(2011/07) July 2011

hihi.. just return to hotel after having a big feast with Japanese colleage who used to work in Singapore..

I have been wearing my maternity pants for quite a while.. anyway.. they can also adjust to non-preg size.. after I gave birth.. I also sometimes wear them if can match with clothings..

I opt out from glucose test from my gynae.. though she said urine test might not be able to detect preg-diabetes.. but i really don't like the past experience.. nearly make me throw up.. if throw up within 1 hour need to drink again.. so I opt out.. but it is my choice la..


emily.. the glucose test is not depends on how much you eat at that period of time..

they compare the before drink (with night fasting), immediate after drink and 1 hour after drank result to see how your glucose level change.. how much go into blood.. but not how much you already have in blood..

but if you throw up within an hour.. they will request you to take again..

Gals, I'm back frm gynae's appt... Today onli hear heartbeat, no scan... Abit sad cos i tot can c lil bunny wave wave again... Guess gynae dun wan to do too many scans...

Read many of u putting on weight, but I'm losing instead. I lost 1.4kg in a wk... Now lighter than pre-preg weight... N looks like high chance I can't go gathering liao cos I'm advised not to go out... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] will c how when e date draws near... Hope DH allows me to go...

reading n reading[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so nice to hear updates on genders and 2nd tri...

I m going for 1st visit to new gynae tomorrow cuz the 1st one is abit far from my home. hope can see if gender can be predicted or not..

yday had the 1st leg cramp since pregnant. argh! is there anything we shd avoid eating or doing to prevent cramping?

zynnie> kkh class is called aquafitness in pregnancy. the contact is 63941268 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all!

im gonna be a july mummy as well...

was reading up on drinking more water topic and yes we preggy mummies need alot of hydration to keep us and baby going healthy...

i learnt e hard way..

during my first tri my merlion was so good... 4 days 1 or 2 time puke.. but nw at my 14 weeks i puke wateva i eat or even drink.. even water!!

am admitted now for rehydration and and to stop the merlion.. it has been 3 days and im hoping to get out of here soon and start shopping for clothes..

so far cause of tis i have lost 4 kg and i've not put on any weight yet..

the condition is called hyperemesis gravidarum..

maybe u all can read up on these..

Im seein my very wonderful and caring and gentle gynae Dr Henry Cheng and yet to confrim my edd..

most prob end july...

Can't sleep!!!

My maternity pants fr spring is the adjustable waistnband type. Wore on Wed n got comment fr colleague I look ugly n tat pants too big. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

U tink those elastic waist jeggings fr uniqlo can fit us n expandable? I yet to find leggings that dun cover toes. Bought a box fr m&s but cannot wear now cos my toe nails too many blings now. Haha

Modisch.bebe - me too can't slp...

Minzi - congrads and welcome here.... Take care of urself...

Crayon_mami - is ok if u cannot attend this round... Before we pop there will be more to come... If gynae recommend rest I suppose u should... Rest well and keep us posted...

Modisch - I bought one maternity leggings, thick enuf to wear with a t shirt type, from kiddy palace at 29.90 ( or less),..

Adjustable too.. Maybe u can check it out ? =D

wah audrey u so late / "early" haven't slp?

eh feimei i tink for me i was tryin hard to find e heartbeat mayb i too fat so tough to find ...

Morning ladies!

tml i will bring bb out on stroller, for lunch!MRT!

Maybe after that intend to take cab to airport fetch hub, but duno if cab driver will help me carry stroller to car?

If he dun, i reject his cab????

Audrey, thanks!! Will go kiddy palace during lunch then..

Yahoo.. Tonight finally cutting my hair n coloring it. Shuld it b red or brown?? Lol

Hi mummies, i would like to join in the gathering. Will join the FB grp aft my amnio result in mid Feb.

Event : July 2011 MTBs gathering

Date : 18 feb 2011

Time : TBD

Venue : United square ?? city hall??

Attending :

1.) Audrey

2.) Lynn

3.) Nana-mum ( TBD)

4.) Maelyn (TBD)

5) Wendycsk

6) crayon_mami

7) zachmommy (TBD - depending on time)

8) cary

9) XW

10) Jan-ice

11) jgwee

12) sunshinebb (TBD)

13) Lizzie (sugarspunlily) (Halal food pls =D )

14) jas

15) Cactusnah

Yoga pants: My sis bght for me a comfy yoga like pants frm Forever 21 yesterday. It's of cotton material and stretchable. Comfy and cheap ($11.90 if i'm not wrong).

Wendy (w160879) ,

Okie, ya, if got thgs to see outside, he ok.

but he dun nap in stroller unless really tired.

duno y, today after i poo, still tummyache...like going to LS...

is it cos i ate too much whole meal bread?

hmm whole meal bread i tot pretty dry .. usualli dun cause LS .. but depends on ur usual bowel movements .. if i m poo -ing more than twice a day confirm i m LS..

my nottie boy doesn't take stroller too well..

Wendy (w160879),

U hold him by the hands?

just that if i need to use 2 hands for anythg, he might run away if i let go...

haven train him to stand by my side...

tingie- try to elevate ur legs with a pillow while sleeping.and when u turn to switch position dun turn abruptly.turn slowly.

minzi- welcome and u take care ok. and rest well.which gynae u go?

modish- i bought 1 uniqlo pants n bought 1 size larger.so far it's fine with me.its rubber so very comfy.later after work im getting more coz maternity pants tooo big for me,even after adjusting to the smallest.i look like a clown.maybe when my tummy is bigger then can wear.

for now,i love the uniqlo pants.

hmm try to hold him he'll break free from my hold.. then.. these days i alwaz hav to run after him with my big big bump.. so scary for my mum to c coz she so scare i fall down hahaha.. :p

w160879> thats the prob...hv to be patient n very concentrate becos the alot of water inside n the hb is very soft de~~~my hub wait till i find bb hb...he Zzzzz....hahahahaha

lizzie!!!!!!!!!! i dun like u leh.yest u tempt me with jemput2...today u tempt me with kfc porridge.. omg.that is nice.add a bit of pepper with hot cup of tea and the soft biscuit with maple syrup,ooo la la.....

morning mummies...

for the past few days i have been having cramp at my lower left side of tummy.. esp in the morning...on and off... dunno izzit i walk too fast??

walking too fast will feel the pulling effect?

ladies,here's some tips to alleviate leg cramps.


Increase your daily intake of both calcium and potassium. Be sure to eat and drink foods and beverages rich in these vitamins (such as milk, broccoli, bananas, and cheese). In some cases, your practitioner may also recommend an increase in iron. Foods rich in iron include green, leafy vegetables, particularly spinach and kale.


Wear comfortable, low-heeled shoes and try wearing support hose during the day. However, be conscious of fit and avoid leg wear that is too tight or restrictive. Also, attempt to alternate periods of rest (with your feet up) with periods of physical activity and avoid crossing your legs to increase blood flow.


Prior to retiring for the night, stretch your legs thoroughly. Toe touches, gentle lunges, and foot flexes are appropriate techniques. Also, avoid lying on your back, since the weight of your body and the pressure of your enlarged uterus can slow the circulation in your legs, causing cramps.


If you do experience a leg cramp, stretch the affected muscle or walk your way through the cramps. Straighten your leg, flex your foot, and pull your toes toward you. Try not to point your toe, as this will increase the tension in the muscle and further aggravate the cramp. Gentle masssage and local heat can be used for added relief once the immediate pain is reduced

feimei my hubby is e one finding e hb.. hehe so he cannot zzzz but u so cute.. find until he zzz

actualli these kinda device it's realli for fun only..

i m one person also v bad at lookin at scans .. i mus realli c until v obvious then i know tat's e head n stuff .. so my hubby alwaz say i hopeless in tat..

anyone goin for 3D scans? I did video of my 1st bb at 30 weeks e last time this time also mus do hor.. otherw like unfair.. any comments?

feimei> confirm girl!!! ok la even though i think the family will be disappointed but i not stopping at one so dont care so much abt wat they think liao.. Now can start shopping for my little princess.. She's 12.5 cm and weights 193g liao! so fast. No wonder everytime after I pee, I can feel my tummy like dropping down..

coopie> yes 8inch! and measured at the belly button area though.. If i wear yoga pants I look super obviously pregnant.. (I wearing them now)But yet nobody give seats to me in the bus/MRT!

Still have to hide and camouflage.. Sianzzzz

Modisch> my maternity pants also got the adjustable waist band.. but also very big and ugly even though I take the smallest size.. The butt and leg space is super big, only the tummy part is fitting.. I bought my leggings from cotton on.. 10 bucks and get the biggest size. Don't cover toes and very comfy..

Asked gynae regarding these yesterday:

Pineapple tarts: Dh ask one. Cos i was eating non stop and he got worried. Doc say just eat. No probs.

Backache: panadol and salon pas is fine. Uterus is expanding so expect more backaches in future.

Heartburn: see gynae and take pregnancy-safe antacid

Leg cramp: Gynae reply "neh! wat is husband for? Ask him massage la!" LOL

M/C: "one in 1000 babies will not make it.. for no reason. If everyday worry, worry abt go out kenna strike by lightning, cross the road let car bang, then every night scared until no need sleep liao ah? At this stage as long as no bleeding then don't worry leave the rest to fate..."

I sooo like my gynae's sense of humour haha

ladies,here's some tips to alleviate leg cramps-


Increase your daily intake of both calcium and potassium. Be sure to eat and drink foods and beverages rich in these vitamins (such as milk, broccoli, bananas, and cheese). In some cases, your practitioner may also recommend an increase in iron. Foods rich in iron include green, leafy vegetables, particularly spinach and kale.


Wear comfortable, low-heeled shoes and try wearing support hose during the day. However, be conscious of fit and avoid leg wear that is too tight or restrictive. Also, attempt to alternate periods of rest (with your feet up) with periods of physical activity and avoid crossing your legs to increase blood flow.


Prior to retiring for the night, stretch your legs thoroughly. Toe touches, gentle lunges, and foot flexes are appropriate techniques. Also, avoid lying on your back, since the weight of your body and the pressure of your enlarged uterus can slow the circulation in your legs, causing cramps.


If you do experience a leg cramp, stretch the affected muscle or walk your way through the cramps. Straighten your leg, flex your foot, and pull your toes toward you. Try not to point your toe, as this will increase the tension in the muscle and further aggravate the cramp. Gentle masssage and local heat can be used for added relief once the immediate pain is reduced

coopie > same.. i am not very old (in my mid 20s) and also cannot get used to being called auntie. Though i realise that, once married (regardless of age), people around you will start referring you as 'auntie' to their kids.

Sometimes, I have to psycho myself saying it is just a form of greeting at the end of the day.. Just like Mdm xxx or Mrs xxx. argh.

feimei > aiyo.. I am still wearing my normal pants with buckle. not yet on maternity bottoms..

the KFC porridge is very salty (for my tastebud). The longer you soak the chicken in your porridge, the saltier it gets.. No doubt is nice, but it makes me extremely thirsty after eating that..

Modisch - if u dye red hor.. Next time u wanna change colour .. Will end up turn pink.. It's very hard to over write red colour de.. I gave up after several trying.. And dye my hair jet black to cover the colour.. U ask ur hair stylist, I m sure they will know that red ischia hardest to cover in even you wanna change colour next time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hope my adv comes in time

px> hey....dun like tat...princess is good too...like doll up like mummy...n will be close to mummy too...now i suspect mine will be princess too...hahahhaaa...mummy sense very zhun one...anyway is our #1...soo not to much prefernce, right??? dun care how family members or other think...bb r our own blood n flesh...how can they understand...very easy to use mouth to say...dun bother too much on such thing!!!

ya...i like ur gynae too...soo humorous...realli can tab away all ur worries with his words!!!! i oso stop worrying soo much ler...as long as bb growing fine inside...so to make ourselves soo worry sick...

i got one ang mo boss...till her birth day...she still walking in office with her 3inch heels n eating like nobody biz....but her bb soo healthy too...for us asian...we realli like to worry this...worry that...haiz~~~time to relax n worry free bahh!!!

xinyue> try to keep loose at bump area bahhh...dun add pressure...soo bb will hv comfortable space to move...

Px... Congrats on ur princess!!! Envy.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Audrey, in time!! Appt is tonight. Haha tink I'll go with chestnut. See wat the stylist say..

Cotton On sells legging?? Ooh.. Shall go shop tonight. Uniqlo n cotton on is at 313. Keke.. Can c yoga pants too but tink cannot wear to work.

feimei: true.. and I dont have rudolph nose, no pimple breakout, my mum see liao tell me sure girl.. even my hair dresser also say my hair texture bcome very good.. Just tat i look tired.. ya #1 gender doesn't matter.. Just hope all my 3 tries not all girls can liao hahaha. Need someone to do manly stuff with the Daddy also..

Now only worry is tat I have to fend off all the boys in future hahaahahhaha.. jialat i start worrying sooo early...

And yes- my pregnant angmor colleagues in other dept also wear high heel and drink lipton tea every morning.. I wear a half inch heel also let DH scold.. zzzzzzz

feimei i did my 3D scans e last time at NUH v cheap $i tink $200 or so only.. kkh does it for $300+ yes can request from ur gyn.. :p

v cute one i still lookin at e video can c wheth bb look like wat.. n it'll b e only time for u to c bb in tat view.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

modisch> no envy la.. u want girl, i want boy, change want? HAhahahahha kiddin..

Yes cotton on sell leggings.. look very nuah but actually quite good and comfy. Suitable to wear under our too-short maternity/ baby doll dresses.

U dyeing ur hair? I tot they say cannot dye..

modisch .. u realli super mummy leh ..

hmm dunno if u girls believe.. i dun dare to dye my hair nor colour my nails .. coz i scare got birth marks on bb ..

big fan of pedicure n manicure .. but now all my nails no colour ..

px> hahaha...wun all 3 be princess la...soo when preparing for #2...hv to do some 'homework' before 'work' start lol...jus side track abit...do u know that in man's sperm, got X and Y...if i rem correctly....X = male Y= female...X life span is shorter than Y...X can onli live up to 1-2days whereas Y can live up to 4-5days...if u ML zhun zhun on ovalution day...meaning when our egg r ripe...very high chance will get boy...if u ML a few days ltr after ovalution, high chance will be gal....this is what i read abt n my frenx oso cfm this is true...becos she success with a boy for her #2.....hahahaha...rem this method when creating ur #2....

hahahaha...if that soo...wendycsk oso got breakouts n she hving princess too...hahaha...we r poison with too many old wives tales...hahahaha...when is ur detailed scan???

w160879, me too... mil banned me le... n for the sake of bb, i m not doing anything this cny... mb except trimming hair and light make up on actual days lor...

Feimei: the porridge is ok to me ;-) if salty , i think its cos of the original chicken chunks they put in it ;-)

Pinkyrose: haahaa i walked pass kfc rhen cant tahan ah!! Btw, im frying my own jemput2 now!!!!!

w160879> i asked my gynae that day, all luff at me... -,-" he say can paint nails la...becos the blood vessal under our nails r very fine...dun affect bb....soo can do it!!! ytd lunch...i went to bot nail polish lol....hahahahaha....i hv been wearing covered flat becos toes nail no color...soo ugly...now can paint ler...so can wear open toes shoe lol....

feimei> detailed scan 17th Feb. Edd now 1 Jul! I am the first to pop!

Yes I heard abt the lifespan of spermies.. we "hoot" every night during ovulation leh dunno y not kenna boy but girl. Either my period is messed up or DH's male soldiers not strong hahah

And (**touch wood**) my mum all 3 girls.. so if i inherit that then faint.. dunno must try how many times..

Me also want to dye hair.. My hairstylist refuse to do for me.. and told DH not to let me dye. Go home let him nag non stop... zzzz

XW> thanks for clarify...i always mixed up X n Y...hahahaaa...yes, male lifespan is shorter compare to female...soo they wun live long in woman womb...if our egg was not ripe in time...all the male soldiers will die liao...left the female soldiers lol....


px> ur mum onli 3gals...swee swee water lah...my frenx..who is the elderst...her mum got 5gals n trying for the 6th one...then kana boy...hahahaha...the age gap with my frenx is 22yrs...soo who is more power??? hahahhaa...soo...dun get vexed over such inherit thing...my frenx oso got princess for her #1...then she oso like u...start to worry...jialat..will she like her mum....gals all the way?? she oso dun wan...then dunnu she research on wat n follow...hahahhaa...#2 is a boy...let me ask her how she do it...will update u again...hahahaha...

