(2011/03) Mar 2011


WOW!!! our nx appointment will be on the SAME date wor!!! haha!!! yes... i'm on 6week this week too!!!

Ya.. i heard tt when we are last trimester, we need go visit our own gynae every week till we give birth.. that is wat i know! so far we are still at 1st trimester.. so... visit our own gynae once a month is okie!!

but anyway, it means every gynae will have their own package and they will offer to us during our last trimester to help us save some cost??? but this package includes of the delivery charge??

anyway, ur gynae also give u an tai yao wor!!! diaoz..

Hi Annie,

Yes my craving started liao.

Currently now in weeks 6+, at first I always crave for soup when i was in weeks 5 when I got no app, now this week always crave for beehoon, no matter breakfast lunch or dinner.

I dun feel like eating rice at all.

Yesterday i crave for rice, then last min, change again, dunno why dun feel like eating rice, yet up eating noodle.

No idea what's happening but I don't feel like eating much at all but I'm hungry often, weird.

Anyone also reporting a case of shortsightedness? I was just thinking goodness I need glasses soon and then I remembered that when I was pregnant with #1, I had the same issue and read that it was normal but I haven't heard of anyone else going through this...


i visited my gynae every week from the last 1.5 mths before delivery, not 3 mths before. perhaps different gynae, different rules?

all gynae packages are different, some start from 10 weeks, some 12 weeks, some 20 weeks onwards.

only includes consultation, and normal scan. those extra detailed scans not inclusive.

delivery by the gynae, if i remember correctly, is another package charge. depending on what you take: vbac, assisted vbac (vacuum or forceps), c-sect etc

Fish, yes.. He got give me an tai yao... My package will start to kick in on the 3rd month. This will last till I deliver.. and I think it does include delivery charge? But still need to pay hospitalization fee.. I also very confused.. but I heard I just need to pay a deposit of $700 on the 3rd month then remaining $600 (so package is $1300) to be paid together with the hospital bill after I delivered (also after medisave deduction).

milkshake, you so fast have craving le? I don't know how to judge craving leh.. I also crave for soup and been hoon soup! Ytd my mum cooked rice and I ate a few mouths then I can't take it anymore. I also don't like rice, but in fact I am not a rice person. I trying to find my craving so that I won't feel so miserable when comes to eating. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hi ladies,

have u had your scan yet?

I had mine yesterday and i saw a black sac. my husband thought that was the baby.. but it wasn't. its the fluid that is protecting the baby.

baby too small! harha..

i had to have a vaginal scan instead.. cos im only 5 weeks this week.


but my craving very strange, always keep changing last min and when the food is infront of me, i suddenly can't eat much, only eat a few mouth full then got to rest and stop awhile, cause i will feel nausea.

Sher, i did vaginal scan when i was in week 5 too, can only see the sac

Hi mummies! I am new here.

I was tested positive 2 days ago and will be going for my first appointment later in the evening. Feeling scared but excited!


so far my gynae havent reli introduce any package to me yet!! maybe still too early to offer.. wait wana wait till the BB stable le.. then he offer the package!

Package at gynae:

Usually the package is offered at 12 weeks onwards when the foetus is more stable..

Usual basic package will consists of monthly check up till the last month then weekly check up...

Included in package will be ultrasounds n consultation only.

Some gynae includes vitamins n medicine if any also...

My gynae package is $500 ( not sure if it has gone up now)

And includes consultation frm 12weeks till birth.

Multivits charges are excluded n is abt $10 for a month.

Later when I'm home I can post my #1's expenses for reference if anyone is interested... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just made appt for 26july for 1st visit.

Gonna be a long long wait for the next 2 weeks... Hee hee..:p

Not much craving but dun really feel like eating anything also.. Hungry but dunno what to eat.. 伤脑筋。

Also having some crampy feelings, it should be the expansion n stretching of the uterus.. Nothing severe so not too concerned.. Very tired n just wanna sleep n do nothing else but it's not so possible with #1 koala ing on me all day long...

milkshake, same here leh... I have different craving everyday, that's why I thought it maybe wasn't craving coz I thought craving is something you will feel like eating again and again, everyday? I also can eat half way then can't eat anymore. So horrible feeling.

Ya, I think so too, Fish. But me and my hubby wanna know how they charge before confirming the gynae, that is why we asked them about the package/charges and the nurse showed me the list. coz I need peace of mind. Don't want last min then find out there are so many hidden costs. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

rach, same feeling!! I can feel that I am hungry but dunno what to eat... Everyday my colleague will ask me what I wanna eat today and I'll reply dunno. Then order one bowl of hand made noodle and eat half way then don't feel like eating liao. So bad. I hate this kind of feeling. I rather I have the same craving everyday than dunno what to eat but need to eat. haiz... I hope this MS will be over very soon.

Selling my 1yr old amenda dual pump at 120sgd with an extra adaptor, 1 lucky bb warmer and a lot fo bottles and some new accessories.

Please email to peko74@hotmail,com if you are interested. Thanks![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/3877999/4223368.jpg][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/3877999/4223369.jpg][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/3877999/4223370.jpg]


Ya Lo...everyday HB ask me what I want to eat..

I said I dunno...

Sianz... It's like whole cycle repeating again....

I just pray no more puking in the morning n nite..

Had that with #1. scared of brushing teeth Lo...

Cuz whenever I brush, I will puke.. Bleah...

Annie, same here, everyday dunno what to eat, everyday only want to sit and "stone". dun feel like doing anything at all. btw, i can't take plain water, all these while, i been taking ribena, drink until i scare liao.

any other drinks to recommend?

btw, i ntoiced i can't sleep well at night, always wake up every few hours, do anyone experience this also?

i have been asking my hubby to get for me those classic colourful loaf of bread spread with kaya and butter from sheng siong.

so far ate 2 loaves of that..hehe

is that called craving?

with #1 my first trimester i craved for sambal belacan with raw veg. then i had craving for durian and mac french fries all the way till labour.

its so bad that every day after work i will go buy fries from mac n durians from ntuc n wolfed all down..haha

Milkshake: ya Lo.. It's like having disturbed sleep..

Very irritating but this is normal n more is yet to come Lo..

Wait till our bellies start to swell swell swell no need sleep liaozzzz... It's also because of my lethargicnesd that I suspect I was expecting Lo..

Suddenly super tired n nua...

Last nite tried to put #1 to sleep n I KO with her frm 12am to 11am this morning Lo...

Now that I'm still BF-ing #1, I take enfamama chocolate 2 cups a day..

Else I think my body can't cope with the needed nutrition Lo...

rach, why brushing teeth will make you feel nausea? haha so cute...

milkshake, me too! I everyday only wanna sit, stone and do nothing. No mood to work, that is why I am here chatting! Need to divert my attention abit so that I won't think of that "nausea" and feel bad again. Even when I am tired, I don't really dare to sleep during the day, coz I scare at night I can't sleep! I also wake up few times during sleep hours, all around every few hrs. I don't know why too.. but most of my wakey nights I will go toilet release and drink water coz throat dry too.. Have been like this for weeks liao... Last time I never wake up in the middle of my sleep de.. Now, terrible. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] and I can't fall asleep immediately like how I used to be also!

haha lynzi..

I have craving for fries too! haha and whipped potatoes from KFC.. basically i am targeting all those potatoes kind of food for #1..

with this #2.. I am craving for nuggets and fries oso.. think taking potatoes does help me control the nuasea feeling ... so i feel happier after taking that...


U had fries n durian EVERYDAY??

Wah did ur #1 came out big??

Heard durian will lead to big babies... Lol...

But fries not very healthy leh...

I try to my very best to avoid all fast food now..

Occasional indulgence...


whipped potatoes from KFC is nice! I like that too! No wonder when my hubby is eating indian rojak, I keep poking on the potatoes!!

btw, I heard many ppl (especially the elders) say durians is very "bu" for pregnant ladies leh.. My friend also advised me to eat more more durian now!


your gynae charges are cheap.

mine starts from 20weeks onwards and its 700+ not inclusive GST. after GST is almost 800. and not inclusive of medication/vitamins etc

Yeah! Back from my 1st scan! Heard baby's heartbeat, and hope everything continues to go smoothly!! Doc said I'm in my 6th week too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ahbui, finally eligible to go up to your 龙虎榜! Can you pls help to update my details?

nickname: AirMez

home: Yio Chu Kang

gyane: Dr Fong Yang

hosp: Mount Alvernia

Edd: unsure


Ya, I also think rach's gynae charges very cheap! I thought mine very cheap already but until I saw hers, then I know got even cheaper one! haha...

Congrats, AirMez! We're in the same line now.. Ytd I heard my bb heartbeat so excited and cute... We're in the same week 6! I wonder my next visit in 2 weeks time got so exciting anot.

My yell of delight (when hearing bb's heartbeat) must have scared those mummies waiting outside the room.. hahaha!

But my gynae asked me to go see him next week leh, he said today too small to measure size. Next week can measure liao... Mmm, dunno whether to push it further another week to my 8th week. His waiting time at clinic kills sia....

annie, your charges of $1300 which includes delivery is very cheap too!

Rach's one most prob doesnt includes delivery but yours does so there the trade-off

wahaha, how you yell? Haha so funny... I only responsed my gynae in an excited and happy tone!

Oh, no wonder I have to report back in 2 weeks time, maybe is to measure the baby size! I hope my bb will grow well and bigger by the next visit I see him/her. ;)

pixiepixel, I cannot remember if my really does includes the delivery charges. Let me go back see the list and report to you ladies tomorrow with a more detail prices! coz I can't remember the hospital charges part.

annie, rach

making me very tempting to go mt A and deliver wahahahha...can save $$... why not, especially now i am selling and buying a new place, need $$ for reno & such...haiz

my gynae's fees really very ex

durians? hmmm..i love them too.

i heard that eat durians will have bigger babies, so isit safe to eat them in first trimester?

looks like most of us are having disturbed sleep at night, so tired n so stone all day, but just can't sleep well at night, kept waking up every few hours.

pixiepixel, my new house also will be ready next year mid to Q3 leh.. I also very stress about the reno fee + bb expenses.. but I try not to think about it coz the more I think, the more stress I am. So just take a step at a time. I believe chuang dao qiao tou zhi ran zhi!


while my new hse will be ready by nov (after the reno)

i have to do packing and unpacking with a big tummy. not that im complaining - it's a challenge for me :p

Rach - got to be extra careful this time round with the weight gain, didn't lose enuf weight from #1 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. I think I had wayyyy too much durian, will control my cravings [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]!

mummies.. need some feedback...

i am supposed to travel to germany for work this coming sat for 4 to 5 weeks.. so by the time i am back... will be able 10 to 11weeks already...

although gynae did ask if can dun go... but she was it should be fine to travel now..

my boss is very nice and asked if I am really comfortable to travel and if my gynae has truly gave me the green light to go.. and assure me that even if i dun go.. it will not affect my job evaluation...

Now i am lost.... I dun mind going coz if i am there.. I might have more rest since I dun need to take care of #1 and do housework... but on the other hand I will prob miss the next checkup and wouldn't be able to make sure that bb is developing well... so now I am caught in between...

what do you gals think ???

rach, tt means ur BB hate the smell of mint! wahaha!!

Annie, i was told my hubby 2nd sis in law tt we should eat more banana now to prevent leg cramp nx time... but opposite from wat u heard, i was being told, Durian contains high sugar level, so, pregnant lady should try to reduce it! eat abit if we reli crave for tt...

Ya, i assume by two weeks time, all our BB should grow slightly bigger and able to see heartbeat even clearer and see the head, legs and hands le!! wahaha!!!!


since your boss okie for not letting u go..then dont do this time lor! even your gynae said it'safe, but i still feel, u shouldnt take any flight, as the BB still not reli stable and too small!


since your boss okie for not letting u go..then dont do this time lor! even your gynae said it'safe, but i still feel, u shouldnt take any flight, as the BB still not reli stable and too small!

em... but I will create alot of inconvenience to the entire dept coz we dun have alot of pple in our dept and this trip was planned out long time ago and I didn't wan to use "preg" as an excuse plus I know my boss is really a very nice person and I dun wan to put her in a spot....

hiaz.. think my heart is already set to go but at the same time just worried about the bb...

ya lor!! sounds like u have already made up your mind wor!! haha!!

if in that case, u dont wana reject your boss and give your boss 'trouble'... then u reli have to tk good care of yourself.. and going there alone by urself, then wat u eat, wat u drink.. all muz monitor... then try to reserve a more comfortable seat with the airline when u choosing seat.. at least u can have a better seat.. more space for you..

Jeraldin - I'd say go, take a little extra care. Being pregnant is not an illness, it's a natural thing and as long as you're healthy, why not.

Then GO with your HEART loh! Jeraldin! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I think by the time u return S'pore, it's just 11 weeks, dun think u miss out much on the checkup gua... My mum said last time her gynae only told her to see him near end of 1st tri leh... but that's in the past lah...

Wat does ur hubby say? Err... have u told ur preggie to ur MIL?


jeraldin: if you decide to go just make sure you don't carry yr luggage out of the conveyor belt ... ask someone to help u....

