(2011/02) Feb 2011

Moomoo, beside credit card you can use paypal to make payment.

Ah Ching, I think you should pump out the milk to establish a constant supply later. Don't leave the milk in your breast for too long cos it will cause engorgement.


sovrana: yeah, just went to pump my milk..

gotta throw away my ebm from yesterday.. so wasteful.

cos heated up yesterday but in the end latch gal instead of giving bottle..

my hubby was asking me to sell my EBM cos he said freezer full already... ha ha.

but I read that oversupply is also a problem.

my milk comes out very quickly and some times my gal seem to be gasping for breath when latching on..

but I afraid if try to reduce supply then will become prob when I return to work in April..

yesterday I was expressing milk onto the toilet floor cos breasts too full before I latch my gal..

very wasteful but pump and put into freezer also no space. I limit to 2 bottles of 70ml a day.

also very lazy to collect and use for other purpose.. cos milk very sticky and sweet and if use on BB skin I afraid will have rashes.

I was pumping and milk was leaking from my breast shields..

is it becos I'm using a size too big?

must get smaller breast shields?

Hi all,

Happy Chinese New Year! N congratst to those who have given birth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Can someone please add me on to FB for the group? My email is [email protected] and user name is tangobebe. Would also like to get in touch with Geri, tried sending her a PM but no reply. Figure out she may be more active in FB than here as well. Tks for helping!

Mummies- the mummy i dunno her nick but is chan sze..... In fb- she popped at midnite exactly....

Moo moo career starting liao.... Breasts are so hard like a rock... Will get mil to massage later....

Meanwhile mummies waiting to pop---- jia you... Very soon we all will be mummies waiting for the next gathering... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

moomoo...if u keen got to be quick lor...coz that pampers S size seldom on discount... i tink only during festive season....not sure when the sale be over too...

u got to create a gmarket acct..then just click the qty u need and payment by credit card lor

ah ching..yalor...me also into duno which pkt of pampers for my boy liao...so just order since no need to go out and in bulk too...

goon i waiting for them to deliver my pampers together with samples before i decide to buy anot... i need to check the quality of it before buying..else wait waste money...

mami b...nepia sounds good leh..but got to commit a carton ah! lol...wait buay gam then kana hubby nag liao..hehee...

i got 2 pkt of drypers S size... got try to use but hate the sound lor... so not going to get drypers liao..maybe older ba..

milk...i do not latch anymore as i realli need alot of time to take care both big n small baby...and time to keep myself sane..lol....so i expressed out and bottle feed instead...

find that i have more free time (like time to surf net, time to watch tv...time to accompany my #1...)... if i latch my #2 so slow...sometimes take 30mins to 40mins to be satisfied... i tink i do not have patience to wait.. lol.. =X


Do you know the pampers s size is for how many kilo?

Ah Ching,

How many pc of diapers you used a day for your baby? Want to plan how many packs of diapers should I stock up?




hehehee.... shld stock up...since free delivery...unless other places got better offer lar... actually the Goon one quite a good buy...can consider...

Congratulations to all those mummies who had popped!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@choc: I very kiasu, I also got 2 pkts of size s Drypers during their promotion period which just ended. Have not even gave birth yet bought size s liao. Haha.. But my SIL also commented my bb might be able to wear size s soon.

Btw, I tried to find from the website if their orders need to have any MOQ or not but was unable to find. So I assume buy 1 pkt also can?

@pyng, @Princess: It's now 1.15pm, so all babies born from now will be a rabbit bb liao. Hehe..

@Val: Yeah.. Our prayers are heard. Finally we'll be having a rabbit bb..

@Grace: I think so lor. I'm telling myself by going thru c-sect, I don't have to go thru labour pain to console myself.

zanta...nono...for that gmarket to get free delivery u need to buy over $40 from same seller...so i got mixture of newborn n S size...

drypers i trying out S size...too rough on my boi skin...just saw some red red on the thighs...haiz...i going to put it for later use liao...

sovrana: I dont know how many pieces a day but BB is 16 days.

used 2 packs huggies, 1 pack drypers, 3.5 packs Pampers liao. plus a few pieces of sample diapers.

above excluding 1 day she was in MT A for jaundice.

so abt 11 pieces a day.

I think she can still us NB size for another month cos until 5 kg.

I have 3 packs of S size diapers on standby but I think NB diapers more gentle on the skin.

choc: I also let my gal use 1 piece of S size drypers.. but very big.. then must throw when she poo..

very wasteful. so will be using NB size first.

zanta: I think your BB can use the S size straightaway liao.

Huggies NB diapers very small size.. so if you've stocked up better use them first.

@choc: IC.. Is the seller Diapers.com.sg? I never buy from gmarket before so I'm trying to yan jiu the webby.. Btw, you can also get 1pc of Goo.N diaper sample when you sign up as a member in Diapers.com.sg

Anyone saw Fitti or Petpet diapers around? I went to a few supermarkets to find but to no avail..

@Ah Ching: Luckily I never buy Huggies diapers, only bought Mamy Poko NB, and Drypers NB and size s. I still thinking whether to buy Huggies size s or not but will wait till I try TMC give one then decide.

Wanna double check with you if TMC really gives bb receiving blanket upon discharge?

Congrats to those who have delivered. My turn will b hopefully nxt fir c section.

I went Malaysia to stock up a lot of pet pet. Bought nearing 10 pkts fr size nb to m . Their pet pet is diff fr ours. Their tapping is pampers kind n abt 2-3 cents more exp than sg.

zanta: ya, TMC will give BB receiving blanket, mittens and a top when discharge.

basically u dont need to bring anything for BB to wear during discharge.

Mamie B

Need advise from u.... How did u manage to express that much amount of milk even after BF... I can't express much after BF.... I wondering is it the pump I used or ???? ( i using avert pump )

Hi littledevil

really depends on when ur bb is born, timing you and i expressed, milk supply .

my bb is born 15 Jan. if yours later, give it some time for milk supply to go up

i express in the evening when my next feed or last feed is bottle feeding. in the morning, i express only 30ml on each side so that my supply is always more than bb demand even during growth spurt. i do this in the morning coz our supply in morning is the fullest. i try not to express immediately after breastfeed. i usually do before breastfeeding on that breast.

try massaging in clockwise direction before and during pumping. you will find new spurts of milk coming out.

i dont think its a pump issue... mine is ameda dual electric. think any electric pump would do the trick

when i find my bb caught up with my supply, i use page 213 on Gina Ford's book to increase my supply again..

that's really all i do =)

hope it helps!

Ah Ching - I ordered from Paradise Group.. Haizzz

Choc - I have registered, however, i realized they dont deliver on weekend which is a problem for me coz nobody is at home during weekdays. I will check this out again when i on maternity leave.

wow.. mami B.. u must hv lots of discipline to be able to pull off such a schedule.. currently i'm still feeding on demand... hopefully things will stabilise and i can put my baby on schedule..

btw... does anyone know what is safe to take for sore throats while i'm bfding? think i'm coming down with sore throat and cough but not sure what is safe to take.. are strepsils or honey water safe??

Hi Mami B

Which mean try to express out before BF... But I afraid if I do that it might not have enough milk and also my breast would be soft. My bb do like to latch on soft breast.

Dear Mummies, need your advise. GA or epidural c-sect is better? I wanna do epi c-sect but I scare.. But I heard GA wake up liao will feel v groggy..

@Jolin: Are you confirm gonna c-sect tomorrow? Which way are you choosing?

@Princess31: Are you confirm going to induce tomorrow?

Hi mummies,

Checked in hospital already. Waiting to see my bb tomorrow morning. Mixed feeling. Nervous, scared, excited, argh...,


Yes, I confirmed my c-sec tomorrow [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sought gynae advice and he said epi is much better than GA. So I opted for epi. Statistic wise, more people opted for epi also.

Hi Zanta, I have the same concern as yours. I have side effect when using epi for my first delivery. my body keep shivering. So if I opt for epi for my c-sect; I wondering how is my gynae going to cut me? I will check with him on next Mon visit.

Jolin, what time is your c-sect tomorrow? Why need to check into hospital so early?


My csec is 8 am tomorrow morning, but Gleneagles counted new day (for admission) from 8 pm onwards, so my gynae asked me to admit by today after 8 pm.

Jolin, is there a reason behind you opted for csect?

For my case is my baby has not turned down yet. I will be 37 week this Sunday.

heard the news today that the govt may improve the maternity and cash benefits, usually when you heard it in the news it is leaked by the government on purpose and it's always come true, especially this year election year ha ha ha. that's singapore news for you ... i guess we all will not benefit cos the improvement may come next year only. maybe some kind of maternity may be given to father, like what some european countries are doing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


At first, my gynae commented bb is a bit big size. Although her head is down already, but not engaged until last check up (38 weeks plus). Gynae said bb head position is not good. I still can try for natural though but there is risk of difficult labour. So after consideration, my hubby and me opted for csec. In fact, from e beginning, hubby already asked me to go for csec, he said easier and less painful while I hoped for natural. But now, I just hope for smooth delivery, be it natural or csec, as long as bb is delivered smoothly and safely.

What is your gynae advice for your condition then?

Government to review Baby Bonus scheme

SINGAPORE: The Singapore government is undertaking another review of the Baby Bonus scheme which aims to encourage married couples to have more children and help them defray part of the financial costs.

A survey with some 3,000 beneficiaries is in the works. The move comes at a time when Singapore's fertility rate is at a record low.

Observers have said that more comprehensive provisions should be made, to reverse the declining trend.

Hey there our first baby...

Think not much chance of benefiting from the new government bonuses unless you are a mummy who hasn't popped by 18 feb.

Only the mums who were still pregnant during budget announcement 2008 were able to benefit... Me being one of them heehee

Hi jolin, my next gynae visit will decide on should I go csect or not. If baby still not down by next monday, my gynae will ask me to choose a date for csect. I am consulting my fengshui master for a date/time for the csect.

How are you feeling now knowing you will be going for the csect tomorrow morning ?


I don't know leh, mixed feeling, hehe. Feel nervous and excited to see my bb tomorrow yet also feel worried and scared about e operation tomorrow. Haha, I was very tired and sleepy today but I kept myself awake e whole day and hope I can have an early night tonight. But now I couldnt sleep at all

@Sovrana: Very vexed to decide right? Though alot said epi c-sect is better..

@Jolin: Can you tell me more about what your gynae tells you about both? I have yet to discuss this with my gynae, will only see him on coming mon and by then I need to give him an answer liao. And can you share your experience with me after you settle down after your op?

Is your hubby staying in with you tonight?


i still dont quite understand how you establish such a good ms... or is ur ms already on the high side. cos during my first preg, my ms v low. can only pump like 30-50ml total ending my confinement.

If we pump bef bf, then bb not enough to drink how? take out the bm and heat up and feed. wont it be double work...i thot usually pple pump aft bf to empty the breasts... to create more ms...

i am opting GA for my c section. Doc said if epi means u are awake but cant feel the pain, meaning u can witness the cutting and u r awake to carry your bb. GA is u zzz thru and abt 30min u wake up, they will wheel the bb to ur bed... Epi also means ur hubby can go in to see which my hubby does not want. he just want to quickly get the op done to reduce any unnecessary complication if any.

why i gone thru c section cos both bb have bigger head and i am only 1.55m.

actually i was on epi and in labour for more than 13 hours during my first preg till no choice i had to e c section cos the dilation only 2cm and i had gbs. this time round i also have gbs.

I felt giddy but i think i din vomit after delivery. I think i did vomit 1-2x during my 13 hours labour cos of the epi and i juz laid on the bed till backbone v painful and v restless...

Zanta, I heard that people who has gone thru csect with epi, they still can feel something when gynae is taking out baby from our body. Also you must make sure you can't feel anything when the epi has administered. I heard the doc will just use pinching to confirm you are numb. I think moat likely I will go for GA.

Jolin, try to relax and don't worry about tomorrow. Csect is very common now. Just focus on thinking that you will see your baby tomorrow morning, you will smile to sleep. : )


Hm, when I asked my gynae which option should I take for csec (GA or epi), he immediately answered epi. He said for epi, I will feel comfortable for e next 24 hours after taking while GA, he mentioned something but I forgot, sorry. And I also told him about my concern about e side effect of taking epi, but he said it is really up to individual. He is very senior and I believe he has been handling many many cases like this, or even more difficult one. So I just believe him and took his advice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My hubby is not with me now. He cant stay as I took 2 bedded room. Quite regret Le. Wanted to change to single bed room so that hubby can stay but fulled Liao.

I will try to update my operation procedure tomorrow morning. Hehe

mami b

can share gina ford pg 213?

i sup fm fr the 2nd month for my 1st bb. last time ignorant and pressure cos bb colicky and thot i really low ms as my pumped milk was too little. i cant seem to pump more milk. but during the first month, bb seems contented except during the evenings...

Hello Mummies,

So sorry to interrupt your thread.

I'm a Nov 2010 mommy and have some diapers to let go of as my lil' princess has outgrown them.

She's a hefty 7kg baby and has upgraded to Size M. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Item #1:

Huggies NB24 (up till 4kg) - New packet! Selling for $7.

Item #2:

Huggies S44 (3-7kg) - Slightly less than half pack left (17pcs left out of 44). Selling for $5.

Item #3:

Fitti S48 (3-7kg) - Half pack left (24 out of 48pcs). Selling for $5.

Will throw in FREE Drypers (NB) and Drypers (S) if you take all 3 items.

Self-collect from my place at Pasir Ris. Pls PM me for transaction or enquiries. Thanks and happy rabbit new year! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


pls relax. it is v impt. there is nothing to worry abt. i know you are excited. in fact i m due for c section and though this is my 2nd preg, i worry alot. i worry who is going to take care of my girl when i m in hospital. i even zzz talk and i know it. happening for a week le...

i opted for 1 bedder.

Rev island, page 213 of GF is a schedule I follow that increases a mom's milk supply. It's a couple of pages but u need to read the beginnin of the book to understand how to apply the schedule. Hm... I really think u should get the book. People around me who have also given birth around this time like my SIL and my hubby's colleague's wife are so encouraged by my results and have bot the book and benefited from it as well. But u really need to read the book and it's definitely easier to train Bb from day 1 than month 1 as habits may already form. Having said that , GF also says it's easier to train Bb at 3 months than 3 years old. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Our breasts are signaled to supply more when bb sucks so no worries about expressing before Bb sucks. When growth spurt comes along, I express less and immediately Bb gets more milk when she sucks. Must be more confident in your breasts hehe.. They will work hard to produce what ur bb needs. At most tell urself u hve standby formula! My formula I used once when I came back from hospital. Then after that, never use already. Contemplating to feed it to my three yr old instead.

I do full expressing at the 10:30pm feed which is given by my Hubby. And after the 2:30am feed which is EBM and takes 20min to feed and settle BB back to bed.

Kinder, it's not really discipline lah. I realli just following the GF schedule. She say do what I just follow. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my mum and mil say too bad last time they don't know such a method. End up wake up to feed baby so many times a night. Etc. Carry Bb to bed, take Bb for a drive coz they run out of ideas why Bb keep crying etc. My Bb just swaddle half awake , I put down and leave the room. Bb will doze off. ;)

@reverie island: Were you on epi c-sect for your first one?

@Sovrana: That's what I heard from my friend today!! She said she heard that during epi c-sect, the mummy still can feel the doctor pulling open the tummy after cutting which sounds scary to me.. I was still thinking of epi c-sect before my friend told me today as I didn't know the doctor will be pulling open our tummy. Haiz.. I'm in a dilemma again..!!

@Jolin: All the best to you!! Wishing you a smooth delivery and 母女平安!!

I think I'm getting v emotional recently due to this issue and I'll cry whenever I 想不通。My hubby is asking me if I have got pre-natal depression or not.


Rev island, oh yes. GF mentioned in book that our ms is lowest in evenings. Maybe u feed EBM in evening first while u work on the milk supply plan in the book? That's what I would do when I find that my ms is low compared to Bb appetite. Like now. My Bb going tru growth spurt. Wakes earlier than schedule. So I am going to embark on the plan tomorrow to increase milk supply. Today I started giving EBM and pump out to check how much milk my breasts are producing. Even the EBM amts I gave don't seem enuf for some feeds. So I know I need to up my supply and start the Pg 213 plan again. It's the second time I am using this plan. The first time I used it was when I got back from hospital. The plan is a five - six day schedule telling u when to pump, feed, eat, rest. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] engineered to help us make more milk than we are making now.

