(2011/06) June 2011

Christy,if u dun take anything else,I don't think will go fat bah...my case is extreme like I take 3 bowls of rice for lunch then bread for tea,then 2 bowls of rice or beehoon for dinner..

I heard that bb will grow bigger for the first 2 trimesters then will slow down later on,so it is ok that ur fetal seems big for now.don't whether true a not,coz this happened to one of my gf.

Syrah,good..they say if you are craving or hungry for something it means ur body is telling u that it is lack of a vitamin or a mineral..I had a gf who had crates of oranges at home throughout her pregnancy..she craved for oranges only..her gyne says it's norm.

Your body will signal to u when it needs something..if u don't cravings or get hungry,means u have a balance diet..I sure ur twins are doing well.


I ask my hub he say i eat bread so much is carbo... ya but same as rice mah.... hahah

Wah you eat so much a meal ah... Hmmm

My eating habit is Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner as usual la... but if coz now choose this and that... in between at 9.30am-10am I eat and next round is tea time 3.30pm lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

But I can drink 3 cups of Milo some times... now is 1 cup if hungry before bed time 1 cup milo again

eleen, hihi we using the same gynae [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

eleen, yup yup use him for #1 too. but dats 2yrs back. when r u going to see him again? i m gonig tomolo


But if u r eating vegetables at nite I think shld b ok... Hope that in our 2nd n 3rd tri.. BB gain more than us.. My 1st preg i only gained 13kg.. not sure this time round how much weight i will gain with my good appetite :p


for me I still need to do a bloodtest at 17 weeks for HIV test if nt wrong. This will b done at gyane's clinic.

Where is IMH in Hougang =P


the anti-slip u bot are cheap but too bad is at jurong pt if nt i go n grab some. I rem i saw one similar from bulk purchase, that cost $10 one pair from Isetan.. v x.


I think also for both, but hv to eat moderate cos now we adsorb more than bb do.


Its normal, no worries.. My 1st preg too.. I oni eat my normal meal..If u r eating well for the 3 meals, this will b ok for the growth of yr bbs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

eh. clare u half right. bb grow faster in 1st 2 tri is in term of the growth of the essential stuff like organs and brain & veins but not really the weight. for weight, is last tri where bb gain 500g-1kg per mth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so mummies shouldnt gain much weight during the earlier stage..

ya, syrah, no worries. i ate norm for #1, bb come out near 3.5kg [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jay_mum - if you are not in the hurry, i can help u buy & mail it to you & the other mums who are interested. I'll go & check the price out again tomorrow. Will keep u posted. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi eleen, which shop in JP is selling the anti-slip soles? im going there tmr morning so I want to take a look [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks!

how come everyone putting on weight.. i muz not be eating enuf.. im in wk 14 and still 1 kg less than pre-preg weight.. and i dun even hav ms as an excuse..

oh ok i think i know which one you're talking about. think it's somewhere near the skinfood store or the chapter 2 hair salon.. kk thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Back frm my scan! Bb is still upside down w d head showing only. Haiz.. Y my kidz alway turn up in furnie position when scan. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I wanna c the hand n legs leh.

next wk is my nt scan. R d result accurate? Result gd mean no need triple test/ amnio later? If bad mean got to wait till 16wks for blood test?! Scary..

Jay mum,wow..13 kg is ideal leh..

Chil,your 1st bb was 3.5 kg..good weight leh.heard bb that are bigger easier to take care leh,is it true?Good luck for ur blood test,I m sure ur results will be fine.yeaps.if results good then dun have to do further testing.I m crossing my fingers for my results this few days.

jay mum, same as me! i gained 13kg for my 1st preg and gained 6kg for my 2nd preg, ms was very bad during 2nd preg, that's explain y only so little wt was gained.

Alterial, i din put on much wt, i lost 4-5kg last mth, last check at my gynae's weighing machine few days again, total wt lost is 3kg for now.

Thanks Clare, jay mum & chil for your assurance. I did have craving for OJ for a period but with a cough now I totally avoid it. Can't avoid chicken as I don't like the taste of pork, fish & prawns now so really not much option left. I'm not exactly eating very healthy so I've started popping the multi-vits & fish oil hoping they'll help!


be careful .. time to change ur shoes lor ..

all mummies oso

recently the weather is not so good ..

please be careful

hv a nice weekend

Hi qiuen,

Can you please remove my entry, as I have just lost my baby last week. Baby stopped growing at wk7.

Thanks all mommies for the great companionship for the past 2 months!

Please continue to stay healthy and treasure your loved ones...

Dear Mummydee, pls take care ok? Hope u can join in the Mummy Thread for 2011 again! Jia you!

Dear All MTBs..

Can i check with u ladies when is the end of 1st trimenster?

From baby center, Wk14 is the start of 2nd trimenster. Does tat means Wk12 & WK13 actually we are still in 1st Trimenster?? Confusing for me.......

Hi gals,

I m new to this thread. Currently hving my No2, due in 3 jun. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just for fun.

The line down the centre of your belly. Old wife tale. If the line only runs only up to the belly button. It's a girl. If it runs past the navel up to near ur ribs. It's a boy.

So what's your prediction? Hehe

Mine runs up to ribs. So maybe a boy?

Mummydee. Please take care. Will update table later.

Victoria. I m not sure about that. I m also confused by it book seems to state after week 13 but websites state otherwise Found a website that can calculate backward. Using edd. http://health.discovery.com/tools/calculators/pregnancy/pregnancy.html

juniorRain: sure. if you need my help. just let me know the details [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummydee,please take care n rem to do mini confinement..

Eilomummy,thank u.how are u?

Syrah,if u are taking veg n fruits also with ur vits I think it will be fine bah..I think the foods we take in nowadays are full of nutrients lor,coz people nowadays only complain abt getting fat not skinny..haha( talking abt myself)imagine in the olden days,there is not much variety of food n mummies still give birth to healthy bb..so I think not to worry so much.

Hi junior rain,welcome!

Qiuen,erhmm..I think it is true leh..I m having a boy n there is a faint line running past my navel..haha..was reading ur post n I quickly flip up my shirt to see,my hub scolded me,coz we are washing our curtains!I m totally exposed.our neighbors have a free show liao... Lol

Hi, good idea for adding the location - I'm at Jurong west..

Belly line,

Sounds fun , mine is not out yet but we shall see...

Shoes n falling down

I think we really need to be careful these two months cos roads will be wet most of the time since it is rainy season.. Walk slowly slowly ya

Welcome new mummies !

Appetite is bad still in the evening... Think I am losing weight now compared to first few weeks...

DS blood test - KKH took 1 tube of blood...

Yup Clare, my #1 is really gd size to take care w. So happy when I first hug her in my arm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but, she 'shrunk' after few mths n now is on d light side..

Oops line must pass belly button then is boy?! Die.. U think I draw line frm perm marker can change.. Lol

my naval line goes up all the way. just end around boobs area.

my friends are guessing a boy too. cos they claim to say that my face looks abit different. but i can hardly tell. hmmm


did mine 2 weeks back. 3 tubes.

Belly line

For #1, the line was till the ribs but it turned out to be a girl. Haha

Dear mtbs, please be careful in the rainy weather and the crowds this month. I nearly got hit in my tummy at thr New shopping mall NEX which was sooooo crowded. Lucky hubby protect me.

To those who have lost their babies, please take care, have your mini confinement. I had a m/c last year and i thought i'd never try again cos i never want to go thru that pain again but here I am. Keep positive and get healthy k? *hugs*

I have this feeling I am carrying a boy based on the Old wives tale - carrying low, don't feel like dressing up. Shall check later if my dark line is up to my ribs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] any other old wives tale to share?

mummydee & birdbrain> sorry for your losses. do take care!

rgding belly line> i dun have a line at all! when is the line supposed to show up?

uziela> how was NEX? good to shop or not? and how do u see whether u are carrying ur bb low or high?

ann> yay another jurong mummy!


Hugz... rem to do a mini confinement to build up yr body again, Take care.


Thanks for offering to buy, im nt in the hurry .. if u r convienence than u help. =D


yes 13 kg is v ideal weight to put on, hopefully this time oso ard this weight gain range ;)


yr 2nd preg, u gt MS thou out? or u lose alot in yr 1st tri? Gained 6kg is quite little. But as long bb growth is good, i think shld b ok.


U went Nex shopping mall tdy, My mum just came back from there too, she said is soooo crowded like gt human traffic jam. haaaa. I think its a new shopping mall plus its v big n is in neighborhood area.

Now we also hv to b careful cos our tummy nt obvious, i always b careful when i c little children running abt, scare they knock on me.

Re: Naval line,

I do rem i oso hv, quite obvious one

Birdbrain,please take care n do mini confinement.

Qiuen,yah..haha...can do a small survey to see if it is true.lol

Chil,haha...must use black fine tip perm marker to draw..

Uziela,hopefully u are right..go see ur line.my line is very very faint...hairy faint line..I kept dreaming I was having a girl n dreamt I have 2 tell my hub that I m having a girl..but my hub keep dreaming I have a boy..

Yah..gotta be careful. I remembered I was walking thru those automatic glass doors n it shut right in front of me,luckily I was covering my tummy with my hand.

Altariel,I didn't realize that I also have a line till this aft noon but mine is super faint,must see in under the daylight kind.

Anti-slip soles

I checked out, it's 5 pairs for $10. The shop - Pstique.

They have 3 outlets - tiong bahru plaza, century square & jurong point.

Let me know if anyone wants. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jay mum > I went today. It was too crowded to enjoy anything! It's huge but the corridors to walk in are quite narrow so u end up being pushed around. Think it's best to go later on when not too crowded and hype is over.

Clare > I don't mind boy or girl but my mum and hubby want daughter. Daughters would be way cuter but super ex.

I dunno how to tell carry low. My mum was the one who said I carry low. Dunno how she tell also. Haha. But so far she's very accurate about the gender of my cousin's babies. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

eleen, yup n i also realise his package increase price by alot

Today I have the shock of my life, got bleeding. Quickly went to my gynae to check (he was very nice, waited for me to come as Saturday he dont open full day) Gynae said placenta bleeding - not sure how serious it is but he said most likely to be okay. Gave me injection (depo prolution 250mg) and 1 week MC. I'm very, very scared. But the doctor said the baby looks healthy. I'll go check up on the next 2 weeks to ensure everything is okay.

Also, after short discussion with my gynae and hubby, we decided not to go for OSCAR test.

PS. Paiseh, my EDD go back to 12 June [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Can someone please help to update?

victoria > 13 week is still first trimester [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] 14 weeks den second trimester, but I do see some articles stating 13 weeks as second trimester.

to all mtbs who lost their bbs, pls take care and do mini confinement, hugsss!

jay mum, cos i was having bad ms for the first 5 mths which caused me to lose almost 8kg, tat explain y only i gained 6kg after that! Ya, bb is growing despite i was losing weight.

Hi Clare & Ann,

Thanks for the welcome. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi qiuen,

my details:

Nick: Juniorrain

Name: Eileen

Edd: 3 Jun

Gynae: Dr Eunice Chua

Hospital: TMC


Boy/Girl: Doc say likely a boy, but still hope is a girl

Location: Bt Panjang

Thanks for your help! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Dear all,

I went TMC for Oscar test last fri. Only withdrew 1 tube of blood. Was expecting at least 3 tubes, luckily withdrew 1 only. I'm really scared of needles. Now I need to wait for my blood test results coming week before confirming that bb is ok. Very happy to see that bb is bouncing and tossing around. Seem active, that's why it took me 4 tries in and out of ultrasound rm before completing all the measurement. Sonographer still can't tell the gender when I tried to ask. Think probably a girl as my friend who is expecting to deliver in June is able to know that she's having a boy.

I agree with Uziela, I went NEX after that and it was so crowded on a weekday afternoon esp the narrow walkway. Not really suitable for us to go there at this period.

Btw is it true that high heart rate >140 means expecting a girl and less than that means a boy? Anyone can verify that?

