anyone but my hubby.. my mum knows coz she go wif mi to the doc once so the doc tell her.. my hubby tell his sis only.. other than tt no one liao..

my gynae issued my with lots of HL at that time (2009)and I didnt stay in hospital. But I agree with tulips that some HR can be very strict and will insist that you stay in hospital.

hi mummies,

why not donate your bb's cord blood? to save lives?? and if any of your kids ever need it(choyx3!!!), you only need to pay minimal fee, even if u only donate for 1 kid. and they'll inform u if yours are needed.

i would encourage mummies to seriously consider abt donating their bb' cord blood and help your bb to save lives! dun throw away just like tat!

to read/know more:


do call and arrange early as it takes some time for administrative works to be completed.

ssbaby, no restriction that I know of by MOM regarding CCL. So should be able to take.

tulips, your AL can encash? so nice. How I wish mine can [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

aabunny, how come you can see your baby wave!!!?!?! So cute! I also wanna see. My gynae also show me sac and heartbeat and print pic for me. 2-in-1 so very small cannot see clearly.

the baby wasn't exactly waving at us... he he, baby's arm was moving... my hubby and I just assumed that baby is waving at us! the printed scan did not capture the hand movements though...

btw, i am visiting my friend who just gave birth more than a month ago.. are people superstitious about pregnant woman visiting them and their baby? I am fine but slightly worried my friend may be superstitious and I don't want to tell her yet...

he he, and I am supposed to be jie meis for two friends in June and July... now debating whether to tell them early so that they can decide whether they want a pregnant woman as jie mei... would look very weird in the photos right?

koi, tot most companies either allow u to encash or ask u to offset against notice period. either way also better than wasting it......

aabunny.... must be missing that moment now rite? hehehe... always nice to see baby.....

yes. preg woman shld not visit them in hospitals and during their confinement period. i guess u mite want to fake some excuses like having slight cold n not nice to go etc......

nv heard of jiemeis pantang but will it be very tiring for u instead? cos some need wake up early and do some activities and it last the whole day, and not forgetting the nite banquet.

Wah! The OG Sale actually looks good. Usually it's a place our mummies shop. Haha.

Aabunny: Long time no see! So exciting!! You can see baby's hands and feet clearly liao!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] How many cm is your baby at, at 9+ weeks? I haven't seen my little one in such a long time, it feels strange!! Share your scan when you can! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Any mommies going for gynae check soon? Can help me ask if nobody knows the following:


I know we cannt take wine while pregnant. How about food cooked with chinese wine like chicken and soup? How about cakes like tiramisu? I did cooked chicken in wine recently and ate. Today just made fish soup and added some chinese wine in it. Is it ok for us at the moment?

simp.. i not too sure bout this also.. but my mum says as long as it is cooked it is ok as after cooking the wine no more alcohol. not sure this is true or not..

hihi ent29! bb is at 27mm... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] btw, my pup is behaving well again! am so happy! =) acting all cuddly with us and even fetched me my shoes (wonder whether he is hinting that we have not brought him out for a long time)

lovelytulips, he he, me and hubby were reminiscing after the visit. i will be visiting her after the confinement period, should be fine right? i wonder whether i can carry her baby... maybe i should just ask her see whether she pantang...

Re: wine...

i agree, the alcohol would evaporate after cooking... so should be no problems i think... i have been cooking with chinese wine... tiramisu better not take since a lot of them use raw egg white and the alcohol in it is not cooked..

Hi all,

Can i check,which is preferred for bb, Playpen or cot? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

aabunny, ur pup is so sweet. used to have a puppy ages ago.....

after confinement period is fine if u are not pantang. but pple says dont carry baby better. more for urself, not for them. my mama told my then pregnant sis not to carry my no 1 when he was born.

bunny, i use a playpen for no1 and he is still sleeping inside one for now. Some prefer a cot cos some say they are sturdier.

MIL told me pregnant ladies cannot carry other's kids in case the kids pantang and become "naughty".

It really depends on whether you believe.

For pregnancy, I have heard that cannot attend those pantang occasions e.g. funeral, weddings, full-month, unless absolutely necessary e.g. close relatives.

Will clash.

So prob cannot be jie meis?

Anyway, it is up to us to believe.

Personally, I will try to avoid.

I have heard of the pantang said by Koi (pregnant women cannot carry other pple's bb). But the wedding part, i think ok to attend. i have pregnant frens attending my wedding, they never tell me beforehand they were pregnant..guess they not pantang...and i know of pregnant frens visiting their good fren who give birth in hosiptal before.

But all these subject to indidivual.


I have a hand-me-down cot and after my daughter flew out from the cot, I switched to playpen.

I think cot suitable for kids who don't know how to stand or climb. And since it is adjustable height, easier for your waist.

If I were to choose 1, playpen. My mum needs to pay less attention to her climbing and knocking.

>> play pen or cot

Just to share, I used to have a playpen for a while, but it was such a strain on my back having to lift baby in and out of the playpen, that I gave up! Got a convertible cot bed instead which I should have used from the beginning. The bed height can be adjusted, and the side panels can be removed later to become a child bed.

>> Telling the boss

Today I informed my boss and colleagues, they said they guessed as much when they heard about me taking mc for dizziness! Not much of a surprise to them ha... I also told them about my mrt fainting incident, just so they can watch out for a pregnant woman who may black out suddenly in office :p Though I'm still suffering from dizzy spells whenever I look down or make a sudden movement, it's still a happy day for me, cos i can see my colleagues are real nice to me, I got offers to help me buy lunch, buy chocolate (one insisted I must up my blood sugar level) and i even received a mac apple pie for tea break! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wonderful people [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hope all of u are having a great day, despite the preg discomforts! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

OTW... u got really nice colleagues.. i still dun dare tell my boss and colleagues yet.. coz i just lost 1 in Jan.. they may freak out a bit if they know i am pregnant so soon.. i will keep as long as it takes ba.. but having such wonderful reactions fr ur colleague surely will make ur day great.. haha.. u must love working there...

aabunny: Awww he's so cute! Corgis are really smart!! Not like my silly puppy...She's still so bouncy and nutty and a little

blur all at once! Hope she grows up a little by the time I pop

and become more 懂事! Scared she's still too

attention seeking and feels left out w the baby!


Ya, I have a lot to be thankful for [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I hope you will find it comfortable to announce to your boss and colleagues soon, cos it can be quite stressful keeping a secret too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

OTW: Where did you get your cot bed? Sounds like a good option, but what about the in between stages where they can stand (but can't walk)...Can it act like a play pen too?

Bed options

Hmm i have both movable cot convertible to toddler bed and playpen. The cot height is adjustable so as bb grows, this is necessary. I find cot more airy compared to playpen if left in a room when there is no ceiling or standing fan.

The playpen has it uses as both a nap, play and safety area if it is to be placed in the living room. As bb grows to become a toddler, he/she will enjoy playing in the playpen. Cost of playpen is def cheaper than cot. They actually serve diff purpose.

Usually parents get the cot and place in the room and playpen to be placed in living room for nap, play and safety needs. For eg, if u need to cook or do something quick, u can place bb in playpen and feel safe.

Once bb can crawl, they want mobility and would struggle to be out of playpen. Average length use of movable convertible cot from birth till toddler or 5yo. Playpen from birth till 2.5yrs old.


I used fish bones to cook soup but i think too fishy so add 1 ts of chinese wine. Hb says the soup still stinky, now im scared the soup is spoiled. If spoiled, both my dd and i are at risk of food poisoning. Keeping fingers crossed tmw is going to be ok else big problem. My dd got food poisoning when she was 15m old, bad experience for everybody. Praying that no repeat episode again.

Think i would have to stay away from tiramisu for now. By the time i can eat this particular tiramisu, i wont have a chance then, as i wd be in sg already. That' sounds so sad.


What r u working as that has such nice working environment. I also would want to have such colleagues in future when i return workforce. Not easy to have understanding sweet colleagues [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all, i'm new here.. About 9+wks pregnant now...1st pregnancy.. Still having that nausea feeling and loud burps but appetite seems to be coming back now.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] super tired everyday~ reading all your posts made me feel comforted and reassured somehow that whatever I am feeling is okie. :D

Been following this forum once a while.. Seems like we need to do early planning of the things to be purchased already.. can't wait to start shopping!


Your post abt cots and playpens is so timely.. Thks for the explanation. I was wondering what's the diff btw the 2..


I am a teacher too! Been toying with the idea of taking no-pay leave, even if it's just a month, or just 1 week mc, but felt very bad to 'abandon' my pupils.. Sigh.. Need to endure...


I bought my convertible cot bed online, can't remember which website, but u can check out mothercare etc. Eh I suppose if u lower the bed height to it's lowest (about 1 foot off the floor) and then keep the side panels up, with bumper cushions surrounding the sides, it could act as a play pen?? But of cos playpens are still safer for active babies, with their nylon sides rather than hard wood panels. Actually I used to like playpens cos i think they are safer, there are no gaps unlike cots/cot beds which may accidentally trap babies' limbs.

However my own personal experience with playpen didn't last more than 8-9 mths, cos my boy would scream murder the moment we put him in!! I ended up buying a play yard where one of us adults can go in together with him to play, let him get used to it, by and by he could play inside by himself when we needed to walk away for a while, but that also didn't last long, he just hated to be left alone lor. But then again, I remember my little sis loved the playpen when shr was a baby though we had to keep it when she was 1.5yrs cos she managed to climb and almost fell out!! So also depends on kid's temperament.


I think it's also cos I've been working there for more than 10 yrs, so we all know each other very well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Like Simp & OTW, I have both the cot and playpen. The cot is definitely more sturdy compared to the playpen.

TGIF! im so tired out! everydae waki at 2-3am is no fun. =(

welcome elyn! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


do check out ur company HR policy. for my company, as long as u turn 36wks, any leave or mc will be considered as ML le. coz if mc, means u not fit to work so they will juz deduct ur ML accordingly. veri sian one.


my boss guess mi preg b4 i told her. so now my colleagues all know liao so they veri understanding that i cant stand for long hrs, need breaks at times & forever rushing to toilet! lolx.


cannot carry other's kids ah? i deal wif kids & babies every day. oops.

re: maternity leave

tink i gotta check it out coz my 4 mths ML will be paid by govt if im not wrong. hopefully can split. =p


Oops your body is already preparing u for the nights feeds? :p I woke at 6am just now and started thinking about how I'm going to handle waking up every 3 hrs at nights to feed baby, change diapers, pump milk, etc, dreading it already!! One thing I'm very thankful for is that my boy was able to sleep thru the nite at 3 mths old, so that we can resume having a good night's sleep, but i wonder if this younger one will be as guai as Gor Gor???


i don wan! lolx. usually if slp earli at night when preg, bb will follow suit. both my bois slp thru d nice when they 2+mths. everydae zzz at 8-9pm & waki at 6-7am. hehe.

Hi iemik0,

Not cannot carry per se.

There is this pantang belief so some people (like the elderly folks) might not like.

I think the youngsters might not believe as much.

I am just a bit cautious about it in case people sensitive. Anyway, also avoiding carrying heavy stuff.

Are you a childcare/kindergarten teacher?

OTW: Wah! Your son really very good ah! 3 months can alr sleep through the night! I think we're all hoping and praying for a baby like that. Hehe. Anw thanks for the advice about the play pen and cot. I suppose the play pen is safer to leave the baby there to play, but I remember my niece kept wanting to climb out and couldn't really entertain herself in it.

Elyn: Yay! Great to see a fellow teacher! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] What levels do you teach? Don't think you're abandoning them lah, heh...I'm sure they'll be happy for you! Plus I was wondering if I should take no-pay for about 3 months till June so have a nice start in Term 3, rather than just chap in midway in Term 1 or Term 2...Quite disruptive for my school also I think...But not sure if can cope with the expenses if I take no-pay!

tml is my appointment.. i am so excited... really hope can see a strong heartbeat n know my due date.. but also scare see nothing... T.T

he he ent29, we also worry that our pup will be jealous when bb comes... the vet says talk to him a lot to reassure him and if you want to make any change in the schedule of your pup, better do it now (for example, your pup is sleeping with you now but you want your pup to sleep elsewhere when baby comes, you would have to do it now)

thanks for the advice on playpen and cots... my hubby more gan chiong than i... already looking at stroller and cots... he say stroller big wheels good... seems like he is planning on going all-terrain with baby...

OTW, my boy also slept through the night at 3MO. So I hope this #2 will do the same. I'll be training him/her at 2.5MO. :p

Hi ladies,

I just had another almost going to faint encounter in the MRT this morning, this time, i took your advice, ask the lady beside me for help. The lady seems rather 'wood' when I told her, she didn't even look at me while i talk to her from her left side. I was struggling to stand upright, but she was looking elsewhere like pretending she didn't notice. Infect no one seems to care as my face turn white and bending my body. Until an old aunty seating infront of me alighted and I took the seat. All she did was pointing the seat to me but I'm already infront!...

I'm obviously feeling destress in the train, bending my body, drop my bag and newspaper on the floor but everyone just pretend they didn't see anything. Sometime i'm thinking, if i can vomit, i will throw out onto them all. Lolx. Evil me. But i really hate this fainting feeling.

(Just ignore me if i complain too much about this world is not perfect)

Then in the interchange waiting for bus after the MRT ride, suppose to take bus to office, feel like fainting again... no place to seat, i squad down at the interchange. Until the bus came n lucky found a seat in the bus.

I thought the last time i felt like fainting was because I didn't eat breakfast n Iron tablet but today, i ate both but still felt like fainting. I don't really know why? or was it because yesterday I ate too little so today feeling faintish?


Mi not teacher. Hehe. Im a paediatric nurse. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


manunited.. my last menses is 12 Feb.. but i think doc will have to confirm on the EDD again right.. haiz.. today super no mood to work.. super hope tml come faster.. haha...

memorable.. maybe ur little one is "sucking" up all ur energy.. maybe carry some hard candies with you in the bag... when u feel faint just take the candy out and eat... i was recommanded Fox candies during my 1st pregnancy...

