(2011/10) Oct 2011


My boy has just turn 9 mths a few days back! On one hand, I wish he can grow up faster but on the other, I know I will miss him being small and cuddly! Cos it will not be long before he will start running all over the place and don't want mummy anymore. :p

He still can't sleep on his own and still wakes up 3-4 times at night. He recently also doesn't really want to eat his food. He'd rather crawl and play! Sigh...

Any mummies still breastfeed? I'm thinking if I should wean after he turns one or just continue till he doesn't want to...


Hoppy: so nice to be a SAHM but sometimes a break away from baby is a good thing also. We need ME time too.

So now u sleeping with baby?

Winny: I understand what u mean. After taking care of baby, whole body ache. My baby too light sleeper le. After he sleeps, I'll try not to shift him. The baby cot at home is a white elephant. What if your bb wake up at night?

Mag: I feel the same as you too. Hope he can grow up faster yet wish to have his cuddles n kisses still. Maybe your baby too excited over the things he has learnt lately so not keen on food. I see most of my friends' babies can sleep anywhere, on their own. I wonder how come mine can't. Haiz..

I'm still breastfeeding but supply running low... Might stop soon..

Hi mummies, our babies are turing 1 soon! Anyone plan to throw a b'day party? Can share where do you plan to hold? I have yet to find a place [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Anyone done photoshoot for their baby? Planning to take for baby, any recommendation? I think it's not easy to take for baby (esp if they are cranky on that day), can share your experience? Tks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi AER, my bb always cry with her eyes shut so I suspect she's having nightmares and it can be few times a night. I will try to pat her and if it doesn't work then I'll give her pacifier for awhile.

Hi Winny, my baby also used to cry with his eyes shut n also several times on certain nights. It could be night terror. I did wonder if night terror can happen so often?

The total cost will be shared among all the babies who attend the party. The $50 is an estimate. If there are any leftover budget, we will declare and return the change to the mummies during the party. We are trying to keep the cost as low as we can!

Some of the mummies are now thinking up some easy and fun games for our babies. There will be prizes...small baby prizes lah...to be won by our babies. If you need more info, PM me okie?

Btw, this party is organised by some mummies on the FB oct group. If you will like to be added to the group on FB, please PM me your facebook acct.

Hi AER, I read online that night terror usually is for toddlers not usually happen to babies but my mom says most babies are like this. So... I just do what I can lo. Like keep her cool, pat her, whisper to calm her down.

1st year birthday

I'm not sure if I should hold any party as its so troublesome and inviting ppl seems to be a headache.

Hi mummies,

I've the following to let go:

- BN Playskool busy balls patterns & colours $12

- BN Pigeon breastmilk storage bottles (3pcs) $10

- BN Pigeon S sized teat (standard neck) $2.50

- BN Pigeon M sized teat (wide neck) $3.00

- Tiny Love Musical Mobile $65

- 2 boxes of Tollyjoy napkin liners 200 pcs $10

- 2 tins of NAN 2 400g (exp Oct'12) $20

- Avent twin electronic breast pump full set $350

- Avent refill 10 cups (240ml) $18, with lids $25

- Medela Mini Electric breast pump full set $105

- 2 tins of Mamil Gold 400g (exp Nov'13) $20

- 2 Pigeon pacifier for 8mth+ $7

Kindly WA me @ 9653 0121 if keen/ for pics, thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

I've the following to let go:

- BN Playskool busy balls patterns & colours $12

- BN Pigeon breastmilk storage bottles (3pcs) $10

- BN Pigeon S sized teat (standard neck) $2.50

- BN Pigeon M sized teat (wide neck) $3.00

- Tiny Love Musical Mobile $65

- 2 boxes of Tollyjoy napkin liners 200 pcs $10

- 2 tins of NAN 2 400g (exp Oct'12) $20

- Avent twin electronic breast pump full set $350

- Avent refill 10 cups (240ml) $18, with lids $25

- Medela Mini Electric breast pump full set $105

- 2 tins of Mamil Gold 400g (exp Nov'13) $20

- 2 Pigeon pacifier for 8mth+ $7

Kindly WA me @ 9653 0121 if keen/ for pics, thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies,

I have the following to let go :

- BN 2 packs of Pet Pet L Size diapers x 60 pieces @ 13 each

- BN 2 packs of Pampers M Size diapers x 64 pieces @ 15 each

Letting below cost price, appreciate no further negotiations. Kindly WA me @ 91762742 if keen to buy. thanks

Pampers M sold. I still have 2 BN packs of Pet Pet L Size diapers x 60 pieces @ 13 each to let go. Kindly WA me @ 91762742 if keen to buy. thanks

Hi Mummies,

I'm fairly new to the forum, haven't really logged in since my bb gal was born. My older one is already in Pri 2 so am 'rusty' with all these bb stuff!

Has anyone here fed their bb cheese and bread yet? I'm getting bit bored with my gal's diet! So far it's porridge or rice & chicken soup with fish and diff veg, plus fruit for breakfast.

Would love to hear from you ladies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Sharon, I haven't logged in for long too as I guess all other mommies got a hang of taking care of babies and probably busy.

I had fed my bb cheese and bread and the skin of Chinese 'bao'.

But I'm more to the typical Chinese family so I don't really give these 2 to her unless I'm having it and I give her some to nib.


Just to share on my bb's foOd adventure. She's at 10th months 2nd week.


- Apple 

- Avocado 

- Apricot (dried & fresh)

- Banana (pang jio)

- Pear 

- papaya (Phil DOLE)

- peach (flat type from Spain)


- Sweet Potato 

- White Potato 

- Carrot 

- Sweet Pea 

- Sweet Bean 

- Frozen Pea 

- Pumpkin 

- Pearl Bean 

- Broccoli 

- Green Lentils 

- French Bean 

- Spinach

- cauliflower

- long Chinese cabbage

- Asparagus


- Silver Thread Fish (ngor he)

- Salmon

- cod

- Chicken 

- Beef 

- pork

- egg yolk

- Parmesan cheese


- Ikan Bilis Stock

- Silver Fish powder 

- Ikan Bilis & Onion Stock

- Vegetable stock

(carrot/potato/yellow onion/ white onion / celery/ ikan bilis / asparagus / sweet bean shell)

- Chicken stock

( Chinese mushroom/chicken)


- Wholegrain Rice 

- Brown Rice 

- Oatmeal 

- Barley

- 7 grain cereal



White bread

Biscuits and puffs

White Rice

Brown Rice

Hi Sharon and winny

nowadays my boy is busy exploring the house so I'm busy keeping an eye on him also! He crawls so fast that sometimes I just turn my back and he went under the table or to the kitchen pulling the drawers!

I gave my boy cheese when he was about 6-7 mths, so far so good. Have been giving him yoghurt as well. I bought those full fat yoghurt and add some fresh fruits and make into a smoothie for him. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mag, I'm looking for yoghurt to give my boy. Is there any special type of yogurt for babies? I saw 1 at supermarket but that's for 1 year and older.

Hi MnM,

I usually buy those full fat Greek yoghurt from ntuc. As long as its not low or non fat, I think it's quite safe. Also, as my husband goes to US for work quite frequently, he will get Gerber's yoghurt for babies. Don't think it's being sold here though. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Wow Winny, yr bb has taken a a wide variety! I feel q slack now :p

Can I ask how u make vegetable stock? All along I've used chicken soup as e base then add fish steamed w tomatoes ..

Anyone knows if bb can take golden kiwi?

Hi MnM, I'm not too sure if babies can take the normal yoghurt we adults take as they are not suppose to have cow's milk?

For me, I give my baby YoBaby yoghurt which is specially for babies. Can purchase from Jasons Marketplace. I have bought from the 112 Katong and Raffles City branch b4..and my son loves it....hope this helps!

Hi Sharonkoh, I've given my son golden kiwi b4..no problem except he doesn't really like it cos it's still a little sour [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Twinklewen,

I read from Annabel Karmel's book (she wrote quite a Number of books on baby food recipes) that cow's milk can be used in cooking. As long as its not given directly, it's okie.

I think baby yoghurt is also made from cow's milk? I have been giving my boy those full fat yoghurt since he's quite small, so far no problem. But if mummies are concerned, can check with doctor when visiting for checkups [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks for the comments on yoghurt. I'll try out the full fat yoghurt for my bb.

Btw anyone planning birthday parties? Where r u all getting the cakes? I've asked a couple of home bakeries for quotation for a 3D cake. It's so expensive though they are beautiful.

I thought kiwi like berries are not to be given to babies too early? Heard that especially for babies with eczema can worsen the condition.

I gave my girl golden kiwi (after scooping out the seeds) a few times and she loves it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] No problem so far.

I'm also thinking of getting 3D birthday cake for my boy. I have enquired and it costs $200+ for a cake! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] plus the amount for catering food, can easily be $600 - 700!

Hi MnM,

I got the quote from freshbakes. They have a BP thread on this forum. They quoted me from $240 for a two tier cake for 40 persons.

Hi Sharon,

My ingredients for vege stock is celery/carrot/onion/potato and sometimes I will throw in asparagus or sweet bean shell or ikan bilis. Once water boil, simmer for 30 min.

Cannot boil too long as it will e bitter.

1st Birthday

I don't intend to throw a party but would like to get a nice cake. The most exp 2 tier cake I found is $640!!!

Still trying to keep a look out for other options.

Thanks WInny. I'll try it one day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummies, cakes are quite overpriced these days. I used to spend too much money for my no. 1 cakes..turns out all he likes were the decorations [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] He doesn't like cake!

I tried ecreativecakes before..at ecreative.com.sg. Not too bad..The most expensive cake I've gotten was from Bakerzinn. think they were one of the few who did 3D Thomas cakes so I had not much choice!

Sometimes I think it's worth learning to bake and decorate cakes to save our pockets from big holes :p

Hi Winny, yes Gladcake is taking order. U just drop an email to them. Though the reply is a bit slow but they are still in business.

Hi MnM, glad cake said no leh. But it's ok. I've decided to go for cream cake as it's not that sweet. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I decided to order Swensen cake for his 1st b'day party, cheaper alternative & most importantly, I don't mind finishing the leftover! Lol. They quoted me $45/kg, I intend to order a 2kg numeric 1 design. The downside about ordering from Swensen is cannot customise cake but they have disney design.


My son has not try any yogurt before, am keen to let him try but not sure which to buy. Now with all the advise, I decided to buy YoBaby yoghurt for him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi everyone,

Just managed to join a forum as things just got into a decent routine for me. My daughter is turning 11 months soon (yep, took that long to get a routine going).

She used to wake up every 2 hours at night but I used a mixture of Cry-It-Out and Elizabeth method and now she puts herself to bed. Still wakes up twice a night just for feeds, but goes straight back to bed after I plonk her back down into her bed half-asleep.

Hi oct mummies,

I am too a oct mummy... Just wanna check if u all encounter this.

My boy is turning 11 mths in 2weeks time, since young, he does not like milk & his milk intake is very little... I changed milk bottle & it does help a bit.

Starting fr his 6th mth, every mth for 2 weeks he will refused milk & food... Daily milk intake can drop fr 500ml to 200ml, & feeding porridge & cereal can take up to an hr each time coz he keep turning his head away.

PD advised to feed him more milk coz his weight is on the low side...

I understand that all these could be due to teething, but any mummies have any ways to help??

Hi Zav,

You may consider feeding him while he sleep. Do also consider changing milk powder. For solid food, do give him varieties and grabble what he enjoy eating.

Hi Candy Floss,

I tried dream feeding him, but result the same... At most only 60-90ml of milk... And at times he's smart to know I'm trying to feed him while sleeping, he will start crying even b4 I put the milk bottle into his mouth.., Fr young, I've changed milk powder 3 times... So far this is the better one which he will drink when he's on the high...

For solids, I gave him diff food everyday so dat he dun get tired of eating the same thing... But seems like he just dun like... At most he will open his mouth for the 1st few mouthful, after dat he will start to turn away & refused to open his golden mouth...

Hi Zav's mummy,

How about have more frequent milk feeds but less each time? I breastfeed my bb but she has to take the bottle once or twice a day when I'm at work. I find she drinks less then so what my helper and I have resorted to is feed her more often. Also sometimes we give her rice water if she really rejects milk.

As for solids, I know a bb who LOVES her food but dislikes the spoon, so for a while she ate very little. Now her mommy gives her bread instead of rice cos that way she'll eat! Have the usual fish, veg etc..but she has them on bread, like an open-faced sandwich. Sometimes also need to entice her with biscuit etc to make her open her mouth, then quickly put the bread and stuff in [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Last time my son was a bit like that, and he survived on bread, biscuit and bananas for a while...everything else he rejected!

I tried giving like 30-60ml of milk in between meals, but he also will reject.... Even b4 the bottle goes into his mouth, he will start kicking & crying loud... Haizzz... So I'm hoping to give more solids sinc he's rejecting milk dat much...

My boy does like bread though... Maybe I should just learn for u mummies, give him bread & biscuit with all the fish & veggies....

Hi Zav's mummy,

I know some might say no cheese before one year old, but you can sneak cheese into some foods to up the calcium intake. My gal eats cheese sandwich and macaroni cheese and cheese melted in rice. Maybe your boy prefers to feed himself? My daughter seems more interested in food when she gets to feed herself.

Give more liquids from cup with straw? My daughter drank very little water from sippy cup and bottle. But once I introduced straw, she drank much more.

Hi Elaine,

Wat brand & wat type of cheese is suitable for babies??

My boy will either play with the bottle or the spoon when I try to teach him to feed himself...

My boy does drink lots of water, he just hates milk...

My bb doesn't drink much water too but she will sip from spoon.

How to train bb to drink from straw?

For food, I try to cook her porridge with soup (pork soup/vege soup) then before I feed I let her smell to try to whet her appetite.

Zav's mum: sorry for the late reply. I just lost my maid last week and house was tipsy-turvy till now.

I use Kraft Cheese - the normal sliced cheese from any super market? I just put the entire slice on her plate, and she feeds herself. She can easily finish one slice for supper.

I think as long as he is drinking sufficient liquids, should be good. Just try to sneak in calcium into his foods- like cheese and milk powder into oats.

For straw, I hold the cup and just put the straw into her mouth. Water must be filled 3/4 of the cup so she doesn't suck in air. Just keep trying during meal time. She'll figure out suddenly. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Elaine,

Thanx!!! I'll try giving him some cheese & see if he likes it.... Anyway, I'm giving him 2 cereal meals a day cooked with 170ml of milk each time so dat can cover some of his milk target for the day... And lucky he will finish up the cereal....

I have not started giving him the straw cup although I have the Pigeon Mag Mag cup... Guess its time I start him on the straw cup...,

So how r u coping without ur maid??? Who's taking care of ur gal now??

Realized I've been too dependent on maid. Good thing that came out of it is I've learnt many short cut tips from friends to tide over. I now cook my daughter's porridge in a slow cooker (lunch and dinner same) and for breakfast it's instant cereals. Snack- a slice if cheese and biscuits. Bath reduced to once a day. :p

I'm SAHM so I look after her and my elder son by myself.

Let me know how he takes to cheese! :D easy to bring out as snack.

Haha, it's always the case when there's a maid, but when maid gone, we will be at a lost... But u will gradually get used to it...

I will give my boy lots of biscuits & bread as snacks... Lucky thing is he will eat... Realized that recently he can finished more solids than milk... So I just try to feed more cereals & porridge....

Just started giving him the straw cup today, obviously he doesn't like it... And now he's refusing to drink water even when I change back to using the sprout cup.... Haha... Guess I will need more time to train him on using the straw cup...

Hi Zav's mummy, how is your boy now? Eating more?

I just tried teaching my gal to use the Straw cup. at first she was quite blur, and didn't know how to close her mouth around the straw--mouth was open as if she's expecting a spout/bottle teat :p

Now ok and I'm so relieved. No more worrying if the spout leaks!

Hi mummykoh,

My boy is eating more for cereal & porridge, but not for milk... At most he can only finished 150ml 2 times a day...

I think my boy knows how to suck fr the straw... Coz when I started giving the straw cup to him, I can see some water being sucked up the straw... But after a while he refused the straw cup, not sure if its so difficult to suck fr the Pigeon mag mag straw cup.

Wat brand r u using for the straw cup?? I think I read somewhere dat some mummies commented that its very difficult to suck fr the Pigeon mag mag cup. So I was wondering if I should change the cup...

