(2011/08) Aug 2011


How all the MTBs feeling today? better i hope.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I've got a worry.

Heard that there will be 'clash' if there are 2 pregnant ladies in the same environment. Cos i hv a colleague who is pregnant in her 5th month and im just abt 5 weeks. is there any truth in the clashing??

getting worried for the little one...

can any1 advice? thx.


Hz: dont worry too much... I pregnant with my #1 and my SIL also with #2 same time and both just 3 mths apart. If "Clash" then i think many clashes already.. lol my 3 aunties pregnant all 3 mths apart and now 3 big big girls already well past 21. :p dont think too much..

more impt is to beware of the food intake and rest

Thanks for your concern...

Thanks Carole for the table... Im under Caroline Khi/TMC.

duno why every night I cant slp properly lo... keep on tossing and turning.... from 10pm, i turn n turn till almost 12 then slp.... damn...

Hzloh, never hear of clash thing. My Sis n sil got pregnant 1 mth apart oso nothing happen. My workplace everytime got 2-3 pregnant women oso. Dun worry.

I am going to see my gynae this afternoon , hope can see the sac cos only 5wk and 2 days.

I still feel quite normal. Now start to lose appetite.

Carole > thx for sharing... feel better.

ya.. think now is the stage where every little thing will set me thinking if it will affect the little one. haha.. a bit paranoid but in a good sense huh? at least i will take extra caution in whatever i do.

cijl > that happened to me too!! end up i was so tired the next day and feel asleep at 10.30pm that nite! Poor hubby lose his sleep too cos i was tossing & turning around.. haha..

Puked after dinner last night then headed to bed. So far my sleep's OK can sleep thru whole night except last night, felt uncomfy (can't really tell where exactly) think my hormones changing and felt heaty and agitated. Pee'ed twice during midnight. Hubby bought sausage macmuffin with orange juice for bfast this AM, had orange juice and puke out almost half of them now gg to eat hashbrown and burger. Hopefully can stomach them then take med.

I take dusphaston after every meals wad if i puke after meals and would my med go wasted aswell? In that case shd i eat again or leave it?? Sigh headache leh...

hzloh, duno y leh.. end up everyday i come to wrk so tired... somemore i drive.. sometimes on e way back my eys almost close lo.. my hub directly opp frm urs.. he stil snore no matter how i turn.. hahahaha....

mummies, try to take less sausages. i recalled reading somewhere that sausages not very good...


Same here, also always tossing around in e middle of e nite.

Daytime is so tired and lethargic. Has been ages since I can sleep in till 9. On leave also need to wake up early to prep #1 to go cc, need to wait for #2 to hv his afternoon nap then can zzz.

whow jialat leh.. cant wait for 1st tri to be over... arrgh... today feel quite bad... feel like vomitting but it juz cant come out....

my tummy, duno isit hungry or what... cant feel... hahaha...

hi all... so sianze.. went to see gynae and from the abdominal scan cannot see bb ... or the sac... my last menses was 8 Nov.. so perhaps i am about 4 weeks?

anyway gynae wants to see me next week. hopfully by then can seee

Celia>Dun worry, your little pea is in there. E gynae shld hv done v-scan as it's nw still very small, e abdominal scan might nt b able to c.

just that my first pregnancy was bad.. bb no heartbeat... at 12 - 13 weeks..

so needed to D&C.... then less than a year... i conceived another..

it was a lovely girl.. now shes 10 months...and mummy is expecting again

so kinda worried...

that the story 1 will replay itself...

celia> dun think so much... but I thought gynae should use v-scan to check? usually can't see from abdominal scan at early stage wor..


Report is out, HCG Beta Sub-unit - 178 H mIU/ml

GP: Mdm, according to your last menses, you should be pregnant for 4 weeks and reading should range between 500-10,000 H mIU/ml. But you only have 178 H mIU/ml. It means, it may not be a baby. So, I suggest you to see a gynae immediately.

Me: (Eyes big big look at the GP... puzzled... )What do you mean by not baby, what else could it be?

GP: I'm not sure, you have to see gynae and get them to do a vaginal insert to take a look.

Me: So, am i pregnant?

GP: I would say not here nor there! (I even more puzzled)

So, i called KKH, doctor suggested by him is fully booked. Now booked under Khong Chit Chong. Anyone has seen this male doctor before? 8.15am appt. I'm so puzzled and lost. Heart sunk to don't know where liaw.

Anyone has the same case like me? Help pls, as i am so helpess now.

hi, sorry to interrupt. i'm from june2011. i have leftover duphaston. anyone keen to take over? left 26pills. just trf me P&H $0.60. PM me if keen. thks!

babydreamyqueen > everyone has different hcg levels. some may tend to have a lower hcg level while some may be on the high side. so don't worry too much and rest well before you see your gynae. there can be wide variation in hCG levels based on the lengths of their menstrual cycles and other factors.

the hCG doubling time, over two separate blood tests over a period of days (i was told 2 days), will provide more useful information than a single hCG level.

gynae told me only accurate when they compare two results together. i did mine when i first thought i may be pregnant.

my report indicated for 4wks, result should range from 9.5 - 750 iu/l. maybe you can seek a second opinion.

Just saw my gynae and did a tummy scan. Saw my bb waterbag. Next visit will b 2 weeks later then should be able to see bb n heartbeat. Currently now 5 week plus pregnant. Must see bb and heartbeat then can estimate the edd.

I also just had a scan. Should be 5wks+ now. Saw a bigger sac compared to last week, so bb should be developing well. Same here, next appointment is two weeks. Hopefully can see heartbeat. Can't wait.

Thanks everyone. You all are so assuring!

I just back from Dr Adrian Woodworth. Called so many clinic and hospital, no one want to entertain me. Only his nurse said, ok, since urgent, just walk in. Waited for 1 hr though.

He said may be too early to say anything, go back on 30 Dec to see him again. No u/s or scan done, just asked me to take the hormon pill and vitamins. So, pray hard my bunny bb will grow and stick on... long waited for him/her since 4 yrs.... pray pray pray!

Vaginal scan should be able to see the SAC now. try calling Raffles WOmen Clinic. see who is available. Touch wood.. if its an ectopic, you can faster D/C and start the cycle again..

i m sure u can dig out any gynae that can do the VS. I did VS at 5th Week.. you should be able to do VS w Raffles its a SOP


You want the contact of my gynae? He doesn't belong to the popular gynae so is able to get an appointment easily & did v scan for my 1st at 5 weeks when he's still a sac.. I thought that it's SOP to do v scan for early stage of pregnancy. U can pm me.

Carole, tks for coming up with the mummies list. Pls update: EDD is 7 Aug, Dr Seetho/Glen E.

Mmmm... Based on your table, my edd should be 4 Aug. V scan revealed a later edd date. Anyway, I guess no 2 will be same as no 1, pop out earlier.

Can't wait for 1st tri to be over. I really feel so lethargic & felt like shit. Took a day leave to sleep it off.

babydreamyqueen > i did my v scan at 4th week. can detect a very very small sac at 2mm.

had my 1st gynae visit during the early part of my 4th wk & had a BT done cos at first gynae can't detect sac. did my 2nd BT two days later (still 4th wk) & also v scan, then can see the 2mm sac.

during the 1st BT, gynae did forewarn me that if my HCG level does not double within the next 48hrs, it may mean an biochemical or ectopic preg

Just had my 1st scan. Saw the baby and heard his/her heartbeat! The feeling was indescribable... Even took a video. Hehe.

Doc told me to take ginger to alleviate my nausea but just read online that too much of it may cause some fetal development problems. So confused. Just bought a pack of preserved ginger somemore.


Don't worry. As long as there's no bleeding, there's still a high chance of pregnancy. My Gynae did tell me previously that it is too early to scan anything as early as 4 weeks. But to ease your anxiety, u may want to seek a 2nd opinion?


I just saw the table that you must have painstakingly put together. You're such a sweetie! Thanks!

Update: baby #1

Edd according to Gynae: 9 aug (national day! Hee)

Gynae: Dr Sheila Loh/Raffles Hospital


May is right. Another way is to have your blood test in 2 days' time to see if there's doubling in your hcg. If there is, it is quite assuring.

looks like bbPotato & Fleur.. we gng to be checking into Raffles and have party together.. wahahaha.. :p in 2008.. my friends all pop day after.. and we all met in hospital

carole, same here back in dec 08.. was visiting my dec08 thread mom one after another in the same hospital after i delivered, it was fun..

my gynae said... "wow.. my new secretary".. ==>me.. cos all reporting smsed me.. whahahahaha

tomorrow is my heartbeat scan... I seriously pray to hear that Galloping beats... i hope all just gooooo smooth and well.

Hi Carole,

saw the list that you have made . Can I join in the fun too?

first baby

Edd : 7th August 2011

Gynae: DR ang huai yen Gleneagles

Hi Bur

saw that you are using Dr Ang too, is she good? I am only meeting her on 22th Dec for a scan .

nellie, Dr. Ang was wonderful.. gentle & reassuring, u will enjoy ur visit! my next visit wif her is on 3Jan, so looking forward..u visiting her @gleneagles?

bbpotato: nope.. mine never affected... no call no nothing. i see ya there :p

****** List Updated *****

but will posted the updated one tomorrow morning :p

Hey Carole,

Why avoid KKH leh? Cos I'm at cross-roads now deciding if I shld switch. But can't find a reason to.

My nausea, puking and mood swings are taking over my life...... it is miserable. Any support groups for 'difficult' 1st trimester MTBs??? *bitter laugh*


I would say Glen E and Mt E and Mt A has an excellent team of doctors.

If you can afford, head to pte. but at the end of the day, its your preference. if you like it there, then just follow your heart and mind :p

My nausea started... moodswing? i got none.. so its a blessing.. or should i say, i got no one to flare up to except for my PILs. Hb in SFO and back on boxing day. Terrible time packing my stuff as we are due to move to a temp rented hse while shop for a new one.

Soul: just cheer up. If moody, bb will know.. and come out sulk sulk. Smile more and bb will smile too. :p


Your support group's here!

Hang in there. I know it's easier said than done but let's all look forward to the different milestones in our pregnancy and very soon, we'd be expecting our cute lil babies!

Hmm, what shall be our first milestone? Taking the first look at our sweet pea? Hearing the heartbeat? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hallo pals, thanks for the assuring words. Is the stomach cramp normal? Like very bloated and a bit pain, then went off? If i do a blood test in 2 days time and i am taking hormon tablet, will the hormon tablet affect the hormone reading? Thanks for all your help and explanation. ;) Hug hug...

baby, i m giving myself the most terrible time the whole of last week till now.. i m dead worried abt tomorrow scan, and will hv heartbeat.. i m paranoid... and scare.. really. but i will face it even, as its all abt God's will and His gift.

you be good and make sure u hv ur medication on time.. I will pray for you.. and i m sure all will keep you in prayers!

