(2011/09) Sep 2011

am feeling terribly bad today as well, but the sicker i feel, the more tidbits i will eat, to try to will the ms away, and crackers seem to be helping... But this is gonna worsen my already present sore throat...

Take care Jennifer!


Hi Ladies, my EDD is 26 Sept.

Can I check if any mummies out there taking prenatal vitamins at this stage?

Also, how do you handle ms at work?

Haha.. tok abt the 4d.. i bot it when I 1st discovered +.. but didnt follow it thru.. sigh.. shld have bot it thru!

My Mr.Sore throat finally gone.. but MR.Cough still here.. and invited the MR.Sore eyes.. SIGH! Tml i am flying to BKK! Please go away!

Hi babiesaf, i'm taking folic acid and some iron and calcium capsule prescribed by the gynae.

For me, my ms is still not too bad, every time i'll cough and make the vomit sound, it'll subside slightly, and i try to hide my cough so that no one will wonder why i keep wanting to vomit. am still keeping the P from my colleagues.

i felt stars surrounding me today.. feeling very tired.. doesn't feel like moving ard. The smell of foods simply turned me off..

Hi mummies.. Happy valentime's day!!! I'm back from oscar test. They draw 1 test-tube of blood and did the scan

can i check with u mummies, do ur gyane asked u to do a blood test on aid and dunno wat else? My gf who is visiting the same gyane was told to do dat.. another gf told us she did it at the same time during her oscar test and she was drawn 3 test tube of blood *faint*

Dear members my EDD is 6th Sep.

i am new here but its amazing to read all the posts. i am on 2 weeks hospitalization leave as i detected slight spotting for two weeks on and off.

I am very nervous though need your support.

prenra: welcome to ourbig family.

dun worry i olso experience spotting and my gyane said its pretty normal.. unless its heavy like our menst time..

have lots of rest.

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif])) im so happy to see the quick reply thanks so much Simbaobao you dun noe wat it means to me. I am glad to be a part of this big family and I hope I can contribute and help others if required. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]))

dun worry too much, r u a 1st time mtb as well? do share with us your journey in this preggy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I did the HIV, AIDS etc blood test at my 1st visit with the new gynae I went to. He drew 2 tubes in total. Dr mentioned that this was a compulsory test by the MOH.

Very hard to hide MS. Bad MS days, I would look very sick and pale, but people would think that I have fallen sick or what.

I saw my mum on Sun, she put her hand on my tummy and said "wow so fast got baby bump" But hor, really baby bump or my own fat tummy? I am in week 9. Still maintaining my usual weight, just that my bottoms are getting tight. What about you girls?

daddysbao, blood is drawn at the arm there.. Results will send to gynae cos gynae refer me there to do the test.. Pray hard baby is ok..

Pommes, same here.. My parents also say can see my baby bump, but I told them it's my fats, they insist is baby bump.. Faints.. I lost 3.5 kg so far, in my 11week

pommes: oh i will check with my gyane if i can do at his place..

yeap my baby bump oso very obvious.. eveyday i will show hb my tummy.. saying it growing so big eh.. my hb went... baby baby.. ur mummy very silly eh... u r growing inside wat.. of coz her tummy will grow.. -_-"!

thanks simbaobao, gonna take a look later. running out of pants to wear to work. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Pommes: I only keep seeing my own fat tummy in the mirror, and some more i can suck it in! All the more i believe it's mine :p

I think I should be week 10 now?

Welcome Babies AF and Prenra [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Babies Af : gynae gave me folic and prenatal vits on my first visit itself ard 6-7 weeks that time. EDD is 19/9

Prenra : Just have lots of rest and think positive!

i bgt a maternity pants few days ago at new maternity. very cool!! like v shape in front.

have a store at imm and tampines

Intending to make a trip to Baby mart at kaki bukit one day and they have this factory outlet kind near marymount. Saw these online.

May go mother en vougue to have a quick look tmr.

I just bgt a belly blanket today. From kiddy palace at juro point. supposed to protect baby from radiation. was fascinated by it.

avail at selected kiddy palace.

Can check online

They have a belly tee as well...will get it when tummy gets bigger [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My baby bump is still not so visible..everyday inspecting it too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but it gets more obvious after food hehehhe

I 'm not buying too many maternity clothes..mainly one denim skirt and one other bottom, just a couple of cotton t shirts will do

That's about it.

Pooh : how long does your oscar test take? did u take it at tmc? do you have to choose amongst various types of oscar at that point of time?

Christine : did u take breakfast before taking your folic and vits?

simbaobao : did u manage to eat something? lack of food can be a reason.

Our sugar level will drop faster when pregnant ..that's why we get dizzy.

I was so dizzy the week before i realised i was pregnant. was going without carbs before that.

feel better the moment i eat.

Christine thnks btw wat is "Jia you oh!" sorry abt that i am nt into these slangs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] btu wud luv to noe wat it means

Pommes, Simbaobao, pooh, daddysbao: Hello to All. i gained a lot of weight till now almost 5 kgs tats cos i am a regular jogger(jogged everyday 5kms) and i had to stop jogging when i came to noe i ws pregnant.

I am still able to fit in G2000 pants a bigger size tat i had in my wadrobe

But will need a bigger one eventually

I am still figuring out where to shop for maternity clothes. Went into Spring Maternity before at Vivo, wasn't impressed.

I am still wondering if it is baby bump or my own fat tummy. But I can't suck it in. I read before petite women would show up baby bump quite early.

Prenra - wow, you have a very healthy lifestyle. I used to be active until my slipped disc incident. I'm maintaining my weight by watching my diet and doing very light exercise. My gynae said no exercise during 1st trimester. But I see my flabby arms and thighs, I abit cannot take it. So later, hubby goes jogging, I am going to take a long walk.

I hope it will be okay, because I had spotting before.

Baby kingdom - 83 Kaki Bukit Ave 1 #01-00 Shun Li industrial park

Baby Hypermart - 69 Kaki Bukit Ave 1 Shun Li Industrial Park

Bunnz: thanks a lot for support. really need it and yea ur rite i will stay positive.

simbaobao: my preggy journey until i got preg is ok. im 10 wks plus preg dealt wif ms at work sum how but the spotting is jus makin me nervous, i try nt to think abt it though. Just pray.

Btw anybody signed for antenatal classes yet

Pommes: I luv to run infact it was very difficult for me to stop running as i am an addicted jogger but pregnancy comes first

Prenra : You are welcome. i'm waiting anxiously to start yoga in 2nd trimester.

I'm addicted to yoga. used to do 3-5 times a week

Happy V day to all mummies

Jennifer: thanks for suggesting... Will try the ruyi oil hope it helps

B isforBB: yes I am addicted to lime juice nw. Not a big fan of sour things bt it kinda makes me feel better

I think I am having V infection feeling itchy down there... Luckily doc appt is tml can so rectify once and for all.

Taking abt maternity clothes, I am still wearing my usual clothes. I usually wear dress so no issues at this point... Went to island shop and saw some nice pieces.. Think will shop there when tummy gets bigger..

Pink Poppy: I think we're in the same boat...I also suspect i got some infection, alot of funny looking discharge...also luckily tomolo is the appt with gynae...

Anyone knows what are the basic blood test that we'll be doing??

Bunnz: Yeap I had some light foods... Dunno y ... Am getting very impatient now with foods... Doesn't felt like putting them into my food. But I still force myself to eat for baby's sake.

Prenatal Vitamins:

In addition to folic acid, my gynae also prescribed me with Vitamin B and C (it comes as 1 pill). I usually take them after food. Folic acid twice a day, Vit B& C - Once, in the morning.

Baby bump:

Mine is definitely already showing but not too obvious that people can tell. Some of my clothes are already too tight so I try to wear the rest of my looser clothes, to the rest, I still look prettty much the same. Only mu hubby gets to see the growing bump, which he doesn't think look like a mere 9 weeks. Haha.

The only giveaway is my flats. I've always been a (very) high heels person and the recent flats have raised some eyebrows..

Maternity Wear

Was hunting the past 2 weekends but decided to go with bigger sized clothes in the end, although I know I'll grow out of it soon enough. I learnt that dresses are safer. Pants are less so. They wear out very fast because I think we grow faster at the waist. If you can help it, try to buy dresses instead of pants. If need be, stretchable ones may help. I'm also looking for nice ones. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Welcome! Btw, you don't sound local. If you don't mind sharing where you're from. It'll be interesting to share baby info / beliefs from various countries. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jenn Ng, Simbaobao:

Pls take care!

Lastly, happy friendship day to all!

Starting to hv little outbreaks on forehead since yesterday.

Anyone has them? Seems little more today.

I also saw this wrap which helps to support belly when it gets bigger. Any 2 nd mummies used it before? Useful!

bunnz - i realised i have a lot of small pimples at my forehead. Do you still go for facial? I'm still going and hope the monthly facial will help me.

My good friend thinks I am having a girl becos of the food aversion I have and the MS I'm having. But me n hubby keep thinking we are having a boy.. hee hee... cos all we can think of is baby boy's names.

i had those small pimples on my forehead too.. hate it to max... skin oso getting very dry and the skin like dropping out. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Let's talk about gut feel on bb's gender today.. hehe. I chanced upon a couple of websites 2 weeks ago on gender prediction and from what I have read (provided if it's true)..

My guess is that I'm having a boy. I can't recall the whole list but some prominent ones include:

- No MS

- Cold feet

- prominent bump even at 9 weeks

- Cravings for salty rather than sweet food

- Dry skin

- According to this chinese calendar prediction based on conception age and month (24 + Dec) = boy

- Colour of pee (bright yellow vs dull yellow) Bright = boy, dull = girl

Hehe, just some food for your thought while we await our 16th or 20th week scan.

Of cos, if it's a gift, I'll be equally thrilled. Can dress her up with all the pretty clothes! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

What are your own gut feel about the gender?

Mine is ard the neck n is big, red n swollen kind. Yes, skin is super dry, wondering if is because I m not taking enough water. Sigh. Really didn't expect to have so much changes during pregnancy.

Jen Ng - Are you feeling better now? You are the one that went back home in the morning, right?

Gina - which chinese calendar prediction are you using?

I got a mixed Yes/ No from your list. I think boy boy or girl girl can be fun in their own way. Anyway, already thankful for this gift, our biggest wish is to have a healthy baby.

Agree with all, the priority remains that the baby be healthy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pommes - I'm not sure which, but it seems commonly used. It's also featured in the preg magazine I bought.

The signs which I listed are not scientific so pls don't take it seriously, they are just smth I found off the internet and magazines which I found interesting to share with all mummies. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

WOW... I'm amazed at how quickly this thread is running. Thanks for your advice ladies!

Mine is IVF pregnancy. That is why i'm bigger than usual. (but still managable) Only wondering if I should take multi vitamins at this stage. What about milk? My sister-in-law insists me of taking milk now.

Hi Pommes,

Yup yup, have been napping so feel better now. Tks! Sleeping is the best now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anyway around which week we can get to see bb's gender?

i wanna to take milk but i cannot drink it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] the taste n smell made me wanna puke and my stomach cannot take it ..

my sis told me its better to take fresh ones den the powder ones...

Babies AF: I have been taking Multivits (Obimin), Folic and Calcium from my 1st visit. I think a good prenatal vitamin will be ideal for mummies who can’t keep anything down or have very poor appetite. Today my gynae just added Iron, Vitamin C (to help absorption of Iron) and DHA to the list…faint!

Just went for 3rd appt with gynae in the morning. Am now 10wks! Lost 4kg already so far due to poooooor appetite. But I’m feeling much better these days and the gynae said there are quite a few who’s MS and symptoms resolve within 10wks or so, so that’s encouragement to look forward to! =))

Also checked on whether I can use Ru Yi You and gynae said no problem, so for mummies with bad bloating and wind problem, this is a good option!

Btw, any mummies from private hosp asked to go to NUH to do ‘First Trimester Screening’ at 12wks? Anyone knows what is that actually?

Maternity wear: My friend who shops a lot recommended me to try this blogshop: www.mylittleangelsmaternity.com. It’s located at Bendemeer, with affordable and nice designs. I have yet to check it out but anyone interested can take a look! =)

Baby gender: Haha, I’ve kinda always wanted a girl, but from conception I had a gut feel it’s gonna be a boy. My friends were saying if you’re expecting a boy, you don’t care about your appearance at all, your nose gets bigger and you crave salty foods. I used to be a BIG chocolate person but not a trace of choc has found it’s way into my mouth since I started expecting…hmm. =p

Jennifer Ng (jng83): hi Jennifer baby gender can be determined around 4 or 5 mnths thats wat the lady who was doing ultrasound tol me but internet says sumthing else

