(2011/02) Feb 2011


hi mummies, sorry to intrude...

anyone still keen to order the above?



(est to be about S$115 after international shipping and GST all in..)

Retailing at about $160 in local stores.

Need MOQ:20 to qualify for bulk discount.

i have a few orders on hand and hope to close this soon so that it'll be in time for us to use once we pop...

Please kindly PM Me as i wont be checking back here and reading ur threads...

thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Think some mommies went to visit c_nicole [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Been feeling nauseous today :/ prepared steamboat for dinner and my hands are itchy from peeling the prawns.

Happy new year to all! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] 2011 woll be an exciting year for all of us [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Went for scan ystdy. Bb is 2.2 kg at 32.5 weeks... A bit on the heavy side... At 32 weeks my #1 was only 1.8 kg... And when she came out 4 days b4 EDD was 3.2kg. Soooooooo... Even though Gynae says ok, no need to diet, wun be 4 kg type of bb, but I think I better start controlling. 3.6 kg bb not easy to push out! Put on abt 12kg liao yikes.

Happy new year to all!!

Just finished my BBQ dinner and relaxing at home... In no time all of us be taking turn to give birth lor... Countdown ya!

Congrats to Cnicole on the arrival of your babies.


Could you update for me in the table? My gynae is Dr Adrian Woodworth. Hospital - Mt A and I an having my baby #2 (girl).


Happy new year to all mummies and bbs!!!

Went buffet ytd and got nosebleed this morning. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Suspect it's the heaty food and beef..

I dump my no1 with my mum for the first time while hb and I went out for buffet dinner. Feel so attached to my boy that I sobs while leaving the house and sobs even more in the car.

To make matter worse, due to my sis negligence, my boy scalded his leg with some droplets of hot water. Lucky I'm done with buffet and fly back. He's alright with no blisters or anything. How am I going to deliver peacefully!!?

Happy New Year 2011 to all mommies!!!!!

Yesterday went to see nicole. She doing very well and look super radiants. Haha her tummy have flatten le so good. Haven get a chance to see her princes yet. Maybe can get a chance to see her princes after her confinement or on our next gathering or her princes 1st months =)

Jeanie, DO take care drink more water or some cooling drink.

Ur boy how is his leg now? Got better? Dont worry after u delivery at most take 2days. After 2days u can take care ur boy. Or maybe u can ask ur hubby to look after him after ur bb have popped out and bring him to the hospital? Or maybe can have some special request to ur gynae or the hospital went u giving birth?

My fren's sis during her labour time. She bring along her elder daughter as nobody take care of her at home. while she on labout time the gynae assistant take care of her daughter. So nice of her gynae assistant and the gynae. Willing to help out to take care for her daughter during her labour time. =)

Wish child, thanks. He's ok. But as he's getting more mischievous, he needs eyes on him all the time. Can't make any special arrangement cuz I'm suppose to leave him with my family. But all my 3 sis are blur blur type. Can't blame them tho cuz they still young. Now I'm afraid my delivery will clash with my parents overseas trip. My hb wants to be with me during delivery. Should I ask him to stay at home? Our arrangement is if any case my parents not around and I need to go on delivery, my grandma will come over to tend my terror with the maid. I'm seriously doubting if they can handle him. Very stressed and vexed!

Jeanie, don't worry u communicate with ur little bb tell him/her don't pop out the date ur parent went oversea. Dont stress urself too much. Try to keep urself relax dont worry u can found a solution to solve it.

Hmm maybe u can ask ur maid to go over to ur parent place to take care ur boy while u go delivery if ur parent not around? Have 4pairs of eyes look at ur boy shouldn't have any problems. Once u delivery ur hubby can go back look after ur boy. Don't worry too much. I'm sure ur 3 sisters and maid can take care ur boy well. Hugz.

Wish child, I'm currently staying with my parents and sisters.. Ytd got so many pair of eyes and yet such things happen. Incidents just happen in split second. Maid will prolly come later this month.. Lucky maid Is someone we are familiar with. Hope she will catch up fast.

I'm feeling some cramps and quickly take pills. Sian...

Jeanie, Ya don't worry next month ur maid come u will more relax. As u said ur maid is the one u familiar with.

U having some cramp better have good good rest and don't try move around. Talk to u boy ask him to guai guai when mommy not around at Hm. And will reward him something when he be good when u not around.

Wish child, thank you for so encouraging! Really makes me feel I shouldn't be so pessimistic. Got some rest just now. No more cramps but bh is back. Duhz

Jeanie, no problem =) Do rest well woh. Haha my BH also keep coming after me. Haha let countdown another 8weeks to go all the pain and BH will gone. =)

Happy 2011 to all mummies!!

hope u all enjoy ur days before ur little one comes..

n congrats to those mummies who already popped..

me still counting down.. 10 days to go..

Hello all,

I cant tahan liao. Think my body heaty hormonal, many pimples on my face. Cant resist drink coconut le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] 3-5 weeks more to go n counting down [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Happy New Year mummies!!

Claire, I'm bedresting coz I had bleeding at 27weeks. Was admitted for 1week to stop bleeding n contractions. My bleeding was caused by uterus haemorrhage. Gynae is at tmc. How's everything on yr side?

Wish_child, ya I also duno when I'm hving 1st kid tat can't keep opened milk for >1mth. Happened to browse thru the wordings on the tin, then saw the small clause on it. Wasted my 1st big tin of milk tin coz newborn drink v slow plus I'm bf.

Clio, why dun u try talking nicely to yr mum? Since yr mum is handling them, tell her nicely how u felt and tat u very 心痛 when u see yr elder daughter.

Jeanie, dun worry so much. So long as a family member is ard with yr son, tat is considered a form of help. Previously when I'm admitted, I'm also worried sick when my mum helped me to tk care of my boy. She could barely see, legs can't walk well, duno how to make milk, duno how to bath my son and wear diaper. Worse is my son's a hyper, my sis, after knocked off frm work, kept hitting him to keep him frm jumping ard. Makes me felt even worse. Just tell yrself tat at least someone whose family is there for my son. Hugs dun worry so much and u need to at least let them try handling yr boy. Even if u go for delivery, it'll be a few days only. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Charmaine, thanks! Think sometimes need to close one eye. Can't expect them to be as attentive and patience as ourselves...

You take care too! Have more rest!

Oh yah, last night another similar episode happened! I need to bathe and I ask my sis to tend to my boy. The same sis didn't pay much attention and my boy fell hard on the floor. His cheek was very red and didn't goes off for the next hour. Of cuz, he cried out loud. Omg...

I didn't scold her as she was already crying when my mum scolded her big time.. Oh well.. I dunno wad to say..

Charmaine, I see. I had spotting at 29 Weeks due to low placenta. Had been on bed rest since then. bcos of that, doc recommend to transfer to kkh and going for checkup tmr. Placenta remained low.

Have ur condition improved?

Kkh mummies, can share with me what items do the hospital provide and what we have to bring ourselves?

Gonna repack my hosp bag which was based on tmc :p

Happy New Year mummies.

Didnt have time to post until now.

got my usb keyboard yesterday but now I cant type the symbols or numbers from the top row of the keys..

can someone enlighten me?

Ah_ching what happen? I only know my girl sometimes quite irritable. Think is cos bay arriving soon.

Yes I feel quite irritable. Sometimes mood very good. Sometimes very small thing then I so upset. So sian! Jia you!

Today mom in law just passed me dried goods for making longan tea during confinement and also herbs for bath. More n more excited.

Hugss ah ching vent ur frustration here ba... I read almost everyday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] btw where do u stay? And which cc u send u boy to? I am waiting for my first skool but think april then have vacancy for my girl

Hello Everyone...

Happy 2011 & Congrats to the mummies who have popped!

Ah Ching.. why u feel irritable leh? Me just abit sian cos dun feel like working but we are super short-handed at work.. hv been clearing lv last few wks, so dunno how i'm going to tahan the full five-day wks in Jan till I pop.. thinking of asking my boss if i can take one day lv every wk, but she's a super-woman with 3 kids so i also dun dare to broach the issue.. sigh..

Jeanie - Can ur other sisters help if that one can't seem to cope?

Can I check how braxton hicks contractions feel like? Mine dun really fit the description i read online.. basically i dun feel any pain or cramps (touchwood) but there are times when my stomach suddenly becomes squarish-looking.. dunno if it's because the baby is stretching or it's braxton-hicks... Anyway.. i'm 36 wks liao.. feeling abit kan cheong now cos i suddenly realised that i cld literally just pop any time now.. still feel quite unprepared.. >gulpz<

hello mummies,

tdy I 'broached'the subject of my mum being partial to my younger gal instead of my eldest--told her that Jiejie is a 'sensitive' girl and pls pay more attention to her instead of 'attacking' her for playing favourites. Hopefully she will take note...

tomorrow i'm going to work 'office hours' for the first time as i used to teach and now transfered to HQ--hope can tahan the long hours!

Last time in school atleast i can quickly go back home ard 3 plus if i'm feeling lousy ...

How do you gals do it?

Maybe its the holidays but everytime by mid morning or mid afternoon, lethargy sets in and i really want to lie down. Hope can tahan the whole of Jan before popping!

hi mummies, didnt come in here for a few days already.. been feeling very emotional these days for no reason.. feel very guilty cos i was pretty snappy towards hubby these days and get irritated easily. then just now my hubby asked me if i preferred to have baby outside or inside of me i started sobbing uncontrollably cos i suddenly think of how she will not be inside me in a few weeks time. i think i scared my hubby. haha.. been having more of those menses cramp feeling but not pain.. though i miss my daughter inside i cant wait to pop..

Hi clio, where did u use to teach? Now at hq? I am a teacher too... One more day then sch starts. Will take maternity leave after 3 weeks.

:/ didn't sleep well at all. Had diarrhoea for past 3 days. Think I can't take anymore spicy food. And still on antibiotics for my cough. Phlegm still there... And kept wakibg up every few hours. Hope to recover before delivery. Cough for almost a month now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Happy New Year to all lovely mummies! Hope everyone has a great year ahead and smooth delivery! Time really flies and soon we will be due in weeks time!!

Initial planned for my new year day was to go Sentosa but the sudden down pour had stopped us so ended up went to Tampines’s baby boutique store as we still have not buy our bb pram and car seat. We spotted a few common brand and eyed it on combi. The lady boss is friendly and patient though we did not buy anything as I want to compare and see how much is cheong choon store selling…Anyone bought combi urban walker pram and combi car seat? Is it good?

So glad that I did spring cleaning at my room yday and managed to clear space and make room for my bb stuff. Have placed all bb clothes on 2 small medium size containers and instructed my maid to wash after I have bought the bb detergent. Can I soak the bb clothes in dettol with hot water before dumping it in washing machine with bb detergent?

Sad Sad coz my hubby sprained his waist while doing car washed…told him to take care of himself coz he stubborn dun want see tui na L

@Claire – Cheri Phan Pyng in my facebook J Hmm, I did leave a note saying that im Mrs Ong/Pyng while adding u.

@Fiona87 – wow one more week to go and u can carry ur bb! All the best in ur delivery and remember to update us!

@mamaying – u already started drinking coconut water?? I will start mine this weekend! Hopefully my bb will guai guai head downwards and pop after cny! Do take care n rest well drink more water esp now we going to pop soon…

@wishchild – ya my hubby’s bro told us too that why he always buy small tin of FM instead of bigh one.

@Ah Ching – im feeling sian and abit moody lately…those festive season suppose to be happy and good mood..duno why it din excite me anymore. Hopefully not this CNY lol.

Hi there , anyone seeing dr Ang @ sunplaza?

Wanna check if u all know r they open today..

Tired calling but no ans. Actually had appt on fri. But today Hubby is free and I not working.. Wanna go see him.. If not fri gonna go myself..

Jeanie, is your boy okie? Sometimes accidents do happen even in our own care so maybe just highlight to your sis gently and hope she'll be more alert in future. Yes, we can't expect them to be like us coz this is our own child. But as our kid grows older, we have to learn to let go slowly too. Hope everything turns out well for you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Claire, my placenta is still low and will be going for my detailed scan tmr. Gynae say he wants to know how's my bb's growth. So far after i was discharged, there isn't much bleeding (except for a big blood clot which slides out on the 3rd day) and i'm having Group B Strep infection, other then that, my gynae said i'm moving to the safe zone (36weeks) But when i was discharged from tmc, i was on standby to go kkh too coz gynae told me, in case i have contractions, i can go straight to kkh to put on drip.

Ah Ching, I'm having the same feeling as you! Very easily irritable! I dunno why also. So to avoid any unhappy tiffs, i kept quiet most of the times. Getting kinda impatient with this last mth's of wait.

Joodz, hugs hope you'll feel better. When i'm having my 1st boy, i also felt sad coz i can't have my bb inside me soon. Cheer up! You'll see your ger very soon!!

Clio, hope your mum will get your msg! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mamaying, take care and drink lotsa water. I'm also down with throat infection but funny leh, i never take any heaty food. Guess the weather's really bad nowadays


It's a Baby Boy balloon's (2 blue stars, 2 rounded, & 1 big) to let go at S$10. used once during 1 month celeb (Bought at $39).


@charmaine - talking about heatiness, i think i have it too and like u i hardly take heaty food. Suffered ulcer and pain on my left ear luckily the pain had gone within one day. I do suffer occasional gum bleed and nose bleed if i flossed and blowed too hard. Hope ur placenta will shift up after tml check up. Update us!

@joodz - same here same here...i really miss my bump esp those kicking and movements insides me. Besides i do get privileges when preggy like hubby so gentle and dote me when i preggy. My MIL made me tonic soup and cooked dishes i like, my family and colleagues dun let me carry heavy things etc...Now must treasure every moments!

@moomoo73 - i did not take 3d scan pix coz bb position not nice...

Lunch time now!

Hi mrs ong, yeah I wanted to drink it cos cooling hee. I think about 36 weeks ok to take once a week. But I started early. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Charmaine- thanks! Take care too. I am coughing with phlegm n diarrhoea. Hate to take so many pills. Antibiotics, cough med, charcoal pills on top of fish oil and prenatal pill. Got to space them out.

Spread my cough to my girl too. Luckily hers is mild.

Best thing is today is sch holiday I can stay home with her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Take care all mommies!

Wonder who is the next to pop;)

Jooz, Hugz Cheer up. When ur daughter out u will be most happy amoung everybody. As u can see her, hug and shower her with all ur love. =)

Charamine & Mrs Ong, Haha luckily i only buy 1 small tin of FM. Hmm one small tin already cost $20+. FM really very expensive. haha.

Hello mommies, nowadays when i sleep i will feel very breathless dont know why. I will sleep half way and woke up as i cant breath well. Haiz. Did anything this thing happen to u all??

claire, my sis quite young. 19, 15 and 11. the one that tend to him is the 15yo one..

kinderbueno, ask them to care for awhile then they like passing game. this pass to her then pass to her. btw, bh is like hardening of the tummy.. usually at the upper half.

charmaine, he's ok now. oh well.. cant expect much.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi mummies..

finally get time to post here.

just brought my son back from CC and put him down for his nap.

it was a horrifying experience to see him crying for me for a full 30 mins, i was hiding somewhere observing..

mamaying: sent my boy to Eager Beaver but they dont have infant care so mei mei wont be joining him.

my first skool is very expensive, after subsidies still more than a thousand lei

i really dont know why feeling irritable.

maybe it is becos i havent packed my things.

but last night, i took out all the things, carried all the boxes and bed and all the barang barang and reorganised everything.

am suffering from backache from all the heavy lifting and still mopped the floor.

my hubby came back ard 1am after I have finished 50% of the packing.

then after the whole packing he just sat on the sofa to see me mop floor and pick up the knicks and knacks

now my back is really suffering.


he still commented why i havent wash this and that and havent pack my hospital bag.

havent do this and havent do that.

i guess he could be the cause of my irritability

i have finally took out the bassinet and baby clothings. so now just need to wash but the weather is always so unpredictable.

and hubby threw a ton of clothing for me to wash

still got bedsheets as my son vomitted on his mattress 2 days ago...

