(2011/03) Mar 2011

presto, thanks! me cardholder too, in that case hopefully no long queues for payment. I wana get toys for my gal. hee.

pinky, thanks! Btw, I think hugo boss sale begins this thurs and Fri, issit?


Thanks Linda! =)

Going to register @ Rosyth instead of Mee Toh? Well, still have time ya. Mee Toh is still new in Punggol so naturally results will flutuate. Rosyth is good because of GEP. Their mainstream curriculum is quite normal actually.

Lailai- Mee toh is consider good in disclipine but since their principal left last month. so dun no how good is the new one.

and honestly- my boy has to struggle in higher chinese for 4 years which is quite tough

Somemore their affliated secondary sch is Manjursi...

Rosyth is good in term of study and CCA..

Bee n Chen: i dont tink im gonna do PV too..hahaha! actually, we tot if we r still staying in the same area, we will jus place him in one of the schs here.. jus my area here has gt 3 near pri schs.. n in the whole pasir ris.. think dere's total of 7 pri schs..

nw the prob is.. my pil asked abt it..n my hb told dem we jus gonna put Jav in the neighbourhood sch here.. guess wad my in laws said.. "huh! no la! neighbourhood sch is nt good at all..pls huh! don put him in neighbourhood sch.." cos we r catholics, they expect him to b in a all boys sch..which aint any nearer to us.. imagine i gotta pick n send him so far away.. n my #2 still in cc dwnstairs my hse.. hw to split..? so my hb told dem " too far.. too much a hassle to shuttle him here n dere.." n guess what my in laws said.." the only gd neighbourhood sch u can consider is Temasek.. " n again my hb said its totally out of the way.. den! they said "no wad.. near to us, u put Jav at our hse la den u don need come n fetch him.. u only come n pick him up over wkends.." .....

aft i heard this, i dono wad to say. i told my hb "yr mum n dad v cute hor? say neighbourhood sch nt good at all.. don they noe i was frm neighbourhood sch all e way to sec sch?"...fuminnnggggg... so jus wanted to share this n ask, wad's yr opinions abt neighbourhood schs and 'famous' schs (eg,Temasek, CHIJ, St Stephens n e rest?)

Linda, thanks! Will find a day go there walk walk see see during lunch. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

PrestoRabb, wat design u thinkg of? i wanted to show and discuss w hubby yesterday nite to get him more involved in baby stuff..in the end, i dozed off on sofa before 10pm..sigh..

tks mummies - haiz. maybe either e auntie or my MIL wanna earn a bit lor. so i will make good use of e DOM, drink till not a single drip left to make our $ worth....lol

Angelia: hi! and tink im nt the one planning.. think my PIL more gan jiong den ever..sigh.

Linda: yup, get wad u mean in planning earlier.. but is dere really a v great difference in famous and neighbourhood sch? i mean, seriously speaking.. the ultimate results still up to the own child if he/she willing to put in effort n study.. am i right? =P

milk formula: think im still gonna gif my younger one Wakodo FM cos its the nearest taste to BM..=D

Linda, ya I know. Mee Toh principal has retired. She's a nice lady. =)

Jes, now hard to say but I agree that u need to plan early. Sch performance depends greatly on leadership & nowadays, principals come n go in 5-7 years' time. =)

Angelia: oh my.. let them plan.. i tink i don haf anymore rights. hahahahaa

Lailai: yup, agree in planning early.. jus feel neighbourhood sch can do well too.. tink so? hehehee

Won_mummy, I also thinking of just using the passed down de first, but hor, this Prestorabb temp me loh. Hahahaa..

I was telling her, it's like when we go shopping, Hubby will go: Hmm.. should we get a new one for baby blablabla..

Then I will go: Don't want lah, we have a passed down one liao.

Then back at home when I see good deals online esp this thread (hahaha!!): I will go: Hubby you see this, cheap and pretty! Should we get a new baby cot, then he will said: we used the passed down one until dun wan liao then buy loh.

Dun noe why but it's so funny to me whenever I recall our conversation. Hahaa..

Jes, Wakodo FM, Japan brand ah?

First time I heard of it. I thinking of going all out to give BM, so I haven think of what FM for baby leh...

Jes, ya depends on which neighborhood schs u r talking abt. Some like Northland Pri, Bt Panjang pri & South View Pri are pretty hot neighbourhood schs coz of their gd PSLE results.

OH MY! i jus realised... i've been using my past username for the last few posts!! hahahahahaaha

sorrryyyy... Jes is me! wahaha..

Angelia: ya lo.. sigh sigh... dey nvr listen one..

Milktea: yup, jap FM.. cos Jav tried similac, nan, friso.. but everytime he drinks, he'll end up with lotsa phlegm.. then i heard of this brand dat its v near to BM, so i decided to try.. n ohhlalala! Jav gt no more phlegmy prob.. n so he has been using it eversince..=P

Jes, I would think how well a child does in neighbourhood or 'famous' schs for a pri kid depends very much on one's family background. How much involvement parents are towards the child's education and well-being. Pri kid needs some supervision after all.

Hmm, not sure how would I plan for my child when it's her time for school, but I prefer her to go into a good school, if possible. In case there's disappointment, neighbourhood sch also ok la, at most spend more time with her studies and knowing her friends perhaps. I believe peer influence is very important, esp true during sec sch...

lilprecious, so jes is you!!! I was thinking, why the topic was so related to what u asked, but a random reply...

I am not the only one who is concern on primary school now, I live in the north side, so I was looking at Chong Fu Primary...in Yishun.

Hey Rach, you can consider this primary school too.

Chen: hahahaha! ya, i din realised till jus nw abt my nick.. HAHAAHAHA!...

hmmm, i totally agree w u abt the supervision part leh! dats y im thinking if im to plc in my laws care, which they said.. i don think they will supervise Jav also. =\ dats y tink i rather he study near us, can pick him up n i can supervise him..teehehee

milktea - i understand. cos 1st time mum/dad. of cos would like to buy new things for our newborn. haha. if ur finances allow, then go ahead since u might plan for no. 2 or 3? can pass down, so not wasted. but if in terms of space at home, etc, i thought maybe playpen more practical. at least u have a bb cot n playpen to choose from.

fangfang - u finally appear! hmm. can't PM u as u din allow. this sat mj onz or not? angelia cfm le. think pixel as well? how abt u? PM me k? so that we can exchange contact n i provide u w e add.

pixel - this sat 9.30pm MJ still on right?

lilprecious, ya, that's why most mums become SAHM after their child enters P1. Really gotta spend time with them, build their well being, balance their studies and play. Plan for a school that u're comfortable ba...

Linda, I'm using similac for my gal, will use it for #2 too, once I stop bf.

milktea: u still need to standby a tin of FM, cos depending on individual, some need 3 days for milk to come in, some need 5-7 days...

hospital do give some free samples...but from what i see previously my friends one, the free samples not enough, so eventually they still need to use FM...

but of cos, also up to individual, u can wait until u finished the samples, really not enough BM, then go buy FM...also can..

but i will standby a small tin, i dun want kalang kabok then la..

lilprecious: wakodo FM so ex de!


yes still on....why? u cannot make it ah?

i even some "rules" oredi forgotten liao...shucks i need a refresher course

2Ks: ya lo!! But no choice leh... U imagine Jav went to tuina dono hw many times per month... Until I wanna go broke soon. Hahahha. So we decided, to let him drink

more ex milk n haf no phlegm.. Or drink cheaper but haf lotsa phlegm n keep going doc.. Hahaha, so no choice lo.. High maintainence Jav.. =X nw I'm still using.. 800g for $42.. Killer price.. =S

mummies - if we buy a small tin to store, how long can we keep e FM? so long as we dont open it can le right? iszit that if we can successfully BM for 6mths means that small tin wasted? cos 2nd range is 6mths onwards? diff type to drink already?

pixie - yes still on. already inform e 'den' owners on 3 mummies coming. haha. but seldom see fangfang appear n we haven exchange contacts. worry we short of 1 leg.


huh really ah...wah if short of 1 leg i will be very sad....

actually for FM, usually got expiry date, can keep one lar...dont open can liao...

like what some mummies said....if need fm then go n buy lor. its always ez to get fm everywhere....no need to standby

won_mummy, after u open, need to consume within 3 or 6mths, can't rem liao, written on milk packaging. My supply came in after 5 days, so i wasted the unfinished tin of fm after supply comes. If possible, I will try to ask for as many bottles of milk samples from TMC upon check out. If the samples can't sustain till my bm comes, then will get hub to go buy fm. Usually newborn no free sample tin, sian...

won mummy: it is advised to keep opened milk for one month only..otherwise will become lumpy..

but i ever use more than one month, ok leh...no prob.

erm...small tin hor...if BM havent come in, it will finish quite fast, but if half supplement, think about 2 weeks should finish le...

babies drink roughly 2-3 hours

chen: my milk slow leh...i managed to finish the tin of FM...small one la..

anyway cos also midnight feed i gave FM, faster and also mummy lazy..LOL

2Ks, me thinking if supply will kick in faster for 2nd time mums, hopefully faster this time. No milk, quite stress one lei. When supply comes, i need to night feed, else breasts super engorged lei. hee.

I only bought when the doctor said that my #1 wasn't gaining weight...and the nurse took her weight wrong!! But yeah it's pretty easy to get FM, so many shops open till late and some even 24 hours.

Anyways, I got Similac and then switched to Enfalac (whatever it's called for below 6mths). I had issues breast feeding so giving FM off and on till my supply came in @ 3 mths really helped.

Morning ALL!!

Its always relaxing to come in here to read up on the posts... an escape from boss and work hehe...

Met up with my CL on Sunday... found her pleasant and easy to talk to so hopefully everything will turn out well...

I have booked my post natal massage, am I too late?

Regarding FM, even thou BF, my colleague advise to buy a small tin to standby... I planning to buy Enfapro...


ask u all the DOM is to drink directly or to cook in confinement food? i dont have confinemt lady so asking u all...

chen: i will still standby a small tin of FM lor...

i dont wake up in the middle of the night to pump...i train my breasts to not engorge..LOL

my #1 also didnt wake up when he 2 months plus old la...so more or less i will try to do it again for #2, dreamfeed


i have two massage lady contact No.. u wana? i can give to u!!! then u check with either one of them see if they are still available...

let me know if u wana


i think i will drink DOM immediately after i breast feed BB... i didnt engage CL.. i will cater for confinement food...therefore, DOM i can onli drink from the bottle but not cook together with the food...

Fish, regarding the baby cot webby, I haven buy anything from there, so dun noe whether can go there take alook or not.

Coz I haven decide whether to buy a new cot for baby or not.

BBRabbit, so your friend confirmed ther's no sales at her work place?? Gimmill?

baby bride, at the pre natal course I think the lecturer said if we need to drink those alcohol for confinement straight in, it would be best to leave a 2 or 3hrs (forget liao) gap before the next feeding.

But if we wana use the alcohol for cooking, just mk sure the alcohol are boiled, bubble bubble she specified. Then the alcohol content should be gone.

One thing I find it weird but did not clarify with her during the lesson, she mentioned the goodness of consuming liver. Which I tot we are not encourage to take liver.

Anw, I am still not going to take it since I do eat beef.


Chen - Got typo in my previous msg... I mean I haven booked my post natal massage... me too also haven find... but luckily CL settled otherwise I sure panick like duno wat...

