(2011/01) Jan 2011

Hi All, me back to work le. feeling so tired. my phone keep ringing while i just don't feel like talking. haiz...

Hi grumpus, you are right man...tough my MS on and off. but i can feel that it is getting worse each time. me 8 weeks already.

This morning i threw out my breakfast before coming to work. wasted my effort to prepare the breakfast.

Hi babykoh, me also taking EYS TCM. my dr advice that if i can't take the taste, i can dilute the medicine in more water to drink or take each pack of powder at different time. not necessary to take one packet of powder everytime.



I'm also having terrible MS, currently 9 weeks and i can totally forgo dinner as i'll just puke all out in the evening time.. n it's getting worse.. Hope to get through the 1st trimester soon! Gng to see bb on 28 jun when bb is 13 wks old [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

am currently 6 weeks..

my MS in the morning n afternoon is terrible also..

14th june going to see my bb..

one more week to go.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i read up from baby centre, it say its quite common and if it continues a lot then dangerous. i am sitting still in my office now, not moving ard

Girls, My MS was worst of all since 6 weeks and been to SGH few times for drip and stayed there 2-3 days each time, in medical term we call it "hyperemesis".

Now it is better at around 10 weeks. I have apppointment on wednesday to see if everything is ok.

Any idea where can we buy cheap maternity clothes. I dont want to buy from kiddy's they are so expensive.

Hi Sherill, am glad tat yr ms is better now : )

You could consider those from the bulk purchase in this forum. the maternity wear are less pricey. I bot some tops for my first pregnancy and will be wearing it again for my current pregnancy.

Bcos I am pretty tall, hence i bot bottoms from overseas sprees and those from the stores whereby I could try the length of the pants. Those store bought maternity wear are really expensive!

Hi Sherill, i agree on coconutz. There are some BP sellers selling maternity wear at BP section. U may want to chk them out. U can also post a thread in WTB section where u cn ask for maternity wear. Many mummies hav preloved or BN ones they may offer u. U cn get a good deal fm them. U may also chk out this website, some items the prices are reasonable.


[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u need to rest more too.. try not to walk too much..

Hi JJ,

Whether or not you decide to go Korea depends on your own physical state. Though alot of people advise against travelling during the 1st trimester, but my gynae gave me the go-ahead even to continue my flight attendant duties.

Dear fellow MTB,

I am approx 9 weeks now (if the baby still exists, haha!). I do not have any signs/symptoms, no particular cravings, no morning sickness, no weight-gain etc that is why I am still continuing to fly, despite it being very physically tiring in nature.

Saw baby's heartbeat 2 weeks ago and I am due for another appointment in a few days time. Bracing myself for bad news cos I do not feel pregnant at all & even have been indulging in all the 'forbidden' food/drinks/activities like I used to.

Hope for the best but be prepared for the worst. Life goes on.

Hi Flyingowl

Think u should be okie lah. Dun frighten yrself...since u do not hve any bleeding, the baby is still there lah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am seeing my gynae tmrw nite. For one moment, u frighten me too cos I do not feel preg too.. only ocassionally, nausea.

lets not scare one another.. bb will be safe and sound in our womb.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I went to see my gynae this evening after work everything is fine n did a scan saw a stronger heart beat soooooo relieved.....

Flying Owl, Pooh,

Sometimes i also have that kinda of feeling..duno whether i'm still pregnant.

cos i have no MS, no nausea, no cravings..

only sign is feeling tired and sian..

I'm now in my 6th week.

Which week does the nausea and MS kick in?

Next appmt with my gynae is on 19 Jun..which is actually only 2 weeks from my 1st appmt. but it feels so long...hope everything is fine.


dun worry too much abt MS and just enjoy that u're symptom free!

for my 1st pregnancy i didn't find out i was preggie until 6 wks, so obviously i didn't hv any symptoms at all! around 7-8 wks i got very mild MS. slight nausea during the evenings only and bloatedness after a heavy meal. other than that very tired and had to sleep early everyday.

that's abt it, i breezed through my 9 months and enjoyed my pregnancy a lot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

currently i'm 7+ wks and MS has not hit me either and i'm not complaining [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Bethel

Sometimes, certain pple doesnt have MS or nausea.

My MS is still bearable. Only ocassionally, I feel nausea.

Ya, I understand the waiting is a killer. I went thru the 2 wks of waiting. And its final here - its today! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Try to take care of yrself. 19 June will be here soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks grumpus and pooh!

Think i need to take my mind off and focus on other things..

Ya I should enjoy the fact that i have no MS.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hey grumpus just for interest.... is ur 1st one a boy? Mine 1st was a boy and ppl says carrying a boy dun really experience much pregnancy symptoms like MS etc ..

Hi ladies, i have a maternity pant that fit size S-M, with elastic band, selling at $15 include normal postage. this is brand new. pls pm me if u are interested.


grumpus and cocnutz ... haha then is just a myth...for these 2 preggy i dun have MS or other symptoms ... I guess is good ba ...cos i tot onli carrying boys won't have preggy symptoms...

hello mitch, it all depends on individual. Me too 1st one boy had bad MS..till gotta quit werk. wen 5mths+ den ok. Later ard 8mth start again vomiting..haiz..My cuzzin who also had boy also same bad ms. My other gerlfrens on the other hand who had girls mostly all say they got no MS or only slightly. Thats y i envy..

Am now 9wks. So far slight MS. Cud it be girl then?? haha..mayb coz i still bfg my 2yo dats y my hormones chg. I dread bad MS. Good for u. U r lucky to escape all this. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wa, i really envy those with no ms... it makes me so miserable for the past few weeks.

anyway, my tummy is obvious now and my colleagues said mine wld be a gal... cos its big and round. my tummy size resembles when i was carrying my boi at 4 mths and they said women who carry boy has a smaller tummy... we shall see during my 4mth scan then : )

haha isit? I know the sex of my boy when I did my Oscar ... he was so liberal and open his leg wide and there showing daddy and mummy what he have got ...


eh think it's a myth also lah. when i was carrying my girl my tummy super small, everybody also keep guessing boy but came out girl :p

actually i heard MS is hereditary. if yr mum had bad ms most likely u would too. just like stretch marks. my mum had 3 kids, 2 girls and 1 boy. all also easy pregnancies with mild/no MS.

so i guess i inherited her good genes? :p

but hor my mum's stretch marks are very bad and so are mine!!

grumpus,so lucky of u with no ms! haiz, my stretch marks also very bad... i din dare to wear bikini after delivery.

Anyone intending to exercise after first trimester. i m dying to go swimming...for temporary relieve of heavy burden during the later mths.


i was thinking of doing prenatal yoga after 1st tri, but swimming sounds good too! if only to get away for awhile from my daughter :p

Hi Mitch, i am same with you. 1st one is a boy. So far no MS. But this time i am easy to get tired, no appetite, feeling not so good. but lucky no vomiting...

Hi Coconut, my tummy is obvious too. my mum said mine is look like 3 mths tummy although i am about 8-9 weeks. the pants during my 1st pregnancy can wear till mid of 2nd trimester.but now these pants already just nice for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

anyone start to teach yours children they will become "ge ge" or "jie jie" soon?

now i am keep thinking how to teach my son he will become "ge ge" soon? When is the best time to let him know? He is 16 mths, seem like many thing still dont understand... he still dont know calling people. Somemore i found that his motor development is a bit slow if compare to same age children. He just started to walk withdout support in last week...

Hi there,

Been a silent member until I found out that I'm pregnant.

My EDD was on 3rd Jan 2011 on my first visit to the gynae. Then it was changes to 31st Dec 2010 on my second visit.

Any tips on 'holding' on till the new year?? Really hoping for a new-year baby than an end-of-year baby..

Hi Mummies.. Having some spare avent bottles (NOT BPA FREE) and thingys wanted to sell them away. Selling cheaper then market prices as i hope to sell them all to 1 person for convenient.

4 x 125ml Avent bottles : $5.00 each

(U.P $17.20 in Twins pack)

Total: $20.00 for all 4bottles

Brand New (Not in boxes as they are from

different hampers from baby shower)

6 x 260ml Avent bottles : $18.00 per pair

(U.P $25++ in Twins pack)

Total: $54.00 for all 6bottles

Brand New in SEALED boxes

1 x Small Size Dryers Diapers (64pcs)

: $10.00 (U.P $14.00)

Brand New (Sealed)

2 x 200ml Wide Neck Pigeons Bottles

: $7.50 each (U.P $9.50each)

Total: $15.00 foR 2bottles

Brand New in SEALED boxes

Everything for just $99.00!! Self Collect at Tiong Bahru Mrt! =D

If interested pls kindly drop me a email at : [email protected]

Pls kindly leave me your name and contact number for me to contact u thru sms! Thank you.

evlin i think 2nd pregnancy and above tummy will grow faster leh ... my hubby tells me my tummy is like 3 mths tummy whereas i am onli in my 7th week

coconutz....mine was beter by 9 weeks and now I just feel nauseous all day. How many weeks are you now? I am going for scan tomoorow at 10 weeks.

hi all..I have been reading the treat silently everyday..my nauseous is also quite bad epecially before lunch hour..i read babycentre website, they say keep eating something, dun leave the stomach empty, by doing this can cut down nauseous. feel miserable to have MS.

me 9 weeks now and 2nd visit to gynae on 14th June. 3 weeks more to get rid of MS but some say will last longer time..sound scary :-(

hope we all can get rid of MS after 1st trimester..

hi all..

when will we be able to determine the gender of our baby through scan? i'm excited to start buying those tiny clothes.. teehee..


prenatal yoga... with the tummy, is it easy to do yoga? i cant picture myself doing yoga with a big tummy later ...keke


i started to wear my maternity pants already. i dun have those pants for first to second trimester... i only invested in those elastic pants that can last me thru to my last trimester.... but so comfy : )

My son knows he is gg to be a gor gor soon. actually i wrapped up his favorite teddy bear in bb blanket and pretend to take care of the it, like feeding milk, bathing etc... now he is doing the job for me..keke


I m in my 9th weeks now... countdown to the end of 12th week! jiayou k!

ladies.. my ms is getting from bad to worse.. hope it will get away soon.. n i'm havinga bad back ache.. next monday going for scan.. have been eating like a pig.. get hungry half n hour every time.. think this baby will be a big eater next time ba.. just hope that the little one grow well n everything will go back to normal again..

Dear Mummies

Sorry to interupt. I've an exciting new that I would like to share with you.

If you are interested in planning for your child even before their birth.

Good New. Now you could do it without having to wait for your little one to reach 1mth old before an insurance company can accept them and subjected to their health condition.

Now you could plan for them even before they are born.

Any mummies that are interested. Please PM me for an appointment.

This is the best gift we can give our little one.

morning ladies.. i'm going to my gynae later.. yesterday the cramp make me can't sleep the whole night.. until now the cramp still there.. i am worried..

hi fiona,

Dont fret! call yr gynae if u still worry. If accompany with bleeding, must see doc. My gynae did told me that cramping as if menses coming is quite normal.


Hi Fiona,

do u feel super lathargic too?

I can zzz for 6 hours nap and then zzz through e night...

I guess it's really hard work to grow a bb... 8w tml~~~ 2 more weeks before another gynae visit... Can't wait...

