(2011/06) June 2011

Hi everyone! Soo many posts but am glad to see everyone is generally doing great...=)

Just finished a whoooole day of meeting with the parents...my back was hurting me the whole time i was sitting down. Am glad it's over, and just one more day of school..then it's meetings..

can't wait for Dec...I had long john's silver for dinner! Greatest dinner sooo far! Hoping food will stay in...

Have a great weekend everyone..

P.S: I found munching on those sour candy (the ones from 7-11 kinds) the looong green and red ones help me a little with the metallic taste..but must brush teeth more often..


Hi ladies,

I am selling away the spare parts for the Avent Duo electric pump.

It consists of 2 funnels, 1 tubing set and the control handle. Totally brand new. gotten it from the philips service centre in sept. am selling it away as my hubby got me the medela freestyle instead. original price was $170. willing to let it go at $160. collection at tanjong pagar MRT station on weekdays.

Interested parties, pls sms me at 98635226.

Thank you!


Great u having good appetite.. =D jus rem to rest well ..


Yes, i do feel that.. I dun have much MS but I will feel nauseous if im too hungry or full.. After jab, my nauseous get worse after meal. but after a few day will be better but by then i hv to jab again. Dr Koh told me nx week is my last jab which im in my week12+. I think he will declare to stop yr jab by week 12. Maybe you can highlight to Dr koh n c what he say.


i think is good to standby but dun take if not necessary. Like me, have to jab + medi. I was thinking if w/o all this i might not feel nauseous..hehe

But i still craving for food n feel hungry .. i still eat as usual, just that after eating feel nauseous.

Hi mummies. .. Forget to intro myself.. This is my 2nd preggie... Due date 1/6/11 under dr joycelyn wong tmc... Tilk nw my spotting haven seem to stop...

oops, typo error - i mean my gynae advise against chinese herbs since we r taking multi-vit esp Obimin is very heaty one, my expert TCM colleague also say we are too 'bu' liao... but i like bird nest leh... i took it as dessert in my first pregnancy after my appetite got better... but i find bird nest works better for me after child birth...

oh my gynae also mentioned that the problem with chinese herbs is dun know where they come from... so i guess need to be careful the origins of the herbs, i din take tonic soup in my first pregnancy n only occasional bottled bird nest... but i took a lot after childbirth...

ann - I think generally gynaes dun recommend chinese herbs, but with our parents generation they sure ask us to take a bit. I still got a lot of bottled birdnest & chix essence all bought during eys roadshow. will take them during 2nd tri. I also have some cordyceps pills leftover during ttc period, also will take during 2nd tri if not really wasted lah

Hi all, just to update. After my scan last Tue at 9th wk still showed sac and yolk, i was supposed to see gynae again this Tue. I had already prepared myself the probability of having D&C since no sight of any fetus, and pregnancy symtoms starting to subside. Quite relieved when it started to bleed (meaning the natural mc has started) just before i set off for gynae appt. Now just hope everything can be expelled out naturally. Does anyone knows am I suppose to do mini confinement while I'm still bleeding? The feeling now is actually just like after delivery, with on/off cramping of uterus & bleeding, just that no newborn bb to hold... I'm fine though, with this mc, as both hubby and myself feel that it's for the best since can't develop healthily.

Leikela, hope things go smoothly for u too. If your hormone levels are high, perhaps have to wait longer.

wow, this thread is really moving fast! tighted up with works these days so hardly login.

hi piscean, take good care. get a green light from your gynae then do mini confinement bah.

regards tonic, i think no hurry to take now unless you are feeling really bad. for birdnest, i start taking ard 4th mths for #1 after detected was a gal. i heard if bb is boy then must take later than 4th mths cos scare they will have asthma.

lamagier> eh the mims online singapore website can only be used by med professionals leh.. need to register as a med practitioner then can check anything..

Eliomummy> wat is lady finger supposed to do? i think the last time i ate a lady finger was in pri school. after using it to do art in pri school, i was so disgusted by the stickiness i never ever ate it again lol

piscean33> do take care!

i did my oscar scan and blood test today.. scan seems normal, my risk assessment was 1 in 5500 so i think its fine since at my age, it could have been in the range of 1 in 900+.. now juz to wait for the blood test results to make sure no other abnormalities..

everything was relatively good at today's doc visit, except that the doc said that my baby's water bag was too small and doesnt seem to have enuf amniotic fluid so it might affect the growth. my bb is at 11w6d but the water bag is only at 10w5d so doc told me to rest rest rest and not worry abt anything at all so as to try to make the water bag grow bigger..

doc did a prelim gender scan for me and told me its abt 70% accurate using this french-researched method of looking at the genital tubercle angle as compared to the spine and he determined that im probably going to have a girl.. i'll get a confirmed scan when i go back in 5 wks times. that is so so so far away!

Hi Ladies

Sorry to interrupt. I have the below item for sale below cost price:

1) Brand new Clarins Body treatment oil (Hulie Tonic) bought it at Tangs for $80 with price tag on it now letting go at $55.

2) Brand new Airflow Sleep Positioner from The First Years bought it at Kiddy Palace for $29.90 with price tag on it now letting go at $15

Pm or e-mail me at [email protected] if interested. Thanks


Eat more lady finger ,when bb is birth will be clean clean

(hmmm nt so bloody hehe hope u know wat I mean ah )

My first one oso like tat

Very clean n white

Morning Ladies~

Welcome n congrates to the new mtbs!

Eliomummy,Picean n Leikela,please take care!

Eliomummy,glad to hear u eating well!Thanks for the tips!I LOVE ladys fingers..It is a must dish for my family every week!haha..just had that last night again!

Altariel,great to hear about the scan is normal.I m sure ur blood test results will be fine.It is sooo cool!!I don't think my doctor is that smart to use this method to know my bb's gender.

The place I stay in taiwan damn ULU..so the doctor I chose is considered good liao in that area..I will consider to change my gyne next yr after I apply for their medical scheme.

Hanis,Eeee...meeting with parents!haha...I will always rem my sis's stern face when calling up the parents if they cant come to school...haha~~~

I have a fren who use public phone to call,coz' scared parents know her house tel no.!hahaha~~so funny...

Had travelled down to Kaohsiung for 6days with my hub,coz' he is posted here.I hate taking the 4hour bus ride while my hub got to take the chartered flt down from taipei.(so unfair)I really thought I was dying on the bus!MS was really bad.I m taking the train back tomorrow,no more bus rides.

Enjoying myself with the cable tv in the hotel room coz my hm no cable tv mah.so I just lie on the bed 24hours with the remote control..haha..

Picean,do mini comfinement only after all the blood expel out or after ur D&C,especially with the food.do it a few days later..coz' u will bleed abit after the D&C,and taking too much tonics/stuff to replenish ur blood before bleeding ends no good,ur bleeding will end later.wait till bleeding ends.

My gyne told me the last time to wait for one mth before eating the confinement food etc!I took after my bleeding stopped lah.

oh. first time i hear about the lady fingers.

Gosh seems like i will have alot of problem with food cos choosy me dont eat lady fingers, dont like food cooked with vinegar. Dont like chinese herbs. But friends say dont speak too early. haha

haha quien, i also dun take lady fingers.. and i hate ginger.. so last yr when i did my mini confinement, it was absolute hell cos every single dish my mum cooked, she sprinkled finely chopped ginger inside so that i cannot manually pick them out! i cannot imagine how much worse it's gonna be when i finally do a real confinement.. ack!

clare, sounds logical, tonic drinks/soups I'll take later then. Meanwhile i'm still taking once-a-day multi-vits as body feels weak & I get tired easily if I don't take. Thanks for the tips! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh eat ladyfinger ? Wah I first time heard of it, I only take the ladyfinger in the curry fish head n the one found at teo chew porridge stall...

Any mummies here graduating from 1st tri already ? I got 1 more week to go but symptoms have not improved... Getting impatient Liao...

I'm officially 9 weeks & just arranged for oscar test yesterday on 6 Dec. I was hopping to skip this test due to my age & just do triple test

Ann,my family also boil or steam them then just eat them as a cold dish with sauce.nowadays I just eat them hot once cooked.my hub n I love ladys fingers,we fight for them during dinner..haha..

Coming 12th week Liao!yeah....but My hub has ordered me to go on a diet today coz the weighing scale shows 49kg!I gain 5kg! Sad..I m not allowed to eat supper anymore...haiz...

Hi All

I am a Sep 10 mummy and have the following magazines for sale: -

Mother & Baby 12 issues (May 09 to Jan 10, Mar 10, May 10, Jun 10)

Young Parents 8 issues (Mar 09 to May 09, Jul 09 to Sep 09, Nov 09, May 10)

Motherhood 5 issues (Sep 09, Jan 10, Apr 10, Jun 10, Aug 10)

Today's Parents 1 issue (Apr/May 10)

Baby Chic 1 issue (Jun 10)

All magazines are selling at $1 each, except for Baby Chic $0.50

All magazines are maintained in good conditions.

If purchase all will be $26.00

Collection at Punggol.

If you are interested, please drop me an email at [email protected]

Thank you.

morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi All.... want to ask... any of you not a veg eater when not preggy + now even preggy not eatting any green vegi??

How ah I have this problem le.. but I take an apple a day.

hi all,

would like to join this thread. EDD in early june, so not sure whether to join may or jun, haha. i'm a 2nd time mom.

Medela PISA backpack style for sale. Machine only, please get your own spare parts from

Robinsons/ BP/Sprees. Hygiene is most impt

Bought last jan n used for 3 months around 1-2 times a day cuz had 2 pumps (at work n at hm).

Pm me or SMS at 97322389 with a fair offer.

morning Rata [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

christy, if u r taking multi-vit, should be fine if no vege, just fruits...

krex78, welcome. mine is 12 Jun but i think bb will come out late may too !

Afternoon ladies!

Ann,but being over weight is no good lor.I read my pregnant mummies booklet given to me by my doc.we are suppose to gain only 1-2kg,max3 for 1st tri. For me,I get ms,but I will still eat..Feel v sick but I will still manage to get all the food on the table in my mouth.v jia liat.

Christy,i m a non veg eater also.before preg lady get constipation..now worse.so force myself to have a portion of veg for every meal I take.

Hi krex78

Wana ask u ladies,can we take ba ku teh?coz I have a lot of the ba ku teh sachets at home n the weather is getting colder now here in Taiwan.need to eat hot stuff already...

I guess I know why I eat so much coz winter is coming...


i think it's ok. for me i just avoid pineapple during 1st trimester, and no raw stuff like sashimi.

clare: your ba kut teh is herbal or pepper ones? wonder what herbs are inside. good to double check. But for me, actually i eat almost everything. heeehee. But not a fan of herbal items so didnt take it

Seeing gynae tomorrow. Hope everythings fine

ann01jan & clare> Oh cause i worried not good for baby... ermmm of coz no good but still dun personally like veggie.

if you all talking abt KFC salad.. haha that one I take but cannot alwas take right?? salty veg i like too but cannot take my mom say will cause leg cramp...

Now I starting to have leg cramp....

I have fruits everyday... for the fiber at least an apple a day.

clare, at my state now, even tom yam also dun work just now... miserable... used to be just evening no appetite but now is whole day affair... my pregnancy journal already more than 20 pages liao...

clare, check the bak ku teh's ingredients, if they consist of herbs, then cant take, was told that those herbs are not too good for us preg ladies, if just pepper and stuffs (teochew style), shld be ok. Usually hokkien style consist more herbs than teochew, if i recall. I din take any herbal stuffs for my last 2 preg, i simply hate the herbal smell, :p

good news, my ms is gone for now at least from last few days, but getting more and more bloated, even if i feel hungry, but with the food in front of me, i don't have any appetite at all. Next week will be seeing my little beanie, cant wait, i be almost 10wks plus by then.

Hey mummies

Finally today I can wash my hair n show with hot water


Mini confinement is end

But my mum still wanna me to drink more red date longan drink n avoid cold stuff

Hv to take tonics once a week or twice a week

Hi everyone,

Wah so many new info here...

Christy, I love vege before preggie, now can't stand the stuff, esp cooked ones. I can only eat salads. So i try to take a lot of fruits and juices.

Next week I'll be 12 weeks. Will see gynae the week after...So far ms only strike in the evening..so weird...I guess, in the day, I'm distracted by a lot of things, but once I settle down in the evening, I will feel awful.

Anyway, how to get the red date longan drink??? Got ready-made ones? My mum and I dun really boil herbal stuff and tonics, we are quite clueless..If anyone has any info, I'll be really grateful! Cos I love dates and longan!

Thanks and have a great week ahead ladies!

Hi mommies,

Sad to say that I had miscarriage last week. Had bleeding 1 day prior my 2nd appointment. No heartbeat at 9 weeks and baby was only 4mm.Guess baby stopped growing since 6 weeks (3mm) thats why I did not experience any ms. I am a little sad but will definately try again next year.

Take care ladies and wishing you all smooth and happy pregnancy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

p/s : qiuen, help me to remove my name from the list. Tks.


Hi Hanis

Dont get those ready made one

Is nt good

U can go to hock huat shop and buy red dates ,dried longan , dang sheng and nan zhao

Juz get those stuffs n boil can abt half an hr like tat

Then pour into flask to keep hot

If u dont know how to cook

Can check with the staff

They will help u

: )

