(2011/02) Feb 2011

@Joodz: Jia You Jia You Jia You!! Hope you have a smooth delivery. We give you our mental support over here. Do update us again when you've settle down. Btw, are you at MAH?

@choc: You also couldn't sleep last night? Or you woke up to pee and saw Joodz's post?

Btw, do you remember the white bra which I posted some time ago and you said it's nice? That's from Fave Collection de.

@MamaYing: My bb was also very active last night and I couldn't fall asleep too. Kept telling her it's late and asked her to wake up earlier today to play till I got really tired and fell asleep. Haha..

@Ah Ching: How heavy was your boy when he's born?

@Mami B: Can we apply toner to our nipple? I just clean them under the water during shower. You are so funny when you mentioned you wanna show your hubby.. Haha..

You'll be the next to pop and I feel so excited and happy for you.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Fiona: You must have high threshold for pain!! Does it hurt when Dr snipped you w/o the jab at the thigh? I hope I can do w/o epidural too..

@Val: Today after work go back and double check your pad, if got netting better try to avoid bah.

Looks like your Triumph nursing bra is value for $$!!

Oh, Chong Pang got sell CNY romper? How much is it and which shop did you bought from? Is it from the shop just beside the hawker centre?

RE: CNY Clothes

Are you mummies getting any for yourself? Or at least a new pyjamas for a new start?


rachel, i don't really know how to play MJ LOL!

its my hubby who plays occasionally just to get-together with his friends. so he will invite them over to our place to play. I prepare the snacks lah. =) you like to play MJ??

I prefer to SING KARAOKE!!! That's my ultimate favourite past-time.

Zanta, just use the cotton pad and toner/or even water and check the crevices of your nipples tonight. sure can find those stuff one.. kekeke... many people dont know it's so dirty. I also didnt know until i read in some motherhood magazine years back before i deliver my son. then i tried and was SHOCKED hahah! so this time, i remembered to clean my nipples since tomorrow i going to deliver. and also remind all the mummies here to do the same before going to hospital. our nipples trap alot of "things"! keke...

CNY Clothes

Aiyo... I have been checking online for nice nursing wear... not alot of nice ones cos i need to buy those with sleeves. my armpit very BLACK. and no time to do waxing so its a forest there. have to hide it well when people come visit. LOL!

mami B: yeah i think so I will be in confinement shouldnt stop my kids from celebrating heehee

ah ching: i have new pj, new nursing bra and wear new disposable panties for CNY does tt count? :p

Joodz: congrats!!! most impt is rest now. be strong mommy!

@Zanta: I was also quite surprised when I saw Triumph only selling at $30+ each, I thought will be very ex.

I bought the romper at $16. I can show you the picture if you want to see. Hee hee.. I forgot which shop but it's one of those next to the hawker centre. It's along OCBC bank that stretch. Think it's 2 shops away from the one that sells jade all those.

My mil bought 2 sets of pyjamas for my confinement. Haha! Won't be buying any CNY clothes, cos don't think I'll be go house visiting and if people come my house to visit I think I won't go out. Hahahha!

@esther: Haha, you better not go to places with loud music. That night on xmas eve I went to a pub with my hubby & his friends and my baby reacted so strongly to loud music! He's moving so vigourously that my hubby got a scare. Think it's either the music is too loud for him or the music woke him up. Poor baby. And he got sooo tired that he hardly move until next day afternoon. Lol~

Zanta: yeah keep moving.. and when i listen to lady gaga or black eyed peas i think he is dancing...

re: cny clothes

i have new pj, new nursing bra and wear new disposable panties for CNY does tt count? :p

Joodz: finally you're done, most important both bb n mother safe. Take more rest n try minimize ur movement. Wish u speedy recovery. Congrats on the arrival of ur bb Reia.

Congrats joodz! It's finally over n done with! Those hrs must have been crazy!

Omg! Am beginning to worry Liao cos same EDD as u.. Just went for my gynae check at 38wks now..gal's head down but doesnt mean engage.. Good god gynae kept telling me cannot predict when will in labour! Scared scared scared!

Asked him abt d placenta.. Benefits r not proven in western med.. Only believed in TCM... So up to individual wanna keep or not... Aiyo, very scared leh.. After 12hrs of joodz's labour!

Chamz... Gonna faint Liao...

Joodz - Congrats on the safe arrival of Reia! Hope u hv a smooth recovery!

Fiona - Just out of curiousity.. u mentioned ur milk not here yet.. so u are giving ur baby formula milk?

Mami B - Tks for spreading the joy... seeing ur post helps to bring up my excitement abt the arrival of my baby again and stave off all those apprehension for a while... Good luck with ur op tomorrow!

Corgrats jooz!! Don't anyhow move and stay on bedrest. Do have more rest. =)

MamiB, next one will be u le. Excited!! Now got already have 3 boys and 2girls le. Next will be Emma. 3 boys and 3girls.

Ah Ching, try have more rest don't overwork urself.

Esther, I miss clubbing. Haha we can go club after we popped. Hehe.


Nowaday my BH very wierd. Sometime whole tummy will become hard but sometime only left side hard but right side soft. Did it happen to u all?

Birth story:

At 3am I went to toilet to pee.. Once I step out of toilet, I felt 3 gushes of liquid. Immediately shout for hubby and whole house went into panic mode though I was still unsure, blur and not scared.

Drove to hospital but no further leak. Reach hospital nurse did VE and found 2cm dilated. She said waterbag seem intact though so don't know what that liquid is. I was suppose to pee so they can test the liquid but I got no pee so up till now I don't knw what the liquid is. Since cervix effacing I requested for induce.

While waiting for dr to come burst waterbag, I got up, felt a pop and it burst by itself. Contractions started coming hard and fast by then. It was abt 9am. Thought progress was good since contractions were steady. However labour progress 11 hr with only 1cm dilation. I asked for epi halfway tru. It was a godsend. Though with the dilation, I still feel pain, so I started worrying. Dr started to become concern after 11 hr and ask me go emergency c sect. He said most prob baby head position no good or my pelvis shape like man's.. If not cannot be no dilate.. He noticed I could still feel pain with a high

dose of epi so quickly administered GA.. I fell aslp in seconds.

Woke up an hr later very disoriented.. Took me a long time before I could speak.. Stomach in great pain then. Was wheeled out, noticed hubby crying. He kept saying thank u. Baby is given clear bill of health, 3.2kg, born few days short of 38 weeks, no jaundice or other 'baby illnesses'. Feeling guilty I let nurse feed baby supplement until I can bf her tmr.. She is one hungry baby. No colostrum yet.

So this sums up my first Preg journey.. Feel very surreal.

Jia you joodz!!! dun feel bad.. slowly.. u recover from epi liao then think about feeding. try ur best, most impt u delivered a healthy baby girl!! dun stress the more u stress the more will affect the supply of breastmilk

Just went for my wk 36 checkup today ..

Put on 2 kgs in 2 weeks so need to control my diet again ..

Baby's weight is estimated to be 2.9kg now and she is already engaged ..

Gynae estimated my edd to be at least a week earlier though my bb gal is ready to pop anytime ..

Did my VE test today as well ..


I am Jan 2011 mother. Due to medical condition, I am not able to breastfeed or give breast milk to my baby so I would like to sell these items :

1. Medela Freestyle (US model) – used less than 5 times – selling at $420 with universal travel adapter

2. My Brest Friend Pillow – selling at $70 – the cover design is jaipur paisley http://www.mybrestfriend.com/products/slipcovers

If interested, please PM me.

zanta: boy was 2.945kg when I delivered at 39weeks 4 days..

mamaying: I guess the new things does count if u wear it on chu xi.. but chu yi must wear new clothes also mah.

mamiB: I also have dark armpit until very ugly.. but I no forest cos I tweeze so growing back is very little heh heh..

nursing wear I think the european brands are nicer but very expensive..

actually no need to wear nursing wear mah..

u at home when need to nurse just go to the room lor.

Joodz - Congrats! It must be quite an experience huh, staying on for so many hours in anticipation. Take good care of yourself and hope u recover soon!

Hi mommies, any idea when we should stop taking bird's nest? Or should we stop taking at all?

My cousin in law says to stop or eat less towards labour if expecting boy. She says might give the boy sensitive skin? Any advice? Thanks

@MamaYing: Really must stop taking bird's nest ah? I just went to buy pao shen few days back to brew my last 2 pcs of bird's nest le.

I think can still count bah since those are new and you don't intend to go visiting so wear pyjamas at home can liao. Haha.. I also intend to just wear pyjamas at home unless got ppl come my house visiting then wear my maternity clothes lor.

@Fiona: Thanks for sharing your bill. You so fast got your bill liao? Are you discharged?

@Ah Ching: By seeing your boy's weight and Joodz's baby weight during birth, I think I can minus 100-200gm off my bb's actual weight. Hehe..

@Val: It would be nice if you can pm me the pic. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But I'm afraid if bb comes out late then wouldn't get the chance to wear le.. You bought from shop or stall?

So nice of your MIL to buy you pyjamas. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Did she bought you long sleeves button pyjamas?

@Mami B: I don't dare to clean them with toner le, I scare will be sensitive.. But I do clean them almost everyday so should be no problem bah.. Do rest well for your op tomorrow. I really feel very excited for you..

Joodz: You have done really well.. Your delivery process sounds like a tough one. You are so brave to have endured through the pain till the last min before opting for c-sect.. I am sure your hb will love you so much more.. YOu have went tru great pains to deliver your beautiful bb gal..

Went to JB to select my pics just now.. Very satisfied with the overall effect. Even upgraded my package. Quite worth to upgrade. Cos for less than S$300 my items are all doubled. Got 35 photo selected, 8R album with design and better quality, bigger table top. Now hoping they can rush out my album in time.. Was skeptical of the effect when signing the package. But after the photoshoot, I was impressed with the photographer and was looking forward to the pictures, true enough, the pictures turn out well.

1 thing off my mind now.. keke.. now looking forward to bb's arrival.. Hopefully he can come only from 27 Jan.. when I am on leave.. keke..

choc, maybe can add the weight into the chart. i am quite curious as well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i am going to change our electric kettle jug because we had used it for 2 years now and it's really black inside the jug and the heating base is all grey. something i didn't thought about it previously but then we will be using it to boil hot water so we want to get a new one. since it's plastic body so i am imagining the plastic body may be melting plastic since we use for so long liao. thought i share with you guys in case you overlook that too!

Zantarina: me discharge already..

now at home.. doing moo moo career.. really hard..

cuz milk still not in yet.. den baby jovan is always hungry..

he can latch on for 20mins suck non-stop..

den change to other breast also suck non-stop..

but when he stop already i put him down den he still cry..

omg.. dun knoe whether he is getting enough milk anot..

my hubby went to buy milk powder already..

think i will mix with FM n BM together for him to drink ba..

very tired..

@Fiona: I think you're doing good, just persevere and I'm sure your supply will come in soon. I heard that babies are the best breast pump. Looks like bb Jovan is quite a big eater but it's good..!! I think it should be ok to supplement with FM if your supply have not kick in yet bah. Which brand of FM did your hubby bought?

@Eviangal: I really think that the package which you signed up is really worth it le.. Too bad I already signed up with a local studio and had paid deposit, if not I don't mind going in JB for photoshoot.. Are all the clothes provided by them? Do show us 1 or 2 pics to see here.


I stopped birds nest at 36th weeks cos all my folks tell me to.. Imagine my aunt is d one brewing birds nest for me in d earlier weeks n she's oso d one to advise me stop.. I believe her so stop.. Birds nest good during baby formation n it "zi run" our bodies, n cos near delivery need strength dats y stop, I guess..


super low morale now.. Strep B test was ok but gynae said there's slight fungal infection.. Gave me pill to insert into V.. Tried to just now but soooo difficult... Kept slipping out so I gave up... At a loss now, gotta call clinic tmoro.. Abit painful now cos of numerous tries.. Can't imagine like dat oredi pain, how to tahan baby delivery.. Mixed feelings of natural birth now... Low!

Congrats littledevil!

Marie: yes my MIL cooks for me every week...then i just told her dun need cook liao then she stocked up the glass bottle type in my fridge... too nice!

Zanta i also dunno but maybe i take the glass bottle one. tues when i see dr maybe ask him. maybe we can ask medical hall ppl also.

ZzZ 5am woke up to cramp on my right calf...

littledevil - congrats! do share with us your birth story if you have the time :)

Fiona - i heard from others that we really have to be patient when comes to breast milk, the key is be persistent and supply will come. Good luck and hope to hear more good news soon.

MamaYing - i woke up at 4am this morning and had problem sleeping since... Sigh. Just realised you are delivering at RH too, do you know are the things they provide after delivery? Am thinking what should i pack for my hospital bag. :p

Marie - it's great that you already cleared Strep B test so u shd really feel happy. I got this naggy feeling that i will get it cos i have yeast infection throughout my whole pregnancy (altho i am not sure if both are correlated!)

Mami B - i love your schedule! looks hassle free too... i guess that's the good thing abt c-sect. Excited for you on this big day, look forward to hearing your experience later. Good luck!

Morning mummies~

@Zanta: Er.. I don't know how to PM and send photo leh. You want me to email you instead?

I bought from shop.. But have to ask cos I think she never display out. She only displayed children's clothes. Then my sil asked her what's the smallest size then she asked us want romper anot. She has romper..

She bought me short sleeve button. Cos she said she scared I'll feel hot. She said most important is the shoulder part don't get caught in wind. Hand still okie..

MamiB, have a smooth delivery and soon can carry bb Emma.

Little devil, Congrats!!

Marie, I also have yeast infection also need to insert the pill. As I cant insert the pill myself and also keep slip it. I asked my hubby to insert for me. As he also can helped to push in as deep as possible. The nurse ask me to push the pill as deep as possible so can kill the yeast. =)

Zanta, yesterday I bought a PJ but is short sleeve+pant cost $12.90 at metro. Also got come with dress cost for $12.90 too. But if want long sleeve will cost around $30+ if not wrong. =)

Mama Ying, I still taking bird nest le. Hehe I also don't know when to stop as the bird nest I bought still have a lot. If now can't eat then wait for confinement then eat. Hehe. =p

Moomoo: I delivered 2 years plus ago there too, but forget liao haha but I know their hosp gown can use for nursing so no need bring button front pj. Pads n baby stuff also provided. I only brought clothes for going home for me n baby. I will check when I see gynae again on tues n let u noe wat I am packing. Have actually packed for mt a, all ready haha...

Wish_child: yeah I think I will take maybe once a week the bottled one. Asked MIL to stop brewing for me le. Hers is one big bowl full of it! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hello ladies,

so excited to see so many mommies pop one after each other.

but i still havent pack my hospital bag and buy baby items yet. yesterday my fren gave me 1 playpen without mattress. thinking to buy 1 mattress to put inside the playpen. anyone knw which brand is good? thks!

MamaYing, Wow big whole bowl of bird nest.. Yummy.. Hehe my mom also brew bird nest for me but not whole bowl of bird nest.. Haha the bird nest some can see some cannot see le.. Hahaha..

Oh but my mil still make for me drink tonic soup every sun.

Slim, Oh i pack my hospital bag half way. Hehe some other thing haven put inside thought of put it in when going delivery time. =P

For the playpen mattress i get at baby kingdom at kaki bukit just $20-$30. For a good one Latex mattres will be $40-$50. =)

my nipple hurt more Dan my stitches..

Nipple will stick to the bra or the breast pad..

When pull out the nipple crack..

Now I dun dare to latch on.. Very painful..

But I haven't start pumping yet..

I wan to total latch on.. But I scare my nipple got infection how.?

I let him drink Mamil gold..

Fiona, Maybe u can try dont wear bra at home. Try to air ur nipple if possible. After Jovan finish his feed dont wipe away the milk let it dry up itself. Or apply nipple cream will helps too. Jia you Fiona. U can do it.. Just ren yi ren for Jovan good.=)

fiona: try not to wear a bra otherwise apply the nipple cream as it really helps.

fiona I think you must pump if your nipple too painful.. you let BB latch for 5 mins and then pump for another 10 mins to stimulate the milk.

milk usually comes 3-5 days later so I think just be patient for another 1-2 days.


Wish child: Jovan is a big eater..

He can latch on for 20 mins non-stop on one breast..

Den when put him down he will still cry for milk..

N he is always hungry.. Small milk monster..

Yesterday night 3am to 6am he drink n drink..

When put him down he cry..

Nw my eyes look like panda.. So tired..

Fiona, it's very common to have cracked nipples during first few days cos nipple not used to it. Nake sure u air them whenever u can. Use the lanolin cream or something, if crak le let it heal then feed or pump. Crack also dun pump. I was stubborn and didn't care cos pump not painful but then crack and contaminated the milk with blood! Jia you. Heal first more impt. It is ok to supplement with mamil gold.

Fiona: i think for the time being you dont wear brand first. And apply some nipple cream (can help to soothe and heal the nipple. Also try to latch on less often and see how.

Meanwhile, gota use supplement first.. bo bian..

Wish-child, wa ur mom n mil really beef y up, very 'bu'! Ur baby will be very strong hehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I just realise I need to buy warmer zzz lazy to find 2nd hand one. Later going marina square shopping with sis hehe

Just realised I super last minute.. Due anytime liaoz.. then go and buy nursing pyjamas and confinement stuff.. Think more things on my checklist to buy now.. but lesser time to do so.. Haiz... If baby dont come now, rightfully still got 1.5 weeks la..

Fiona, Jovan helping you to slim down

so drink milk non stop. If he still very

hungry no choice give him some FM. Dont

give up breastfeed.

Cnicole only get 2hours sleep when Vernon home.

Try to catch some sleep when Jovan are sleeping

Jia You~


Zanta: Besides the sash cloth which belongs to them, the other 2 outfits were brought by myself. I even brought my own props like alphabet blocks forming my son's name to put on the tummy, ultrasound scans, etc for the shoot. Yup, will share the pics when I have access to them.

Littledevil82: Congrats on your delivery..

Seems like end Jan and early Feb mummies are starting to deliver one by one liaoz.. I still want to wait lei..

Ah Ching: Any news on yours? When is your next appointment? You mention you are dilated liaoz.. Any updates so far?

A little upset with my mum.. She actually wanted to dump me at home/ hospital to do confinement whilst they pop over to my grandma's place like before for reunion dinner. How can they think of leaving me alone for reunion just bcos my baby was born around CNY period?? Is that still reunion when part of the family is not around? I suan her and said.. you mean u going to leave me to spend reunion at home? Cant you do it on our own at home? No time to cook, mayb we do steamboat or order in or something.. Then she change her plans.. BTH.. At first, she even say get my inlaws to do reunion with me instead.. How to?!!! when I am staying at her place for confinement!!!

Fed up!!

