(2011/09) Sep 2011

Just to add on to jojo88 on the baby expo, the date of event.


Admission: Public - Free Admission

Venue: Hall 6A

Date: 22 Apr to 24 Apr

Time: 11am – 9pm (Fri & Sat) 11am – 8pm (Sun)


sometimes i really wondered why even the modern woman had this tinking that boy / gal is depends on us... why they doesn't asked the man HOW COME u dun try for a boy/gal?

Thks Gina. Have PM you.

Pooh - As much as I wish to, I think I've been crying too much during this pregnancy. Firstly in initial months of unstability. Then fell sick and was miserable. And my dog got into an accident last night! I cried so hard. On our way home, though dog survived the ordeal, I still cried. Hb was saying we must be prepared to get a crybaby in Sept. Haha! But I really couldnt help it mah.

Yasmin - I'm 32 this year. Not sure if my results will help. But since you have decided on the test, trust your medical professionals. Have faith and we pray for a good result for you =)

On gender - I wish I dont need to keep guessing too. So far no pressure from anyone but I'm so keen to start shopping or researching on possible buys. Wahaha! We are also keen on having 1 child. There have been comments that should we get a boy, there will be no pressure after that. But heck! I only want 1 child so all the more I'm not stressing myself out with the gender. It's either a boy or a girl. I'll gladly take either one.

i am also one of the old fashion thinking.. thinking of having boy for #1 to answer to my in-laws in case i just want 1 kid.. but lucky its a boy for me this time.. but of cos gal also ok for me, as long as bb is healthy..

kyra: try to stay happy for the bb..

actually we can't decide the gender, and since ored P then gender is already decided.. so guess so much also like tat...

For #1, i am v excited oso wanna buy clothes and this and tat.. but for #2 i am tinking to save money so will buy the more essential.. but if #2 is a gal i may end up spurging more than intended cos princess clothes have so many choices! Ored i am tinking if is princess i will get the ELC kitchen for her when she is 18mths.. heee.

I tinking need to take out my boy old clothes and see which one can be use again.. then some colleagues told me to buy new ones.. why save money.

that's true ellysia.. its my #1, but i have not bought anything yet other than some nb clothes during my USA few mths back..

now preparing for reno, so bb things need to put on hold 1st

@kyra: Didn't know you are friend with zhiying and tricia too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I've added you btw.

@PinkieMe: added too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Gina. Which ministry are you from? I was in PSD for awhile, got to know Zhiying there.

As for Tricia, it has been a long long while. I knew her in my 1st job! And that was 10 years ago. We have since been in 3 organisations together. Haha!

How to see the group ah?

hope scan on 19th can reveal gender then can actively participate at BB expo sale..... snort snort.... must buy breast pump now?

Gina: I spent S$23.47 on the dress at Spring Maternity! Haha..because I'm already plus size, I'm just wearing a lot of my old clothes/tunic tops. Your hubby must be more forgiving!

RE: Breast Pump

I used Avent Duo (electric dual pual) & loved it. Will continue using that same set I used for #1 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

No hurry to buy now else warranty will be over by the time you really use it intensively.

Also, you might want to try out different brands before committing to a set cos different ppl have different preferences lah.

Many say Medela is good but I felt like it was gonna pull my nipples off! :p

So, best to see look see look. Roughly know the budget you have. Make sure your hubby knows which models you are eyeing. Then get a simple manual pump for standby first. After delivery, can try different brands at the hospital then when decided, get hubby to run out to buy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

That was what I did with #1, and very glad I did that. Cos if I had listened to my friends and bought Medela, I would be crying everytime I pump and most likely, give up already :p

Clothes - Dun buy too many NB clothes. My boy outgrew them so fast tat some of his clothes are totally new and not wore.

Pump - u will need it during confinement (for those who are unable to latch properly/ to boost supply in addition to latching) so not advisable to buy after deliver.

Ellysia, I bought my pump on the day of discharge. Cos wanted to try out Medela Vs Avent at the hospital. Very glad I did cos found Medela not suitable for me (before delivery, I was strongly headed towards buying Medela already - after reading all the reviews online and feedback from friends).

It's not too late to buy a few days after delivery cos your milk won't come in till 2-5 days after delivery anyway. I used the manual pump to stimulate while in hospital [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Then loan the different pumps from ParentCraft to try out before discharge [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Avent duo is how much? is it the one cost $300++?

I oso heard avent good.. i am using medela PIS. But i need to source for another pump for home use / bring out, PIS is too heavy for carrying around.


U go parentcraft at TMC?

I ask the nurse at TMC but they r like v blur.. so i didn't know where to try out pump. I didn't bring my pump to hospital. Only when go home then i use it to stimulate more flow.

rumi - I'm not taking any herbs now but we buy cordyceps regularly as hb is asthmatic. For 4x soup (each time yield around 2 bowls), the quantity of cordyceps cost us close to $300. I dont know what grade cos usually mum/MIL helps to buy. Because it's so exp, I always make sure hb drinks up ALL the soup and the meat inside will be served to our dogs :p

ok many thanks!!!

also heard for confinement all foods are to be cooked with sesame oil only and there are mummies having to complete bottles of sesame oil, DOM, rice wine etc.

seriously? by the bottle?

My MIL gave me 2 big bottles of sesame oil but i didn't use it bec' i got confinement catering the last time. Didn't drink DOM bec' can't if bf. Wine is ored used to cook the confinement food.

hi mummies,

long time din log in, hope all are doing well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

going to see my bb this Sat and do the triple blood test, can't wait to see little fellow again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hee check with you mummies k, anyone opt for and sign up/is signing up for the PruFirst Gift insurance policy by Prudential? I like the coverage but don't really fancy investment link policies so thought to check with mummies here for your views before checking with an agent. Anyone can share? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For mummies interested, the link to the brochure is attached below:


Ellysia, that time we bought $800 for the set. I think now promo is $699. The $300 plus one is SINGLE pump, not very good (noisy).

My hubby went to parentcraft to ask the nurse to bring up the pump. But just before discharge, I did make a trip down (to try the other brand).

You need to pay $10 for the disposable funnels (for hygiene purposes). But worth it. Cos the nurse show me how to use properly to pump efficiently [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I didn't bring when I went to deliver. But within hours after delivery, my boobs damn pain so I asked hubby to run home to get it for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Kyra, cordyceps super exp!!! My mum bought a small bundle for my boy (we blend with other herbs and mix into his food). 1 small bundle = $300!!! I wanna faint!! And my mum still say it's worth it!

Gilera, I did not take DOM or rice wine. DOM was given to us by my relatives but I did not take cos breastfeed. End up my mum & hubby share :p I only used a lot of sesame oil in the cooking. & a lot of chicken essence too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I think I used 1 large bottle of sesame oil during the whole confinement. Not a lot lah. Don't worry.

re. confinement food.

same as ellysia, i also din dare to drink dom coz bf, although some other mummies said ok to drink, then wait 2 hrs before express or latch. i rather play safe and not drink coz alcohol can be very damaging for bbs. din use much alcohol to cook food too, only about 2-3 times coz still worried about effect on bf, even though alcohol supposed to evaporate. haha think me is worry mum type. but i did used up a lot of sesame oil, almost all the fish and veg dishes...

@kylekyra: I went US with Tricia for work before too and got to know her better from there. She's now working nearby too and we meet for lunch like every month.. She's also into her 7th month now, I think.. Hehe. Also knew ZY from work. To see the group, you must accept my request first before I can add you to the group. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Koume: That's very cheap. Even the Spring fair at Tanjong Pagar, I went 2 rounds leh. $250 in all. Hahah, about 15 pieces? And they gave me 2 vouchers for their normal Sprint outlet which I may just hop down later to take a look. I need to stop spending..! Haha

#2, can I ask if you were the one who did your detailed scan at TMC, and they offered u a CD of the images taken?

Did you have to pay for it? thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Daddysbao, my detailed scan for #1 was at TMC. We had to bring our own CD or thumbdrive [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] That was in 2006. Not sure about now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sung, I also like the coverage. Hubby & I discussed and since we can afford, we will go ahead to get the Prudential insurance. We've spoken to agent already. Now waiting for 18 weeks before we can make the purchase. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

why sesame oil? cant cook with olive oil meh?

please rec confinement food caterer.

received one leaflet: 7days of lunch and dinner for 1 month = $1400+

mother said so ex as the food ingredients are very cheap only. but i guess its the service of cooking and delivery, saves us the hassle...

Hi Sung,

I'm going to meet my prudential fren/agent tonight to talk and most prob sign the policy for prufirst gift.....

kyra - sama sama also had huge fight on friday night... felt so not in control over emotions . v pathetic. being so drama rama over nothing, but at that point of time felt very lousy and useless.

your dogs must be very 'bu' to have herbal meat... what happen, what accident... do u have helper to look after your dogs since you have kids...

Gilera, confinement food use a lot of herbs which is exp. That's why confinement catering quite exp. My friend said that it's worth it to pay for confinement catering cos that's the amount she paid for her herbs for 1 mth!

#2 & Kelly, thanks. The coverage is attractive haha I juz hv qualms abt investment link. Guess I'll better try to understand more from an agent...


is it from newbaby? tat time i sign up package of $1.3K.

But still ok since i didn't engage CL and save my mum a lot of hassle cos she dunno how to cook confinement food.

They got use quite a no of herbs. Serving also good and more than enough.

i dun intend to get confinment meal eh but the normal catering meal.. tinking of those herbals n sesame oil n stuffs made me wanna to -_-"

Sung, I bought some investment-link policies quite some time ago (bought them cos the coverage was rather attractive). Eh, the returns is not bad.

Not too sure about the details for the Prudential one yet cos no time to read in detail but me & hubs are ok with investment link policy cos we want the coverage [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

FYI: For those looking for confinement food catering, my friend feedback that Chili Padi's one is nice. I looked through their menu and like it too.

Re:prufirst... I'm only 17 weeks, but my agent says can buy liao.. Cos need time for approval..


I checked out the shop which u mentioned liao.. Quite many bottoms.. I bot 2 shorts for 47....the tops i think cannot make it.. Haha..They got pants and jeans also.. Dun like the cutting of the jeans... Very flare at the bottom kind.. But not ex thou..if u stay nearby, no harm having a look.. At least if nothing suits u.. U can head to tampines 1's maternity shop.. Hehe

Kelly: Oh your friend is working at Prudential? I was also thinking of getting PruFirst..oh the tops suck huh? Haha! Did you see any decent dresses?

Can you believe it I was at Tampines just now but went to Century Square that side and STILL have not made it to this shop to take a look? ArgH!

Yeah... My fren with prudential....she went thru the details with me....i think its really not bad... Even thou its investment link plan...but if we look long term...it wiill benefit the child when THEY retire....hehe....quite a significant amt of money they'll take back at the age of 65...

