(2011/03) Mar 2011

ORCHARD LUNCH - i think ION nearer for those shopping at GAP.


Venue: lunch at ION or Paragon or tcc at isetan scotts

1. Jes/Jayien

2. Angelia/Cherelle

3. Cae/Cayli

4. Shirley/Jeannie

5. Poky

6. Allets

7. pixie/xandria

8. Evelyn/Skye


Tomorrow's Orchard lunch...

Hmmm... Still thinking whether to go or not...


ur boy is quite old liao, i'm sure easier to handle now that he listens to your instructions? take mine, or even lilprecious's boy, it would be harder coz lilprecious's jav cannot communicate for now, and my son is still too young (sometimes) to understand my "reasonings"...

sometimes i napped in the afternoon, my maid cannot go in to clean too....but that said, dun need to clean the room everyday right...

to me, my #2 is a bb so just fufill her needs - feeding. the rest of the time available i devote to my #1....they can understand things now and if dont give them enough attention, it will impact them...

the cc teachers got feedback b4 that my #1 was moody in school, due to the new addition to the family. i couldnt spot it but if no one told me, i prolly wont even know...so, yes, it does affect your #1 in some ways

think of what your maid can skip in terms of chores and delegate her more bb chores so that u can have more time for you #1?

sometimes, i ask my maid to stop her housework, just purely look after bb while i bring my #1 to somewhere - even 1 hr quality time spent with him makes a huge difference...

sometimes i just bring him go downstairs playground for 15mins (i can take a breather frm bb too)

sometimes i need to buy a loaf of bread and i take the opportunity to bring him down and walk a bit, sweat a bit, tired abit, easier for him to sleep at night

i involve my son in preparation of our dinner so his egg for his daily dinner is cooked by himself. he scoops his own rice, selects n take his own vege etc

he also help to cut meat or vege etc, i let him handle the knife/scissors

then at night, he makes his own cup of milo, or wash his fruits...bo liao but to him, its fun leh

just find all sorts of nonsense to occupy him lor, i sometimes find my #1 very ke lian coz i neglect him somewhat

jia you!

Butter8 : hmm.. You wanna try afew time with pupsilk.. Cause maybe sometime the way you put them in, they dont like.. Have to adjest adjest de worr... Hmm.. Actually, sometime i'm thinking... Too much pupsilk is not good too.. My girl have the habit of liking pupsilk and she can sleep well, so end up.. Even when i'm at home.. If she too cranky, bobian, i have to pupsilk her AT HOME!! Can you imagine that? =\ so my hb call my pupsilk as 宝贝带.. Lol ! My very very last resource will be pupsilk at home... =\

Lilprecious : yupyup.. I call you. And when you call me

Back, my turn to nap.. Hahaha! Was thinking meeting where.. Anyway, tomorrow if either of us reach just give a blast on the hp okay? Meeting 11am at Shaw Tower Entrance?

Ililprecious I was planning to drive so

I dun wanna hang out in orchard for long lor .. But if wanna hang out in orchard for Long I won't drive Liao later my car park charges cost me a leg n an arm.. I watapps u when I reach orchard

I survive day 1 ... With 2 kids alone.. Anotehr 11 more days to go [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Mummies!!

Had a tiring day today... Was out the whole day... more of busy entertaining parent-in-law and my granny rather then celebrating my 1st Mother's Day... focus was not exactly on me... Hubby say wanna bring me go buy Mother's Day present also no time... sianzzz.... then becos so many people surrounding bb whole day, she can't really sleep then end up being a cranky bb... well well well... end up like nothing special just another day...

Belinda - you got PM

Angelia, it's Shaw Centre not shaw tower hor. Shaw tower is at bugis there hor. If u take cab u say it's shaw centre hor.

See u all Tomolo

There is a Robinson sales at Expo starting 12-22may. 12 & 13 may is member sales. I think Annie is the one asking abt it??

Butter> let me recall my daily schedule....

7am: helper wakes up n bathes and wipes the sofa, playmat, cabinets.. Etc..

8-10am: I'll wake up and bathe RY, RL & myself..

If I get up at 10am.. Most likely helper bathed RL already...

She would also prepare lunch... Cutting and marinating all the meat..etc..

Ard 10-11am after I bathe RL.. I'll use PC... then helper will carry RL till she sleep then put her down...

Then she will go cook lunch..

RY will be all over the place playing or climbing on me...

12-1pm: lunch... Then try to make RY sleep or helper will push RY to post office so that RY will fall asleep... I'll use pc if RL asleep. Else will be latching RL making her sleep...

By 2-3pm... Helper will be back... RY will sleep in stroller for 1-2hrs...helper will fold the clothes... Then prepare dinner...

I'll be on PC or holding RL if She's awake...

By 5pm helper cooks dinner...

After dinner bathe RY.. Or feed dinner then bathe her..

By 6pm-7pm.. Dinner time..Watch tv.. Helper feeds RY... Or I'll feed her if she doesn't want helper...

Then ill wipe down RL...latch her... Watch tv...

By 10pm.. All go to bedroom...

RY play my iPhone... I'll be carrying RL if she's crying.. Else latch on bed till she sleeps...

If I'm carrying RL walking in living room. Helper will play play iPhone with RY... When I enter the room, she'll go out.. Clear out remaining mess... Bathe and sleep...

Otherwise... She will bathe and then iron clothes.. (once in a few days..)

Basically like that.... If go out then just wake up bathe and go out... Come back depends on what time then prepare dinner or Ta Bao....

Sundays usually leave home early and come back late so no need to cook...

Mummies: Received ur PMs!

Shirley: how u know abt the robinsons sale? Stupid card, always never inform us of sales, dont know become member for what!

Pixie n butter: ya lo.. I tok to Jav will faint. Haha.. But he dies und me most of e times.. But jus like wad pixie says.. Reasoning is v diff cos sometimes he can say yes or no but yet, dono e real reason of y we scolded him..

Angelia: win Liao lo.. Haha.. Okok.. I'll b there w eve prob around 11 plus leh.. Hopefully my hb can come hm by 10 plus tmr lo cos it's Monday scared gt jam everywhere.. Whoever reach can go sales first also la.. We can meet straight there too.. =))

Jaime: ok! U wadsapp me.. Hehehe.. Ya, parking at orchard really no joke.. Can cost u more den a meal! Hehe..

Had a lonely mothers day w 2 monsters. Haha.. I asked my hb " where's my mothers day gift.." he say " there, the flowers Jav made fr u frm sch?" *BISH* ... men!!!!! But I was totally entertained n amused by Jav's alien language.. Dono wads he saying but it jus sounds so funny..

Shirley, the robinson sales at expo? Then I not interested le. I prefer at the department itself. But thanks for informing!

Belinda, I have the same thought as u too! Have robinson credit card but Nv once being informed of their sales! Thought they should do it like how isetan would does it. -__-

Cae: ya lo..sad.. i now still pushing my hb for gift..hahahahahaha

Bel/Shirley: yup! my hb too! i jus talked to him say wheres my present..? den he tell me:but u not my mother leh, y i mus gif u present..u shud ask frm Javier n Jayien... =.= i tell him : cos im yr wife n the MOTHER of YOUR sons.. n since they too young to gif me anything.. it is YOUR responsibilities! wakakaka.. den he tell me..:eek:h ok lo, tmr...

but think he bluff one la..sighhh

Annie - There is Robinson card member's sale at the departmental store on 11-12 May... my hubby is a member and he received the promotion mag last week...

Shirley : buahahhaa!! See! I told you, i'm a Orchard idoit already.. Okokayy.. So is Centre not Tower.. Faints! Imagine i say Tower to the uncle.. Omg.. Funny scene will be created by me! Lol !!!

Lilprecious : haha! Okokayy.. If we reach than me and Shirley chiong sale first.. You bringing Pram?

Hmm.. I was telling my hb that i feel that i more and more auntie liao sia.. Chiong sale lah, gossip about bb lah.. Blah blah.. Than he tell me " no lah, not auntie lah.. 3838 only lah!" =.=" than he still ask me to enjoy my chiong-ing sale.. Hahaha! So not like him lo.. Hmm.. Think he ling wu liao (hopefully!).. =X

Anyway, i feel damn silly lah.. Cause i'm at my mum's

Place earlier on.. Than i was having a real bad headche.. My mum offer to look after my bb and ask hb to just sent me home and let me rest... But than hor.. I really bu she de my girl lo.. The moment i think of later in the night wake up and never see her, i wipe sia.. Lol !! Than my mum saw and say "bu she de ar? Than is okayy lah.. You bring baby home lo.." aiyoh!! Why like that sia... Even hb also bu she de lo.. Just a night nia and both of us think that bb not around jiu feel like crying liao lo.. Lol !!! Sounds dumb.. Can rest dont want! =X

Audrey: u can try one day to drag yr pumping time, try 4hourly first, if total yield Is about the same as 3 hourly then u can drag.. Slowly try to drag an hour difference..

Me- my mother day gift is actually Clara gift

Cos we went for celebration at crystal jade at nex w my mil n went for bb spa again;)

This round hub signed up the package n said Is for my gift?!?!!

Mil even funni- buy pillow n said is for my gift- the pillow I'd for Clara too;) haaaa! Luckily she nvr sign up the unlimited package for the swim or I have to go everyday to make it worth it!!

Yo mummies i think im not going to orchard today liao coz as usual i have to be back home by 4, meaning i need to leave at 3pm...abit duh if we meet for lunch at 12.30-1 then 3pm run off...so...next time bah!!

U mummies have fun digging gap clothes yah!

Okay... I'm joining your for the Orchard lunch...

Meet where huh? 1pm huh?

Hi hi.... Went to the gap sale yesterday Liao.... Bought a lot, so won't be going again, if no ken a 'scolding'....

Yesterday, mother's day also no present from hubby... But my gd frens bought me a bouquet of flowers ... Isn't that sweet.

Hmm..... Dunno if I an go out w bb alone, my wrists are hurting, also got difficulties carrying bb for long!!

Ha, Angela, guess both u n you husband must be hard hearted.. I was like u last week, left Chloe at my mum for 1 night so I can go n see rally, after leavin my mum place, I was crying coz I miss her..... But my hb talk sensevw me, this is the 1st step.... Coz next time when I leave overseas or work... Itbwill be worse!!

Good Morning!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wah... the good thing abt starting the day early is so much gets done....

and its only 10am... hahaha....

usually get up this time by the time i'm done already lunch time... :p

No present as well.... just lunch together yesterday and HB went back to work... yah..on a SUNDAY....

Tres: the injection that u took that time can only take twice in a whole life if I didn't remember wrongly..

U can try acupuncture..

But in the meantime, don't take those cold stuff like cabbage, winter melon, sago, salted vegetables etc

audrey, i think u might wana reduce yr pump sessions gradually, 8 times a day is very siong lei. And it's more than 2 mths after birth liao right? Btw, I started my boy on tutu last night, it helps snoothe himself to sleep. Rather than him sucking his fingers and fist. I didn't use for Jazz though, then now she's still fingers sucking. sigh!

fel, today not PH, only holiday for the school students, cos teachers volunteered in the GE. I think.

Tres : end up i never leave Cherelle with my mum.. I bring her home instead.. Cannot lah. I really bu she de lo... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] is like few hours okayy lah.. But overnight jiu very hard lo... Scare later in the night i never see her i will not use to it... =\

Pauline and Chen - Thanks..

Just wondering... Thought of going down to HDB branch to settle my season parking issue...

Chen - My boy also sucking fist and fingers... But he doesn't like tutu lei... Yours take tutu well?

fel, he didn't wan tutu initially, so that requires some training also. I held it for him until he gets the momentum lor...

My boy just started the fist sucking thing also. Sianz. He don't quite like tutu, everYtime aso use his tongue to push it out.

My gal oso started sucking her fist yesterday... Shall I introduce pacifier?

I nv even buy to standby cos jiejie nv use pacifier at all. Which brand good?

xiaofeizhu: how come ur hubby received the mag. Wah lao Robinsons whatever sale also never inform me at all lor. SO pissed off. -.-

Then like tat go the departmental store sale better or the expo sale??

So confused.

hello all,

i'm back to work today ... and most important is .. i'm on my HEEL again finally .. haha

mummies at GAP sales, have a good dig .. haha

Sunesis> u want my NUK pacifier??

I bought a pack of 2... RL doesn't seem to like...

I used the pink one... Left a yellow BN....

sinmey, how's the mood back at work? I'm going back to work next week, cleared 3 mths only. Starting to feel emo liao...


Hi mummies, hv been MIA for v long time.. Nuaring ard & prep to start wk on 1jun.. Time flies!!

Saw pics on mummies & babies gathering seems so fun!!

