(2011/01) Jan 2011


that lady so mean..i'd reply to her. "can, if you pay.. i'll go. so shut up if you are not paying."

casey and ivftwins.

my mood swings are better now.. trimester 1 was bad.

i totally dun enjoy my japan trip in june and even cried. wasted the trip. even spend one of the days sleeping in hotel.


Hi Chabby/Ivftwins/Casey,

yes you are rite! These are the rude people that I encounter not only that I encounter pp scatching the reserved seat with me and still dare to glare at me! Made me so angry that I take a short video of her and post on my Fb arghhhhh


so bad ah?

i'll be very shameless and say "Hello, can you read enlish or understand the picture? it says RESERVED! the only thing i see is on you is fat belly, not a belly carrying a baby! Do you mind!"

do film. i've an ex-student who film a man who did that and post on FB and stomp!.. muhaha. well done! do post on stomp!

Good morning gals,

Do u experience bb not much movement? My gal is not moving yesterday.I had diaherria. N I am having a lot of sound from tummy. Like got bubbles like that.

Very worry. But hubby on biz trip. Wan to hear from u gals. Possible bb change position cannot feel?

Morning mummies -

Rude commuters in MRT - I also met before.... Someone who fought a seat for me... before I got the seat, they already ended up in some heated arguements, and another lady (who's not in the priority seat) stood up and ask me to sit down. And the lady in the priority still refuse to move her butt...!

Video on FB - Reminded me of a video I saw in FB too, but it's one crazy woman hurling abuses at ppl...she even scolded a preg woman for not sitting down... -___-

Jovial - Perhaps the tummy sound is the result of the upset tummy u had. Did u see a doctor? If you are worried then maybe take half a day to see gynae?

My bb is moving lots, to the extend of waking me up in the night. This am, at 4am plus, first time I saw my tummy shape changes.. Can see a "lump" moving here and there...dunno is the fist or the feet. Before that I could only feel the move, but overall tummy shape didnt really change...

Good morning mummies,

I agree there are some rude people who will not give up the reserved seats. Sometimes, pretend to be asleep. But my husband sometimes aggressive especially if it's a young man sitting and ask the person to let me sit.

Hi Jovial,

There are times may baby is less active, and just move 2x/day. But as far as I know, if the baby is changing position we should feel something. For me, better call your OB. If you have a stethoscope and knows how to detect the fetal heart tone, maybe you can try it to reassure yourself. HOpe you and the baby is good.

By the way, I woke up kinda worried because my right hand is slightly swollen. Maybe because I usually sleep side lying on the right side. Aren't we supposed to sleep on the left side?

But it just subsided after I exercise it.

Morning mummies!

RE: Sweet cravings.

Absolutely, I just had 2 pieces of cakes for breakfast. Actually should really avoid such empty calories, but I have very poor self control.. Potato chips and ice cream are my next best friend. Some how, they are my happy food.

RE: Mood Swings.

ABSOLUTELY! Don't know why I can get so emotional these days, can be ok one moment and snapping at my girl the next... sigh...

RE: Flipflops

Really comfortable? I haven't tried at all because I thought they weigh quite a lot. But I think it's better to buy from retail shops, as there are a lot of imitations out there. Think there was an earlier case in SMH Spree where the organiser could not deliver the shoes and got into a lot of trouble right?

RE: Public transport

I have given up hope that anyone will give up seats for me. Pregnant does not mean you are priviledged. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I agreed with u misty ... there was once my hubby and i took MRT and he gave up his sit for an elderly woman guess wat, some ABLED BODY WOMAN came and just sit down. But she is unlucky lah kana left right centre from my hubby. She bo bian gave up the sits....UGLY SINGAPOREAN....

That's y my hubby refuse to let me take public transport esp peak hrs. He will make it a point to ferry me or I drive tt day if he can't make it.

Mitch, sometimes hor, when you take a look on the MRT, all those who are sitting down are mostly MALES! and hor, they don't mind SQUEEZING with one another with their legs opened wide and big shoulders! Really! Quite an amusing sight! Hubby cannot always fetch me, because our offices are on opposite ends of the island, and also he need to send #1 to school first. So no choice, I can only depend on public transport.. . [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Yes so so true about all these ugly People!

On top of those rude shouting pp i kena few times also all pretending to be asleep all MEN! and sitting on the reserved seats. I actually feel like telling them i never force you to give up your seat so PLEASE NO NEED TO PRETEND TO BE ASLEEP>...-_-

Now for me coming to work has become a routine chore [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sad but true i hav to travel a total of 1hr 15-30mins to work daily ...feel like crying sometimes..veri demoralise..due to distance and meeting all these RUDE people!! all the pushing...sigh....

As for baby movement, my gal is quite active been moving alot. So Jovial if your baby been moving alot and suddenly less active you shld go and see your gynae..

Are we suppose to sleep on our left side? I cant sleep on left side at all feel uncomfortable ..can only sleep on back or right side [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


dun worry too much. try resting or change position to the one your baby move to very often. could be the diarrhoea.. you may have missed the movement while you concentrate on pooh perhaps? take the day off from work. see a GP will do. drink more water ok? if need so, add glucose powder thing.


swelling subside, shld be fine. dun worry also.

mitch and misty,

i avoid taking public transport if i can. feel the way misty feels. sigh~ hubby or father-in-law will try to ferry me. so avoid i public transport totally at peak hours! dun mind taking a 35 min walk home..(now will probably take me an hour as i need to sit n rest along the way)


wah! your hubby good! i like.


do you wan to put up on the forum on car-pool appeal?

may find someone who can ferry you near your place to your workplace there. worth trying.


left is the best. but cannot control ourselves from turning when sleeping. sleep on the right not as good as there may be pressure on liver.

like you, i sleep on right and back. guess what i dream of last nite? i dream of someone punching my tummy. i woke up to discover i'm sleeping on my back! must be the weight and discomfort of sleeping on my back causing such dreams!

Thanx Gals,

For all the advice. When we are trying to have no2 I have 2 mc before this. 1 of them stopped HB at wk 12. I was alone cos hubby biz that day when gynae tell me.

I really scare to go see gynae now as my hubby in biz trip.....

Hope bb can let me feel her today.

Chabby i was trying very hard to sleep on right but seems uncomfortable..oops bad for liver..been sleepin on my right. When i sleep on left feel like my inside twisted [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Wa horrible dream! I hav been having dreams lately and waking up and cant sleep properly now i look so shaggy and with eye bags [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Chabby can car pool? Dont think anyone from my side will travel here to work..wrong choice of location for workplace [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


you wan me to accompany you to see gynae?

i can ask hubby to drive us to your place to pick you up and go see gynae w u.


dun worry too much. i sleep on left, occupant inside kick me. so sleep on right lo. shld be fine de. as long as have good nite rest.

juz post and ask. you never know until you try asking.

Mummies, I asked my gynae during the last visit why we must sleep on our left. He said that it is best to sleep on the left, because when we get pregnant, the uterus will tilt to the right, so when we sleep on our left, it will "auto-correct" or the issue will not be made worst, something like that.

I try to sleep on the left, but will feel uncomfortable, then end up on the back or right side. These days, I feel that I am awake whenever I turn during my sleep.. sigh.. poor quality of sleep, and only 25 weeks leh... can imagine how much worst it will go in time to come.


2 weeks ago i also feel Bb has less movements but after 2 days she again start kicking hard [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Are you changing month ? I mean, is it around your LMP date? I heard baby have changes specially near this date and to me it was true.

see doc if you are not convinced!

Hi Misty, i super agree with you! poor quality of sleep every night..and wake up easily.. cant imagine when it gets bigger.

I just weigh myself this moring..put on 5kgs liao..think my ideal of putting 10kg for the whole pregnancy is gone..

Jovial, I read somewhere that can try to eat or drink something sweet, then wait for 30 mins to 1 hour, should be able to feel some movements from bb. Don't worry so much now, worrying is not beneficial to baby. If really don't feel right, then just quickly go to gynae or hospital.

Lily, I more realistic, i gave myself 12 kgs, but... think will be more than that. I refuse to weigh myself at home... cannot face up to reality! hahahaahha!

Misty how many kgs did u put on for yr first? my was 9-10 lay..so hope to keep to tat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i just PM you my handphone number.

do sms me if you need me to go see gynae with you.


what is LMP??

Hi Lily, Wow, u only put on 9-10kg for yr #1. Yr #1 is girl or boy?

I put on about 20kg for my #1 boy. So, I set a target not to put on more than 15kg for my #2. And since it's a girl, so I think shd be smaller in size. Now, I've already put on about 8kg. Haiz...

That is so nice of you Chabby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] am so happy to find this forum where we mummies can share and pour our heart out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@ Daphne ya first one cant even see my tummy till it reach 5mths and am able to walk and run till the las tri but not this pregnancy.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My first one was a boy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chabby : My Hubby doing freelance so he can afford the time and I am staying in Hg and working NUH very far .... I am already walking a lot during office hrs so after office hrs i will just rest as much as possible.

Nowadays my girl really move a lot and beri active esp with music on. I guess she likes music.

Mitch you stay Hg too? Me too and working at Ayer Rajah area..need to change train and take shuttle bus in somemore imagine the crowd here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Lily, me too, I think I put on abt 9 or 10 kg for my girl, but this time round, maybe much older, metabolic rate down, so put on weight more easily.

Mitch, HG got those pte bus to NUH you know? I saw before, think the starting point is from Seng Kang.


can try carpool w NUS students?? shld be possible. since NUH and NUS have quite a large number of people working there. got chance.. jus try.


jus a small favour. see if Jovial need help today a not.


oic.. thanks.

Misty you work in the west side too? I use to work in Raffles place and the people there not as rowdy as compare to my current working area lay [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] the people here all quite rough esp the MEN!


try taking NUS chartered bus from sengkang, no hassle and within 1 hr you will be in ofice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just need to stick to the timing. u want ? I can give you contact number [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lily, yes, I work in the west too! Really quite near to you and mitch! Ayer Rayah very mah fun, u need to take train, then change, then still have to wait for bus right? No company transport?

Misty, ya my buliding is the new Fusionopolis lo...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] unless the One north is up la..but fat hope lah..

Yes have to wait for the super sianzz shuttle bus that is always packed with guys with big bakcpacks and will try to knock pp down with tat!!! haizzzz wat to do..endure is the word!

Lily, at least when the new MRT is up, it is right at your door step leh, then u just have to find a way to get to the Circle line station. Ah, I am really very near you! hahahaaha! So, did you witness the guy who committed suicide and jumped down from the sky garden?

Wa Misty, really so 巧 !!

I just join this company not long so nvr witness anything [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] By the time the MRT is up i thnk i am gone from here hahahaa!! Dont like this area at all..:p


dear mtbs, sorry to disturb again. have added many new items. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i've alr delivered my gal & looking to clear the abv items. hope mtbs can find them of interest to u.

pls refer to abv link for related pics & descriptions. all items are described to the best of my knowledge. items u see in the provided link are all up for grabs (except for those that have been RESERVED), items once SOLD will be removed from the link.

if keen, pls SMS to 96495528 for fast deal. pls do NOT leave PM or postings in the forum as i'm unable to keep track of them. calls from unknown nos. will not be entertained.

here's wishing all mtbs a safe & happy pregnancy!

Lily - Me too, coming to work is so dreadful for me... I always only wake up 30mins earlier, then shower and chong out of the house. My ofc v strict on punctuality... so, I usually take cab to work. Since preg til now... everyday is cab cab cab! alot of $$ wasted


misty - 12kg sounds realistic, for my last pregnancy i didnt control and gained abt 22kg! I didnt manage to shed off everything for this pregnancy, thus im giving myself only allowance of abt 10 or so... i think it will be quite hard for me to re-gain my pre preg weight :p

