(2011/03) Mar 2011


dr simon is the very quiet type right? think i had him for the first one.

dr ong assign me another pd. cannot recall his name.


Sinmey: hrs also 120ml for 2hrs feed? My bm supply barely can make it leh... Fbm left 1 bottle. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] must rest more to increase it.

Yeap...I also took chicken and eggs after 12 days. I'm 3 weeks already. So can eat...

Got mil to do confinement. So a bit diff to prep cooked food in morning. She very busy with bb, and prep lunch and red dates tea. So breakfast make it simple.

Actually I find mummy must have enough rest to have bm. If i rest enuff, my supply will increase. So mummies, have more fluid and rest more if possible.

Congrats to MIlktea/ Bb Bride..

2Ks- hope everytin is ok for the Cl le...should wk out de..

RACH-蔡汶蒽 ..dont like yan this word ...as for the xin tin or wat, i din seem to see this in the fortune book..hmm..

So who else is popping today..?..hahah

hehe.. the xin word i also heard from colleague one.. so its not accurate lah.. then i have more words to consider for my bb's name liao.. yeah! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hmm.. first 12 days cannot eat chicken and eggs.. noted! are there other restrictions?

Ahbui, yalor. My mil said boy tend to drink more. Dunno how true. But he borned small, so as long as he wan to drink, I die die also squeeZe for him de lar.. I very lazy , initially tot got ample so drag the pumping time to 6-7 hrs. Now I shorten back to 5 hrs to increase the supply. But still think I gt more for 6 hr. Maybe neh neh season Liao. I must dicipline to pump 5 hrly so that brain will tell neh neh to produce more. Very Siong... 120ml every 2 hrs.

Esnow, chicken n egg will cause wound infection. Unless u 'dun' have tear else better start after day 12. Same goes to the vinegar trotter too. Eat too early will cause more lochia n some said over bleed....

Summermommy & lailai, okie.. Noted.. I see Gynae le then see how's his advise ba.. But my normal diet, I eat alot veg.. But seems this month confinement, we not allow to eat too much veg.. I very xinku lor... All meat eat until I very sian...

2ks, now my milk is white white already... I usually use elec pump to pump first then follow by manual de.. Then each side two times till my breast put two hands up coz Reli no more milk already... Then I give up n transfer to bottle n measure.. 1oz only.. Haha....


My #1 is a boy & I agree that boys tend to drink more. Cos my supply was never enough to keep up with his demands. Compared to my friends who had girls, even though we pumped the same amount, they still had excess BM. :p


me too.. i eat all the meat/kidney etc until sian.. I only in my first wk of confinement.. long way more. i also try to eat more vege n fruits. Can still eat jus tat selective fruits n vege. Those fruits/vege tat got "wind" cannot eat only.

haha u say u pump until ur boobs surrender! so farnie! I also double pump.. until dry dry.. dun wanna waste ma.. lol

jazz : mine is at mt.e tom is my appt. will strap to ctg belt. if im not wrong ur edd is same like mine, 26th of march? but i'll delivert at mt.e not mt.a . is there any changes to ur edd?

my pd is my #1 pd, shes from mt.e also


ya mine is at mt A. Doc ong shld be earlier.. what about u? Strap to ctg belt? why?

cos my no 1 also early. I hope to deliver soon. Very tiring.

hi mummies,

been absent from this thread for almost 2 days..

yesh, i have given birth this morning at 10plus am to my princess, Janelle Chew.. She weighs 2.94kg.. did it natural+epidural+vacuum..

here's my birth story:


2pm - scheduled for gynae's appt for induction

.. lost 700g in 3 days and was put on ctg.. gynae checked, 2cm dilated (sat was only 0cm!).. was still contemplating if i should induce or csect cos i dun wan the scenerio of having to incur 2 cost.. but gynae suggested i try natural, even though she said 50-50 chance only.. so, decided to go do it naturally and even prepared to incur double cost..

3pm - pill for induction inserted.. put on ctg for half hour and asked to go home.. to admin myself to tmc at 12 midnight..

5plus - started to feel uncomfortable feeling down under.. super sng and cant stand long.. even lying on the bed was so uncomfortable!

7pm-10plus pm - knowing what contraction feels like (cos it's not whole stomach, just at the bottom got cramp), continued to stay at home.. the contraction was already like 15 mins apart..

1115pm -=slowly made our way to tmc.. than, contraction was 5 mins apart..

1130pm - arrived at tmc.. supposed to go direct to ward, but when told admission counter i got contraction, was admitted direct to labour ward..

1145pm-labour ward check, still 2-3cm dilated..

1230am - gynae happened to be around for another delivery, so came over to check n decided to break my waterbag.. the contraction was now super frequent n uncomfortable.. gynae confirmed dilation is at 3cm.. already told labour ward i want epi! cos really unbearable liao!

1am - ennema insert to make me go poo..

1.57am - finally epidural administer! (dunno why they took so long!)

2.02am - epi administered.. shivering badly..

2.28am - finally used to epi and shivering kind of stopped..

3am - 6am - with epidural, was in heaven cos no feeling at all!!! i love happy-dural!

6am - nurse did VE again.. still 4cm. by than already telling my hb to standby cos might just go for csect since dilation not progressing..

6.10am - second round of induction administered.. this time was put on induction drip.. was super tired by than.. so managed to doze in and out of sleepyland..

7.51am - nurse VE me again! this time round 9cm dilated! whoa, super happy loh.. at least dun need csect due to not dilating.. but keep on having the "wan to shit" feeling.. sotong me even asked nurse should give ennema again to poo.. nurse tell me that is bb trying to go down..

9am - finally buay lun, tell nurse i wan to push! so started pushing.. gynae came to check, she said natural no prob! (double assurance of dun need incur cost for emergency csect)!

9am - 1030am - push and push.. think got almost 30 sets of pushes.. nurse said can see bb hair liao.. but i told her i no strength liao.. she contact gynae asked her to come down.. gynae came not long later, see me so tired n have been pushing for almost 1.5hours, will assist me.. so she said will help me with vacuum.. bb out latest by 1038am

1037 i think - next contraction, i push with all my might while she vacuum bb out.. gosh, the feeling is super pain loh, like something kana pulled out by force..

1039am - finally, bb Janelle was out and was placed on my stomach! what a relief!! cried abit cos finally it's over.. gynae said i got natural tear n she stitched me up.. than, still experience pain.. she give me painkiller.. tried latching bb but she not interested..

now back at normal ward, super shag from the labour.. entertained some visiotrs and finally they left.. it's time for me to rest liao before they send bb to me again to latch on...

after thoughts - was glad that i tried natural.. even though only managed to get bb out with some help, but i am glad that i tried natural and not gave in to csect!!

Jaime> that's why ur baby still swimming in rompers... Mine in 0-3 of cuz just nice la...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Winniethepooh> according to my CL, herbs, chicken, eggs, tonic, brandy, pig trotters vinegar all after 12 days...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jazz : last week i checked, baby wasnt gaining at weight. so maybe i'll induce out. but see how tom

when is ur next aapt?

allets : congrats !!! lucky u didnt give in to c-sect. congrats again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sinmey: u hvenof for your boy? Mine struggling. He is clearing my stock at super fast speed until by Tmr night I think must gv one time fm Liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Heng Hb still encourage me ask me to continue on bm n don't gv up.

I find I hv abt same amt of bm as during my #1 but this boy sure can drink. If I latch he can clear 2 sides n 30 mins later drink another 100ml then happily z. Thinking of bottle-feeding him to know exactly how much he drink for 1 day.

Allets> hahahahaa congrats!! All ur worries, concerns, Questions have now been answered liaoz...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jiayou on ur moo moo career!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

2ks, painful man. The lactation consultation came massage breast I felt like banging head to e wall. Wat other ways huh to clear e lumps in breast? I tried pump but lump stil don't get smaller. Tried lacting, stil e same. Heartache each time baby cried so much n giv in to feeding him w fm via cup feed

Jazz> yah Dr Simon abit quiet but ok la... I've yet to call Yishun PD And ask their jab cost again.. Dr Simon no package leh... Yishun PD got package I'll compare see which one cheaper and cab fares to n fro..

Think Yishun would still be more worth it... Hehehe

Babybride: dun force yourself on the pumping.. It not good to your breasts, Painful la...

I used super hot water and hanky to hot comPress mybreast and can c droplets of milk

I also suffering from engorgement... So bad that I feel feverish... So I increase my pump and latch frequency..

My ml only coming on sat so got to bear the pain

Piang my kiefer also appetite big man... I can't catch up with his demand!! But surprisingly this time milk comes in faster, but engorgement also comes faster leh!!

Hi mummies.. the thread is running fast..

so tired BF nite and day. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

any mummies know if this is true?

we only drink minimal confinement tea?

so sick of my hair, so smelly..v buay tahan. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Congrats Allets!

Jazz2: Jus don take cold n cooling fruits shud b ok.. I take non cold apples or even grapes at times n strawberries.. =)

Angelina: do update us ya, see wad doc ong says..

Eh Limlim, u at taka also.. I still went to check the Graco for u! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Nothing much at the fair tho.. Got some huggies n breast shells. Now getting my hair cut!

Saw Gynae earlier, having mild contractions at 50s range n baby is 2.8kg.. All set for my csect on Monday!!

Jazz, that will b my baby's pd for my delivery too cuz my usual pd is on leave n this is his cousin. I've heard she's gd.. Lots of my friends kids see her.

Hi pinkpink,

I'll be warded on Mon for my c-section at TMC... how about u?

Hi Sunesis,

Dr Woo schedule mine cos mine is c-section... no choice cos previous 2 times emergency c-sect =(... so 3rd time must c-sect... think u must have pop already.. congrats n rest well =)


Congratualation to arrival of ur new bundle of joy

congrats allets! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my gynae also told me the same thing. csect and natural is 50-50 chance.. is that their standard answer to us? I also hope to be like you.. can do natural successfully. Rest well and have a nice moomoo journey..

Haha.. I forgot to go to the BB fair... scatterbrains..tsk tsk..

Lilprecious> pls dun take grapes and strawberries...

Grapes, honeydew, watermelon causes asthma, bronchitis as long as u are BF.. These are all cold fruits...

My ML is here now and I asked her...

Only APPLES allowed as long as u are BF...

no good for the baby who's taking the BM...

So I guess I can only stock up apples from

Now on...

Potatoes also cannot during confinement & BF times..

Will cause mothers to have arthritis & rheumatism n babies to have colic..

Corn also can't...

Hi pinkpink...

wat time is ur schedule c-section?

GA or epi?

I was originally opting Mt A, but last min change to TMC cos thinking all trying out different hospital for all my 3 kids ... keke


I thought grapes n honeydew i heaty fruits?

Only know that grapes is a no-no especially if u have cough... will cause u to cough more...

Treestar: 1230... So I'll check in ard 930 after dropping my boy to playgroup. I'm quite nervous cuz didn't enjoy the recovery last time n had bad infection too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Aiya! Should haf picked Mt a! Then I got incentive to walk over to u! Lol

allets: congrats babe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sinmey: wah need so many huh... think u PM belinda because she needs it more now since she pop already.. thanks!! =D

so many fruits can't tk huh... tsk tsk.. recovery really not easy...

i'm so gouing to give up on bf-ing liao... the more i pump the lesser output i get... why???!!!??? and i dun get to spend time with my boy cos MIL is here to help out... sob sob... i see the way they take care of my boi i also very sAD...is it cos i'm a perfectionist and i want things to be done only the best for my child? and that i want it to be done my way?

i'm crying every now and then! i can't take it... i'm sulking... every time sulk... i know my parents and in laws are trying their very best to take care of me and bb... but... =( i'm tired... i hope to disappear...


limlim, how r u coping without ur CL? share share leh... my CL leaving on 19th Mar... so sad... i want her to take care of bb leh

