(2011/03) Mar 2011

Up pumping after a 5 hours lapse.. Hopefully yield as hood!

Jia liat, think my bb used to me patting her Liao.. Just finished her milk but eyes open so big.. Now she feeding 80ml n able to tahan 4 hours.. Is this normal or should I up her milk?



Mine too! I have to up his milk to 90ml now. Else after a while he becomes cranky again.


I pump after latch too since discharge. Totally agree that it will up supply. Day 3-40ml every 3 hrly , now it's 200ml every 4 hrly. Me slowly stretching the interval.


Your piles also acting up occasionally too? I've applied the external cream too, hopefully can lessen the pain soon. I thought of getting prune juice later, a bit sian of drinking only longan red date for so many days.

Me starting pumping again.....ask you all mummies... If I take fenugreek, it will increase the mat of output but I still pump say 3 holy ight? I should not pump more???

Currently, my output seems fine lah, but CL says she is no full... 100 ml every 2-3 hrs???? She s only 7 days old.... Need to increase supply soon, if not can't keep up w it!!

Tres: are u using pis? If u using pis, there is this auto stimulation that will run for 3 mins, usually no milk will be pump out. Press the little droplets button to skip it

hi mummies,

Not sure if its my turn to pop! Feel slight pain on my lower back & when to pass motion & have show.

Shouldnt admit to hospital first rite? But wait for contraction cos it may b false alarm?

Very kan cheong!

Hi tres,100ml for every 2-3hr is a lot for a one week old baby,my 2 week old bb boy only drinks 80ml every 3hr.

But he poo poo 5-6 times a day,a bit too much right?How come some of your bb only poo poo 2-3 times a day??

Hey Leon,once u have show means u starting to dilate already and the mucus plague is out.u should go hospital la,I had the same case.

This is my #2. Not sure it would b tat fast.

My gynea told me to admit if contraction comes 15mins in between. Baby still moving, not contraction ba?

Afraid of gg hospital, v stressful... or call the clinic when the open @ 9 to find out?

New Mama Bottom Spray Refund:

We are sorry for the delay. We took extra time to verify the shipping address due to recent increase of credit card fraud & paypal fraud. Our billing department has processed your refund. I have documented this issue in our system and it would not cause delay in the future. We will offer 10% discount for your next order as a compensation for the long wait.

Thank you!

finally settled... And what crap!!! Took 12days to verify billing address and if I didn't email them and create dispute thru paypal, when are they ever gonna refund???!!!??

Now so DUI never had a chance to try the spray... ://///

Sunesis: u should still set a routine for pumping, in between bb wakes up just latch... Still hv milk one.. Starting a few days might cry shortly but it will gets better as yr supply catches up...

Summer mommy: today my cl told me she up my boy supply to 80ml (day 15). He just drink at 8am and now I m latching him again... Piang... Milk monster...

Must work harder to up my supply man... Shakes head

hi mummies,

i am still waiting for bb to arrive. My gynae going for overseas conference this thurs, ask me to induce either before or after.. such a dilemna. I scared i deliver when he was away. Sigh

Gathering on 14th or 15th April 2011, noon

venue: some mummies hse..w ordered food

Can we just haf a list of who's going so maybe we can decide where to haf the gathering? Pls include yr bb names if u r bringing bb along, so we can roughly judge hw many bbs n adults in total..n we can decide wad to order for food too.. =)


1.) Lil precious/Javier/Jayien

2.) Caecilia/Cayli








Gathering on 14th or 15th April 2011, noon

venue: some mummies hse..w ordered food

Can we just haf a list of who's going so maybe we can decide where to haf the gathering? Pls include yr bb names if u r bringing bb along, so we can roughly judge hw many bbs n adults in total..n we can decide wad to order for food too.. =)


1.) Lil precious/Javier/Jayien

2.) Caecilia/Cayli

3.) Rach/Rayanne/Raylynn/Helper







2Ks... I'm using freestyle... Yup, once press on.. It will simulate et down the actual pump... So far yield is abt 100- 110ml per pump..didn't manage to go any higher.... So thinking of taking fenugreek lor..........

Alice, I also know 100 ml for 7 day old bb is too much, CL always says she hungry during night feed.. What I think she that she wants tonfeed forkful so she can sleep.... Irritating right, that's why I always go and check if bb finish drinking or not..... Dun waste my precious bm mah.....

These CL ah... Sometimes wants there way... Always the easy way out!!!!!

Tres: one week and u can yield 100-110ml is vvvv good already.. Don't stress yourself too much. Even if u take fenugreek don't expect it to jump alot alot.. Only gradually add on one

Hi tres,if ur bb can finish then it's fine I guess,check whether she vomits aftr tht.u go to ur PD for check up also right?check her weight gain also lor.. Actually I also wish my bb can drink more

Hi Jazz,

If ur pass ur due date, i think induce is ok, but induce may increase chances of emergency c-section-, just like the case for my #1 birth.

However, I know of some1 who simply refuse to induce even the gynea advise her to do it when past her due date and baby don't survive cos of suffocation.

end of the day, the most impt thing is to bring baby to the world safe n sound...

weeee~ finally got time to log in forum using lappy.. =P Cherelle is 1week old day.. ^^V How i wish time pass abit faster.. i'm sick of staying home lo.. hais... =/

hmmm... i see gathering!!! O.O! Awwwwwwww ~ I wanna go soooo much lah! But 14-15April, i'm just nice 1month nia lo.. can go out mah ? hais.. i scare later hb don't allow leh.. cause they say better is 40days right ? =/ sian !

girls.. if i can secretly go out and meet you all, i will let you all know kk.. maybe just go go see see look look awhile ni men de bb.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Our girls have the same bday!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] n i remember u also delivered at TMC ya. I was warded third floor just like u but I couldn't go online plus as im c-section plus some complication, I was put on drip n on catherer for my whole stay, not mobile at all, didn't come out of my ward at all until discharge!

Today Clarrisa will be visiting the paediatric for check-up but im didn't follow... for the 1st time Im separated from her....

Rach: hehe, 15th also can.. cos cae can offer her place frm 11th to 14th.. tts y i tot see the amt of ppl b4 we decide where to go.. cos i scared if alot of mummies den yr plc will b quite crowded? but cae place gt dog, so dono if e rest comfy w it anot also..

2Ks: haha, no choice leh.. let Jav play w Rayanne..haha.. a day of his n didi's playdate..kekeke.. no la, my hb dropping me n picking me up, so not so bad i guess..

Hazel: .... it'll b my first time doing so i guess.. most prob all jus see one crazy woman running arnd here n dere.. hahahaha..

Mummies- gathering on e 15th ar? So tempted to go but will have to depend on where location.. Even though I finish my 'jail ' on e 9th, my ah Ma said best is do until 40 days.. So not sure whether e remaining 10 days must I guai guai stay at home or just eat confinement food can Liao.. Also stil not zhai to bring bb going out alone yet.. So I guess maybe next time ba..

West side mummies- we can also organize one for e west side if e 15th one is too far!!

Boo hoo

Since I didn't pop early I can't make it for 15 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Can do west side later? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] haha I crossing fingers to pop soon hahaha just kidding

So sian this waiting game.

treestar : OH?!?! You are also at TMC worr.. OMG ~~ If you're able to come online, perhaps, i still can go over see you.. i'm sooo bored in the ward lo.. Lol...

Awww.. i understand the feeling of being seperate from bb for just awhile... that day i went gynae to check my stitches, i also didnt bring my girl along.. Than i will keep on call home and check with my mum ( as she came over to jaga for me awhile ) ...

Rach, i wanna go but then i feel bb still young.. wait bring him out catch virus, i headache.. :p

Stella, ur girl and my boy same birthday hor.. hee.. counting down to 9 April too.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw any mummy here interested in a pre loved MIM sarong ring baby sling? I've a spare in blue/violet sateen. I used about 5 times n in gd condition. I'm thinking of letting go at $20. If anyone interested can pm or SMS or fb me;)

Angelia: Yeah, yeah... i was v.bored too... cos my hubby have to jaga my 2 boys, only evening time then got visitors then i not so bored... but at least u can go online... I can't !! Which room ru staying? Im in room 311... maybe we next door neighbours!? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hazel> eeehhh won't catch virus la.. Heheh... Can't rem when we had our 1st meet up last time... But I think the mummies not so concerned with catching virus then... Lol....

But I know I already bring Rayanne go gai gai after 40th day... Lol....

Lilprecious> ehh... If Cae house I dun dare go... Got dogs...

And not too good for babies to be in near contact with furry animals... (just my own preference... No offense to dog keepers...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif])

won_mummy, when is ur gal going back to ur mum's place? i'll be going back to my mum's place starting this thurs, go back in the morning and come back to my home at night. i can go ur mum's place to visit u and bb when u all are back! keke lmk k... pm me to exchange mobile number *_o

treestar : I'm at Room 306... hahah ! A few door away from you only... I'm soooooo "Heng!" to have 4-bedded lo... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I thought not enough bed can upgrade but arrgghh ! Just nice got bed.. kns ! Lol... and when the day i discharge , the room is empty lo.. sian... lol !

hi jazz, i'm also in my week 39 this week, my gynae said better to wait till week 41 then induce... but also think most importantly. we have to monitor if our baby is moving and cant wait till we induce/naturally pop..

rachel, we still can order pupsik sling? i ordered the spray, since it's cancelled, thinking of topping up to order the sling and milkmaid. does the milkmaid taste nice? Hee..

Gathering in the west. Count in me if ther's any!

I found a lump in my breast today. Very painful. Tried pumping, using hand to massage n express, donuts, hot towel.. still no use [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

And I can only start my massage in April, so ML is out too.

Any other suggestion that I can try?

It's painful tt I hv no appetite at all today. Sianz...

Milktea- e lump is cause by milk flowing to ur armpit.. Wat my ml told me is that when u sleep, must ensure that ur shoulder n above is elevated .. Is by pillow so that e milk wun flow down..

Lilprecious- saw ur fb pic on ur Ebm i salivate sia.. So much Loh!!! Envy dao siao!!

Allets, I massaged as hard as I could le.. really very painful.

Ltr I will try use hot water to clean body n shun bian massage.

Sigh. No milk also prob, got milk also prob.

Sibei problematic loh..

Hi mummies! I would like to seek advise on bb's immunisation.

Are u going for the FOC injections at polyclinics (1-by-1 jab) or going elsewhere (e.g. GP/PD)? If going GP/PD for those 5-in-1/6-in-1, how much is it?

Yesterday, me and hubby successfully brought out the bb for his full-mth gathering at my in-laws' place. Really garang-garbo... brot out the pump, wipes, diapers, mat, everything! Used pupsik to carry baby, but somehow the bb's head propped fwd and his chin was very close to his chest, machiam very uncomfortable, sigh.. wonder is that the right way to use the pupsik.

Hi all,

Was panic this morning cos of show & lower backache. Just back from clinic. Was a false alarm. So sian... have to wait for more frequent contraction/water bag burst.

Anyway, guess hav to go back to work tmr & wait till my next appt on fri. Haizzz!

angelia: wow... the 4-bedded in tmc is in such short supply, i haven't known anybody who can get it leh...!! u really "heng" but nvm only stay2 days so nvm lah...

The nurse told me 14-march got less birth... so maybe that's y alot rm available.

my clinic book a 4-bedded but i got a free upgrade to 2 bedded leh... then my hubby decide to change to 1-bedded cos my 2 boys wanna to camp in...

I think ur room is opposite mine... =)



meetup depend where, then i can decide... if east, most likely joinin.


me also got the 4bedded lor.. also the last bed when i got in....

but i got the "biggest" one.. bside the toilet with the window.. at least got more space for family to sit ard. =)

