(2011/10) Oct 2011

Gilera, for the nipple cream, what i have is the medela one. I have a friend who told me that we could start to apply some cocoa butter on the nipples so that it wouldn't crack and bleed ? Not sure how this might work but she is a 2nd time mum and she told me, she's doing it now as hers bled during her first one.

I went for my last 2 checkups, gynae was saying the baby's head is down and pressing on bladder. But i wonder if the baby will turn head up again???

Creamdonut, ya, now i also dilemma to bring own pump or use hospital's sterilized one. maybe make it simple, use hospital's. I dont' intend bottle feed but just in case i have engorgement and becomes painful and need to manual express. So, if baby doesn't wanna latch on, at least can use the breast pump to stimulate milk supply and give baby.


Hi gilera,

Popular brand of nipple cream is medela purelan which was recommended by most mummies when I was pregnant with #1. this brand of nipple cream can get quite easily from most baby supplies shop.

Cream donut, the last time the hospital let me take back my stored milk in those glass bottles. Those are just cheap recycle bottle that was used to stored premix formula that the nursery give bb. Hence they don't really mind giving it away.

Hospital bottles: They do gv but w/o the caps. so have to bring the sterlize caps.

unless u intend to feel bb direct from bottle then they use nuk teats to feed.

this is based on Mt E.

For me at that time, my milk did not really come in a lot. Hence i pump regular to stimulate milk supply but nothing really much come out except for the columstrum which I already latch on for the baby to suckle. My milk only come in after i discharge from hospital.

But as i was learning how to latch at that time, i misposition the latching that cause thesore of the nipple. Hence i was pumping "strawberry" milk at couple of day when i at home.

The nurse and lactation consultant at MT Elizabeth are very very supportive of BFing. In fact, at time i feel they are a bit pushy to wake me up to pump !!! So no worries mummies, the lactation consultants and nurse will be there to provide assistance and guide us along the way....

gilera, i started drinking (i'm 33weeks now).

i never take the whole coconut. I take only about a cup and some of it's flesh too

oh may I ask for labour contractions, do they occur in the middle of the stomach or at lower abdomen..?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gynae said it's whole tummy contractions not a certain part that gets worse n more freq then must admit hospital oredi

So difficult at work. Lean forward to type v uncomfy. Bb will kick my side ribs think I squashing him.

I need to sleep now.....

hi hobby, i am giving birth at gleneagles and EDD is 26th Oct.. went for check up yesterday but the BB head has not 'turn' yet so it could be possible tt i ned to go for C... haii...

ooh okok. i will ask my gynae tonight.

hhmm, can u lower ur chair alittle so u won't have to lean forward so much.....

hi serena,

whoa, our edd very near [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hhmm, sometimes, the baby will turn when nearer to the EDD. i think really depends in individual mothers and the baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Don't be sian!! doesn't matter if it's natural dely or c-section. Most importantly is the both you are safe and sound !

I'll be seeing my gynae tonight so see if my baby's head is still down. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] have you started packing ur delivery bag and washing the baby's stuff?

serena and hoppy,

i'm delivering at gleneagles too. my edd 14th oct. last visit at 33 weeks, bb head has not turn yet. last time gynae mention to me before, some cases, gynae will turn the bb head for us to deliver natural. but it will be around 37 weeks. if can't turn, must go for c-sect. have u heard about it before?


your gynae mention about turning bb for u?

@hoppy: i wld be packing by this 2 weeks and i have started to wash my BB clothes, by batch though, or else too much.

@angeline: my doc try to turn the BB for mi, bt she doesn wat to move.. haha....


was the turning painful? it can be done in the gynae clinic, right?

last time, my gynae mention about turning bb for me at 37 weeks. but now he said bb is a bit too big for me to go for natural. so i need to prepare for c-sect. if i plan for c-sect, i don't think he will turn for me.


There is persistant heartbeat like pulse at pubic hair area where bb head down is. Is he burping or chewing on me?

How do Gynae derive dat bb too big for mummy now when not due yet

my sil could natural on delivery date w big bb

heard abt Gynae turning bb but how? From outside massage technique? Cannot be internal ba


Thanks. I will get the contact fr u for mattress if I fail to get mattress tmrw. Today went to pick up mattress. Got duped. The woman packed a 48x25" for me n insist I take it. We realise error only after paying. Lucky we were still in the store. I ask for refund she said only Monday can do co's bank close? I find it weird but becos I was super upset for the waster trip we left. If Monday she dun refund I will hve to go back. Sigh. I called up baby kingdom. They say they sell. Tmrw have to go. I can't afford customised. Too expensive. If no choice I might have to make do wif 48x25" sigh. Means the cot will have gap between mattress n frame???

persistant heartbeat: is bb's hiccups.. dun worry. sometimes, i feel it more than once a day. dunno y bb hiccups so much

gynae turning bb: my parents was sharing with me cuz one of the bro has to be turned. my mum said is very painful, the gynae will use 2 hands put on yr tummy n juz literally try to turn the bb.

bb size: the estimation might not really be accurate lah, is juz an estimation based on their calculation of the bb's measurement but I dunno how they calculate lah. bb big still can try to deliver but maybe they scare bb's head too big. my frenz bb at birth was 3.5kg tried to give birth naturally but the bb's head too big, struck in birth canal, cannot come out, so in the end have to go c-sect. so if doc say c-sect den better juz do it ba, if not have to suffer twice n pay more $$..

Morning mummies...

Yesterday went for checkup, bb's weight 2.5kg at 34 weeks. Gynae given me some dates to choose for c-section which will be 2,3 or 4 Oct. It's less than a month for me, seems so fast.

Hi pofy, the shop is very unethical! Think they were trying to lure you down with false info and trick you to buying.

Hi Esther, so soon the C section? Is your baby big? 10-10 seems like a nice date too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bb weight: last time i did iui and found out that i have a very narrow cervix. since that time, gynae already mention that i may need c-sect if i give birth. now bb is one week bigger than she is supposed to be. i prefer to go for planned c-sect than using forcep to take out the bb or emergency c-sect.

anyone noe wat to eat to make bb grow faster? went for chk up ytd 32wk6d but bb's only 1.6kg!! i almost flip! didnt expect to be so small [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Bub- did Gynae say bb small

my wk 32 was 1.8kg

wk 34 was 2.2kg

next week check up at wk 36

heard now on weight gain is for bb not mummies

u can try durian heard it will make bb gain weight.

Think meat n veg better got nutrients vitamins than durian.


gynae say a bit small since my last few chk up but still say shld be within range.. but she told me by right now shld be at least 1.8kg.. I've eat durians but dun seems to help much but i dun really eat a lot n not always eating also..

i alr up my food intake ever since im preg but i admit tat last mth due to some work stress my appetite went down but still at least 3 meals everyday!! but for e whole of last mth bb only put on <500g!! faint! dunno y my bb dun seems to absorb my nutrients.. v worrying.. initially his NT measurement wasnt gd then now his weight gain...

hi winter, wow fully booked! I guess it is a hot date [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi bubbly and gilera, my baby weight is similar to gilera. now at 33 weeks 5 days (close to 34 weeks) is 2.1kg.

Doctor says to eat more protein to put on muscle mass eg milk, beef etc so i started to drink more milk since last month. Durian mainly sugar.


ya think i've gotta be a little more hardworking cos my tin of milk powder can last v long- meaning i seldom drink milk.. ever since my MIL dun really me to drink those fresh milk as it's cold i v lazy to make milk for myself alr but i tot i alr eat a lot who noe bb didnt didnt absorb hai... sad..

leeoh > ya, doc say for c-section is usually 2weeks b4 edd. Dun think doc will allow on 1010. It juz seems to be coming real soon.. Doc mention bb's wt is on the high side but still within the range.

That's fast on the booking of OT for 1010.. Still had got like 1month lor..

Angeline > my elder one was through emergency c-sect. At that time was quite gan cheong coz bb distress so was immediately pushed into the OT.

Bubblygeekypig > I only know durian will pump up the bb's weight and mooncake coz of the high sugar content. It's ok to drink those fresh milk better than you dun have any milk intake. Just dun let ur MIL see you drink.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gilera > I dun have a choice coz my elder one was through c-sect and the gap is 2yrs. So doc scared old wound may rupture so no choice. I would prefer natural thou.


e prob is becos im staying wif my in-laws n if i buy milk n put into fridge she'll noe i'll consume it hai.. ya i noe durian has got high sugar content level so bb will gain weight becos of sugar.. n moreover i didnt really control my diet during my preg except last mth was stress during work.. think maybe i shld eat more in hope tat bb will absorb more too.

Milk is good!!!!

Gynae said formula milk for mummies r quite fattening so rather I take fresh milk. I m not a milk drinker so I take w cereal , or choc milk I can drink straight. Meiji is yummy.

Mil r intervening too much. Tell her Gynae say must drink milk Which is a must!

even more so bb needs alot of calcium else bb will take from mummy n leave us with brittle bones. Calcium pills only provide that much Milk itself has more nutrients

At most u can warm up milk to drink, not till boiling though. Will ruin e nutrients.

Hi bubbly, I drink fresh milk but I can only drink HL cos lactose intolerant. I am also staying with my in laws but thank goodness my MiL is those who don't comment much, at least not to me, only to hubby. I also try to eat more meat. But I feel baby size is quite genetic, not so easily controlled by us. My #1 is also not big so wouldn't expect this one to be any bigger. Just hope not too small...

I put on 13kg liao but baby still small [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I think however much I eat will go to me more than her


my MIL didnt tell me but tell my hubby.. n in turn my hubby is controlling my cold drinks intake too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] yes i super like meiji choco milk too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my MIL now kan cheong abt bb size too say dunno wat she shld cook. she's been boiling black chicken soup last wk n this wk.. so i guess she's also concern abt bb's health tat's y ask me to avoid cold drinks.. but of cos when im out i still drink haha oops!!


ya i think bb size genetic cos im rather underweight during birth so i dun expect my bb to be big too but neither did i expect my bb to be so small!! so far i've put on 10.5kg but bb's only 1.6kg! all my fren/collg say i dun seems to put on weight n my bump still so small like 6mths bump.. but all noe i've been eating even extra so im helpless..

Wow maybe genetic so nothing can do. Just b healthy n fit

petite mummies oso envy not like me a giant!!!

Dun worry ba. Enjoy anything u wanna eat

I m heading for fish head curry!!!


but my hubby comment he's not underweight bb n our bb's a boy so shldnt be too small... hai dunno i'll try to do whatever i can ba.. k u enjoy ur curry fish head. thanx! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Serena Leow: wow, i din noe can turn the baby manually one! amazing!

bubblygeekypig: dun worry too much, more impt is that your work must not stress you out too much ya? too much stress will induce early labour, so better take care of yourself. if you scared to drink cold milk, you can eat more omega-rich fish like sardines. Ayam brand got those convenient type that can eat for breakfast.


ya i also hope this mth onwards would be better n not too stressful.. oh no i cant have early labour else confirm not within range!!! think i'll have to really eat those nutritious food alr.. thanx ya!

bubblygeekypig: yups, try to slow down at work and remember take deep breaths between work as breaks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] jia you!

mummies who previously mentioned that will pump milk in hospital:

am wondering if you bring your own caps to fit into the hospital-provided glass bottles?

hi, the doc tried to turn but when he is trying, he says BB too stubborn dun wanna move and he does not want to force, so did not turn the baby.....

brownish spotting: now i'm into 35 weeks. yesterday i had brownish spotting. no pain. only notice when i went to the toilet. i had it in the afternoon and in the evening. quite scare now. anyone experience it?

bb weight: heard eating banana will make bb put on weight.

Pofy, if the mattress size dun fit, maybe you can try buying small bolsters to tug in the gap as a temp solution..since first few mths, bb does not know how to toss and turn yet.

Angeline: Better consult ur gynae since u are so near ur due date alr. Heard cannot anyhow eat bananas especially the del monte type.

Creamdonut: Yes, will be bring caps to hospital to store else milk will be wasted =D

Gilera: Ya, can start to drink coconut already. They say can start to drink one month before due date.

