(2011/01) Jan 2011

Lily: Dont expect them to give you seat.....if you need ask them to get up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] anyway the seat is reserved for us and it is not abt rules only even if the seats r not reserved I will still ask for seat to save myself and baby and nobody dare not to get up right?

In my first t rimester i break all records of vomitings and faintness....and when started going office shamelessly ask the person to get up....i knew if i dont i will faint and fall on them. People look at me........my tummy....no tummy in 3 months .......but who cares? I got my gynae card in pocket ......you ask me i will show u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ya true but this shuttle bus hav no reserve seats for us..so those people ignore lo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

wa u poor thing Sherill, and you are brave! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] admire you!

luckymummy: detail scan is like oscar scan but they diden ask me to drink water. Guess baby is big enough for measurement :). Take care of yourself...

Jovial: My baby is super active. Even radiographer comment the same cos my baby kept on moving and when need to do measurement, baby move again. Radiographer even say:" wait, dun move, let me measure first." so notti..and when i play music, especially those pop and R&B songs, baby kick more frequently till I wan to surrender cos very *geli*...

apple: Ur girl girl so cute with the oversize jersey..:)

Agree!! some ppl just pretend din see you.

Hi kimmyksc, is yr hubby allowed to go in with u together or only later? Cos during the oscar scan, my hubby only allowed to go in later after all the measurements. In KKH, they allow my hubby to be with me all the time.

Btw, did u get yr detail scan results on the spot?


I will like the cinch wrap too. But deciding between the pouch or pouchless one. Trying to find more info on the net.


I also my this #2 more active. And I am extremely tired. And keep waking up to pee that it is disturbing my sleep. 

1) Miaiko (w pouch. XS-M)

2) esthert

3) Mitch

4) luckymummy11 (pouchless XS-M)

5) cookiefleur (w pack)

6) chercat (w pouch. XS-M)

7) hoshi (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size XS-M)

8) kikapo (w pouch, size:XS-M)

9) Jass1408 (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size XS-M)

10) JJ (w pouch)

11) Daphne (pouchless. Size XS-M)

12) Darienna (w pouch. Size:XS-M)

13) Ting (pouchless. Size XS-M)

14) Misty (pouchless. Size XS-M)

15) Trevitrevi (Size XS-M)

16) Pinky_J (w pouch, size: XS-M)

17) Nimkulut (pouchless, size: XS-M)

18) Valerie142 (pouchless, size: XS-M)

19) Jovial-(pouchless, size: XS-M)

20) Lily_H-(pouchless, size: XS-M)

21) Little Oxygen (pouchless, size: XS-M)

Hi Kimmy and Pinkimum,

Ya. Active very nice. Can always him/her. But it will tired us out too.

Guess body haven get use to the feeling. Hopefully our energy can come back soon.

ya they are cute at that age. now at 2.5 yrs old lose the baby cuteness and add on tantrums!

I think if tummy not that big, pple just assume that we are fat? I dunno but my colleague and sis say I just look fat... not preggy. so far no seats given also. sometimes i see old pple and bigger tummies preggy, i dunno to give up my seat or not... confused.

Lily: u will be fine. take care.

daphne: They ask my hubby to wait outside. Only when all measurement done, they call my hubby to come in and show a bit of baby's ultrasound lor. My baby also notti lar, dun wan to face up, end up I give music then turn a bit, otherwise, i gotto stay until all done..and yes, the report is available on the spot :)

Jovial: Agreed with you, I feel her everyday. Less worried in a way :) after work feel more tired, so I will just lie down on the bed like a princess..haha

apple: I totally agree with you! I had a new colleague and she thought I was just fat instead of pregnant! I was so upset. But as the tummy grows bigger, its rather obvious that im pregnant! Haahaa...

Can feel the bb kick, though kinda mild. I wanted to see if my skin pops up when the bb kick, but so far I can't catch any. But there was once last week when I went for my scan I could feel my bb kick and immediately on the screen I saw it through the scan. It was amazing!

Hi Apple79,

2.5yo is also a cute age. Now they have more attitude and always switching bet angel and monster mode. ha ha ha....

The pix is taken at Harbour Front, in front of the shop with baby pools?

hi Kimmyksc

u do your detail scan at TMC? do they tell u the results when they scan or they give u report on paper?

my detailed scan is tomorrow but only seeing my gynae on saturday

1) Miaiko (w pouch. XS-M)

2) esthert

3) Mitch

4) luckymummy11 (with pouch XS-M)

5) cookiefleur (w pack)

6) chercat (w pouch. XS-M)

7) hoshi (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size XS-M)

8) kikapo (w pouch, size:XS-M)

9) Jass1408 (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size XS-M)

10) JJ (w pouch)

11) Daphne (pouchless. Size XS-M)

12) Darienna (w pouch. Size:XS-M)

13) Ting (pouchless. Size XS-M)

14) Misty (pouchless. Size XS-M)

15) Trevitrevi (Size XS-M)

16) Pinky_J (w pouch, size: XS-M)

17) Nimkulut (pouchless, size: XS-M)

18) Valerie142 (pouchless, size: XS-M)

19) Jovial-(pouchless, size: XS-M)

20) Lily_H-(pouchless, size: XS-M)

21) Little Oxygen (pouchless, size: XS-M)

Sorry, very fickleminded. Cos "More Support" sounds good.

Wow didn't know that you ladies also have so many bodily complaints. For me it's backaches and very vivid, disturbing dreams that upset my sleep. I wake up feeling completely unrested. Of course, add onto that the wake up to pee thing...

Ya, will definitely be more careful from now on. Will walk more slowly and not overexert.

thanks kimmy for the update on detailed scan. Okay, will tell my husband to bring reading material. The last round baby was uncooperative and refused to turn. Had to get up, drink water, walk around etc.


i get the vivid dreams since the start of the 2nd trimester too! Tot I was weird. ;p

Here's the updated list:

1) Miaiko (w pouch. XS-M)

2) esthert (with pouch XS-M)

3) Mitch

4) luckymummy11 (with pouch XS-M)

5) cookiefleur (w pack)

6) chercat (w pouch. XS-M)

7) hoshi (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size XS-M)

8) kikapo (w pouch, size:XS-M)

9) Jass1408 (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size XS-M)

10) JJ (w pouch)

11) Daphne (pouchless. Size XS-M)

12) Darienna (w pouch. Size:XS-M)

13) Ting (pouchless. Size XS-M)

14) Misty (pouchless. Size XS-M)

15) Trevitrevi (Size XS-M)

16) Pinky_J (w pouch, size: XS-M)

17) Nimkulut (pouchless, size: XS-M)

18) Valerie142 (pouchless, size: XS-M)

19) Jovial-(pouchless, size: XS-M)

20) Lily_H-(pouchless, size: XS-M)

21) Little Oxygen (pouchless, size: XS-M)

Hi Miaiko,

I'll add on here:

1) Miaiko (w pouch. XS-M)

2) esthert

3) Mitch

4) luckymummy11 (with pouch XS-M)

5) cookiefleur (w pack)

6) chercat (w pouch. XS-M)

7) hoshi (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size XS-M)

8) kikapo (w pouch, size:XS-M)

9) Jass1408 (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size XS-M)

10) JJ (w pouch)

11) Daphne (pouchless. Size XS-M)

12) Darienna (w pouch. Size:XS-M)

13) Ting (pouchless. Size XS-M)

14) Misty (pouchless. Size XS-M)

15) Trevitrevi (Size XS-M)

16) Pinky_J (w pouch, size: XS-M)

17) Nimkulut (pouchless, size: XS-M)

18) Valerie142 (pouchless, size: XS-M)

19) Jovial-(pouchless, size: XS-M)

20) Lily_H-(pouchless, size: XS-M)

21) Little Oxygen (pouchless, size: XS-M)

22) Sofia (pouchless, size: XS-M)


1) Miaiko (w pouch. XS-M)

2) esthert

3) Mitch

4) luckymummy11 (with pouch XS-M)

5) cookiefleur (with pouch & pack XS-M)

6) chercat (w pouch. XS-M)

7) hoshi (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size XS-M)

8) kikapo (w pouch, size:XS-M)

9) Jass1408 (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size XS-M)

10) JJ (w pouch)

11) Daphne (pouchless. Size XS-M)

12) Darienna (w pouch. Size:XS-M)

13) Ting (pouchless. Size XS-M)

14) Misty (pouchless. Size XS-M)

15) Trevitrevi (Size XS-M)

16) Pinky_J (w pouch, size: XS-M)

17) Nimkulut (pouchless, size: XS-M)

18) Valerie142 (pouchless, size: XS-M)

19) Jovial-(pouchless, size: XS-M)

20) Lily_H-(pouchless, size: XS-M)

21) Little Oxygen (pouchless, size: XS-M)

22) Sofia (pouchless, size: XS-M)

Lily H>> hope everything is well and you're feeling better.

Went for our detailed scan on monday and we're going to be having a girl!!! =)

Has anyone started thinking of names already??

Kimmy>>> Doc said that I have low-lying placenta too and might need caesarean if it doesn't move it by time of delivery. =( a lil worried and hopefully everything will be ok... cross fingers for both of us that everything will be fine. =) *huggies*

Hi all!!

hee! Just had my detailed scan this morning! Finally got to c my bb after 5weeks!!

During the scan, bb keep moving, up and down, then initially head downwards, then we rub rub the tummy and start to turn to head upwards! an 180 degrees turn!! haha!!

confirmed! my bb is a baby girl!!! :D

hee... now can start to buy all the pink pink clothes :D

(how to update the list? can anyone help?)

hee!! initially I tot bb will be a boy, cos been very active everyday, poking me and as I tap on the area that bb poke, bb will stop for a while then poke back, depending on how many times i tap :D haha!! it's quite fun!!! :D so when radiographer say bb is girl, I was a bit shock. But as said, girl or boy, it's a blessing from GOD :D

heee... active is good! shows that she is happy and healthy inside :D

okie! gotta sleep! goodnight mummies! :D


Congrats, girl yea ? First ? My placenta was alittle low with my first preggy too but luckily it moved so managed to deliver her naturally. Hope the same for ou...

Good Morning Mommies!!

Congrats cookiefleur and Charleen!!

Hubby and me has started to brainstorm for bb name. Chinese name to be exact as we want our children to decide their English names when they grow up.

Any good website to recommend for Chinese names?

Hi Morning all MOmmies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Am feeling better today.. thanks for all the concern [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just hope the cramps dont come so frequent...

Hi Jovial,

For chinese names, we always use those with the birth dates so they wil pick those selected chinese characters for us to choose save us the trouble of picking through all.. ;)

Good morning mummies,

I also just had my detailed scan yesterday, and confirmed it's a boy. Told my gynae that till I still dun feel much bb's kicks and he told me it's very ok and fine and now, it's more like feeling butterfly movements. By the next month checkup, he said I will be complaning abt the bb's kicks liao... haha...

The nurse told me that it is very important to monitoring the bb's movements from 8th months onwards. We need to monitor when is the most active period the bb's movements are, and then make sure everyday we feel the same number of movements. And less foetal movements, we have to go straight to gynae's clinc to do CTG to monitor bb's heartbeat. Mommies, please kindly take note of these!...

Hubby was worried abt me drinking cold drinks so he asked my gynae. And gynae also said perfectly ok to take cold drinks coz our body temperature now inside very hot.. haha... then immediately after my detailed scan, hubby bought cold barley for me.... haha... but think I will still take cold drinks in moderate and not overly cold stuff...

yes Ting! I contacted her and she asked me to call n nov to confirm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]why?

Sherill, Juz got her charges info from my colleague juz came back from her maternity leave. guess you no need it liao :p

Hi Jovial,

Meaning using 生辰八字to choose out the chinese characters.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i need to dig out my son's record last time remembering going to some places in Ajunie area.

Hi Ting,

Massage lady, wat are her charges like? She must be good ya? Does she use essential oil or jamu?


Lily, my massage lady is an indian. think she learn from india. nothing to do with jamu. i tried few days last time after i deliver my #1. yes. she got use some kind of herbal oil. the session is truely relaxing and it suppose to promote blood circulation. i slept well after every massage session. my massage lady did pre and post delivery massage. my colleague tried both and highly recommend. but one thing not so good is the clearing and cleaning after each massage session lor. very very very oily. unless you have helper, else suggest think twice b4 engaging her :p if you like to know her charges and contact let me know, will PM you.


why u envy me?... boy or gal same same lah.... just so long as they are healthy and strong can already... before my detailed scan I was so worried and couldn't sleep well coz I only feel butterfly movements only, and not regular.... yesterday after detailed scan, seems like the movements are more regular and more frequent... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jovial : yah they can be angel and can be monster!

Lily: yeah!

Hoshi: I completely cannot feel anything yet (bb movement) though its #2. I asked gyane last mth. she said some #2 mummies still feel it 5 mths onwards.

hmm maybe my skin is thick haha

Dear all,

Gd News!

The organiser is giving us $1 off per wrap + free postage.

If other mummies wana join us, and we manage to hit 40pcs, we will all get $2 off per pc. Offer till 13 Sep Monday only!

1) Miaiko (w pouch. XS-M)

2) esthert

3) Mitch

4) luckymummy11 (with pouch XS-M)

5) cookiefleur (with pouch & pack XS-M)

6) chercat (w pouch. XS-M)

7) hoshi (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size XS-M)

8) kikapo (w pouch, size:XS-M)

9) Jass1408 (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size XS-M)

10) JJ (w pouch)

11) Daphne (pouchless. Size XS-M)

12) Darienna (w pouch. Size:XS-M)

13) Ting (pouchless. Size XS-M)

14) Misty (pouchless. Size XS-M)

15) Trevitrevi (Size XS-M)

16) Pinky_J (w pouch, size: XS-M)

17) Nimkulut (pouchless, size: XS-M)

18) Valerie142 (pouchless, size: XS-M)

19) Jovial-(pouchless, size: XS-M)

20) Lily_H-(pouchless, size: XS-M)

21) Little Oxygen (pouchless, size: XS-M)

22) Sofia (pouchless, size: XS-M)

hoshi, my hb n i feels that different gender children will add different "colors" to the family lor. health of cos is priority. if can have children of both gender will be most ideal for us. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

as for bb movement, mine also not regular. i know some bb are just too lazy to move. my mil told me last time she hardly feel her #3 movement until nearing to her delivery. are you those who move alot when you are not asleep? cos got pple tell me bb will enjoy the movement and sleep well when you move. maybe your bb usually moves when you are deep asleep lei... anyway, since your Gynae already confirm bb developmetn is ok then shud be np de. our stage now shud be quite stable le.

Ting sure: pls let me know if dont mind [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks a lot

I also think my skin too thick and too much fats.. that's why till now abt 19 weeks (although scan says I'm 20 weeks), I can only feel butterfly movements... haha... but mummies, don't worry so much like me, whether we feel any movements or not.... From 24 weeks onwards then we will feel more obvious kicking and movements.

Please remember to start monitoring the movements from 8th month onwards.


Yah, to think of it... different gender will bring different set of problems too... haha..

Boys will have to worry abt their NS leh...

1) Miaiko (w pouch. XS-M)

2) esthert

3) Mitch

4) luckymummy11 (pouchless XS-M)

5) cookiefleur (w pack)

6) chercat (w pouch. XS-M)

7) hoshi (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size XS-M)

8) kikapo (w pouch, size:XS-M)

9) Jass1408 (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size XS-M)

10) JJ (pounchless. Size XS-M)

11) Daphne (pouchless. Size XS-M)

12) Darienna (w pouch. Size:XS-M)

13) Ting (pouchless. Size XS-M)

14) Misty (pouchless. Size XS-M)

15) Trevitrevi (Size XS-M)

16) Pinky_J (w pouch, size: XS-M)

17) Nimkulut (pouchless, size: XS-M)

18) Valerie142 (pouchless, size: XS-M)

19) Jovial-(pouchless, size: XS-M)

20) Lily_H-(pouchless, size: XS-M)

21) Little Oxygen (pouchless, size: XS-M)

Ting, me not doing biz la. Jus helping to collate n organise the spree for us. The organiser reminded that the retail price is strictly controlled by the brand's principal. She's nice to give us special offer. I try not to mention the brand name else get her into trouble, as the BP already offer $20 off retail.

Dear all,

Gd News!

The organiser is giving us $1 off per wrap + free postage.

If other mummies wana join us, and we manage to hit 40pcs, we will all get $2 off per pc. Offer till 13 Sep Monday only!

1) Miaiko (w pouch. XS-M)

2) esthert

3) Mitch

4) luckymummy11 (with pouch XS-M)

5) cookiefleur (with pouch & pack XS-M)

6) chercat (w pouch. XS-M)

7) hoshi (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size XS-M)

8) kikapo (w pouch, size:XS-M)

9) Jass1408 (w pouch/pounchless TBC. Size XS-M)

10) JJ (pouchless XS-M)

11) Daphne (pouchless. Size XS-M)

12) Darienna (w pouch. Size:XS-M)

13) Ting (pouchless. Size XS-M)

14) Misty (pouchless. Size XS-M)

15) Trevitrevi (Size XS-M)

16) Pinky_J (w pouch, size: XS-M)

17) Nimkulut (pouchless, size: XS-M)

18) Valerie142 (pouchless, size: XS-M)

19) Jovial-(pouchless, size: XS-M)

20) Lily_H-(pouchless, size: XS-M)

21) Little Oxygen (pouchless, size: XS-M)

22) Sofia (pouchless, size: XS-M)

THanks Miaiko for helpin in organising this! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ting, can you email or pm me with regards for the massage lady? I cant pm you lay.. ;p thanks

When i go for the check up ytd, my gal was very active thou i simply cant feel it guess my tummy is cover with lots of fats and is thick..hahhaha

Hi Ting, saw that you ladies were talking about postnatal massage by indian lady? Could you pm me her details and number as well..? Is she really gd?

Lina>> thanks for your reassurance... =)

Charleen>> congrats too on the girl! =D

Jovial>> yeah, me and hubby most likely going to use baby's 8 characters to get the name... will need a fengshui guy / fortune teller for that...


babykoh, they will print the detail scan report to you on the spot if you tell them u r seeing doctor on the same day, otherwise, guess they will send to your doctor clinic. They will mentioned a bit about the report but like my case, they say dun worry, all good. End up doctor say low lying placenta..

luckymummy: Ya..I told my husband if he see me walking out means baby not cooperative, if see stranger walk out means all done and he can go in. Overall, my detail scan took about 1.5 hours.

akaysha: Yeah, it's amazing to see from screen and feel the movement at the same time. so cute rite :)

cookiesfleur: *hugzz* Don't worry too much and think positive. Take care of ourself, walk slow and less, dun carry heavy thing. Baby will be fine, very rare cases will cause death, just need to monitor if got bleeding or not. so now, I eat and lie down on bed immediately, rest my legs on a pillow..let hubby do the rest. No more house work for me.

re: baby name

Yeah, I started a while ago to find some name eventho I dun know the gender (last time), as for the chinese name, very hard to find from online. I try to google with keyword - 台湾华文起名.

found few links to get some idea, then ownself mix and match lor



