(2011/03) Mar 2011

i mean use the boiling water from those kettle, boil than pour into the food jar / shuttle chef, can my porridge still get cooked?

i want to cook when we go cruise. but no stove so thought if the water from those traveller kettle can do the trick, as least j dont need to have cereal .. bought the warako porridge but haven let her try,..

Allets: I have done that and it worked flr me. I put freshly booked water from travel kettle into tiger jar n seal for 10 min while I reboil e water. Then empty the jar n put in rice grains n boiled water again. 2-3hrs later: porridge!

i think Isetan Tiger food jar is cheaper coz no flask ba ... Taka one is with the small Flask so it's like $20 more exp.

I also cook the porridge with slow cooker on weekend. The reason y i wan the food jar is to make porridge during wkday.

Now, i just feed the cereal for Shay's dinner. Every nite cereal i make till i sian. And it seems not enough for him leh.

If i can soak the rice and prepare the ingredient(carrot/pumpkin/parboil meat) the nite before, boil the whole thing for abt 10-15 mins in the morning & pour into food jar is able to make Shay's porridge for dinner .. i dun mind buying leh ... I think the little secret is must warm the food jar b4 we pour the boiled stock+rice in right ? soak the rice also make it cook easily.

pinkypink...tt time i told my mum to try...fail lor..

so maybe if i boil the rice n water be better....try again lor...

my assistant ie my mum didnt manage to do it :p

pixie, 2ks...i saw my girl name mentioned..hahhaha...

but the amount of clothes that my girl has cannot compare to pinkypink one and bbrabit one for sure....sure lose!!!hahahahah

for me its pure joy just to buy kids stuff..

today went mother care got 30% of "hanger clothings"..bgt stuff again for the kids!!!!

ooh, heard Shay's coughing last nite during his sleep ...

and Tomorrow is the xmas party .. can i bring Shay ?

Don't want to spread the virus to the cutee Mar babies..

Hope his cough is recover .. by tomorrow .. haha

Can't wait to see all mummies & bb .. such a long long time since i last saw the bb .. now all like big boy/girl liao ..

Can the inner pot of the magic cooker be cooked using those induction cooker(non fire kind)

can the inner pot for the tiger magic cooker be use on induction cooker (those non fire kind)??


any idea

1) what type of beef to buy for stock for baby porridge? where to buy? our babies still cannot eat meat right? since got only bottom two small teeth??

2) how to cook it? what ingredients to add in to make the stock?

3) how to keep it and how long can i keep and how to thaw it for usage?

babybride: babies can eat meat le. No teeth also can chew. I just bought organic mince beef yest and cook it with porridge today. Tomorrow will make pasta with the beef.

You never read previous post about stocks, Lin Lee, 2ks and Pixie gave many diff combi for stocks and how to store. I suggest you scroll backz.

Cindy, can;t find you to FB!!!

Tomato puree is easy, dcut up tomatoes, put in chicken stock and blend after boiling for 15-20 mins. I do that for myself! but not sure if it will be too acidic for the bb??? what you think?

Thanks for the advise .. But ingredient is another headache . Can cook porridge w the thermal / shuttle chef . But wat ingredient ? Jar food maybe hor ... Cos if precook than store where ...

any mommies here want to let go their medela freestyle pump? pm me! i'm searching for one for my dear fren... she needs it cos hers ko on her liao!!!

A big thank you to all the mummies who organised the Xmas party! The party is very impressive and we had great fun and catching up! Really nice seeing all the babies again! They have really grown!

Agree with pink bubbles. It was a great party! Very impressive and really thank you so much to the organising committee for all the effort! Sorry that I was late in delivering the balloons 'cause was held up at a baby shower earlier. Missed out all the fun competitions! Haha...and yes! All of them have grown so much! Hope to see all of you again! =D

I missed the xmas bash!!!

Agrrrhhh... So sad... Gotta work and it was my grandma bday celebration in the evening...

HOpe there will be a march baby bash!!!

Will not miss that one for sure!!!!

Hope that is a march bday bash so my bb can play with lots of bb same Like him. I miss Xmas mash not going to miss another fun thing. I want my bb to know more friend so am I.

Ya, I agrees.. KUDOs to the organizers of the Xmas baby bash!! Really fun n good to see those babies again, they have all grown up !!!

Mummies... Can I ask when do we need to change the milk bottles ah?.

pink bubbles, pauline and tres! Glad that you all enjoyed the party.

Pauline: At least the balloons arrived. some kids and bb brought home, it made them happy. Thanks boymum for the sponsor.

Btw, photos are ready here, just register and view: http://sgeastphotography.zenfolio.com/f1052225700

Thanks to our photographer, swee shiong! He opened up the site, just so that we can download the pics FOC.

sgeastphotography - think best viewed in internet explorer.

I tried using Firefox to open ...but cannot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Chen and the commitee for organizing such a wonderful xmas bash for our babies!!! It was GREAT!!!

morning mummies!

wow! the party seems fun man! sad that i miss out ya!

so who is the best dressed? is it kayden?

best smile is chloe is it?

then who won the fastest diaper change and the crawling contest??

The party is great! The first time we are out for the whole day and bb didn't whine or cry at all. He really enjoyed himself. Thanks Karen and the organisers and sponsors for the party.

Lovely!! Thanks for the photos, the are nice!!!

Thanks again Karen!!

YOuare back 2Ks??? Yup, CHloe won the best smile, The other Chloe's dad (Audrey's) won the fast changing diaper contest!

Not too sure of the fastest crawling baby tho?

Best dressed was Kayden (for boy)and Blurjen's daughter (thusand sorry did not know the name!)

ya boi.. saw the pictures and i missed the gathering once again.. J was still suffering from stomach flu last sat and LSing so decided to quarantine her at home lest she spread the virus to other lovely babies.

will we be having another party soon ?

haha, i think the kids are the ones that enjoyed the most lah! There are so many toys to play with!! THey can play this toy for a while then see other bb playing, then crawl and grab from them! hhhaha.. the unspoken behaviour among the kids are so funny!! All kinda of the same kind...!

Just went to 9 month da. Baby ht increase abit wt by 1kg only. I think afternoon sleep not enough sometime been waken up by brother noise or outside noise. Head also abit. Poor didi

Okie, let me try to summarise, was busy running around to take note of winners:

Best Dressed Boy: Kayden (Mummy Hazel)

Best Dressed Girl: Vernice (Mummy Jen)

Best Smile Boy: Justus (Mummy Linna)

Best Smile Girl: Chloe (Mummy Tres)

Fastest Diaper changing daddy: Chloe (Mummy Audrey)

Got 2 more winners. I can't rem!

Top 3 crawlers:

1. Jareth (Mummy Karen)

Only rem mine, haha. Who are the other two?

And our grand lucky draw winner who walked away with the huge christmas hamper is Mummy Linna!!!


Chen & the xmas bash committees,

Great job mummies ...

so sad that i miss the fun .. Shay is unwell 'again'. Haiz ..

long episod and i'm soooo tire & drain out

ooh, i still have both the xmas gift waiting for exchange ... if any mummy wan to do the exchange.. haaa. Else, both of them will be having additional gift from mummy .. lol

