(2011/03) Mar 2011

lilprecious, I also wanna bring my Javier to explorer kid but still long way! hahaha...

How old was Javier when you first brought him to KTV? My Javier still wakes up for milk in the night, so I don't feel good to leave him alone with my parents. Imagine if he siao siao wake up few times for milk that night, then my mum has to wake up few times just to make milk for him. Coz I latch him on demand now and I don't care whether he sleeps through or not. He wants, I just give! I lazy to train him. lol...

2Ks, blurjen said she checked the website and says JP self fix got sell.

So I must wait till Javier 1 yr old then can bring him to KTV together. Good training for Klyer leh, can sleep anywhere, easy for you too!

rach, you also going back to work? I thought you are working flexible hrs de.

I am applying for another two weeks of leave. Want to go back on the 4 Jul, where Javier will be 4 months old then. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Alexis> and we are both NEO!!! Lol...

Mine is 4.23kg at birth... Head 36cm, 53cm long...

My dad side all sumo.. Including myself.. Lol..

Hi Mummies, Anyone keen to order neck float? Collating interest so rach can order for us. She's ordering from sgmambo(http://www.sgmambo.com/products.html):

Price is not as per website... Getting a lower price..

Neck Floats (round or wave):

1. Chen (blue round)

2. Fish (Yellow Star Float)

3. Milktea ( Yellow Star Float)

4. Jaster (Yellow Star Float - Size L)

5. Evelyn ( Blue star )

6. Mimimo (Blue round)

7. poky (purple wave)

8. poky (mambo craft)

9. Rach (pink star L)

10. rach (mambo craft)

11. rach (mambo craft)

anyone else?? Else I'll submit to seller liaoz... Tmr 12-2pm will deliver to 2Ks place..

mummies, pls kindly TT to me cuz need to pay seller by tonite... Thanks!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Annie> yah... Flexible la... But no more official excuse to nua ma... Need to go back for training, meetings etc le...

Alexis> me insurance agent leh... :p

Rach> Yes yes, we are both Ms Neo

I am not petite either... Your's natural birth? Mine was planned for natural birth but ended up induced and emergency c-section after 32 hrs of induce.. Terrible experience

Rach> Excellent. Right person to ask. Which company are u from? I am comparing NTUC incomeShield where need to pay 10% of total bill size.. Another one is Prudential PRUshield which is 100% coverage. What are the pro n con? Prudential's premium is higher than NTUC... Pls enlighten me... Tks

Alexis> ahem.... Mine is natural Wo gas, pethidine nor epidural.. Keke.. Au Natural Organic Baby... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Alexis> ahem... Prudential is the company I'm representing..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

PM me okie..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Please put down ur name only if you are confirm ordering:

MT = Milktea

Pe = Pearls

Pd = Pudding

25%, 50%, 75%, Normal = 100%

No sugar indication needed for Honey/Caramel flavors = only Standard.

1)Annie - caramel MT/Pe/Small

2)Rach - Caramel MT/Pe/Pd/Large

3) Allets- Okinawa milk tea/Pe/small/25%

4) Angelia - Caramel MT / Large

5) xiaofeizhu83 - Grass Jelly Milk Tea/Large/50%

6) tres - cocoa MT/Pe/Small/50%

7) pixie - plain MT/Large/25%

8) Poky - caramel MT/pd/large

9) bubblypig - caramel MT/pd/large

10) milktea - caramel MT/Pe/Small

11) 2ks - milk tea/pe/grass jelly/small/50%

12) leon - plain MT/Pe/Small/25%

13) hazel - plain MT/Pe/small/Normal

14) Blurjen - honey green tea/Pe/Large/25%

15) Chen - Caramel MT/Pe/Pd/small

16) Shirley - milk tea/PD/ large/50%

17) Felina - Grass jelly milk tea / large / 50%

18) straylamb - orea chocolate ice blended/small/50% -- want pearls??

19) Jes - Fuji Apple Red Tea/PE/aloevera/50%/Large

20) Evelyn- Milktea/PE/50%/Small

21) ST- honey MT/ Pe/ small

22) pinkypink- Jasmine green milk tea/pd/50%/large

Lilprecious.. I know how u feel.. On Monday sunay n I went adventuring.. Took the bus to west mall, walk walk n bought dome books in popular then had a snack n 'talked'. Was wonderful!! I miss hving just him n me time too.. But I feel guilty when I come hm.. Bleah


Please put down ur name only if you are confirm ordering:

MT = Milktea

Pe = Pearls

Pd = Pudding

25%, 50%, 75%, Normal = 100%

No sugar indication needed for Honey/Caramel flavors = only Standard.

1)Annie - caramel MT/Pe/Small

2)Rach - Caramel MT/Pe/Pd/Large

3) Allets- Okinawa milk tea/Pe/small/25%

4) Angelia - Caramel MT / Large

5) xiaofeizhu83 - Grass Jelly Milk Tea/Large/50%

6) tres - cocoa MT/Pe/Small/50%

7) pixie - plain MT/Large/25%

8) Poky - caramel MT/pd/large

9) bubblypig - caramel MT/pd/large

10) milktea - caramel MT/Pe/Small

11) 2ks - milk tea/pe/grass jelly/small/50%

12) leon - plain MT/Pe/Small/25%

13) hazel - plain MT/Pe/small/Normal

14) Blurjen - honey green tea/Pe/Large/25%

15) Chen - Caramel MT/Pe/Pd/small

16) Shirley - milk tea/PD/ large/50%

17) Felina - Grass jelly milk tea / large / 50%

18) straylamb - orea chocolate ice blended/small/50% -- want pearls??

19) Jes - Fuji Apple Red Tea/PE/aloevera/50%/Large

20) Evelyn- Milktea/PE/50%/Small

21) ST- honey MT/ Pe/ small

22) pinkypink- Jasmine green milk tea/pd/50%/large

23) Candymom- MT/PE/50%/small/less ice

Oh my.. I woke Jav up at 6.30 letting him only have short nap of 1 hr plus.. N he started crying so badly, guess he's v tired.. But don wanna his routine get haywire.. Last night alrdy dono wad happened, he refused to slp till 1am. Sigh! Took me near half an hour to let him stop crying.. I left him alone aft he first cried, he continued n fell back aslp. I let him slp fr another 5 mins n woke him again n crying episode start again! refused to let me put him dwn.. So I told him 'if u cont to b like this, mummy don wanna bring u out to play anymore' , repeated fr 5 times.. Den he stopped n hugged me, asking me fr his cookie mOnster DVD, told him eat some dinner n bathe first n he obeyed me w no nonsense.. So proud of him.. I feel I can reason w him n not scold him anymore.. =) big boy I haf nw huh. Hehe..

Rach: my mum lo, came over few hours look aft Jay while I brought Jav out den faster left when I'm back cos she gt sth on.. u can, pump lo den leave w Shiela awhile n go out? Hehe.

Annie: u can bring dem there once they start learning to walk? But nt fun lo, cos nth much to play except ball pit n the small play area where all things r rubberized. No point spend $ play nth. Hahaha. Bring when Jav's age will b much more

fun can go the big playground n climb n go dwn slides. But u mus accompany lo, abit tiring fr us cos we gotta bend dwn all e way. Haha! N plus gt germs la dere, so nt so good to bring when so young..esp when they r in the mouthing stage. Even

for Jav nw, I make him sanitize his hands b4 n aft play den come home wash n bathe if he's awake. Hehe. I'm KS la.. I admit. =Pp

I brought Jav to ktv when he's few mths old. Heh heh.. U start training yr Jav slp thru lo, den u can sneak out.. Keke.. Cannot b lazy! Haha. It's fr yr convenience!

Blurjen: ya lo.. Bring yr girl out during sch holidays.. But will haf more ppl leh.. Hehe.. But still, better den nth.. At least gt priv time w her hor?


Please put down ur name only if you are confirm ordering:

MT = Milktea

Pe = Pearls

Pd = Pudding

25%, 50%, 75%, Normal = 100%

No sugar indication needed for Honey/Caramel flavors = only Standard.

1)Annie - caramel MT/Pe/Small

2)Rach - Caramel MT/Pe/Pd/Large

3) Allets- Okinawa milk tea/Pe/small/25%

4) Angelia - Caramel MT / Large

5) xiaofeizhu83 - Grass Jelly Milk Tea/Large/50%

6) tres - cocoa MT/Pe/Small/50%

7) pixie - plain MT/Large/25%

8) Poky - caramel MT/pd/large

9) bubblypig - caramel MT/pd/large

10) milktea - caramel MT/Pe/Small

11) 2ks - milk tea/pe/grass jelly/small/50%

12) leon - plain MT/Pe/Small/25%

13) hazel - plain MT/Pe/small/Normal

14) Blurjen - honey green tea/Pe/Large/

15) Chen - Caramel MT/Pe/Pd/small

16) Shirley - milk tea/PD/ large/50%

17) Felina - Grass jelly milk tea / large / 50%

18) straylamb - orea chocolate ice blended/small/50%

19) Jes - Fuji Apple Red Tea/PE/aloevera/50%/Large

20) Evelyn- Milktea/PE/50%/Small

21) ST- honey MT/ Pe/ small

22) pinkypink- Jasmine green milk tea/pd/50%/large

23) Candymom- MT/PE/50%/small/less ice

Lilprecious: I feel guilty tt never spend much time w suniska lor.. Funny la. Each week I try to tk sunay out once alone n suniska out once alone (hum.. Baby spa) to b fair. Bur very tough to b fair n in all honesty usually it's suniska's bb spa that gets cancelled. Sigh

But then my guilt meter is super hyper la..

Posted on Thursday, May 26, 2011 - 8:59 pm:       

My order for milk tea

Poky: r u able to bring my benbat head rest if it's here already?

Posted on Thursday, May 26, 2011 - 8:44 pm:        


Please put down ur name only if you are confirm ordering: 

MT = Milktea 

Pe = Pearls 

Pd = Pudding 

25%, 50%, 75%, Normal = 100% 

No sugar indication needed for Honey/Caramel flavors = only Standard. 

1)Annie - caramel MT/Pe/Small 

2)Rach - Caramel MT/Pe/Pd/Large 

3) Allets- Okinawa milk tea/Pe/small/25% 

4) Angelia - Caramel MT / Large 

5) xiaofeizhu83 - Grass Jelly Milk Tea/Large/50% 

6) tres - cocoa MT/Pe/Small/50% 

7) pixie - plain MT/Large/25% 

8) Poky - caramel MT/pd/large 

9) bubblypig - caramel MT/pd/large 

10) milktea - caramel MT/Pe/Small 

11) 2ks - milk tea/pe/grass jelly/small/50% 

12) leon - plain MT/Pe/Small/25% 

13) hazel - plain MT/Pe/small/Normal 

14) Blurjen - honey green tea/Pe/Large/ 

15) Chen - Caramel MT/Pe/Pd/small 

16) Shirley - milk tea/PD/ large/50% 

17) Felina - Grass jelly milk tea / large / 50% 

18) straylamb - orea chocolate ice blended/small/50% 

19) Jes - Fuji Apple Red Tea/PE/aloevera/50%/Large 

20) Evelyn- Milktea/PE/50%/Small 

21) ST- honey MT/ Pe/ small 

22) pinkypink- Jasmine green milk tea/pd/50%/large 

23) Candymom- MT/PE/50%/small/less ice

24)pinky bubbles - Caramel MT/Pe/Pd/Large

oh, no wonder.. i see.. cos u see, i do put Jav at hm w my hb at times when i go out meet u girls.. hehe, so i feel like i got bring didi out n Jav always at hm.. tts y i feel more guilty towards Jav den Jay..hahaha!..

n sometimes Jav go sch, i bring Jay go walk walk.. so its still Jav who lose out i feel.. hehehe!

Sigh.. Sunay very clearly tells us wat he wants n suniska obviously doesn't complain so I feel I'm not fair to her.. Bleahhh

But strangely.. When I'm out alone or w hb only I dun feel guilty! Lol

Pinkypink n lilpfecious

Sama sama [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

At first I was worrying wat I'm going to do whenjune school holidays start next week. But now I'm planningto spend more time w my elder boy. But if hubby takes him out then I will take Jordan out.

My mum prefers to help w Older kid but I miss him when he goes over to her place for too long ie over nite.


U go out w hubby n leave both out so fair ;) lol so u r not guilty

It will b a while before I go out alone w hubby as he won't leave Bb w maid.

Since j sleeps at 7 maybe one day I will ask mum to stay over then maybe we can enjoy a simple quiet dinner.

Lilprecious : totally understand how u feel. I also won't feel bad leaving Jordan behind to spend some quality time with Josh.

N I quarreled with hb again. He kept comparing when I take care of Josh n with Jordan. He said that I'm so bias towards Josh n never enjoying taking care of Jordan

He said that I never update my hb with whatever Jordan do, last time with Josh I always tell my hb every little thing

So I told him, starting Tom I'll tell hbevery little thing that Jordan do. Jordan fart, Jordan burp, Jordan cry, I'll tell him all. Makes me angry lah this kinda husband

What to do, for me it's like the same old routine all over again. Nothing surprise meow nothing new, why must I tell my hb about Jordan smile or jordan poop or fart or whatever.. Very weird

Anyway, at the end of the quarrel he said he will drive me to 2ks Tom. He said he feel bad for jordan must keep taking taxi while if I go out with Josh he always try to drive us. Ah whatever lah, as long as I go out

RACH : sorry I don't know how to copy n paste the order

Can just add my name ? I want caramel milk tea/PE/L

Butter8 : r ujoining the gathering Tom? Our Jordan should meet each other.. Hahahaha

Btw think got 1 more mummy with Jordan, M if I'm not wrong. So got 3 Jordan in this thread :D

Pinky pink: I hv the exact sentiments as u when I go out alone or with hb.. Lol..

I try to take my elder out somewhere after his school alone for a short while so that he can "have me alone". Once I'm home, it's latching the baby Liao. Hardly any quality time with the elder one.

wah.. still got milktea to order wor...

Posted on Thursday, May 26, 2011 - 8:44 pm:


Please put down ur name only if you are confirm ordering:

MT = Milktea

Pe = Pearls

Pd = Pudding

25%, 50%, 75%, Normal = 100%

No sugar indication needed for Honey/Caramel flavors = only Standard.

1)Annie - caramel MT/Pe/Small

2)Rach - Caramel MT/Pe/Pd/Large

3) Allets- Okinawa milk tea/Pe/small/25%

4) Angelia - Caramel MT / Large

5) xiaofeizhu83 - Grass Jelly Milk Tea/Large/50%

6) tres - cocoa MT/Pe/Small/50%

7) pixie - plain MT/Large/25%

8) Poky - caramel MT/pd/large

9) bubblypig - caramel MT/pd/large

10) milktea - caramel MT/Pe/Small

11) 2ks - milk tea/pe/grass jelly/small/50%

12) leon - plain MT/Pe/Small/25%

13) hazel - plain MT/Pe/small/Normal

14) Blurjen - honey green tea/Pe/Large/

15) Chen - Caramel MT/Pe/Pd/small

16) Shirley - milk tea/PD/ large/50%

17) Felina - Grass jelly milk tea / large / 50%

18) straylamb - orea chocolate ice blended/small/50%

19) Jes - Fuji Apple Red Tea/PE/aloevera/50%/Large

20) Evelyn- Milktea/PE/50%/Small

21) ST- honey MT/ Pe/ small

22) pinkypink- Jasmine green milk tea/pd/50%/large

23) Candymom- MT/PE/50%/small/less ice

24)pinky bubbles - Caramel MT/Pe/Pd/Large

25) Fish Hu - Plain MT /pe/25%/small

Selling a mitsubishi 2 door fridge

used lightly since feb 2011 for confectionary, breast milk only.

Capacity: 222L

Mitsubishi electric

Model: MR-F30B Silver

Energy efficiency rating 3 ticks

Bought at $490. Willing to let go at $300.

Self collect at Bedok area

Pls pm if keen

wah.. still got milktea to order wor...

Posted on Thursday, May 26, 2011 - 8:44 pm:


Please put down ur name only if you are confirm ordering:

MT = Milktea

Pe = Pearls

Pd = Pudding

25%, 50%, 75%, Normal = 100%

No sugar indication needed for Honey/Caramel flavors = only Standard.

1)Annie - caramel MT/Pe/Small

2)Rach - Caramel MT/Pe/Pd/Large

3) Allets- Okinawa milk tea/Pe/small/25%

4) Angelia - Caramel MT / Large

5) xiaofeizhu83 - Grass Jelly Milk Tea/Large/50%

6) tres - cocoa MT/Pe/Small/50%

7) pixie - plain MT/Large/25%

8) Poky - caramel MT/pd/large

9) bubblypig - caramel MT/pd/large

10) milktea - caramel MT/Pe/Small

11) 2ks - milk tea/pe/grass jelly/small/50%

12) leon - plain MT/Pe/Small/25%

13) hazel - plain MT/Pe/small/Normal

14) Blurjen - honey green tea/Pe/Large/

15) Chen - Caramel MT/Pe/Pd/small

16) Shirley - milk tea/PD/ large/50%

17) Felina - Grass jelly milk tea / large / 50%

18) straylamb - orea chocolate ice blended/small/50%

19) Jes - Fuji Apple Red Tea/PE/aloevera/50%/Large

20) Evelyn- Milktea/PE/50%/Small

21) ST- honey MT/ Pe/ small

22) pinkypink- Jasmine green milk tea/pd/50%/large

23) Candymom- MT/PE/50%/small/less ice

24)pinky bubbles - Caramel MT/Pe/Pd/Large

25) Fish Hu - Plain MT /pe/25%/small

rach n 2ks,

I'm on MC today so i didnt go back to office.. my pin was left in the office... I will pay u gals tmr once i see u all tmr!! so sorry for the late payment....


Please put down ur name only if you are confirm ordering:

MT = Milktea

Pe = Pearls

Pd = Pudding

25%, 50%, 75%, Normal = 100%

No sugar indication needed for Honey/Caramel flavors = only Standard.

1)Annie - caramel MT/Pe/Small

2)Rach - Caramel MT/Pe/Pd/Large

3) Allets- Okinawa milk tea/Pe/small/25%

4) Angelia - Caramel MT / Large

5) xiaofeizhu83 - Grass Jelly Milk Tea/Large/50%

6) tres - cocoa MT/Pe/Small/50%

7) pixie - plain MT/Large/25%

8) Poky - caramel MT/pd/large

9) bubblypig - caramel MT/pd/large

10) milktea - caramel MT/Pe/Small

11) 2ks - milk tea/pe/grass jelly/small/50%

12) leon - plain MT/Pe/Small/25%

13) hazel - plain MT/Pe/small/Normal

14) Blurjen - honey green tea/Pe/Large/

15) Chen - Caramel MT/Pe/Pd/small

16) Shirley - milk tea/PD/ large/50%

17) Felina - Grass jelly milk tea / large / 50%

18) straylamb - orea chocolate ice blended/small/50%

19) Jes - Fuji Apple Red Tea/PE/aloevera/50%/Large

20) Evelyn- Milktea/PE/50%/Small

21) ST- honey MT/ Pe/ small

22) pinkypink- Jasmine green milk tea/pd/50%/large

23) Candymom- MT/PE/50%/small/less ice

24) pinky bubbles - Caramel MT/Pe/Pd/Large

25) Fish Hu - Plain MT /pe/25%/small

26) Angelina - Caramel MT/Pe/Large


Please put down ur name only if you are confirm ordering:

MT = Milktea

Pe = Pearls

Pd = Pudding

25%, 50%, 75%, Normal = 100%

No sugar indication needed for Honey/Caramel flavors = only Standard.

1)Annie - caramel MT/Pe/Small

2)Rach - Caramel MT/Pe/Pd/Large

3) Allets- Okinawa milk tea/Pe/small/25%

4) Angelia - Caramel MT / Large

5) xiaofeizhu83 - Grass Jelly Milk Tea/Large/50%

6) tres - cocoa MT/Pe/Small/50%

7) pixie - plain MT/Large/25%

8) Poky - caramel MT/pd/large

9) bubblypig - caramel MT/pd/large

10) milktea - caramel MT/Pe/Small

11) 2ks - milk tea/pe/grass jelly/small/50%

12) leon - plain MT/Pe/Small/25%

13) hazel - plain MT/Pe/small/Normal

14) Blurjen - honey green tea/Pe/Large/

15) Chen - Caramel MT/Pe/Pd/small

16) Shirley - milk tea/PD/ large/50%

17) Felina - milk tea/grass jelly/ pearl/ large / 50%

18) straylamb - orea chocolate ice blended/small/50%

19) Jes - Fuji Apple Red Tea/PE/aloevera/50%/Large

20) Evelyn- Milktea/PE/50%/Small

21) ST- honey MT/ Pe/ small

22) pinkypink- Jasmine green milk tea/pd/50%/large

23) Candymom- MT/PE/50%/small/less ice

24)pinky bubbles - Caramel MT/Pe/Pd/Large

25) Fish Hu - Plain MT /pe/25%/small

26) Angelina - Caramel MT/Pe/Large

Rach - I changed my order... =)


~ Ochado Chanodo (茶の道) also accept bulk delivery around Yishun and Sembawang area, you can call up the shop for more enquiry about your orders and location @ 6757 4301

Pinky: hahaha! Same!! Nvr guilty when it's jus 2 of us. Hehehe.

Angelina: aiyo, yr hb too sensitive Liao. Haha I tot normally we r the ones who will feel this way.. Hehehe..

Nvm la, he send u better still! Save cab fare! Hurhur..

Posted on Thursday, May 26, 2011 - 10:35 pm:       


Please put down ur name only if you are confirm ordering:

MT = Milktea

Pe = Pearls

Pd = Pudding

25%, 50%, 75%, Normal = 100%

No sugar indication needed for Honey/Caramel flavors = only Standard.

1)Annie - caramel MT/Pe/Small

2)Rach - Caramel MT/Pe/Pd/Large

3) Allets- Okinawa milk tea/Pe/small/25%

4) Angelia - Caramel MT / Large

5) xiaofeizhu83 - Grass Jelly Milk Tea/Large/50%

6) tres - cocoa MT/Pe/Small/50%

7) pixie - plain MT/Large/25%

8) Poky - caramel MT/pd/large

9) bubblypig - caramel MT/pd/large

10) milktea - caramel MT/Pe/Small

11) 2ks - milk tea/pe/grass jelly/small/50%

12) leon - plain MT/Pe/Small/25%

13) hazel - plain MT/Pe/small/Normal

14) Blurjen - honey green tea/Pe/Large/

15) Chen - Caramel MT/Pe/Pd/small

16) Shirley - milk tea/PD/ large/50%

17) Felina - milk tea/grass jelly/ pearl/ large / 50%

18) straylamb - orea chocolate ice blended/small/50%

19) Jes - Fuji Apple Red Tea/PE/aloevera/50%/Large

20) Evelyn- Milktea/PE/50%/Small

21) ST- honey MT/ Pe/ small

22) pinkypink- Yakult green tea/pd/50%/large

23) Candymom- MT/PE/50%/small/less ice

24)pinky bubbles - Caramel MT/Pe/Pd/Large

25) Fish Hu - Plain MT /pe/25%/small

26) Angelina - Caramel MT/Pe/large

Changed order [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pinky> yup... They are delivering to us tmr... U missed my post earlier?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Annie, Angelia & 2Ks,

I tried the new burping way on my boy le.. t reli work so well... last time muz see luck de... good luck, 1-2mins job done, not luck, muz keep burping and also muz pass around (i pass to hubby, hubby pass back to me)... but now using this method... wah.... 1 min JOB DONE... so good... thanks u gals for sharing this to me!!!

Lilprecious, butter n pinky bubbles:

Yup 1-1 time is v impt!! Away frm the baby so tt u can fully concentrate on no1.

I feel tt since no 2, my older boy is more grown up n I kinda miss him being a baby.. Oh well.. Ups n Downs. I can rationalise w him most times but he is also mire stubborn n adamant. N more vocal too :p

Angelina: I agree tt these things r not first n therefore less exciting now that it's no2.. But each kid does things in their one way ma.. So mayb appreciate the differences?

Like sunay used to hate tummy tine altho his neck firm very early on but suniska loves tummy time n can play like tt fr very long..


Please put down ur name only if you are confirm ordering:

MT = Milktea

Pe = Pearls

Pd = Pudding

25%, 50%, 75%, Normal = 100%

No sugar indication needed for Honey/Caramel flavors = only Standard.

1)Annie - caramel MT/Pe/Small

2)Rach - Caramel MT/Pe/Pd/Large

3) Allets- Okinawa milk tea/Pe/small/25%

4) Angelia - Caramel MT / Large

5) xiaofeizhu83 - Grass Jelly Milk Tea/Large/50%

6) tres - cocoa MT/Pe/Small/50%

7) pixie - plain MT/Large/25%

8) Poky - caramel MT/pd/large

9) bubblypig - caramel MT/pd/large

10) milktea - caramel MT/Pe/Small

11) 2ks - milk tea/pe/grass jelly/small/50%

12) leon - plain MT/Pe/Small/25%

13) hazel - plain MT/Pe/small/Normal

14) Blurjen - honey green tea/Pe/Large/

15) Chen - Caramel MT/Pe/Pd/small

16) Shirley - milk tea/PD/ large/50%

17) Felina - milk tea/grass jelly/ pearl/ large / 50%

18) straylamb - orea chocolate ice blended/small/50%

19) Jes - Fuji Apple Red Tea/PE/aloevera/50%/Large

20) Evelyn- Milktea/PE/50%/Small

21) ST- honey MT/ Pe/ small

22) pinkypink- Yakult green tea/pd/50%/large

23) Candymom- MT/PE/50%/small/less ice

24) pinky bubbles - Caramel MT/Pe/Pd/Large

25) Fish Hu - Plain MT /pe/25%/small

26) Angelina - Caramel MT/Pe/large

dear steady mummies, thanks for all ur orders..

Orders have been submitted to the salesgirl via SMS..

Hence no more changes from now on...

U can add NEW orders, but no more changes as I do not want to confuse them.

Else tmr if ur drink comes in a wrong order, i can't help u change ah! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

See everyone tmr!! Sleep early tonite!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pinky> no worries!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Angelina> yah my hb also commented that now I hardly update him what's happening at home.. Last time every little thing I'll mms / SMS him and show him rayanne's progress...

Now... Where got time??

Whole day today I almost didn't touch pc Lo...

So occupied with both...

And let them swim and play water earlier too...

Already tiring enough...

Rayanne had a good time in the pool!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Now both asleep liaoz... I should go sleep too... Drooling at tmr's food!!!! Yum!!

Pinky> they require min 12cups for delivery... Lol... We have 26cups now!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi rach,

i was out until now. can you add 1 more order for me?

if not possible, its alright. thank you!

- caramel MT/pd/small/25%


H mummies, do u guys use baby bjorn carrier? How old can start using? My girl's neck not v strong yet, dunno can use or not.

