(2011/10) Oct 2011

I have not set up my cot yet either. Now just cleared up the room for the confinement lady and the baby.

Out of all the "delivery" scenarios, emergency C-section is the most expensive ie. if natural not successful then last min C-section. I heard can go up to almost $10k in worst case.

Hi gilera, give the maid some time to adjust bah. I think she is probably suffering from homesickness and other fears. Alot of patience now would go a long way in building a good relationship in the long run [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



I think somehow u have misunderstood about the claimable $450. The $450 is the maximum amount claimable for your antenatal care expenses NOT delivery expenses. Antenatal care expenses refers to the expenses that you spent at your gynae's clinic for antenatal care before the delivery. Most pple use the receipt that they got for signing package at the gynae's clinic to make the claim.

The amount of medisave you can use for you delivery expenses depends on the type of maternity package that you use at the hospital. U should have your hospital maternity package info with you by now, if not, do a search on internet. Most hospital do state the maximum amount claimable thru' medisave for delivery expenses beside each maternity package.


Write all the question u have on breastfeeding, pumping and storing down. Then ask the lactating consultant when u meet her at the hospital after ur delivery. I think they are the best person who can answer all ur question and guide you along the way. I think that will be better than just reading from materials.

Please stop worrying about the unknown. There are too many "what-ifs" that may happen during the delivery. So just trust your gynae and the professionals at the hospital. The most important thing is to deliver ur baby using the best and safest option and that baby will be born healthy. Its not healthy for you and baby if you keep getting paranoid about the entire event.

Ben Ben (benbenyiyi)

i would think majority of us are anxious about birth esp for first time mommies.

do you have a birth story to enlighten us with?

i believe we need to be educated and know what to expect in all situations so we can better manage the emotional roller coaster (if any) should there be changes in out intial 'ideal birth plan'

being in the know is like being more familiar even though we have not encountered them yet.

we also need a source to gain strength / some pep talk.... hubby equally helpless and only reply:"then how, what can i do" when i convey my gan cheong ness and discomfort.

middle of week 37 now.... tomorrow got check up

bb things havent wash.

should i use machine or get maid to hand wash? use the tolly joy or ABD powder detergent?

cot sets of sheets and bumpers all havent wash also....

can anyone offer help about maid - feeling very overwhlemed on how to handle her.

how long will they take to adapt?

its like so difficult to convey our whole house habits. maybe will be better next week when i on leave liao

Hi mummies,

Letting go of the following:

1) Avent pre sterilised cups with lid 180ml x 10 at $25

2) Avent pre sterilised refill cups 240ml x 5 at $10

3) Lamaze spin & explore garden gym for tummy time at $30

Condition: 9/10.

Kindly PM me if keen.

Thank you!!


Even as 2nd time mummies, I had a very diffent pregnancy experience compared to #1. So I don't know what I would be expecting during labour this time round too. So personally I would rather play by ear (since I will not be in control), and leave it to the professionals to do their part.

Anyway, here is my #1 birth story:

I 'check-in' to the delivery ward at 12mn (as suggested by gynae) on week 38 for induce delivery due to my high blood pressure and I was asked to changed into the surgery gown. Afterwhich the nurse came in with a bottle and insert into my rectum (that's liquid used to clear our bowels, only took 5 mins or less to take effect). After bowels is cleared, I am hooked onto the ctg monitor and the nurse did a VE check and then inserted the pill (to induce) into my vagina. After 2 hours or so, I started to know how it really feels like to get contraction (feels like very intense tummyache to me). The was rather uncomfortable and I could hardly sleep while my dear hubby is already sleeping like a log, snoring away on the comfy chair.

At around 8 plus in the morning, my gynae came in to do a VE check on me and I was only 1.5cm dilated (sighz). And without informing, he use something to poke into my vagina and I felt warm water gushing out and my gynae told me that he burst my water bag. After that I told him I want epidural.

The anesthetist came in at 10 plus, ask me to curl up like prawn while he insert the needle to the back of my spine (I din even feel anything even though I was nervous), draw my blood from my left arm for stemcord blood test and insert induce drip since the pill is useless.

After that is just waiting game. So the nurse came in on and off to check on the ctg, my cervix dilation and BP. At 4 plus, the first tube of epidural is used up (1 tube last about 6 hrs and cost abt $300) and so 2nd dosage was given. Then at around 5 plus in the evening, she did the routine check and ask me to wear the oxygen mask and reduce my epidural. At 6 plus, she did a VE check and told me its 10cm, get ready to push and she reduce my epidural further. By then I was already very exhausted due to no food for the past 18 hrs and insufficent sleep.

After pushing for about 10 mins, my gynae arrived and he cut my vagina open (I can't feel it but my hubby told me, that my gynae cut alot). Then I push for another 10 mins, my gynae used vacumm to pull my bb's head out and viola, end of 1st round. Gynae cut the cord and collect the cord blood while the nurse pass me the bb for like only 5 seconds, then they bring bb to the side and ask hubby to check for eyes, nose, mouth, ears, the number of fingers and toes. Then after that weigh and measure her head, body length. But she keep crying non-stop! So the nurse contacted the PD and my gal was sent to the NICU for monitoring. LUckily, the PD concluded that she is alright after the check up (can't remember what reason the PD gave for her non-stop cry) and she was pushed to the nursery.

While the nurses were busy with my gal, gynae collected the cord blood, my side is up for round 2. Nurse injected some medication into my drip tube and with just a simple push, I can feel a big lump of stuff dropping out of my vagina (that's the placenta). Gynae begain to stitch the cut up but my blood could't stop flowing. So he has to remove the stitches and insert one roll of cotton gauze into my vagina to stop the bleed and stitch me up and I had to be monitored in the delivery ward until the next morning. Luckily my bleeding stopped by early morning and the nurse help to clean me up (must be a bloody mess!). My gynae came in again at 8 plus in the morning and gave a green light to transfer me to normal ward. But due to insufficient beds, I was only pushed into normal ward in the afternoon and so I did my first breastfeeding in the delivery suite!

hi rox...honestly i do not know what size to get for nursing bra. From the pix, it seems the bras are underwired but when i went to Mothercare, they are telling me that there should be no wire otherwise it will be very uncomfy.

You can send me a PM la as I tot of getting another comfy bra. thanks

Hi rox,

Me too. I want to get around 5 nursing bar. Beside the strapless one, I don't know what to buy. Can u recommend ? Send me a pm on your recommendation then I buy ?

Yes, my #1 was delivered through emergency c-sect and the total bill was 12k plus. Lucky there's medisave, in the end hubby paid 1.2k.

As for how they calculate the subsidies I'm not too sure.

Morning gals, i am slowly reading the threads from latest to oldest.. woke up to pee n drink milo.. haha

jojobar, i pm u already.

Winny, the reason why underwired not recommended is cos of clogged ducts. But then, if u wear the wrong size (too small/tight), even non wired bra will cause u clogged ducts. What is most important is to ensure that the size is correct and the band is resting well below the boobs. If red lines occur or if the band is resting on the boobs, it means that the band size is wrong. I will pm u too, using my BP id..

My no1 was very expensive... which until now i still duno why.. I forked out some cash to pay for deposit at gynae's clinic, think ard 800-1000, then ward deposit 2000, then end of the day after everything, i still fork out like 2k cash.. so total cash i spent is 4-5k... my previous gynae was expensive already...

i admitted at 5pm on day 1 to observation ward first and i was told that nurses service will be charged by hour/min... stayed 3 nights (1 in observation ward and 2 in normal ward - 1 bedded, TMC)... the first night wasnt subsidised and i think in order to be eligible for 1 night subsidy, we must stay for min 12 hours or 24 hours which mine didnt hit la, unless i check out later... so i think timing also important!

i am with dr lawrence ang and i was told that i dont need to pay any deposit at gynae's clinic... and if i stay in 4 bedded (free upgrade to 2 bedded), cash top up is around 500... 1 bedded will be around 1k extra.. shall see how much is my bill this time round... i got frens who c sec under him only paid 1k plus cash too.. think 1 bedded..

Hi Roxanne,

Is there any more free upgrade to 2 bedded? For dr Lawrence ang one at tmc? Seemed like they renovated tmc and no more free upgrade? Not sure should take 2 bedded or 4 bedded...

Ben Ben,

Thanks. This wkend I will list down all my questions. Jus nervous so alot of questions n abit lost in what I have to do or will have to do.


Thanks for the link I tried out already. Normal wif assisted birth medisave can claim up to 3050 if stay 3 days. It's made up of 450 per day plus 1700. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] takes a big chunk of worry out of my mind. Sigh


I wash those bb clothes n cot sheets etc all together using machine. I use the tolly joy laundry wash. By the way my friend suggested we do a tub clean before bb arrives. Ie wash the washing machine inside the metal drum. I went home fix it they sell this descaling powder for washing the washing machine. Will try out tis weekend too. Didn't know must descale washing machine. Mine is like almost 10 years old n never wash before!


Oops sorry cos I just click on ur link. Noted on the pumps. I have to go see my bra size n stock this weekend. Didn't know when sleep also may leak milk. I dun want to wet my bed!

Belly wrap

I saw in the forum selling belly wrap. Anyone knows more about this? I won't be having massage so tot can buy one to wear. R we suppose to wear the wrap overnite? I saw some comes with ginger cream? Any mummies bought or considering?

delivery charges

from wat i noe, if u choose for normal delivery then last min emerency c-sect will incur charges on both side..

nursing bras

i've bot 3 but during a fair and was thinking dunno my size will shrink so aft deliver then buy more if need


as we r staying wif in-laws so we r 'confined' to a room n we've to squeeze e cot into our rm which MIL dun allow us to move/shift anything in our bedroom-(becos pangtang) once im preg.. so hb got no choice but to do all e shifting n moving all by himself when im in hosp..

bb's clothes

i heard tat putting bb's clothes in washing machine will cause it to get out of shape leh.. so hb will hand wash them afterwhich i'll then pack my hosp bag hopefully by this or next wk..

Hi mummies, I'm letting go 2 packs of pampers (newborn) at $7/pack as my bb has outgrown from it. Retail price at $8.60.

Collection in the east side.

Kindly PM me if keen. Thks!!

Hi Pofy,

Glad that the link give you some comfort and relieve from the financial pressure. Dont think and worry too much lah, every pregnancy and delivery are different. Hence the unknown is also face by 2nd or 3rd time mummies.

The key is to enjoy the last few weeks of pregnancy, especially for the first time mummies. Cos the next time, you have another kid to take care so it is even more tiring.

Devil (little_devil19), i asked the nurse.. she says the upgrade is auto for dr ang's patients... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I think his customer base too big liao, so is part of his priviledge... the nurse says he sees 100 over patients a day..


I bought 2 maternity bras previously that came with underwire, I just cut them out. You can consider doing that so the wire doesn't press onto your milk ducts.

Came back from my appt today, baby is about 3kg, 37+ weeks. total weight gain for me about 9kg and now 2cm dilated. now its just the waiting game.


No signs of labour yet, should be over the next few days I guess. Will wait for contractions/waterbag break. My cousins's wife lost her mucus plug and only delivered 10 days later... I wonder if I'll lose mine too since I'm 2cm... hmmm...


i also wanna machine wash cos we bot quite a no of things tat need to be washed but hb n MIL say better hand wash so up to them anyway hb say he'll do it aft my grumbling haha!! hee.. im also seeing bb tml ard 34wk6d.. hope my bb can have a better weight gain..


wa ur total weight gain only 9kg at 37+wk n ur bb's 3kg tat's gd!! i put on 9.5kg-last wk n my bb's only 1.6kg!! faint means my bb didnt absorb n e weight gain's on me not bb!! wa 2cm dilated.. shld be quite soon.. meanwhile slp more cos aft tat u'll lost all e slp...


EDD on 2 Oct... I was hoping for 1 Oct baby (my #1 is 1 dec) but no chance liao.


erm... still at work... actually wanna take ML from 23 Sept but I think I should start on 19 Sept? Or wait till i burst bah...


ya weight gain this time is low, but I'm also not pigging out. Have GD so am watching my portion control and sugars. very boring. wat to do. For #1 I put on 11kg total. Imagine after I gave birth to #1 I only lost 4kg! super sian.


yes will try to sleep more... have been sleeping late last few nights cos in new house, still not that used to the schedule yet.

Ya devil.. he nvr tell me too.. he gimme the admission letter only.. u can ask the nurse... cos hor, under him dont need to book rooms, the nurse says she will settle for us or someting like that... we just need to pay the deposit when we "check in" for labour

My EDD is 02 Oct also

now ending of wk 37. Had check up today bb is 2.7kg

head abt 9 cm diameter. Til date hv gained 13 kg.

Head is engaged n Gynae said should pop in wk 39.

Said I could walk, climb stairs & do squats if want bb come out sooner but my pelvis area all pain so better dun squat. Walks just to keep fit n energetic.

Hai, hb acc me climb overhead bridge to TMC. So heavy to climb up the steps I tell u. I pushing his hand down to lift myself up each step. Panting so hard surely score high blood pressure so nurses always take twice for me...

leave starting on Monday - so tomorrow last day at work lol

hope can get new job during ML

Hi all,

Pretty upset this morning, as my engagement ring and wedding ring are too tight to wear ! I was able to fit them throughout my last pregnancy.... Think becos I stop my prenatal massage for three weeks and now got water retention....

Hopefully, when I resume my prenatal massage this sat, water retention will relieve.

Today I officially at week 34 ! Three more weeks to tahan before I can pop and consider full term.

I have not been able to sleep well this week due to my flu since last fiday. The only nite, I slept well was Monday when I went for foot reflex. Think I will go regularly after week 36, cos pp say it help o stimulate labour.

This#2 pregancy s really so much harder and pain compare to last one. Think is also due to my age [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]...


Thanks for encouragement. Yeah I m trying not to panic n relax. Jus tat i guess quite overwhelmed by the unknown ao mind goes thru all sorts of possible tots. Haha. Good to know all is well for ur ck up too. Drink more water to help clear the water retention. Tat is wat my doc tells me. More fruits for the flu. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I agree age does matter. For me near 40. Haha. Super anxious to meet the bb. Since 2nd trimester he never face front so none of the scan actually captures his face. I also getting worried. Sigh.


Strep b is a form of bacterial infection. If bb comes into contact wif it during birth. The impact could be brain meningitis etc so quite serious. Plus it comes n go. A clean swab does not mean I won't hve it co's I m already a carrier. Hope I got tis explanation rite in this short para.

Yesterday went for checkup. Baby now 3.012kg @ 36 weeks. He is still not engaged.

Doc warned me that if I have any symptoms, I must check into hospital immediately as this is 3rd child. Usually comes very very fast. Can be within 1-2 hours... haha...


good morning mummies, TGIF!

Jojobar, water retention will be relieved after delivery. do drink more water as it helps in relieving flu. try and rest more. yup foot reflex is good as well.

happymomo, increase in discharge is normal in 3rd tri. but if smelly means infection. signs of blood is not good go check with gynae.

i'm 37w0d today now it's truly standby time... coll and frens said my tummy has dropped down quite abit and i'm feeling pressure at pelvic bone. backaches are common now. hopefully bb is engaged [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

