(2011/03) Mar 2011

Bubblypig09: hmmm, don get too upset ya, like u said u still haf the whole confinement w yr CL..maybe try communicating more w her? Like wad 2Ks suggested, u can actually gif abit fm if supply nt in.. Y don u try one full pump n see how much u get frm both boobs.. Den mayb u can judge if ur total supply is enuf for bb.. Some bb r bigger eaters, they need more milk, If really nt enuf, u can supplement w fm, but still gif wadever bm u haf, Slowly yr supply will increase to satisfy yr bb, den u wldnt need fm.. 2Ks is right, rest is v v v impt, esp when there's extra help at hm.. Try rest as much as possible, cos once no extra help, it'll b jus bb n u, ya.. Jia you!! U can do it!!

Summers mommy: yippie! N more milk will b flowing in in no time! Keke..

Tres: yr turn today?? Jia Youuuuu!!!

Won_mummy: I see, mayb the wind is causing her to feel uncomfy..Do some massage on her tummy! Mmm, if it's really the case tt she slps better w fm,

maybe u can try giving a lil more fr bm n see if she finishes, if she doesnt means she had enuf, but if she does, maybe she

needs a lil more bm to satisfy her n make her slp nicely.. =))

2Ks n pixie: I'm still like 12kg away frm my prepre pregnancy weight!!!! Boooo


Pixie: ya la... I give bottle of bm too (if hv) so At least can rest la.. Otherwise no chance to rest after cl left.. U still got to send x1 to school.. Got wear cardi out or not? Must wrap yourself properly. Now kyler 100% taken care by my Hubby.. Until he dun even want me to hug.. Do sad

lilprecious : i'll ask him bout u later

audrey : thanks, i'll ask gynae later. hope nothing serious

lailai : gynae never did ve to me, it just dry up suddenly

still waiting for my gynae. i gained 200gr, hope my baby also gaining


Today hb go work liao so i sending x1to cc n later fetching him. I no wear cardi lah just my top n a pair of shorts lol

Nowadays i 50-50 latch n bottle feed. Trying for more latching but seems like spending more time as compared to more bottle feeding...hmmmmm


Hope ur bb gaining weigh leh ok!! Jiayou!! U got eat durians or not? Hehe

hi ladies,

thank you all for your encouragement! i guess due to lack of rest and slp, and also the pain from my csect wound, urgh.. felt so lousy lousy lousy!!!

if not for you ladies, i would really have gone crazy n kuku!!!

for mommies who went thru csect,

do you still have lochia? mine stopped yesterday... but i realised today i'm bleeding again... not sure if that's normal wor...

Jaster, I had csect too.... it'll b 3wks since I giv birth n I still have lochia too... mine only come a bit a bit everyday, dunno when then will finish....

Pixie: better cover up properly cos wait 进 风. Not good leh.

I also find latching take me alot of time but I m still doing both cos need latching to ask the milk faster come Ma..

Somemore my this boy huh latch so long one.. Refused to let go..

Jaster: have u been moving alot lately as in walking, bend up and down? If yes that might be why lochia back..

I spent most of my time lying on the bed.. Sofa also didn't sit much..

Thnks Angelina! =)) I rec yr wadsapp le! Hurhur.. Hw's bb?

Jaster: I had normal delivery, mine also stopped the day before but suddenly returned ytd n today.. =s think it's normal bah..

2Ks: I din rest in bed alot cos my Jav still wan me to play w him.. I rest more on sofa this round.. =S jus sit n watch tv /DVD while I play w him.. Think Kyler maybe stick more to daddy since u busy w lil one nw with all feedings n stuff.. Jav is always running arnd the house taking this n tt.. N sometimes jus gotta follow him esp when my CL is cooking or bathing, if nt I'm really scared he'll go n disturb didi.. I really don dare think when my CL goes hm!!!! =S

lilprecious, my gal will be home for the whole of next month, pulled her out frm cc. I'm also scare of the 'struggle' at home, and like u, i dare not leave the 2 of them alone. haha. She can be quite rough with her little bro also...

zenia, lilprecious...

ahh.. okie! i tot there's some infection going on in there! yikes... i need to get more painkillers from my gynae... =( darn painful... maybe cos i've been climbing up and down the stairs... sian...


dun worry! =) take a step at a time yeah? like how you all have been encouraging each other, you too must jia you wor! hugs!!!

Chen: ya lo.. Guess at their age, they don really und much yet too.. But Jav always tries to love his didi n kiss him.. But sometimes he's so playful he actually forgot abt it n will tend to b a lil rough..

Jaster: thanks! Hee. I will try my v v best.... Oh my, u shudnt go up n dwn the stairs leh.. Esp u csec gt scar.. Rest rest rest ya!


ah! so good... i didn't get to rest in bed!!! maybe that's why i'm so darn cranky lah..


oh oh! too late.. i've been climbing up and down like for 1 whole week liao leh!!! my sterilizer all in the kitchen... bb slping upstairs leh...

Congrats to Straylamb and Sunesis..

XIFEIZHU--ai yo I oso leh..cervic oso closed leh..if induce--50.50 chance ..

LIMLIM- I took new maid to singapore but ex UAE . she has not been to Singapore before ....we shortlist 3 for interview..oni manage to interview 2.. dont be surprise even Filo they say they can speak good English, but when interview, they cant seem to hear our accent..so I tin Indo would be worse..

start up fee is 1K and covers a number of tins like bond insurance etc....but dont have the details, with hubby..need to write post dated cheques to agent for ist 6 mths..

salary is about 350 to 370 as per the old rate..but if you do not wan her to go out, pay her 25 bucks to compensate her..but most would prefer not to have 25 bucks cos wanna have off day..I dont really mind cos maids are oso human beings, need communication w exterior world..

You can go to the one in Orchard branch and lok for Adeline I tin..( from what Belinda say)..she went to the Orchard one..I went West branch though..most impt, they got new Biodata for you to choose and do interview..you can jus check it out w your hubby since he is the one who wants maid ...and go see lok before this mth ends and then see if really wan maid..

VALERIE--ok..will check..

Congrats to Straylamb and Sunesis..

XIFEIZHU--ai yo I oso leh..cervic oso closed leh..if induce--50.50 chance ..

LIMLIM- I took new maid to singapore but ex UAE . she has not been to Singapore before ....we shortlist 3 for interview..oni manage to interview 2.. dont be surprise even Filo they say they can speak good English, but when interview, they cant seem to hear our accent..so I tin Indo would be worse..

start up fee is 1K and covers a number of tins like bond insurance etc....but dont have the details, with hubby..need to write post dated cheques to agent for ist 6 mths..

salary is about 350 to 370 as per the old rate..but if you do not wan her to go out, pay her 25 bucks to compensate her..but most would prefer not to have 25 bucks cos wanna have off day..I dont really mind cos maids are oso human beings, need communication w exterior world..

You can go to the one in Orchard branch and lok for Adeline I tin..( from what Belinda say)..she went to the Orchard one..I went West branch though..most impt, they got new Biodata for you to choose and do interview..you can jus check it out w your hubby since he is the one who wants maid ...and go see lok before this mth ends and then see if really wan maid..

VALERIE--ok..will check..

recently i have some yellow discharge, does it mean its soon.... cannot wait. so heavy and always feel so hot... hahaha

starfruit: thank u very much!

summer: lucky u msg me in FB =pppp

Jazz: i also cannot wait leh.. but i've been having discharge for the longest time =.=''

2ks: i love ur advise la... i feel so relax whenever i see u say something.

Tres: good luck!!!

Hi hi..... The leakage like stopped Liao... So now @ home to wait n see lor......

Mine is colorless leh... So maybe it's not??? Will see!

Argh... Baby very sleepy... Din manage to latch her the whole day... Feeling bad... Plus sore nipples... Lactation nurse drop by to teach me how to massage but bb was sent for injection...

Hope my bb can come back soon & start latching. Machiam history repeating... My first gal oso day 2 so sleepy can't latch & in e end haf a hard time bfing...

Feeling stress...

Lilprecious/Chen: it's good that kyler is away to full day cc while I m having confinement or maternity leave lor.. At least I can rest more and divert more attention on my moo moo career.. I think plus kyler throwing tantrum nowadays, I can't cope alone...

So Bo Bian got to let him stick to daddy lor.. I will double up my love for him when I recover and build up my body

2ks, i only pulled her out for a month. Trying to bond the both of them, but think it's hard to cope. And yes, my gal throwing lots tanturms these days too... sigh!

mummies who are bfing, jia you...its not easy endure...

first time mummies jia you.. i know the stress from mom.mil,cl when they say no milk....more stress = less milk.. i have experience that.. like wat they say... rest and be happy then u will produce more...

after this pregnancy, i really give up having 1 more liao.... all along i wanted a boy then with this second gal, i tot i wanna try for dragon boy next year... but this confinement this time makes me forgo the idea.. just 2 weeks from my gal birth she has been going to the polyclinic 4 times liao and draw the blood for jaundice test 4 times and did cleaning for her swollen umbilical cord...she has to go again on next mon and fri.... so sian man.. and each wait is like 1-2 hours... damn irritating........

i also give up bfing liao... this pregnancy proves too much for my body to take it... bad eczema outbreak until i have to be on steriods for 3 weeks.. totally cant give bm to bb and lately i went to toilet and found that i smell so bad the smell like ammonia gas so called my gynae but the nurse say lochia is like that one.. but when i go polyclinic do the urine test.. i got urinal infection.. again on another antibiotic again and have to finish the course.. sigh....

this confinement makes me run here run there also so many medication to eat too... "_"

Oh i bought some bravado nursing bras from Rach... Guess not using liao.. anyone interested? can sell cheaper...size L and XL...

Hi mummies... Hmmm.. have been M.I.A for 1day le... Still check on Forum but been a quiet reader for a day...Cause don't really feel well... :/

First of all.. thanks those mummies who have been there to reply my problems and those that have sms/whatsapp me... Really love you girls and the forum.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Now i have another problems..

1 : Recently keep on off having menses cramp but still managable.. Is it my body preparing ?

2 : Heartburn is back again.. feel sooo xinku on the chest area... =/

3 : Having discharge again.. Stopped while but now seem like coming back..

4 : I also keep feeling the pressure on my meimei.. And i tend to feel that my cervix opening bit by bit... Normal ?

sorry for sooo much questions.. Forum really is a place for all my questions.. =/

Anyway, Congrat Straylamb, Sunesis and those who just popped... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies!!

Busy day at work couple with meetings...

Confirmed gg on leave starting 16th March 2011. so that 3 more working days for me... so happy!!

More or less confirm to do induce on the 16th as per gynae's advice... anyway already full term, dun wanna drag... this weekend got to sweet-talk to BB to help me le...

Congrats Sunesis!!

cynthia - since your gynae is call Dr Adrian and from TMC also, then you better check with him... cos Dr Ang only mention Dr Adrian to be away next week but did not specify on the dates....

lailai - I also did my hair cut, eyebrow trimming and no color pedi yday so shiok.... as for my fingers, think will just cut and buff the nails myself... had a decaf cuppuccino at Coffee Bean yday... wonderful cos been craving for it for months liao...

starfruit - Praying very hard inducing will work on me cos I dun wanna c-sect if possible... my colleague today tell me that massaging the breast will also help trigger contraction... she say she did it for her #1, the day she massage her breast her waterbag burst and she was already 5cm dilated when admitted... I think I will try it next week hehe...


Oh I ask my gynae he around next week he say yes. But seeing him early on 16march. Sakali he is away from 16! Haha. He better not man

Chen .. U pulling out #1 temporary or for good ?

I had # 1 for one day I already Peng .. Kinda of happy he is at school then terrorizog the mei mei ... Coz cannot leave them alone ... The kor kor sayang very rough .. Then wanna pinch nose, pinch cheeks .. Faintz lor ...

Lilprecious .. Smuggle coz my mum don't know mar

I wnt put to do some official stuff ie can go Thn on the way bk detour to harbor front lor ..

wah tmr my massage lady lai liao....heng ahhhhh

i now still hunting for lunch tingkat...jialatz dunno how since jessie no cater lunch for west side...

starfruit - yup massaging breast and sex will help...I also feel like no mood... massage breast still can try but sex... erm... bb head is low liao I duno if I shld try but gynae advice to do it leh...

Angelia .. To me mayb nt time yet .. But best just call the gynae nurse to verify

U tell them the symptoms then they will advise

The cramp If not regular interval is false contraction

Unless it's get more regular then it's actual but stil got time to pk n make ur way unless water bag burst

Then fast fast go

Pressure is normal coz the head descending downwards

Jaime : Icic ~ I think is false contraction too.. That's why i never do anything about it.. But my discharge suddenly come back, is it normal ar ?

If discharge does not have blood , could b mucous plug dislodging. Tt one can means delivery is anytime now til 2 weeks time. Some have some pink stain

Mucuous plug u google it's normally thicker than normal discharge

Valerie: really?? Hahaha.. Thanks for the compliment.. I went thru alot and seen alot la so I try my best to understand..

Hope my advice really helps...maybe not useful at all too

Jaster: I almost wanted to pm u to call me when u hv problems leh... Cos I foresee u be having prob after cl left or something... Take care ya anything just give us a shout here..

Rach: yeah yeah... I been lying on bed most of the time... Damn guai right.. Laptop also seldom on cos need to sit Ma.. Everything associated with bb I let cl handle.. When latch she bring over, finish I call her to bring back.. Damn nua

Tan: how about pumping and throw away? Then after finished all the medicine and recover le still can continue bf? Better than nothing..

Jaime: kyler is going back to his old Skool, he can't cope in new school, dream also said no no no... Plus now got didi around we find that his character abit guai guai de.. So hub said he want his cheerful boy back so he putting back to old school..

At least can hv peace of mind... Over estimate kyler tot he can but yet he can't.

When he at IFC, the teachers taught him how to sayang bb, so far he quite gentle with didi la... Hope it remains this way

Jazz: yup drink coconut hor... I find my boy quite clean and his face also no spots or something..

Ya la cl is used like that.. But first time mummies usually want to get involved more de.. That's why they didn't hv sufficent rest.. The involvement plus bf plus pumping is very tough for some mummies..

Jaime : Actually, my mucus plug already drop out like 1week before liao.. =/ heee ! i did google about Mucus plug come off liao still can tahan till another 2week plus than give birth de.. so i not very kanjiong about it.. but i see my discharge now, i start to get alittle worry.. =/

Halow mummies, finally come in Liao.. Sigh since baby born on tue morning til now, everything is like rush rush rush. Now all I felt is bruised aching n pain. Arms aching, back aching, hands suan suan, neck aching, feet both swollen after delivery, breasts both blue black bruise due to hard massage as lactation nurse say got lump inside so need hard massage to clear. Waa I tell u I felt like banging my head against wall each time massage..

Now everyday routine is massage, latch then rest half hr to one hr then massage again then pump.. Waa like tat one cycle already took mi like 3-4 hrs Liao then likely need to continue another cycle Liao..

Wah Angelia, so good! I think you will be much earlier than me wor!

Jazz, I also drank 1 coconut only. I'm aiming to drink 1 more this weekend. I think 2 should be enough? I didn't finish all anyway.


jaime, i'm pulling my gal out for apr only. After which, she goes back in May. actually, i think i could have underestimated myself, think cant handle, but will try la. My gal is super sticky now...

Tan, sorry to hear u've a tiring confinement. If by not bf can take away yr stress and pressure, let it be la. All will be well soon... I was down with 4 days of fever last week, almost gave up bf too. U have any M size bravado? I wouldn mind if u've M.

