(2011/09) Sep 2011

yating: mmm i will tell myself.. NO NO doc didn't give the green light.. mummy must behave if not, baby will suffer.. so far.. so good.. maybe one day when i got really despo.. i will..haha

Sim bao bao: Salutes! I cant man. when i tell myself i canot drink Tea but when the coffeeboy ask what you wana drink, i will jus blurt TEA! how many weeks are u in? Im only like in 13 wks.. cant wait!

gd morning!

can mummies please advise on diabetes during pregnancy. heard that in some cases, it follows you after child birth and becomes permanent.

hubby insisted that KOPI BING, MILO BING has higher sugar content and causes diabetes....


ur doc so strict! Mine says not too much, a cup of coffee a day is fine... but i dont drink coffee, so i take a tea-O everyday. hee hee

Exciting that the genders are coming out!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yating: mb you can try smelling the coffee/tea [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] does help

Pommes : I still give in to temptations now and then [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] sometimes want to try try.. and getting the consequences thereafter

last night, eyes were bigger than stomach..

had some chilli chips with plain yogurt plus few spoons of mango ice cream.

immed this morning got woken up by drippin mucus already!

When you really experience a certain kind of lifestyle or any heavenly like feelings, you really want to try all ways and means to keep and improve that feeling/experience for as long as we can and at the same time share it with others. When we are happy ourselves, people around us will naturally be happy too!

Gilera : I only know that you have to be careful about your food choices. not only food with sugar. Foods with carbos/starch like bread/rice/noodles also cant eat too much.

Trick is to maintain your sugar level, dont let it rise and drop too much. Keep it as constant as possible. Do light exercises whenever possible. Timings which you eat, and the portion size all plays a part. Eat little but more times a day to maintain the sugar level.

Read up on GI levels of the various foods like eating rice/potatoes/fruit juices makes the sugar level rise quickly. Oats is slow releasing..carrots is medium

Watermelon raises sugar level fast...basically all the melons.(high water base) apples are ok.

Diabetes doesnt mean you cant eat sweets or cakes. but choose a good source.

Pommes, gynae say not confirmed yet, but high likelihood is girl since we couldn't find any signs of a penis and the balls (we spent a good 10 minutes looking from all angles!). hee!!

RE: Diabetes

Google on low GI foods. Low GI means the food does not increase your blood sugar quickly so it is still ok. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My mum had GD and now, she has mild diabetes (diet-control only, no medication needed).


I know that natural food/fruits are ok. But it is those processed food need to take note. sauces such as tomato and chilli sauce should avoid. Try to eat soupy stuff instead of dried stuff. food with seasoning also be careful. Eat wholemeal bread instead of white bread.

of course the most obvious is sugary food and drinks.

I tot during pregnancy, hair amount actually accumulate, then will drop after giving birth. i rem the dropping of hair was horrible like bunch of bunch during confinement, and worst i have a lot of white hairs after giving birth my no 1. I hope this time round won't have more white hairs, if not dunno how.

Hi ladies, am sneaking in for a fast entry . will go bk and catch up on the posts later .

recall i ask abt job switch ydae? that was becos i has a phone interview w Oz side ydae and today the local hiring manager wld like meet me ..

they are open to hiring expecting mums but the question here is .. by the time i go over will be in June .. (cos i need 2 mths notice at my current side) . will that in any way affect my ML.

catch u ladies tonite!

Pommes - I was using supermarket brands of shampoo (redken, silkpro etc). After finding out about pregnancy, I bought shampoo/conditioner from hair salon. Alternate bottles of shampoo to prevent hair loss and minimize oily scalp. But no use. The hair are really dropping at a scary rate [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Where did you get the organic shampoo from?

bisforbb - Hope you are feeling better already. I'm still very sick and took antibiotics last week [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Refraining from medicine this week thus I'm very miserable. Indeed, in the whole of 2010 though I was quite busy at work, I only took 2 days MC (once for menstrual cramps and once for diarhhea). Yet for this round, I havent been well for almost 2 weeks. Our immunities are really lower with pregnancies.

Yating - You are really disciplined! My soft spot for cold drinks is not helping me. I wont be able to put down after a few sips. For coffee/tea/bubble tea etc, I can resist all. Even for soya bean drink, I can opt for no sugar or 25% but come to soft drinks. Haiz!

Simbaobao - You are another disciplined one! I'm very ill disciplined among to you mothers. Btw, do you mean 1 glass of honey water + few drops of lemon juice? Or I can drop in 1 slice? I think I shd cut down on my honey & lemon strepsils and go for natural drinks.

Hair Loss - My hair isnt thick to begin with. Normally, will drop during washing/combing. But the recent loss really alot..if we are going to drop more during confinement, then I'll definitely be bald by baby shower time. Wahahahah!

Supplements - Anyone knows the dosage of fish oil which we shd take during pregnancy? My gynae gave me mum-2-be multi vitamins and told me that is enough. But now a gf bought a bottle of fish oil for me, she claimed that it's highly recommended for preg ladies, can I take extra?

Muffin, it depends. By SG law, you must be with the company for at least 6mths before delivery to be entitled to maternity benefits. However, some companies are willing to give the maternity benefit even if you have not fulfilled the 6mths.

So, it's best to clarify with them before taking the offer [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Muffin - Alot of companies will require pregnant staff to have served 90days at work in order to enjoy maternity benefits. Hence you may need to check/calculate properly.

Yating: I am going into 16 weeks.. last time i must have @ least 3 cup of tea per day lo since teenager year... terrible rite..

hahaha u know when no one knew i am preggy.. they offered me all sort of teas.. inside me was struggling like hell...

i asked why others can still take tea, coffee, cokes and stuffs.. why why why i got to ban myself eh.. so miserable eh...

i started to lost my patient eh.. my hb went.. they dunno mah... so one day i was so DESPO to have a taste of tea.. i asked my gyane.. ERrrr Ju Hua CHA can drink anot? he stare @ me for 5min eh.. in my heart i was like.. asked for wat? sigh it be the same ans de lo.. WOW he said go ahead.. i a HAPPY like a bird lo..

Asura: haha Tea kosong oso cannot eh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

So i can only sniff sniff now if hb is drinking..

Even my fav. matcha soba hor.. i oso stopped taking...

kyle: am struggling very hard.. haha

but hor i still take juices, "cold drink" tat doesn't contain caffines inside..

the lemon honey: mine hor 1 glass of honey : 3 slice of lemon... depend how sour u like it to be..

Thank goodness I am not a tea person altot its very tough to estranged myself from Koi bubble tea *grrrr*

I had a big and hearty lunch: Crystal Jade Yang Chow Fried Rice with Roast Duck and Char Siew :p:p:p

yating: I've stop coffee totally... used to have coffee every morning & it's a must. But i didnt take coffee anymore. But I do take some flavour tea, like Pokka lychee tea, peach tea or milk tea.... yeah cold tea.... I know cold drink is bad but the weather is bad, so hot.... drink cold drinks during lunch makes me happy... n I take 100plus almost everyday as i'm having very bad headache. Perhapes the lack of coffee make me headache

I totally abstain from anything with caffeine, no more coffee n tea n coke. My colleagues think is ok to have a small cup once a while but for caffeine addict like me, quit already better dun touch. If not, one small cup will slowly add up to disastrous amount.

Kyra - bought my organic shampoo from holland n Barrett. I used the aloe Vera as reco. I also alternate with neutrogena shampoo. I also used phyto brand for a while. For me, I think clear shampoo works best for me. Those creamy type make my hair drop a lot.

I am quite scare after delivery I would have no more hair on my head.

i cut down totally on coffee... but still can't say no to bubble tea. But i take a few sips only.

And yes, i love cold drinks ... espcially the gassy ones. The thought of "gloop gloop gloop" down at one go (and the prickly feeling at the throat) is really shiok .. But i'm refraining myself cos these are sooooo sweet

Oh ... hair loss after child birth is even worse. I dropped so much until my helper was asking me if i am sick.. Oops , hope this does not scare you all off further. My stylist says constant use of hair tonic will help, so i'm using this organic blueberry one currently

Hi all...

Hope you ladies are okay if I join you ladies here too...

A little introduction about myself. I'm 29 and has bee TTC since we first got married in 2004. Went thru 2 IVF which was a BFN adn when I was about to give up, guess what? My menses for January didnt come... N currently I am 15 weeks pregnant. Since this is my first time pregnancy, hope to learn from you ladies here.

One question: Any working mum to be here? I am feeling very tired and lately and cant fully concentrate at work 100%. Waking up in teh morning is a problem. My contract ends in June and is not planning to continue but just teach private tuition to earn a little income to help hubby out. Any opinions on this?

@BlossomsBB: I also had Crystal Jade for lunch!! Went to Suntec to meet hubby for lunch to ensure he ate (he's sick and have no appetite, tend to skip meals). I had the hor fun with egg and prawn. Unfortunately, the pukish feeling came halfway thru the hor fun, and I did not finish it.

I drank Koi on Tuesday =X One of my relatives told me to eat/drink whatever I crave for, else the bb will feel very deprived when he grows up and become obese (citing her son as example). I'd only indulge in a cup of tea at most once a week though.

@Ros: Welcome!

Jessica, my hubby also believes that must give in to preggie's cravings. Cos his colleague told him if preggie always have cravings not satisfied, baby will drool a lot.

And strangely, my boy didn't drool like other babies. Cos my hubby ensured I had my every craving, right down to Penang laksa (he flew to Penang just to get it).

Jessica: Is Koi okie? I've been having craving for KOI hazelnut tea for weeks but I don't dare to drink it. Did you finish a glass by yourself or u only drink some? I'm in my 12th week, guess i'll get one this weekend..... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ginn, I've been drinking quite a bit of KOI. Can't resist!!! But my mum nag at me... say dun drink so much tea.. So now hubby limit me to 1 cup per week...

1d1r: I've love bubble tea all along... & since the new branch at Clementi open, I'll be visiting it everyweek. But the doctor say no coffee & tea so I stop taking them altogether.... and i release that drinking cold drinks make my headache go off....else I've very terrible headahce... but my mom also nag that i should be drinking cold drinks. She said next time the BB's lung will not be strong if i take too much cold drinks....

at times, i'll steal a few slips from my hubby's drink when he's not looking....I felt that I'm acting like a small kid.....

hey all,

sure chrysanthemum tea can drink? wah lao..i juz drank a cup...then now scared scared...haha...cos internet says pregnant women best to avoid..sometimes surfing the net too much really brings too much worries...

Ginn, I will die without cold drinks. My dad used to nag at me when I was preggie with #1. But I still drink :p Actually, by the time the cold drink reach your tummy, warm already lor... hahahaha!!!

My boy's strong and healthy, no weak lungs leh. In fact, his lungs very strong. Can scream super loud!!!

Ros: I'm a working mother too.... It's my first bb too... I also experience the tireness & always not enough sleep symptoms. Althoug I sleep at 10+/11pm every night & wake up at 7.30am, I'm still tired everyday. I'll drink a bottle of chicken essence when i totally cant take it. Luckily for me, i'm working in the enclose accounts room so I can take nap when i'm totally feeling tired.... a 15min nap is powerful n it makes me feel recharge..... I've read up some books that you'll feel extreamly tired during the first trimster, after the 4th mouth, your energy level will get back. so dun worry so much....

1d1r, does your boy cough easily?

I also feel terrible without cold drinks.... esp during lunch... It's so warm out there & I can only drink hot drinks... I'm perspiring like mad.... but after a cold can drink, i'm feeling over the moon.... so much bettter expect for the later stomach cramp, which may be due to my fabriods.....

I'm so happy that I'm gg for Koi tml...... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Tks all...

Ginn, nope... he dun cough easily... in fact, recently he got a small bout of flu from my hubby and we were searching for meds at home... only to discover all his meds were from 2009 -_-"

Seldom fall sick so I don't believe that drinking cold drinks will lead to a weak baby. It's more of breastfeeding after baby is born that's more impt.

@Ginn Cai: To be honest, I dunno whether Koi is ok, that's why I limit to 1 cup a week. On Tuesday, I finished the whole cup. On other occasions, I drink about half then the guilt sets in.

Thanks 1d1r & jessica.....

I though I've to ren for another 6-7months before I can drink KOI..... but I'm gg for it tml... but i'll limit myself.. mayb drink half a cup for a start...... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

kelly: my gyane said YES... provided its not those soak for 5min kind.. chinese sinsen said after cooking it for more then 15min.. it will lost its liangness..

i wan my bubble tea too!!!! with 25% sugar or kosong!!!! MISS MISS MISS it to bits... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I drink chrysanthemum tea often too. It is the only liang teh which my sinseh gave the go-ahead. Esp now that I'm heaty with a sore throat + nasty cough, I buy bottled ones from Hock Hua and hb will also brew at home.

Of course on canned drinks, I also still take chrysanthemum or lemon tea. I've only avoided green tea.

Kyle: Im not disciplined enough. I still take coffee and tea and soft drinks. I used to dislike fizzy drinks. but now, im craving for it.

Sim bao bao: Yes le. 3 cups per day. I used to have that amt. n my discharged increased! so i cut down.

Ginn Cai: I cant. Cannot resist when im at the Kopi tiam and when im at home. My MUM n BRO are there to tempt me. At my Husband's hse, my FIL and SILs are tempting me...

And regarding to hair loss, im very worried too. I have fine hair so if i drop even more hair.. i will be.... hahaha.. Pray hard!

ya.. usually i dun finish my coffee or tea or cold drinks..

Ros: Yes. I always have to force myself to wake up if not i will be late for wrk. N in the early weeks, i keep feeling nausea. whateva you have eaten, u just feel like puking it out. but now i guess im past the first trimester, im feeling better. and TGIF!!!!

Simbaobao: HAHA. all of us are toking abt different types of tea.. But my mum say if u are craving for it, just drink or eat. its okay one. so i will go for it and jus drink more water to compensate.

u noe. me too.. I love teas with lotsa of creamer. esp. lipton milk tea with 2 extra sachets of creamer!! Yummy. But now i will buy from kopitiam take two mouthful and throw the rest away!!

R u ladies craving for foods??? Im always craving for BA KU TEHs!...

hahaha i cannot stomach milk but i love milk tea.. esp the mos burger ones.. told hb.. the most landed in toilet... he always shaked his head when he saw me with milk tea..

nw am craving for pasta.. western foods... chinese foods.. once in a while... tis baby is so kan tang type.. during 1st trimester.. all my chinese foods went in n come out..

Sim: Ya. during weekend i have to keep asking my husband to get either coffee or tea for me. my bb oso crave for pasta! i miss beef steak thou!!

#2: YES YES.. where do u usualli have it? i love it esp when it is dipped into that plate of red chilli with dark soya! I love CHILLI!!!

yating: we can't take beef steak???? i used to love it but after having baby.. not much crave BU today i had tis I WAN STEAK in my mind.. opps

i used to LOVE chilli but after baby is here... i hardly can take spiceness nw.. :s

i still take ice lemon tea bec' the caffeine content shouldn't be a lot cos its not real tea. i oso took bubble tea but ctrl the intake due to the sugar n gain weight, more than the caffeine.

Sim: I've heard ard that we are suppose to take beef that are fully cook becos of the bacteria n all. but beef steak aint right. so i try to refrain frm it. but it depends la.. i have fren's fren who took sashimi and gave birth to a healthy boy. but i dun wan to take the risk.

I still love chilli and craving for more..


morning mummies! So many going to see gynae these 2 weeks. I'm also see mine in 2 weeks' time, and I can't wait. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hope to see that bb is well, and I hope bb will wake up and move around so that we can find a good position to see the gender! So hard to have to wait for so long just to know! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re coffee/tea

Am occasionally taking 1/2 sips from hubby's cup since he drinks it every morning. so I sip a little once in a while when I can't resist the smell. :p

As for tea, I never had such strong cravings for teh-o b4 pregnancy, and now I keep thinking of teh-o all the time we go kopitiam, so have to hold myself back and resist. No one drinks it, so I can't steal a sip. :p

